mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2024-08-13 16:53:54 -04:00

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# !/usr/bin/env python2
# encoding:utf-8
# author:dbr/Ben
#license:unlicense (http://unlicense.org/)
from functools import wraps
import traceback
__author__ = "dbr/Ben"
__version__ = "1.9"
import os
import re
import time
import getpass
import StringIO
import tempfile
import warnings
import logging
import zipfile
import datetime as dt
import requests
import requests.exceptions
import xmltodict
import xml.etree.cElementTree as ElementTree
except ImportError:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import gzip
except ImportError:
gzip = None
from lib.dateutil.parser import parse
from lib.cachecontrol import CacheControl, caches
from tvdb_ui import BaseUI, ConsoleUI
from tvdb_exceptions import (tvdb_error, tvdb_userabort, tvdb_shownotfound, tvdb_showincomplete,
tvdb_seasonnotfound, tvdb_episodenotfound, tvdb_attributenotfound)
def log():
return logging.getLogger("tvdb_api")
def retry(ExceptionToCheck, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2, logger=None):
"""Retry calling the decorated function using an exponential backoff.
original from: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDecoratorLibrary#Retry
:param ExceptionToCheck: the exception to check. may be a tuple of
exceptions to check
:type ExceptionToCheck: Exception or tuple
:param tries: number of times to try (not retry) before giving up
:type tries: int
:param delay: initial delay between retries in seconds
:type delay: int
:param backoff: backoff multiplier e.g. value of 2 will double the delay
each retry
:type backoff: int
:param logger: logger to use. If None, print
:type logger: logging.Logger instance
def deco_retry(f):
def f_retry(*args, **kwargs):
mtries, mdelay = tries, delay
while mtries > 1:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except ExceptionToCheck, e:
msg = "%s, Retrying in %d seconds..." % (str(e), mdelay)
if logger:
print msg
mtries -= 1
mdelay *= backoff
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return f_retry # true decorator
return deco_retry
class ShowContainer(dict):
"""Simple dict that holds a series of Show instances
def __init__(self):
self._stack = []
self._lastgc = time.time()
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
#keep only the 100th latest results
if time.time() - self._lastgc > 20:
for o in self._stack[:-100]:
del self[o]
self._stack = self._stack[-100:]
self._lastgc = time.time()
super(ShowContainer, self).__setitem__(key, value)
class Show(dict):
"""Holds a dict of seasons, and show data.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def __repr__(self):
return "<Show %s (containing %s seasons)>" % (
self.data.get(u'seriesname', 'instance'),
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
# Key is an episode, return it
return self[key]
if key in self.data:
# Non-numeric request is for show-data
return self.data[key]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self:
# Key is an episode, return it
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
if key in self.data:
# Non-numeric request is for show-data
return dict.__getitem__(self.data, key)
# Data wasn't found, raise appropriate error
if isinstance(key, int) or key.isdigit():
# Episode number x was not found
raise tvdb_seasonnotfound("Could not find season %s" % (repr(key)))
# If it's not numeric, it must be an attribute name, which
# doesn't exist, so attribute error.
raise tvdb_attributenotfound("Cannot find attribute %s" % (repr(key)))
def airedOn(self, date):
ret = self.search(str(date), 'firstaired')
if len(ret) == 0:
raise tvdb_episodenotfound("Could not find any episodes that aired on %s" % date)
return ret
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
Search all episodes in show. Can search all data, or a specific key (for
example, episodename)
Always returns an array (can be empty). First index contains the first
match, and so on.
Each array index is an Episode() instance, so doing
search_results[0]['episodename'] will retrieve the episode name of the
first match.
Search terms are converted to lower case (unicode) strings.
