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# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
2014-05-23 08:37:22 -04:00
# This file is part of SickRage.
2014-05-23 08:37:22 -04:00
# SickRage is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
2014-05-23 08:37:22 -04:00
# SickRage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
2014-05-23 08:37:22 -04:00
# along with SickRage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import os.path
import re
import threading
import regexes
import time
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import logger, helpers, scene_numbering, db
from sickbeard.exceptions import EpisodeNotFoundByAbsoluteNumberException
from dateutil import parser
nameparser_lock = threading.Lock()
class NameParser(object):
def __init__(self, file_name=True, show=None, useIndexers=False):
regexMode = self.ALL_REGEX
if show and show.is_anime:
regexMode = self.ANIME_REGEX
elif show and show.is_sports:
regexMode = self.SPORTS_REGEX
elif show and not show.is_anime and not show.is_sports:
regexMode = self.NORMAL_REGEX
self.file_name = file_name
self.regexMode = regexMode
self.compiled_regexes = {}
self.showList = sickbeard.showList
self.useIndexers = useIndexers
self.show = show
def clean_series_name(self, series_name):
"""Cleans up series name by removing any . and _
characters, along with any trailing hyphens.
Is basically equivalent to replacing all _ and . with a
space, but handles decimal numbers in string, for example:
>>> cleanRegexedSeriesName("an.example.1.0.test")
'an example 1.0 test'
>>> cleanRegexedSeriesName("an_example_1.0_test")
'an example 1.0 test'
Stolen from dbr's tvnamer
series_name = re.sub("(\D)\.(?!\s)(\D)", "\\1 \\2", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("(\d)\.(\d{4})", "\\1 \\2", series_name) # if it ends in a year then don't keep the dot
series_name = re.sub("(\D)\.(?!\s)", "\\1 ", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("\.(?!\s)(\D)", " \\1", series_name)
series_name = series_name.replace("_", " ")
series_name = re.sub("-$", "", series_name)
series_name = re.sub("^\[.*\]", "", series_name)
return series_name.strip()
def _compile_regexes(self, regexMode):
if regexMode <= self.ALL_REGEX:
logger.log(u"Using ALL regexs", logger.DEBUG)
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.anime_regexes, regexes.sports_regexs, regexes.normal_regexes]
elif regexMode == self.NORMAL_REGEX:
logger.log(u"Using NORMAL regexs", logger.DEBUG)
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes]
elif regexMode == self.SPORTS_REGEX:
logger.log(u"Using SPORTS regexs", logger.DEBUG)
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.sports_regexs]
elif regexMode == self.ANIME_REGEX:
logger.log(u"Using ANIME regexs", logger.DEBUG)
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.anime_regexes, regexes.normal_regexes]
logger.log(u"This is a programing ERROR. Fallback Using NORMAL regexs", logger.ERROR)
uncompiled_regex = [regexes.normal_regexes]
for regexItem in uncompiled_regex:
for regex_type, regex in regexItem.items():
self.compiled_regexes[regex_type] = {}
for (cur_pattern_name, cur_pattern) in regex:
cur_regex = re.compile(cur_pattern, re.VERBOSE | re.IGNORECASE)
except re.error, errormsg:
logger.log(u"WARNING: Invalid episode_pattern, %s. %s" % (errormsg, cur_pattern))
self.compiled_regexes[regex_type].update({cur_pattern_name: cur_regex})
def _parse_string(self, name):
for cur_regex_type, cur_regexes in self.compiled_regexes.items() if name else []:
for cur_regex_name, cur_regex in cur_regexes.items():
match = cur_regex.match(name)
if not match:
result = ParseResult(name)
result.which_regex = [cur_regex_name]
named_groups = match.groupdict().keys()
if 'series_name' in named_groups:
result.series_name = match.group('series_name')
if result.series_name:
result.series_name = self.clean_series_name(result.series_name)
if 'season_num' in named_groups:
tmp_season = int(match.group('season_num'))
if cur_regex_name == 'bare' and tmp_season in (19, 20):
result.season_number = tmp_season
if 'ep_num' in named_groups:
ep_num = self._convert_number(match.group('ep_num'))
if 'extra_ep_num' in named_groups and match.group('extra_ep_num'):
result.episode_numbers = range(ep_num, self._convert_number(match.group('extra_ep_num')) + 1)
result.episode_numbers = [ep_num]
if 'ep_ab_num' in named_groups:
ep_ab_num = self._convert_number(match.group('ep_ab_num'))
if 'extra_ab_ep_num' in named_groups and match.group('extra_ab_ep_num'):
