The trending page shows approx. 500 images and typically, the size of fetched images were 1000 x 1500 pixels. The browser was relied on to reduce the images while rendering to 186 x 273 pixels. The result used a *lot* of memory, bandwidth, time, render processing, and server resources to populate the page so those issues have been eased by fetching smaller 300 x 450 pixel images instead.
Add a parameter to FuzzyMoments to output dates inline.
Add fuzzy dates to compact view of History page.
add fuzzy dates to poster view cards of Home page.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to span the date displayed across the first line.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to display download stats on left and network logo on right.
Tweak the two columns of Show Summary on the displayShow page to hold content.
Add title "Filters" and tweak the layout of filters sections on the displayShow page.
Move display value for show air date from Next Episode to the Airs field on the comingEpisodes page.
Add fuzzy dates to the Airs field in banner and poster views on the comingEpisodes page.
Tweak CSS for showSummary.
Tweak CSS for poster view cards line-height.
Good named episodes show in green now and cannot be selected since it's
Cancel Rename button added to return you to show page if you wish to
Used regex checks with javascript popup, for checking if valid imdb csv watchlist.
Added test/ for testing the tvdb api for retrieving shows by IMDB id.
TODO: Help for assisting users in getting the correct IMDB url.
maybe, make interval configurable
First changes for imdb watchlist checker
Thrown the couch code overboard and created my own version of an imdb watchlist scraper
Added IMDB thread and test values with an IMDB csv url. These values should be replaced by front end UI settings.
- Removed some tracelogs when unable to download watchlist
- Added settings for enabling and setting of the watchlist csv url
- create UI for setting from frontend
- Implement frontend and backend checks for validating the csv url
Default interval is 1 hour.
- Update Pushbullet notifier's authorization header to reflect their API
- Update the JS that populates the Pushbullet device list to provide an "All Devices" option