2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Check needed software dependencies to nudge users to fix their setup
import sys
if sys . version_info < ( 2 , 6 ) :
print " Sorry, requires Python 2.6 or 2.7. "
sys . exit ( 1 )
try :
import Cheetah
if Cheetah . Version [ 0 ] != ' 2 ' :
raise ValueError
except ValueError :
print " Sorry, requires Python module Cheetah 2.1.0 or newer. "
sys . exit ( 1 )
except :
print " The Python module Cheetah is required "
sys . exit ( 1 )
import os
sys . path . insert ( 0 , os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , ' lib ' ) ) )
# We only need this for compiling an EXE and I will just always do that on 2.6+
if sys . hexversion > = 0x020600F0 :
from multiprocessing import freeze_support # @UnresolvedImport
import locale
import threading
import time
import signal
import traceback
import getopt
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import db
from sickbeard . tv import TVShow
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard . version import SICKBEARD_VERSION
from sickbeard . databases . mainDB import MIN_DB_VERSION
from sickbeard . databases . mainDB import MAX_DB_VERSION
from sickbeard . webserveInit import initWebServer
from lib . configobj import ConfigObj
signal . signal ( signal . SIGINT , sickbeard . sig_handler )
signal . signal ( signal . SIGTERM , sickbeard . sig_handler )
def loadShowsFromDB ( ) :
Populates the showList with shows from the database
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
sqlResults = myDB . select ( " SELECT * FROM tv_shows " )
for sqlShow in sqlResults :
try :
2014-03-24 22:57:24 -07:00
curShow = TVShow ( int ( sqlShow [ " indexer " ] ) , int ( sqlShow [ " indexer_id " ] ) )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
sickbeard . showList . append ( curShow )
except Exception , e :
logger . log ( u " There was an error creating the show in " + sqlShow [ " location " ] + " : " + str ( e ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' ) , logger . ERROR )
logger . log ( traceback . format_exc ( ) , logger . DEBUG )
# TODO: update the existing shows if the showlist has something in it
def daemonize ( ) :
Fork off as a daemon
# pylint: disable=E1101
# Make a non-session-leader child process
try :
pid = os . fork ( ) # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX
if pid != 0 :
sys . exit ( 0 )
except OSError , e :
raise RuntimeError ( " 1st fork failed: %s [ %d ] " % ( e . strerror , e . errno ) )
os . setsid ( ) # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX
# Make sure I can read my own files and shut out others
prev = os . umask ( 0 )
os . umask ( prev and int ( ' 077 ' , 8 ) )
# Make the child a session-leader by detaching from the terminal
try :
pid = os . fork ( ) # @UndefinedVariable - only available in UNIX
if pid != 0 :
sys . exit ( 0 )
except OSError , e :
raise RuntimeError ( " 2nd fork failed: %s [ %d ] " % ( e . strerror , e . errno ) )
dev_null = file ( ' /dev/null ' , ' r ' )
os . dup2 ( dev_null . fileno ( ) , sys . stdin . fileno ( ) )
if sickbeard . CREATEPID :
pid = str ( os . getpid ( ) )
logger . log ( u " Writing PID " + pid + " to " + str ( sickbeard . PIDFILE ) )
file ( sickbeard . PIDFILE , ' w ' ) . write ( " %s \n " % pid )
def main ( ) :
TV for me
# do some preliminary stuff
sickbeard . MY_FULLNAME = os . path . normpath ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) )
sickbeard . MY_NAME = os . path . basename ( sickbeard . MY_FULLNAME )
sickbeard . PROG_DIR = os . path . dirname ( sickbeard . MY_FULLNAME )
sickbeard . DATA_DIR = sickbeard . PROG_DIR
sickbeard . MY_ARGS = sys . argv [ 1 : ]
sickbeard . CREATEPID = False
sickbeard . DAEMON = False
sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING = None
try :
locale . setlocale ( locale . LC_ALL , " " )
sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING = locale . getpreferredencoding ( )
except ( locale . Error , IOError ) :
# For OSes that are poorly configured I'll just randomly force UTF-8
if not sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING or sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING in ( ' ANSI_X3.4-1968 ' , ' US-ASCII ' , ' ASCII ' ) :
sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING = ' UTF-8 '
if not hasattr ( sys , " setdefaultencoding " ) :
reload ( sys )
try :
# pylint: disable=E1101
# On non-unicode builds this will raise an AttributeError, if encoding type is not valid it throws a LookupError
sys . setdefaultencoding ( sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING )
except :
print ' Sorry, you MUST add the Sick Beard folder to the PYTHONPATH environment variable '
print ' or find another way to force Python to use ' + sickbeard . SYS_ENCODING + ' for string encoding. '
sys . exit ( 1 )
# Need console logging for SickBeard.py and SickBeard-console.exe
consoleLogging = ( not hasattr ( sys , " frozen " ) ) or ( sickbeard . MY_NAME . lower ( ) . find ( ' -console ' ) > 0 )
# Rename the main thread
threading . currentThread ( ) . name = " MAIN "
try :
opts , args = getopt . getopt ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] , " qfdp:: " , [ ' quiet ' , ' forceupdate ' , ' daemon ' , ' port= ' , ' pidfile= ' , ' nolaunch ' , ' config= ' , ' datadir= ' ] ) # @UnusedVariable
except getopt . GetoptError :
print " Available Options: --quiet, --forceupdate, --port, --daemon, --pidfile, --config, --datadir "
sys . exit ( )
forceUpdate = False
forcedPort = None
noLaunch = False
for o , a in opts :
# For now we'll just silence the logging
if o in ( ' -q ' , ' --quiet ' ) :
