Fixed issues with Backup/Restore.
Fixed issues with banners, posters, images via showPoster method.
Fixed issues with WebAPI apikeys.
Fixed issues with WebUI and url pattern matching.
Minor code improvements made to IndexerAPI modules.
New subtitle config feature which allows you to control if subtitles get there language codes appened to there filenames or not.
Added El Rey Network image.
Added code for generating imdbID's for shows missing there imdbID's such as shows from TVRage indexer..
Removed Shove module and depends.
Logging now automatically omits sensitive data such as usernames, passwords, and api keys and replaces them with asterisks in both log file and console.
Fixed versionChecker module to confirm it created a updater class before attempting to execute functions to avoid NoneType errors.
Improvements made to Indexer's API modules, better error handling for missing or incomplete shows, shows that don't have actor or banner info are now properly error handled as well.
Add send2trash, a small package that sends files to the Trash (or Recycle Bin) natively and on all platforms. If send2trash is found not compatible, the user can use the default delete and manually delete failed send2trash files.
Add General Config/Misc/Send to trash for actions that involve removing shows and log rotation.
Add handling for the exception raised while deleting a show and show folder no longer exists.
The main core of this code was lifted from Trakt code and not developed enough to be suitable for purpose given that the Trakt code isn't fully developed either. An issue found leading to this decision was that show statuses were set false instead of the expected default, however, worse was that users had no way of choosing shows to add, was not informed of what was actually going on once a URL was added to the UI, and was not offered options prior to adding shows like the normal add new show work-flow does. Basically, there are too many issues and this feature is too immature for inclusion.
Used regex checks with javascript popup, for checking if valid imdb csv watchlist.
Added test/ for testing the tvdb api for retrieving shows by IMDB id.
TODO: Help for assisting users in getting the correct IMDB url.
maybe, make interval configurable
First changes for imdb watchlist checker
Thrown the couch code overboard and created my own version of an imdb watchlist scraper
Added IMDB thread and test values with an IMDB csv url. These values should be replaced by front end UI settings.
- Removed some tracelogs when unable to download watchlist
- Added settings for enabling and setting of the watchlist csv url
- create UI for setting from frontend
- Implement frontend and backend checks for validating the csv url
Default interval is 1 hour.
Added full delete feature to mass update, removes show from SR and deletes show folder from hard drive. Remove will just delete show from SR without deleting files from hard drive
Fixed XML errors for TVRage indexer api
Bugfix by viperidae
Had a look at the code and the xml documents...
It looks like the problem is caused by an empty <genre /> element in Results/shows/show/genres/
Line 459 of (it's 460 in my track in the previous post because of the debug statements I put in)
I assume it's because value is NoneType, gets replaced by a [NoneType] list and then tries to call '|'.join([NoneType]) when it was expecting a list of strings.
I changed this to the following and the problem appears to be resolved
Syslog extract:
tvrage_error: There was an error with the XML retrieved from
First try emptying the cache folder at..
If this does not resolve the issue, please try again later. If the error persists, report a bug on
2014-08-09 00:43:25 INFO SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: Searching for episodes we need from Top Gear Season 21
2014-08-09 00:43:25 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: cache.db: SELECT * FROM [nmatrix] WHERE indexerid = ? AND season = ? AND episodes LIKE ? with args [74608, 21, '%|2|%']
2014-08-09 00:43:25 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: cache.db: UPDATE lastSearch SET time = ? WHERE provider = ? with args [1407559405, 'nmatrix']
2014-08-09 00:43:25 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: cache.db: INSERT INTO lastSearch (time, provider) VALUES (?, ?) with args [1407559405, 'nmatrix']
2014-08-09 00:43:25 DB SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: sickbeard.db: SELECT * FROM indexer_mapping WHERE indexer_id = ? AND indexer = ? with args [74608, 1]
2014-08-09 00:43:25 ERROR SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: Error while searching NMatrix, skipping: There was an error with the XML retrieved from
First try emptying the cache folder at..
If this does not resolve the issue, please try again later. If the error persists, report a bug on
2014-08-09 00:43:25 DEBUG SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-74608 :: [NMatrix] :: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\sickbeard\", line 428, in searchProviders
searchResults = curProvider.findSearchResults(show, season, episodes, search_mode, manualSearch)
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\sickbeard\providers\", line 264, in findSearchResults
for curString in self._get_episode_search_strings(epObj):
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\sickbeard\providers\", line 133, in _get_episode_search_strings
rid = helpers.mapIndexersToShow([2]
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\sickbeard\", line 1178, in mapIndexersToShow
mapped_show = t[]
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\lib\tvrage_api\", line 675, in __getitem__
selected_series = self._getSeries(key)
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\lib\tvrage_api\", line 566, in _getSeries
allSeries =
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\lib\tvrage_api\", line 557, in search
seriesEt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_getSeries'], self.config['params_getSeries'])
File "C:\Users\Josh\Documents\Programs\SickRage\lib\tvrage_api\", line 500, in _getetsrc
raise tvrage_error(errormsg)
Fixed issues with indexerApi caching code, seemed TVRage was really the only one experiancing the problems but has been corrected for theTVDB just in case.