result.ab_episode_numbers = range(ep_ab_num,
self._convert_number(match.group('extra_ab_ep_num')) + 1)
result.ab_episode_numbers = [ep_ab_num]
if 'sports_event_id' in named_groups:
sports_event_id = match.group('sports_event_id')
if sports_event_id:
result.sports_event_id = int(match.group('sports_event_id'))
if 'sports_event_name' in named_groups:
result.sports_event_name = match.group('sports_event_name')
if result.sports_event_name:
result.sports_event_name = self.clean_series_name(result.sports_event_name)
if 'sports_event_date' in named_groups:
sports_event_date = match.group('sports_event_date')
if sports_event_date:
result.sports_event_date = parser.parse(sports_event_date, fuzzy=True).date()
if 'air_year' in named_groups and 'air_month' in named_groups and 'air_day' in named_groups:
year = int(match.group('air_year'))
month = int(match.group('air_month'))
day = int(match.group('air_day'))
dtStr = '%s-%s-%s' % (year, month, day)
result.air_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(dtStr, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
if 'extra_info' in named_groups:
tmp_extra_info = match.group('extra_info')
# Show.S04.Special or Show.S05.Part.2.Extras is almost certainly not every episode in the season
if tmp_extra_info and cur_regex_name == 'season_only' and re.search(
r'([. _-]|^)(special|extra)s?\w*([. _-]|$)', tmp_extra_info, re.I):
result.extra_info = tmp_extra_info
if 'release_group' in named_groups:
result.release_group = match.group('release_group')
# determin show object for correct regex matching
if not self.show:
show = helpers.get_show_by_name(result.series_name, useIndexer=self.useIndexers)
show = self.show
if show and show.is_anime and cur_regex_type in ['anime', 'normal']:
result.show = show
return result
elif show and show.is_sports and cur_regex_type == 'sports':
result.show = show
return result
elif cur_regex_type == 'normal':
result.show = show if show else None
return result
return None
def _combine_results(self, first, second, attr):
# if the first doesn't exist then return the second or nothing
if not first:
if not second:
return None
return getattr(second, attr)
# if the second doesn't exist then return the first
if not second:
return getattr(first, attr)
a = getattr(first, attr)
b = getattr(second, attr)
# if a is good use it
if a != None or (type(a) == list and len(a)):
return a
# if not use b (if b isn't set it'll just be default)
return b
def _unicodify(self, obj, encoding="utf-8"):
if isinstance(obj, basestring):
if not isinstance(obj, unicode):
obj = unicode(obj, encoding)
return obj
def _convert_number(self, number):
return int(number)
numeral_map = zip(
(1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1),
('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I')
n = unicode(number).upper()
i = result = 0
for integer, numeral in numeral_map:
while n[i:i + len(numeral)] == numeral:
result += integer
i += len(numeral)
return result
def parse(self, name, cache_result=True):
name = self._unicodify(name)
cached = name_parser_cache.get(name)
if cached:
return cached
# break it into parts if there are any (dirname, file name, extension)
dir_name, file_name = os.path.split(name)
ext_match = re.match('(.*)\.\w{3,4}$', file_name)
if ext_match and self.file_name:
base_file_name = ext_match.group(1)
base_file_name = file_name
# use only the direct parent dir
dir_name = os.path.basename(dir_name)
# set up a result to use
final_result = ParseResult(name)
# try parsing the file name
file_name_result = self._parse_string(base_file_name)
# parse the dirname for extra info if needed
dir_name_result = self._parse_string(dir_name)
# build the ParseResult object
final_result.air_date = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'air_date')
final_result.ab_episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'ab_episode_numbers')
# sports event title
final_result.sports_event_id = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'sports_event_id')
final_result.sports_event_name = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'sports_event_name')
final_result.sports_event_date = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'sports_event_date')
if not final_result.air_date:
final_result.season_number = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'season_number')
final_result.episode_numbers = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'episode_numbers')
