mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-01-11 13:58:31 -05:00

Removed snatch queues to reduce memory footprint.

Fixed issue #527
This commit is contained in:
echel0n 2014-05-11 12:04:47 -07:00
parent 5ec5dde9ba
commit aafe9ad522
5 changed files with 229 additions and 327 deletions

View File

@ -259,11 +259,11 @@ class GenericProvider:
itemList = [i for n, i in enumerate(itemList) if i not in itemList[n + 1:]]
if epObj.episode in searchItems:
searchItems[epObj.episode] += itemList
searchItems[epObj] += itemList
searchItems[epObj.episode] = itemList
searchItems[epObj] = itemList
for episode, items in searchItems.items():
for ep_obj, items in searchItems.items():
for item in items:
@ -274,22 +274,25 @@ class GenericProvider:
# parse the file name
myParser = NameParser(False)
parse_result = myParser.parse(title).convert()
if ep_obj.season == ep_obj.scene_season and ep_obj.episode == ep_obj.scene_episode:
parse_result = myParser.parse(title)
parse_result = myParser.parse(title)
except InvalidNameException:
logger.log(u"Unable to parse the filename " + title + " into a valid episode", logger.WARNING)
if not (self.show.air_by_date or self.show.sports):
if not len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and (
parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.season_number != season) or (
parse_result.season_number == None and season != 1):
parse_result.season_number != None and parse_result.season_number != ep_obj.season) or (
parse_result.season_number == None and ep_obj.season != 1):
logger.log(u"The result " + title + " doesn't seem to be a valid season for season " + str(
season) + ", ignoring", logger.DEBUG)
ep_obj.season) + ", ignoring", logger.DEBUG)
elif len(parse_result.episode_numbers) and (
parse_result.season_number != season or episode not in parse_result.episode_numbers):
logger.log(u"Episode " + title + " isn't " + str(season) + "x" + str(
episode) + ", skipping it", logger.DEBUG)
parse_result.season_number != ep_obj.season or ep_obj.episode not in parse_result.episode_numbers):
logger.log(u"Episode " + title + " isn't " + str(ep_obj.season) + "x" + str(
ep_obj.episode) + ", skipping it", logger.DEBUG)
# we just use the existing info for normal searches