# Examples
These examples assume t is an instance of Tvdb():
>>> t = Tvdb()
To search for all episodes of Scrubs with a bit of data
containing "my first day":
>>> t['Scrubs'].search("my first day")
[<Episode 01x01 - My First Day>]
Search for "My Name Is Earl" episode named "Faked His Own Death":
>>> t['My Name Is Earl'].search('Faked His Own Death', key = 'episodename')
[<Episode 01x04 - Faked His Own Death>]
To search Scrubs for all episodes with "mentor" in the episode name:
>>> t['scrubs'].search('mentor', key = 'episodename')
[<Episode 01x02 - My Mentor>, <Episode 03x15 - My Tormented Mentor>]
# Using search results
>>> results = t['Scrubs'].search("my first")
>>> print results[0]['episodename']
My First Day
>>> for x in results: print x['episodename']
My First Day
My First Step
My First Kill
results = []
for cur_season in self.values():
searchresult = cur_season.search(term=term, key=key)
if len(searchresult) != 0:
return results
class Season(dict):
def __init__(self, show=None):
"""The show attribute points to the parent show
self.show = show
def __repr__(self):
return "<Season instance (containing %s episodes)>" % (
def __getattr__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number in self:
return self[episode_number]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, episode_number):
if episode_number not in self:
raise tvdb_episodenotfound("Could not find episode %s" % (repr(episode_number)))
return dict.__getitem__(self, episode_number)
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
"""Search all episodes in season, returns a list of matching Episode
>>> t = Tvdb()
>>> t['scrubs'][1].search('first day')
[<Episode 01x01 - My First Day>]
See Show.search documentation for further information on search
results = []
for ep in self.values():
searchresult = ep.search(term=term, key=key)
if searchresult is not None:
return results
class Episode(dict):
def __init__(self, season=None):
"""The season attribute points to the parent season
self.season = season
def __repr__(self):
seasno = int(self.get(u'seasonnumber', 0))
epno = int(self.get(u'episodenumber', 0))
epname = self.get(u'episodename')
if epname is not None:
return "<Episode %02dx%02d - %s>" % (seasno, epno, epname)
return "<Episode %02dx%02d>" % (seasno, epno)
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key in self:
return self[key]
raise AttributeError
def __getitem__(self, key):
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
raise tvdb_attributenotfound("Cannot find attribute %s" % (repr(key)))
def search(self, term=None, key=None):
"""Search episode data for term, if it matches, return the Episode (self).
The key parameter can be used to limit the search to a specific element,
for example, episodename.
This primarily for use use by Show.search and Season.search. See
Show.search for further information on search
Simple example:
>>> e = Episode()
>>> e['episodename'] = "An Example"
>>> e.search("examp")
<Episode 00x00 - An Example>
Limiting by key:
>>> e.search("examp", key = "episodename")
<Episode 00x00 - An Example>
if term == None:
raise TypeError("must supply string to search for (contents)")
term = unicode(term).lower()
for cur_key, cur_value in self.items():
cur_key, cur_value = unicode(cur_key).lower(), unicode(cur_value).lower()
if key is not None and cur_key != key:
# Do not search this key
if cur_value.find(unicode(term).lower()) > -1:
return self
class Actors(list):
"""Holds all Actor instances for a show
class Actor(dict):
"""Represents a single actor. Should contain..
def __repr__(self):
return "<Actor \"%s\">" % (self.get("name"))
class Tvdb:
"""Create easy-to-use interface to name of season/episode name
>>> t = Tvdb()
>>> t['Scrubs'][1][24]['episodename']
u'My Last Day'
def __init__(self,
"""interactive (True/False):
When True, uses built-in console UI is used to select the correct show.
When False, the first search result is used.
select_first (True/False):
Automatically selects the first series search result (rather
than showing the user a list of more than one series).
Is overridden by interactive = False, or specifying a custom_ui
debug (True/False) DEPRECATED:
Replaced with proper use of logging module. To show debug messages:
>>> import logging
>>> logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG)
cache (True/False/str/unicode/urllib2 opener):
Retrieved XML are persisted to to disc. If true, stores in
tvdb_api folder under your systems TEMP_DIR, if set to
str/unicode instance it will use this as the cache
location. If False, disables caching. Can also be passed
an arbitrary Python object, which is used as a urllib2
opener, which should be created by urllib2.build_opener
banners (True/False):
Retrieves the banners for a show. These are accessed
via the _banners key of a Show(), for example:
>>> Tvdb(banners=True)['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
actors (True/False):
Retrieves a list of the actors for a show. These are accessed
via the _actors key of a Show(), for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(actors=True)
>>> t['scrubs']['_actors'][0]['name']
u'Zach Braff'
custom_ui (tvdb_ui.BaseUI subclass):
A callable subclass of tvdb_ui.BaseUI (overrides interactive option)
language (2 character language abbreviation):
The language of the returned data. Is also the language search
uses. Default is "en" (English). For full list, run..