# if the dirname has a release group/show name I believe it over the filename
final_result.series_name = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'series_name')
final_result.extra_info = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'extra_info')
final_result.release_group = self._combine_results(dir_name_result, file_name_result, 'release_group')
final_result.which_regex = []
if final_result == file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = file_name_result.which_regex
elif final_result == dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex = dir_name_result.which_regex
if file_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += file_name_result.which_regex
if dir_name_result:
final_result.which_regex += dir_name_result.which_regex
final_result.show = self._combine_results(file_name_result, dir_name_result, 'show')
if final_result.show and final_result.show.is_anime and final_result.is_anime: # only need to to do another conversion if the scene2tvdb didn work
logger.log("Getting season and episodes from absolute numbers", logger.DEBUG)
_actual_season, _actual_episodes = helpers.get_all_episodes_from_absolute_number(final_result.show,
except EpisodeNotFoundByAbsoluteNumberException:
logger.log(str(final_result.show.indexerid) + ": Indexer object absolute number " + str(
final_result.ab_episode_numbers) + " is incomplete, cant determin season and episode numbers")
final_result.season = _actual_season
final_result.episodes = _actual_episodes
# if there's no useful info in it then raise an exception
if final_result.season_number == None and not final_result.episode_numbers and final_result.air_date == None and not final_result.series_name:
raise InvalidNameException("Unable to parse " + name.encode(sickbeard.SYS_ENCODING, 'xmlcharrefreplace'))
if cache_result:
name_parser_cache.add(name, final_result)
return final_result
def scene2indexer(self, show, scene_name, season, episodes, absolute_numbers):
if not show: return self # need show object
# TODO: check if adb and make scene2indexer useable with correct numbers
out_season = None
out_episodes = []
out_absolute_numbers = []
# is the scene name a special season ?
# TODO: define if we get scene seasons or indexer seasons ... for now they are mostly the same ... and i will use them as scene seasons
_possible_seasons = sickbeard.scene_exceptions.get_scene_exception_by_name_multiple(scene_name)
# filter possible_seasons
possible_seasons = []
for cur_scene_indexer_id, cur_scene_season in _possible_seasons:
if cur_scene_indexer_id and str(cur_scene_indexer_id) != str(show.indexerid):
logger.log("Indexer ID mismatch: " + str(show.indexerid) + " now: " + str(cur_scene_indexer_id),
raise MultipleSceneShowResults("indexerid mismatch")
# don't add season -1 since this is a generic name and not a real season... or if we get None
# if this was the only result possible_seasons will stay empty and the next parts will look in the general matter
if cur_scene_season == -1 or cur_scene_season == None:
# if not possible_seasons: # no special season name was used or we could not find it
"possible seasons for '" + scene_name + "' (" + str(show.indexerid) + ") are " + str(possible_seasons),
# lets just get a db connection we will need it anyway
cacheDB = db.DBConnection('cache.db')
# should we use absolute_numbers -> anime or season, episodes -> normal show
if show.is_anime:
u"'" + show.name + "' is an anime i will scene convert the absolute numbers " + str(absolute_numbers),
if possible_seasons:
# check if we have a scene_absolute_number in the possible seasons
for cur_possible_season in possible_seasons:
# and for all absolute numbers
for cur_ab_number in absolute_numbers:
namesSQlResult = cacheDB.select(
"SELECT season, episode, absolute_number FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_season = ? and scene_absolute_number = ?",
[show.indexerid, cur_possible_season, cur_ab_number])
if len(namesSQlResult) > 1:
"Multiple episodes for a absolute number and season. check XEM numbering",
raise MultipleSceneEpisodeResults("Multiple episodes for a absolute number and season")
elif len(namesSQlResult) == 0:
break # break out of current absolute_numbers -> next season ... this is not a good sign
# if we are here we found ONE episode for this season absolute number
# logger.log(u"I found matching episode: " + namesSQlResult[0]['name'], logger.DEBUG)
out_season = int(namesSQlResult[0][
'season']) # note this will always use the last season we got ... this will be a problem on double episodes that break the season barrier