View File

@ -175,8 +175,6 @@ def snatchEpisode(result, endStatus=SNATCHED):
def searchForNeededEpisodes(curProvider):
threading.currentThread().name = curProvider.name
logger.log(u"Searching all providers for any needed episodes")
foundResults = {}
@ -361,212 +359,230 @@ def filterSearchResults(show, results):
return foundResults
def searchProviders(queueItem, show, season, episodes, curProvider, seasonSearch=False, manualSearch=False):
def searchProviders(queueItem, show, season, episodes, seasonSearch=False, manualSearch=False):
logger.log(u"Searching for stuff we need from " + show.name + " season " + str(season))
foundResults = {}
finalResults = []
didSearch = False
# convert indexer numbering to scene numbering for searches
map(lambda x: x.convertToSceneNumbering, episodes)
providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()]
curResults = curProvider.findSearchResults(show, season, episodes, seasonSearch, manualSearch)
except exceptions.AuthException, e:
logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return []
except Exception, e:
logger.log(u"Error while searching " + curProvider.name + ", skipping: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
return []
for provider in providers:
foundResults = {provider.name:{}}
if not len(curResults):
return []
curResults = provider.findSearchResults(show, season, episodes, seasonSearch, manualSearch)
except exceptions.AuthException, e:
logger.log(u"Authentication error: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
return []
except Exception, e:
logger.log(u"Error while searching " + provider.name + ", skipping: " + ex(e), logger.ERROR)
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
return []
curResults = filterSearchResults(show, curResults)
if len(curResults):
logger.log(u"Provider search results: " + repr(foundResults), logger.DEBUG)
didSearch = True
if not len(foundResults):
return []
if not len(curResults):
anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)
curResults = filterSearchResults(show, curResults)
if len(curResults):
foundResults[provider.name] = curResults
logger.log(u"Provider search results: " + repr(foundResults), logger.DEBUG)
# pick the best season NZB
bestSeasonNZB = None
if SEASON_RESULT in foundResults:
bestSeasonNZB = pickBestResult(foundResults[SEASON_RESULT], show, anyQualities + bestQualities)
if not len(foundResults[provider.name]):
highest_quality_overall = 0
for cur_episode in foundResults:
for cur_result in foundResults[cur_episode]:
if cur_result.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN and cur_result.quality > highest_quality_overall:
highest_quality_overall = cur_result.quality
logger.log(u"The highest quality of any match is " + Quality.qualityStrings[highest_quality_overall], logger.DEBUG)
anyQualities, bestQualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)
# see if every episode is wanted
if bestSeasonNZB:
# pick the best season NZB
bestSeasonNZB = None
if SEASON_RESULT in foundResults:
bestSeasonNZB = pickBestResult(foundResults[SEASON_RESULT], show, anyQualities + bestQualities)
# get the quality of the season nzb
seasonQual = Quality.sceneQuality(bestSeasonNZB.name)
seasonQual = bestSeasonNZB.quality
u"The quality of the season " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " is " + Quality.qualityStrings[
seasonQual], logger.DEBUG)
highest_quality_overall = 0
for cur_episode in foundResults[provider.name]:
for cur_result in foundResults[provider.name][cur_episode]:
if cur_result.quality != Quality.UNKNOWN and cur_result.quality > highest_quality_overall:
highest_quality_overall = cur_result.quality
logger.log(u"The highest quality of any match is " + Quality.qualityStrings[highest_quality_overall], logger.DEBUG)
myDB = db.DBConnection()
allEps = [int(x["episode"]) for x in
myDB.select("SELECT episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ?",
[show.indexerid, season])]
logger.log(u"Episode list: " + str(allEps), logger.DEBUG)
# see if every episode is wanted
if bestSeasonNZB:
allWanted = True
anyWanted = False
for curEpNum in allEps:
if not show.wantEpisode(season, curEpNum, seasonQual):
allWanted = False
anyWanted = True
# if we need every ep in the season check if single episode releases should be preferred over season releases (missing single episode releases will be picked individually from season release)
preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases = sickbeard.PREFER_EPISODE_RELEASES
logger.log(u"Prefer single episodes over season releases: "+str(preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases), logger.DEBUG)
# if we need every ep in the season and there's nothing better then just download this and be done with it (unless single episodes are preferred)
if allWanted and bestSeasonNZB.quality == highest_quality_overall and not preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases:
logger.log(u"Every ep in this season is needed, downloading the whole " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " " + bestSeasonNZB.name)
epObjs = []