>>> Tvdb().config['valid_languages'] #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
['da', 'fi', 'nl', ...]
search_all_languages (True/False):
By default, Tvdb will only search in the language specified using
the language option. When this is True, it will search for the
show in and language
apikey (str/unicode):
Override the default thetvdb.com API key. By default it will use
tvdb_api's own key (fine for small scripts), but you can use your
own key if desired - this is recommended if you are embedding
tvdb_api in a larger application)
See http://thetvdb.com/?tab=apiregister to get your own key
forceConnect (bool):
If true it will always try to connect to theTVDB.com even if we
recently timed out. By default it will wait one minute before
trying again, and any requests within that one minute window will
return an exception immediately.
useZip (bool):
Download the zip archive where possibale, instead of the xml.
This is only used when all episodes are pulled.
And only the main language xml is used, the actor and banner xml are lost.
self.shows = ShowContainer() # Holds all Show classes
self.corrections = {} # Holds show-name to show_id mapping
self.config = {}
if apikey is not None:
self.config['apikey'] = apikey
self.config['apikey'] = "0629B785CE550C8D" # tvdb_api's API key
self.config['debug_enabled'] = debug # show debugging messages
self.config['custom_ui'] = custom_ui
self.config['interactive'] = interactive # prompt for correct series?
self.config['select_first'] = select_first
self.config['search_all_languages'] = search_all_languages
self.config['useZip'] = useZip
self.config['dvdorder'] = dvdorder
self.config['proxy'] = proxy
if cache is True:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = self._getTempDir()
elif cache is False:
self.config['cache_enabled'] = False
elif isinstance(cache, basestring):
self.config['cache_enabled'] = True
self.config['cache_location'] = cache
raise ValueError("Invalid value for Cache %r (type was %s)" % (cache, type(cache)))
self.config['banners_enabled'] = banners
self.config['actors_enabled'] = actors
if self.config['debug_enabled']:
warnings.warn("The debug argument to tvdb_api.__init__ will be removed in the next version. "
"To enable debug messages, use the following code before importing: "
"import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)")
# List of language from http://thetvdb.com/api/0629B785CE550C8D/languages.xml
# Hard-coded here as it is realtively static, and saves another HTTP request, as
# recommended on http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/API:languages.xml
self.config['valid_languages'] = [
"da", "fi", "nl", "de", "it", "es", "fr", "pl", "hu", "el", "tr",
"ru", "he", "ja", "pt", "zh", "cs", "sl", "hr", "ko", "en", "sv", "no"
# thetvdb.com should be based around numeric language codes,
# but to link to a series like http://thetvdb.com/?tab=series&id=79349&lid=16
# requires the language ID, thus this mapping is required (mainly
# for usage in tvdb_ui - internally tvdb_api will use the language abbreviations)
self.config['langabbv_to_id'] = {'el': 20, 'en': 7, 'zh': 27,
'it': 15, 'cs': 28, 'es': 16, 'ru': 22, 'nl': 13, 'pt': 26, 'no': 9,
'tr': 21, 'pl': 18, 'fr': 17, 'hr': 31, 'de': 14, 'da': 10, 'fi': 11,
'hu': 19, 'ja': 25, 'he': 24, 'ko': 32, 'sv': 8, 'sl': 30}
if language is None:
self.config['language'] = 'en'
if language not in self.config['valid_languages']:
raise ValueError("Invalid language %s, options are: %s" % (
language, self.config['valid_languages']
self.config['language'] = language
# The following url_ configs are based of the
# http://thetvdb.com/wiki/index.php/Programmers_API
self.config['base_url'] = "http://thetvdb.com"
if self.config['search_all_languages']:
self.config['url_getSeries'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php" % self.config
self.config['params_getSeries'] = {"seriesname": "", "language": "all"}
self.config['url_getSeries'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/GetSeries.php" % self.config
self.config['params_getSeries'] = {"seriesname": "", "language": self.config['language']}