if out_season: # if we found a episode in the cur_possible_season we dont need / want to look at the other season possibilities
else: # no possible seasons from the scene names lets look at this more generic
for cur_ab_number in absolute_numbers:
namesSQlResult = cacheDB.select(
"SELECT season, episode, absolute_number FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_absolute_number = ?",
[show.indexerid, cur_ab_number])
if len(namesSQlResult) > 1:
"Multiple episodes for a absolute number. this might happend because we are missing a scene name for this season. xem lacking behind ?",
raise MultipleSceneEpisodeResults("Multiple episodes for a absolute number")
elif len(namesSQlResult) == 0:
# if we are here we found ONE episode for this season absolute number
# logger.log(u"I found matching episode: " + namesSQlResult[0]['name'], logger.DEBUG)
out_season = int(namesSQlResult[0][
'season']) # note this will always use the last season we got ... this will be a problem on double episodes that break the season barrier
if not out_season: # we did not find anything in the loops ? damit there is no episode
logger.log("No episode found for these scene numbers. asuming indexer numbers", logger.DEBUG)
# we still have to convert the absolute number to sxxexx ... but that is done not here
logger.log(u"'" + show.name + "' is a normal show i will scene convert the season and episodes " + str(
season) + "x" + str(episodes), logger.DEBUG)
out_absolute_numbers = None
if possible_seasons:
# check if we have a scene_absolute_number in the possible seasons
for cur_possible_season in possible_seasons:
# and for all episode
for cur_episode in episodes:
namesSQlResult = cacheDB.select(
"SELECT season, episode FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_season = ? and scene_episode = ?",
[show.indexerid, cur_possible_season, cur_episode])
if len(namesSQlResult) > 1:
"Multiple episodes for season episode number combination. this should not be check xem configuration",
raise MultipleSceneEpisodeResults("Multiple episodes for season episode number combination")
elif len(namesSQlResult) == 0:
break # break out of current episode -> next season ... this is not a good sign
# if we are here we found ONE episode for this season absolute number
# logger.log(u"I found matching episode: " + namesSQlResult[0]['name'], logger.DEBUG)
out_season = int(namesSQlResult[0][
'season']) # note this will always use the last season we got ... this will be a problem on double episodes that break the season barrier
if out_season: # if we found a episode in the cur_possible_season we dont need / want to look at the other posibilites
else: # no possible seasons from the scene names lets look at this more generic
for cur_episode in episodes:
namesSQlResult = cacheDB.select(
"SELECT season, episode FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_episode = ? and scene_season = ?",
[show.indexerid, cur_episode, season])
if len(namesSQlResult) > 1:
"Multiple episodes for season episode number combination. this might happend because we are missing a scene name for this season. xem lacking behind ?",
raise MultipleSceneEpisodeResults("Multiple episodes for season episode number combination")
elif len(namesSQlResult) == 0:
# if we are here we found ONE episode for this season absolute number
# logger.log(u"I found matching episode: " + namesSQlResult[0]['name'], logger.DEBUG)
out_season = int(namesSQlResult[0][
'season']) # note this will always use the last season we got ... this will be a problem on double episodes that break the season barrier
# this is only done for normal shows
if not out_season: # we did not find anything in the loops ? darn there is no episode
logger.log("No episode found for these scene numbers. assuming these are valid indexer numbers",
out_season = season
out_episodes = episodes
out_absolute_numbers = absolute_numbers
# okay that was easy we found the correct season and episode numbers
return (out_season, out_episodes, out_absolute_numbers)
class ParseResult(object):
def __init__(self,
self.original_name = original_name
self.series_name = series_name
self.season_number = season_number
if not episode_numbers:
self.episode_numbers = []
self.episode_numbers = episode_numbers
if not ab_episode_numbers:
self.ab_episode_numbers = []
self.ab_episode_numbers = ab_episode_numbers
self.extra_info = extra_info
self.release_group = release_group