for curEpNum in allEps:
epObjs.append(show.getEpisode(season, curEpNum))
bestSeasonNZB.episodes = epObjs
queueItem.results = [bestSeasonNZB]
return queueItem
elif not anyWanted:
# get the quality of the season nzb
seasonQual = Quality.sceneQuality(bestSeasonNZB.name)
seasonQual = bestSeasonNZB.quality
u"No eps from this season are wanted at this quality, ignoring the result of " + bestSeasonNZB.name,
u"The quality of the season " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " is " + Quality.qualityStrings[
seasonQual], logger.DEBUG)
myDB = db.DBConnection()
allEps = [int(x["episode"]) for x in
myDB.select("SELECT episode FROM tv_episodes WHERE showid = ? AND season = ?",
[show.indexerid, season])]
logger.log(u"Episode list: " + str(allEps), logger.DEBUG)
if bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType == GenericProvider.NZB:
logger.log(u"Breaking apart the NZB and adding the individual ones to our results", logger.DEBUG)
allWanted = True
anyWanted = False
for curEpNum in allEps:
if not show.wantEpisode(season, curEpNum, seasonQual):
allWanted = False
anyWanted = True
# if not, break it apart and add them as the lowest priority results
individualResults = nzbSplitter.splitResult(bestSeasonNZB)
individualResults = filter(
lambda x: show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(x.name) and show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(x.name,
for curResult in individualResults:
if len(curResult.episodes) == 1:
epNum = curResult.episodes[0].episode
elif len(curResult.episodes) > 1:
if epNum in foundResults:
foundResults[epNum] = [curResult]
# If this is a torrent all we can do is leech the entire torrent, user will have to select which eps not do download in his torrent client
# Season result from Torrent Provider must be a full-season torrent, creating multi-ep result for it.
u"Adding multi-ep result for full-season torrent. Set the episodes you don't want to 'don't download' in your torrent client if desired!")
# if we need every ep in the season check if single episode releases should be preferred over season releases (missing single episode releases will be picked individually from season release)
preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases = sickbeard.PREFER_EPISODE_RELEASES
logger.log(u"Prefer single episodes over season releases: "+str(preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases), logger.DEBUG)
# if we need every ep in the season and there's nothing better then just download this and be done with it (unless single episodes are preferred)
if allWanted and bestSeasonNZB.quality == highest_quality_overall and not preferSingleEpisodesOverSeasonReleases:
logger.log(u"Every ep in this season is needed, downloading the whole " + bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType + " " + bestSeasonNZB.name)
epObjs = []
for curEpNum in allEps:
epObjs.append(show.getEpisode(season, curEpNum))
bestSeasonNZB.episodes = epObjs
queueItem.results = [bestSeasonNZB]
return queueItem
if epNum in foundResults:
foundResults[epNum] = [bestSeasonNZB]
# go through multi-ep results and see if we really want them or not, get rid of the rest
multiResults = {}
if MULTI_EP_RESULT in foundResults:
for multiResult in foundResults[MULTI_EP_RESULT]:
logger.log(u"Seeing if we want to bother with multi-episode result " + multiResult.name, logger.DEBUG)
if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS and failed_history.hasFailed(multiResult.name, multiResult.size,
logger.log(multiResult.name + u" has previously failed, rejecting this multi-ep result")
# see how many of the eps that this result covers aren't covered by single results
neededEps = []
notNeededEps = []
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
# if we have results for the episode
if epNum in foundResults and len(foundResults[epNum]) > 0:
# but the multi-ep is worse quality, we don't want it
# TODO: wtf is this False for
#if False and multiResult.quality <= pickBestResult(foundResults[epNum]):
# notNeededEps.append(epNum)
u"Single-ep check result is neededEps: " + str(neededEps) + ", notNeededEps: " + str(notNeededEps),
if not neededEps:
logger.log(u"All of these episodes were covered by single nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result",
# check if these eps are already covered by another multi-result
multiNeededEps = []
multiNotNeededEps = []
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
if epNum in multiResults:
u"Multi-ep check result is multiNeededEps: " + str(multiNeededEps) + ", multiNotNeededEps: " + str(
multiNotNeededEps), logger.DEBUG)
if not multiNeededEps:
elif not anyWanted:
u"All of these episodes were covered by another multi-episode nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result",
u"No eps from this season are wanted at this quality, ignoring the result of " + bestSeasonNZB.name,
if bestSeasonNZB.provider.providerType == GenericProvider.NZB:
logger.log(u"Breaking apart the NZB and adding the individual ones to our results", logger.DEBUG)
