* Styled config_providers to match new config_general styling
* Removed qtip from providers and converted back to a tab
* Removed superfish-1.4.8.js and supersubs-0.2b.js as they no longer
break provider sorting with qtip removed and is no longer required due
to new UI
The main core of this code was lifted from Trakt code and not developed enough to be suitable for purpose given that the Trakt code isn't fully developed either. An issue found leading to this decision was that show statuses were set false instead of the expected default, however, worse was that users had no way of choosing shows to add, was not informed of what was actually going on once a URL was added to the UI, and was not offered options prior to adding shows like the normal add new show work-flow does. Basically, there are too many issues and this feature is too immature for inclusion.
Fixes the issue where top menu items would disappear on smaller screens.
Add Bootstrap v3.2.0 with Normalize v3.0.1 from github.com/twbs/bootstrap.
Add a modified jquery pnotify stylesheet.
Various UI tweaks.
Update CHANGES.md and TODO.txt
Add a parameter to FuzzyMoments to output dates inline.
Add fuzzy dates to compact view of History page.
add fuzzy dates to poster view cards of Home page.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to span the date displayed across the first line.
Tweak Home page poster view cards to display download stats on left and network logo on right.
Tweak the two columns of Show Summary on the displayShow page to hold content.
Add title "Filters" and tweak the layout of filters sections on the displayShow page.
Move display value for show air date from Next Episode to the Airs field on the comingEpisodes page.
Add fuzzy dates to the Airs field in banner and poster views on the comingEpisodes page.
Tweak CSS for showSummary.
Tweak CSS for poster view cards line-height.
Used regex checks with javascript popup, for checking if valid imdb csv watchlist.
Added test/test_tvdb_api.py for testing the tvdb api for retrieving shows by IMDB id.
TODO: Help for assisting users in getting the correct IMDB url.
maybe, make interval configurable
First changes for imdb watchlist checker
Thrown the couch code overboard and created my own version of an imdb watchlist scraper
Added IMDB thread and test values with an IMDB csv url. These values should be replaced by front end UI settings.
- Removed some tracelogs when unable to download watchlist
- Added settings for enabling and setting of the watchlist csv url
- create UI for setting from frontend
- Implement frontend and backend checks for validating the csv url
Default interval is 1 hour.
- Update Pushbullet notifier's authorization header to reflect their API
- Update the JS that populates the Pushbullet device list to provide an "All Devices" option
Added queued.png image.. for manual searching
Fixed issue where consecutive manual searches where not queued properly
Added first backend processing for retrieving all queued searches. This should fix the frondend blocking when doing manual searches for episodes, because the backend is free sooner. It now only queues the search.
Created a returning ajax call for getting a list of all searches in queue en running on the displayShow page.
For the getManualSearchStatus() function, only use curItem from the ManualSearchQueueItem or FailedQueueItem threads.
Added gui for selecting categories from multiselect box.
Created some helper function in js, for dynamically modifying selects/options
Made results of function for retrieving newznab capabilities more generic. In that now always a valid json is returned with success,tv_categories,error
Added gui elements for retrieving and displaying newznab capabilities
Added backend functions for calling ajax /getNewznabCategories?name=yourNewznabProvider&url=https://newznabprovURL&key=YourApiKey
Returns json.dumps() with TV category capabilities of newznab provider. Is going to be used for new gui element in adding newsnab provider.
Show root dirs can not be set from general config menu.
Mass editing shows now has the ability to delete root dirs as well as edit them.
Daily search no longer is restricted to just 1 week of results for searching from which now allows for replacing lower quality downloads with higher quality ones if available.
RSS Cache is updated for each provider on demand now when performing manual, failed, backlog, or daily searches.
Added full delete feature to mass update, removes show from SR and deletes show folder from hard drive. Remove will just delete show from SR without deleting files from hard drive
Fixed XML errors for TVRage indexer api
Checking the filtering checkboxes on episode listings did
nothing on the first checkbox change, then did the opposite
of what it was supposed (i.e. checking the checkbox would
hide the episodes and vice versa).
Commit 95d7d728e00e225dd67a6f0eede10b41e5571ba8 eliminated
'return' statement in function - better to remove the code
that 'return' was skipping over anyway. This fixes the issue.
If the Date Style "Use System Default" is selected and FuzzyMoments is clicked on, then an appropriate Date Style is chosen from explicit defaults. This change prevents issues where moments() cannot interpret or guess locale date formats.