self.config['url_epInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_epInfo_zip'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/all/%%s.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_seriesInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/%%s.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_actorsInfo'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/actors.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_seriesBanner'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/series/%%s/banners.xml" % self.config
self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] = u"%(base_url)s/banners/%%s" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_all'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_all.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_month'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_month.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_week'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_week.zip" % self.config
self.config['url_updates_day'] = u"%(base_url)s/api/%(apikey)s/updates_day.zip" % self.config
def _getTempDir(self):
"""Returns the [system temp dir]/tvdb_api-u501 (or
if hasattr(os, 'getuid'):
uid = "u%d" % (os.getuid())
# For Windows
uid = getpass.getuser()
except ImportError:
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "tvdb_api")
return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "tvdb_api-%s" % (uid))
def _loadUrl(self, url, params=None, language=None):
log().debug("Retrieving URL %s" % url)
# get response from TVDB
if self.config['cache_enabled']:
session = CacheControl(cache=caches.FileCache(self.config['cache_location']))
if self.config['proxy']:
log().debug("Using proxy for URL: %s" % url)
session.proxies = {
"http": self.config['proxy'],
"https": self.config['proxy'],
resp = session.get(url.strip(), cache_auto=True, params=params)
resp = requests.get(url.strip(), params=params)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError, e:
raise tvdb_error("HTTP error " + str(e.errno) + " while loading URL " + str(url))
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, e:
raise tvdb_error("Connection error " + str(e.message) + " while loading URL " + str(url))
except requests.exceptions.Timeout, e:
raise tvdb_error("Connection timed out " + str(e.message) + " while loading URL " + str(url))
except Exception:
raise tvdb_error("Unknown exception while loading URL " + url + ": " + traceback.format_exc())
def process(path, key, value):
key = key.lower()
# clean up value and do type changes
if value:
if key == 'firstaired' and value in "0000-00-00":
new_value = str(dt.date.fromordinal(1))
new_value = re.sub("([-]0{2}){1,}", "", new_value)
fixDate = parse(new_value, fuzzy=True).date()
value = fixDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
elif key == 'firstaired':
value = parse(value, fuzzy=True).date()
value = value.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
#if key == 'airs_time':
# value = parse(value).time()
# value = value.strftime("%I:%M %p")
return key, value
if 'application/zip' in resp.headers.get("Content-Type", ''):
log().debug("We recived a zip file unpacking now ...")
zipdata = StringIO.StringIO()
myzipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata)
return xmltodict.parse(myzipfile.read('%s.xml' % language), postprocessor=process)
except zipfile.BadZipfile:
raise tvdb_error("Bad zip file received from thetvdb.com, could not read it")
return xmltodict.parse(resp.content.decode('utf-8'), postprocessor=process)
return dict([(u'data', None)])
def _getetsrc(self, url, params=None, language=None):
"""Loads a URL using caching, returns an ElementTree of the source
return self._loadUrl(url, params=params, language=language).values()[0]
except Exception, e:
raise tvdb_error(e)
def _setItem(self, sid, seas, ep, attrib, value):
"""Creates a new episode, creating Show(), Season() and
Episode()s as required. Called by _getShowData to populate show
Since the nice-to-use tvdb[1][24]['name] interface
makes it impossible to do tvdb[1][24]['name] = "name"
and still be capable of checking if an episode exists
so we can raise tvdb_shownotfound, we have a slightly
less pretty method of setting items.. but since the API
is supposed to be read-only, this is the best way to
do it!