# if not, break it apart and add them as the lowest priority results
individualResults = nzbSplitter.splitResult(bestSeasonNZB)
individualResults = filter(
lambda x: show_name_helpers.filterBadReleases(x.name) and show_name_helpers.isGoodResult(x.name,
for curResult in individualResults:
if len(curResult.episodes) == 1:
epNum = curResult.episodes[0].episode
elif len(curResult.episodes) > 1:
if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]:
foundResults[provider.name][epNum] += curResult
foundResults[provider.name][epNum] = [curResult]
# If this is a torrent all we can do is leech the entire torrent, user will have to select which eps not do download in his torrent client
# Season result from Torrent Provider must be a full-season torrent, creating multi-ep result for it.
u"Adding multi-ep result for full-season torrent. Set the episodes you don't want to 'don't download' in your torrent client if desired!")
epObjs = []
for curEpNum in allEps:
epObjs.append(show.getEpisode(season, curEpNum))
bestSeasonNZB.episodes = epObjs
if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]:
foundResults[provider.name][epNum] += bestSeasonNZB
foundResults[provider.name][epNum] = [bestSeasonNZB]
# go through multi-ep results and see if we really want them or not, get rid of the rest
multiResults = {}
if MULTI_EP_RESULT in foundResults[provider.name]:
for multiResult in foundResults[provider.name][MULTI_EP_RESULT]:
logger.log(u"Seeing if we want to bother with multi-episode result " + multiResult.name, logger.DEBUG)
if sickbeard.USE_FAILED_DOWNLOADS and failed_history.hasFailed(multiResult.name, multiResult.size,
logger.log(multiResult.name + u" has previously failed, rejecting this multi-ep result")
# see how many of the eps that this result covers aren't covered by single results
neededEps = []
notNeededEps = []
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
# if we have results for the episode
if epNum in foundResults[provider.name] and len(foundResults[provider.name][epNum]) > 0:
# but the multi-ep is worse quality, we don't want it
# TODO: wtf is this False for
#if False and multiResult.quality <= pickBestResult(foundResults[epNum]):
# notNeededEps.append(epNum)
u"Single-ep check result is neededEps: " + str(neededEps) + ", notNeededEps: " + str(notNeededEps),
if not neededEps:
logger.log(u"All of these episodes were covered by single nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result",
# check if these eps are already covered by another multi-result
multiNeededEps = []
multiNotNeededEps = []
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
if epNum in multiResults:
u"Multi-ep check result is multiNeededEps: " + str(multiNeededEps) + ", multiNotNeededEps: " + str(
multiNotNeededEps), logger.DEBUG)
if not multiNeededEps:
u"All of these episodes were covered by another multi-episode nzbs, ignoring this multi-ep result",
# if we're keeping this multi-result then remember it
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
multiResults[epObj.episode] = multiResult
# don't bother with the single result if we're going to get it with a multi result
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
if epNum in foundResults[provider.name]:
logger.log(u"A needed multi-episode result overlaps with a single-episode result for ep #" + str(
epNum) + ", removing the single-episode results from the list", logger.DEBUG)
del foundResults[provider.name][epNum]
finalResults += set(multiResults.values())
# of all the single ep results narrow it down to the best one for each episode
for curEp in foundResults[provider.name]:
# if we're keeping this multi-result then remember it
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
multiResults[epObj.episode] = multiResult
if len(foundResults[provider.name][curEp]) == 0:
# don't bother with the single result if we're going to get it with a multi result
for epObj in multiResult.episodes:
epNum = epObj.episode
if epNum in foundResults:
logger.log(u"A needed multi-episode result overlaps with a single-episode result for ep #" + str(
epNum) + ", removing the single-episode results from the list", logger.DEBUG)
del foundResults[epNum]
result = pickBestResult(foundResults[provider.name][curEp], show)
finalResults += set(multiResults.values())
logger.log(u"Checking if we should snatch " + result.name, logger.DEBUG)
any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show.quality)
# of all the single ep results narrow it down to the best one for each episode
for curEp in foundResults:
# if there is a redownload that's higher than this then we definitely need to keep looking
if best_qualities and result.quality == max(best_qualities):
queueItem.results = [result]
return queueItem
if len(foundResults[curEp]) == 0:
finalResults.append(pickBestResult(foundResults[curEp], show))
# if there's no redownload that's higher (above) and this is the highest initial download then we're good
elif any_qualities and result.quality in any_qualities:
queueItem.results = [result]
return queueItem
queueItem.results = finalResults
return queueItem

