Added queued.png image.. for manual searching
Fixed issue where consecutive manual searches where not queued properly
Added first backend processing for retrieving all queued searches. This should fix the frondend blocking when doing manual searches for episodes, because the backend is free sooner. It now only queues the search.
Created a returning ajax call for getting a list of all searches in queue en running on the displayShow page.
For the getManualSearchStatus() function, only use curItem from the ManualSearchQueueItem or FailedQueueItem threads.
Added gui for selecting categories from multiselect box.
Created some helper function in js, for dynamically modifying selects/options
Made results of function for retrieving newznab capabilities more generic. In that now always a valid json is returned with success,tv_categories,error
Added gui elements for retrieving and displaying newznab capabilities
Added backend functions for calling ajax /getNewznabCategories?name=yourNewznabProvider&url=https://newznabprovURL&key=YourApiKey
Returns json.dumps() with TV category capabilities of newznab provider. Is going to be used for new gui element in adding newsnab provider.
Show root dirs can not be set from general config menu.
Mass editing shows now has the ability to delete root dirs as well as edit them.
Daily search no longer is restricted to just 1 week of results for searching from which now allows for replacing lower quality downloads with higher quality ones if available.
RSS Cache is updated for each provider on demand now when performing manual, failed, backlog, or daily searches.
Added full delete feature to mass update, removes show from SR and deletes show folder from hard drive. Remove will just delete show from SR without deleting files from hard drive
Fixed XML errors for TVRage indexer api
Added new show option, delete now removes show from showlist and deletes from hard drive, remove will just remove show from showlist but leave files on hard drive untouched
This adds a priority option that allows the user to specify the
priority to be used for daily/recent snatches instead of the default
high value ‘100’.
This also includes the use of priority ‘force’ which will let nzbget
download the task even if the queue is paused.
Git updates are now forced to overwrite locale changes to avoid needing to manually stash uncommited changes before being able to proceed with a update.
Fixed indexer mapping when unable to locate show on indexer that we are trying to map to.
Checking the filtering checkboxes on episode listings did
nothing on the first checkbox change, then did the opposite
of what it was supposed (i.e. checking the checkbox would
hide the episodes and vice versa).
Commit 95d7d728e00e225dd67a6f0eede10b41e5571ba8 eliminated
'return' statement in function - better to remove the code
that 'return' was skipping over anyway. This fixes the issue.
Indexer mapping now uses indexer api calls to gather its information and then stores it to a new table called indexer_mapping for instant lookups later on.
Fixed trakt related issues for adding new shows and syncing.
Centered items at bottom of pages to just look a little nicer and fit properly.
Split downloaded and snatched
Use > instead of != in sql statement (speed improvement)
Today's Next Episode removes correctly if today's date is snatched or
downloaded (fix)
Progressbar percentage calculated in python (speed improvement)
Episode totals corrected (fix)