self.air_date = air_date
self.sports_event_id = sports_event_id
self.sports_event_name = sports_event_name
self.sports_event_date = sports_event_date
self.which_regex = None
self.show = show
def __eq__(self, other):
if not other:
return False
if self.series_name != other.series_name:
return False
if self.season_number != other.season_number:
return False
if self.episode_numbers != other.episode_numbers:
return False
if self.extra_info != other.extra_info:
return False
if self.release_group != other.release_group:
return False
if self.air_date != other.air_date:
return False
if self.sports_event_id != other.sports_event_id:
return False
if self.sports_event_name != other.sports_event_name:
return False
if self.sports_event_date != other.sports_event_date:
return False
if self.ab_episode_numbers != other.ab_episode_numbers:
return False
if self.show != other.show:
return False
return True
def __str__(self):
if self.series_name != None:
to_return = self.series_name + u' - '
to_return = u''
if self.season_number != None:
to_return += 'S' + str(self.season_number)
if self.episode_numbers and len(self.episode_numbers):
for e in self.episode_numbers:
to_return += 'E' + str(e)
if self.air_by_date:
to_return += str(self.air_date)
if self.sports:
to_return += str(self.sports_event_name)
to_return += str(self.sports_event_id)
to_return += str(self.sports_event_date)
if self.ab_episode_numbers:
to_return += ' absolute_numbers: ' + str(self.ab_episode_numbers)
if self.extra_info:
to_return += ' - ' + self.extra_info
if self.release_group:
to_return += ' (' + self.release_group + ')'
to_return += ' [ABD: ' + str(self.air_by_date) + ']'
to_return += ' [SPORTS: ' + str(self.sports) + ']'
to_return += ' [ANIME: ' + str(self.is_anime) + ']'
to_return += ' [whichReg: ' + str(self.which_regex) + ']'
return to_return.encode('utf-8')
def convert(self):
if not self.show: return self # need show object
if not self.season_number: return self # can't work without a season
if not len(self.episode_numbers): return self # need at least one episode
if self.air_by_date or self.sports: return self # scene numbering does not apply to air-by-date
new_episode_numbers = []
new_season_numbers = []
new_absolute_numbers = []
for i, epNo in enumerate(self.episode_numbers):
abNo = None
if len(self.ab_episode_numbers):
abNo = self.ab_episode_numbers[i]
(s, e, a) = scene_numbering.get_indexer_numbering(self.show.indexerid, self.show.indexer,
epNo, abNo)
# need to do a quick sanity check here. It's possible that we now have episodes
# from more than one season (by tvdb numbering), and this is just too much
# for sickbeard, so we'd need to flag it.
new_season_numbers = list(set(new_season_numbers)) # remove duplicates
if len(new_season_numbers) > 1:
raise InvalidNameException("Scene numbering results episodes from "
"seasons %s, (i.e. more than one) and "
2014-05-23 08:37:22 -04:00
"sickrage does not support this. "
"Sorry." % (str(new_season_numbers)))
# I guess it's possible that we'd have duplicate episodes too, so lets
# eliminate them
new_episode_numbers = list(set(new_episode_numbers))
# dedupe absolute numbers
new_absolute_numbers = list(set(new_absolute_numbers))
self.ab_episode_numbers = new_absolute_numbers
self.episode_numbers = new_episode_numbers
self.season_number = new_season_numbers[0]
return self
2014-04-30 08:18:20 -04:00
def _is_air_by_date(self):
if self.season_number == None and len(self.episode_numbers) == 0 and self.air_date:
return True
return False
air_by_date = property(_is_air_by_date)
def _is_anime(self):
if self.ab_episode_numbers:
if self.show and self.show.is_anime:
return True
return False
is_anime = property(_is_anime)
def _is_sports(self):
if self.sports_event_date:
return True
return False
sports = property(_is_sports)
class NameParserCache(object):
_previous_parsed = {}
_cache_size = 100
def add(self, name, parse_result):
self._previous_parsed[name] = parse_result
_current_cache_size = len(self._previous_parsed)
if _current_cache_size > self._cache_size:
for i in range(_current_cache_size - self._cache_size):
del self._previous_parsed[self._previous_parsed.keys()[0]]
def get(self, name):
if name in self._previous_parsed:
logger.log("Using cached parse result for: " + name, logger.DEBUG)
return self._previous_parsed[name]
name_parser_cache = NameParserCache()
class InvalidNameException(Exception):
"The given name is not valid"
class MultipleSceneShowResults(Exception):
class MultipleSceneEpisodeResults(Exception):