View File

@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ from sickbeard import db, logger, common, exceptions, helpers
from sickbeard import generic_queue, scheduler
from sickbeard import search, failed_history, history
from sickbeard import ui
from sickbeard.snatch_queue import SnatchQueue
search_queue_lock = threading.Lock()
@ -89,6 +88,14 @@ class SearchQueue(generic_queue.GenericQueue):
logger.log(u"Not adding item, it's already in the queue", logger.DEBUG)
def snatch_item(self, item):
for result in item.results:
# just use the first result for now
logger.log(u"Downloading " + result.name + " from " + result.provider.name)
status = search.snatchEpisode(result)
item.success = status
return status
class ManualSearchQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem):
def __init__(self, ep_obj):
@ -104,31 +111,15 @@ class ManualSearchQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem):
didSearch = False
providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()]
for provider in providers:
thread_name = self.thread_name + str(provider.name).upper()
threading.currentThread().name = thread_name
logger.log("Beginning manual search for [" + self.ep_obj.prettyName() + "]")
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self, self.show, self.ep_obj.season, [self.ep_obj],False,True)
logger.log("Beginning manual search for [" + self.ep_obj.prettyName() + "]")
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self, self.show, self.ep_obj.season, [self.ep_obj], provider,
didSearch = True
if searchResult:
self.success = SnatchQueue().process_results(searchResult)
if self.success:
if searchResult:
self.success = SearchQueue().snatch_item(searchResult)
except Exception:
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
stop = True
if not didSearch:
u"No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in your SickRage config. Please check your settings.",
if not self.success:
ui.notifications.message('No downloads were found',
@ -194,28 +185,15 @@ class BacklogQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem):
providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive() and x]
for provider in providers:
thread_name = self.thread_name + str(provider.name).upper()
threading.currentThread().name = thread_name
logger.log("Beginning backlog search for episodes from [" + self.show.name + "] - Season[" + str(self.segment) + "]")
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self, self.show, self.segment, self.wantedEpisodes, seasonSearch, False)
logger.log("Beginning backlog search for episodes from [" + self.show.name + "] - Season[" + str(self.segment) + "]")
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self, self.show, self.segment, self.wantedEpisodes, provider,
seasonSearch, False)
didSearch = True
if searchResult:
self.success = SnatchQueue().process_results(searchResult)
if self.success:
if searchResult:
self.success = SearchQueue().snatch_item(searchResult)
except Exception:
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
if not didSearch:
u"No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in your SickRage config. Please check your settings.",
if not self.success:
logger.log(u"No needed episodes found during backlog search")
@ -274,30 +252,16 @@ class FailedQueueItem(generic_queue.QueueItem):
providers = [x for x in sickbeard.providers.sortedProviderList() if x.isActive()]
for provider in providers:
thread_name = self.thread_name + str(provider.name).upper()
threading.currentThread().name = thread_name
"Beginning failed download search for episodes from Season [" + self.episodes[0].season + "]")
"Beginning failed download search for episodes from Season [" + self.episodes[0].season + "]")
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self.show, self.episodes[0].season, self.episodes, provider,
False, True)
didSearch = True
if searchResult:
self.success = SnatchQueue().process_results(searchResult)
if self.success:
searchResult = search.searchProviders(self.show, self.episodes[0].season, self.episodes, False, True)
if searchResult:
self.success = SearchQueue().snatch_item(searchResult)
except Exception, e:
logger.log(traceback.format_exc(), logger.DEBUG)
if not didSearch:
u"No NZB/Torrent providers found or enabled in your SickRage config. Please check your settings.",
if not self.success:
logger.log(u"No needed episodes found on the RSS feeds")

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import Queue
import threading
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import logger, search, generic_queue, ui
from sickbeard.common import Quality
snatch_queue_lock = threading.Lock()
class SnatchQueue(generic_queue.GenericQueue):
def __init__(self):
self.queue_name = "SNATCHQUEUE"
# snatch queues
self.ManualQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.BacklogQueue = Queue.Queue()
self.FailedQueue = Queue.Queue()
def is_in_queue(self, queue, show, episodes, quality):
for i, cur_item in enumerate(queue.queue):
if cur_item.results.show == show and cur_item.results.episodes.sort() == episodes.sort():
if cur_item.results.quality < quality:
return False
return True
return False
def add_item(self, item):
resultsKeep = []
for result in item.results:
show = result.extraInfo[0]
episodes = result.episodes
quality = result.quality
# check if we already have a item ready to snatch with same or better quality score
if not self.is_in_queue(self.queue, show, episodes, quality):
generic_queue.GenericQueue.add_item(self, item)
u"Adding item [" + result.name + "] to snatch queue",
u"Not adding item [" + result.name + "] it's already in the queue with same or higher quality",
# update item with new results we want to snatch and disgard the rest
item.results = resultsKeep
def snatch_item(self, item):
for result in item.results:
# just use the first result for now
logger.log(u"Downloading " + result.name + " from " + result.provider.name)
status = search.snatchEpisode(result)
item.success = status
return status
def process_results(self, item):
# dynamically select our snatch queue
if isinstance(item, sickbeard.search_queue.ManualSearchQueueItem):
self.queue = self.ManualQueue
elif isinstance(item, sickbeard.search_queue.BacklogQueueItem):
self.queue = self.BacklogQueue
elif isinstance(item, sickbeard.search_queue.FailedQueueItem):
self.queue = self.FailedQueue
for result in item.results:
logger.log(u"Checking if we should snatch " + result.name, logger.DEBUG)
show_obj = result.episodes[0].show
any_qualities, best_qualities = Quality.splitQuality(show_obj.quality)
# if there is a redownload that's higher than this then we definitely need to keep looking
if best_qualities and result.quality == max(best_qualities):
return self.snatch_item(item)
# if there's no redownload that's higher (above) and this is the highest initial download then we're good
elif any_qualities and result.quality in any_qualities:
return self.snatch_item(item)
# Add item to queue if we couldn't find a match to snatch

View File

@ -1158,6 +1158,8 @@ class TVEpisode(object):
self.specifyEpisode(self.season, self.episode)
self.relatedEps = []