The problem is that calling tvdb[1][24]['episodename'] = "name"
calls __getitem__ on tvdb[1], there is no way to check if
tvdb.__dict__ should have a key "1" before we auto-create it
if sid not in self.shows:
self.shows[sid] = Show()
if seas not in self.shows[sid]:
self.shows[sid][seas] = Season(show=self.shows[sid])
if ep not in self.shows[sid][seas]:
self.shows[sid][seas][ep] = Episode(season=self.shows[sid][seas])
self.shows[sid][seas][ep][attrib] = value
def _setShowData(self, sid, key, value):
"""Sets self.shows[sid] to a new Show instance, or sets the data
if sid not in self.shows:
self.shows[sid] = Show()
self.shows[sid].data[key] = value
def _cleanData(self, data):
"""Cleans up strings returned by TheTVDB.com
Issues corrected:
- Replaces &amp; with &
- Trailing whitespace
data = data.replace(u"&amp;", u"&")
data = data.strip()
return data
def search(self, series):
"""This searches TheTVDB.com for the series name
and returns the result list
series = series.encode("utf-8")
log().debug("Searching for show %s" % series)
self.config['params_getSeries']['seriesname'] = series
return self._getetsrc(self.config['url_getSeries'], self.config['params_getSeries']).values()[0]
def _getSeries(self, series):
"""This searches TheTVDB.com for the series name,
If a custom_ui UI is configured, it uses this to select the correct
series. If not, and interactive == True, ConsoleUI is used, if not
BaseUI is used to select the first result.
allSeries = self.search(series)
if not allSeries:
log().debug('Series result returned zero')
raise tvdb_shownotfound("Show search returned zero results (cannot find show on TVDB)")
2014-05-29 10:00:41 -04:00
if not isinstance(allSeries, list):
allSeries = [allSeries]
if self.config['custom_ui'] is not None:
log().debug("Using custom UI %s" % (repr(self.config['custom_ui'])))
CustomUI = self.config['custom_ui']
ui = CustomUI(config=self.config)
if not self.config['interactive']:
log().debug('Auto-selecting first search result using BaseUI')
ui = BaseUI(config=self.config)
log().debug('Interactively selecting show using ConsoleUI')
ui = ConsoleUI(config=self.config)
return ui.selectSeries(allSeries)
def _parseBanners(self, sid):
"""Parses banners XML, from
http://thetvdb.com/api/[APIKEY]/series/[SERIES ID]/banners.xml
Banners are retrieved using t['show name]['_banners'], for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(banners = True)
>>> t['scrubs']['_banners'].keys()
['fanart', 'poster', 'series', 'season']
>>> t['scrubs']['_banners']['poster']['680x1000']['35308']['_bannerpath']
Any key starting with an underscore has been processed (not the raw
data from the XML)
This interface will be improved in future versions.
log().debug('Getting season banners for %s' % (sid))
bannersEt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_seriesBanner'] % (sid))
if not bannersEt:
log().debug('Banners result returned zero')
banners = {}
for cur_banner in bannersEt['banner']:
bid = cur_banner['id']
btype = cur_banner['bannertype']
btype2 = cur_banner['bannertype2']
if btype is None or btype2 is None:
if not btype in banners:
banners[btype] = {}
if not btype2 in banners[btype]:
banners[btype][btype2] = {}
if not bid in banners[btype][btype2]:
banners[btype][btype2][bid] = {}
for k, v in cur_banner.items():
if k is None or v is None:
k, v = k.lower(), v.lower()
banners[btype][btype2][bid][k] = v
for k, v in banners[btype][btype2][bid].items():
if k.endswith("path"):
new_key = "_%s" % (k)
log().debug("Transforming %s to %s" % (k, new_key))
new_url = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
banners[btype][btype2][bid][new_key] = new_url
self._setShowData(sid, "_banners", banners)
def _parseActors(self, sid):
"""Parsers actors XML, from
http://thetvdb.com/api/[APIKEY]/series/[SERIES ID]/actors.xml
Actors are retrieved using t['show name]['_actors'], for example:
>>> t = Tvdb(actors = True)
>>> actors = t['scrubs']['_actors']
>>> type(actors)
<class 'tvdb_api.Actors'>
>>> type(actors[0])
<class 'tvdb_api.Actor'>
>>> actors[0]
<Actor "Zach Braff">
>>> sorted(actors[0].keys())
['id', 'image', 'name', 'role', 'sortorder']
>>> actors[0]['name']
u'Zach Braff'
>>> actors[0]['image']
Any key starting with an underscore has been processed (not the raw
data from the XML)
log().debug("Getting actors for %s" % (sid))
actorsEt = self._getetsrc(self.config['url_actorsInfo'] % (sid))
if not actorsEt:
log().debug('Actors result returned zero')
cur_actors = Actors()
for cur_actor in actorsEt['actor']:
curActor = Actor()
for k, v in cur_actor.items():
if k is None or v is None:
k = k.lower()
if k == "image":
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
v = self._cleanData(v)
curActor[k] = v
self._setShowData(sid, '_actors', cur_actors)
def _getShowData(self, sid, language, getEpInfo=False):
"""Takes a series ID, gets the epInfo URL and parses the TVDB
XML file into the shows dict in layout:
if self.config['language'] is None:
log().debug('Config language is none, using show language')
if language is None:
raise tvdb_error("config['language'] was None, this should not happen")
getShowInLanguage = language
'Configured language %s override show language of %s' % (
getShowInLanguage = self.config['language']
# Parse show information
log().debug('Getting all series data for %s' % (sid))
seriesInfoEt = self._getetsrc(
self.config['url_seriesInfo'] % (sid, getShowInLanguage)
if not seriesInfoEt:
log().debug('Series result returned zero')
raise tvdb_error("Series result returned zero")
# get series data
for k, v in seriesInfoEt['series'].items():
if v is not None:
if k in ['banner', 'fanart', 'poster']:
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
v = self._cleanData(v)
self._setShowData(sid, k, v)
# get episode data
if getEpInfo:
# Parse banners
if self.config['banners_enabled']:
# Parse actors
if self.config['actors_enabled']:
# Parse episode data
log().debug('Getting all episodes of %s' % (sid))
if self.config['useZip']:
url = self.config['url_epInfo_zip'] % (sid, language)
url = self.config['url_epInfo'] % (sid, language)
epsEt = self._getetsrc(url, language=language)
if not epsEt:
log().debug('Series results incomplete')
raise tvdb_showincomplete("Show search returned incomplete results (cannot find complete show on TVDB)")
episodes = epsEt["episode"]
if not isinstance(episodes, list):
episodes = [episodes]
for cur_ep in episodes:
if self.config['dvdorder']:
log().debug('Using DVD ordering.')
use_dvd = cur_ep['dvd_season'] != None and cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber'] != None
use_dvd = False
if use_dvd:
seasnum, epno = cur_ep['dvd_season'], cur_ep['dvd_episodenumber']
seasnum, epno = cur_ep['seasonnumber'], cur_ep['episodenumber']
if seasnum is None or epno is None:
log().warning("An episode has incomplete season/episode number (season: %r, episode: %r)" % (
seasnum, epno))
continue # Skip to next episode
# float() is because https://github.com/dbr/tvnamer/issues/95 - should probably be fixed in TVDB data
seas_no = int(float(seasnum))
ep_no = int(float(epno))
for k, v in cur_ep.items():
k = k.lower()
if v is not None:
if k == 'filename':
v = self.config['url_artworkPrefix'] % (v)
v = self._cleanData(v)
self._setItem(sid, seas_no, ep_no, k, v)
return True
def _nameToSid(self, name):
"""Takes show name, returns the correct series ID (if the show has
already been grabbed), or grabs all episodes and returns
the correct SID.
if name in self.corrections:
log().debug('Correcting %s to %s' % (name, self.corrections[name]))
return self.corrections[name]
log().debug('Getting show %s' % (name))
selected_series = self._getSeries(name)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
sids = list(int(x['id']) for x in selected_series if
self._getShowData(int(x['id']), self.config['language']))
self.corrections.update(dict((x['seriesname'], int(x['id'])) for x in selected_series))
return sids
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Handles tvdb_instance['seriesname'] calls.
The dict index should be the show id
if isinstance(key, (int, long)):
# Item is integer, treat as show id
if key not in self.shows:
self._getShowData(key, self.config['language'], True)
return self.shows[key]
key = str(key).lower()
self.config['searchterm'] = key
selected_series = self._getSeries(key)
if isinstance(selected_series, dict):
selected_series = [selected_series]
[[self._setShowData(show['id'], k, v) for k, v in show.items()] for show in selected_series]
return selected_series
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.shows)
def main():
"""Simple example of using tvdb_api - it just
grabs an episode name interactively.
import logging
tvdb_instance = Tvdb(interactive=True, cache=False)
print tvdb_instance['Lost']['seriesname']
print tvdb_instance['Lost'][1][4]['episodename']
if __name__ == '__main__':