consoleLogging = False
# Should we update (from indexer) all shows in the DB right away?
if o in ( ' -f ' , ' --forceupdate ' ) :
forceUpdate = True
# Suppress launching web browser
# Needed for OSes without default browser assigned
# Prevent duplicate browser window when restarting in the app
if o in ( ' --nolaunch ' , ) :
noLaunch = True
# Override default/configured port
if o in ( ' -p ' , ' --port ' ) :
forcedPort = int ( a )
# Run as a daemon
if o in ( ' -d ' , ' --daemon ' ) :
if sys . platform == ' win32 ' :
print " Daemonize not supported under Windows, starting normally "
else :
consoleLogging = False
sickbeard . DAEMON = True
# Specify folder to load the config file from
if o in ( ' --config ' , ) :
sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE = os . path . abspath ( a )
# Specify folder to use as the data dir
if o in ( ' --datadir ' , ) :
sickbeard . DATA_DIR = os . path . abspath ( a )
# Write a pidfile if requested
if o in ( ' --pidfile ' , ) :
sickbeard . PIDFILE = str ( a )
# If the pidfile already exists, sickbeard may still be running, so exit
if os . path . exists ( sickbeard . PIDFILE ) :
sys . exit ( " PID file ' " + sickbeard . PIDFILE + " ' already exists. Exiting. " )
# The pidfile is only useful in daemon mode, make sure we can write the file properly
if sickbeard . DAEMON :
sickbeard . CREATEPID = True
try :
file ( sickbeard . PIDFILE , ' w ' ) . write ( " pid \n " )
except IOError , e :
raise SystemExit ( " Unable to write PID file: %s [ %d ] " % ( e . strerror , e . errno ) )
else :
logger . log ( u " Not running in daemon mode. PID file creation disabled. " )
# If they don't specify a config file then put it in the data dir
if not sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE :
sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE = os . path . join ( sickbeard . DATA_DIR , " config.ini " )
# Make sure that we can create the data dir
if not os . access ( sickbeard . DATA_DIR , os . F_OK ) :
try :
os . makedirs ( sickbeard . DATA_DIR , 0744 )
except os . error , e :
raise SystemExit ( " Unable to create datadir ' " + sickbeard . DATA_DIR + " ' " )
# Make sure we can write to the data dir
if not os . access ( sickbeard . DATA_DIR , os . W_OK ) :
raise SystemExit ( " Datadir must be writeable ' " + sickbeard . DATA_DIR + " ' " )
# Make sure we can write to the config file
if not os . access ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE , os . W_OK ) :
if os . path . isfile ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE ) :
raise SystemExit ( " Config file ' " + sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE + " ' must be writeable. " )
elif not os . access ( os . path . dirname ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE ) , os . W_OK ) :
raise SystemExit ( " Config file root dir ' " + os . path . dirname ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE ) + " ' must be writeable. " )
os . chdir ( sickbeard . DATA_DIR )
if consoleLogging :
print " Starting up Sick Beard " + SICKBEARD_VERSION + " from " + sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE
# Load the config and publish it to the sickbeard package
if not os . path . isfile ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE ) :
logger . log ( u " Unable to find ' " + sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE + " ' , all settings will be default! " , logger . ERROR )
sickbeard . CFG = ConfigObj ( sickbeard . CONFIG_FILE )
CUR_DB_VERSION = db . DBConnection ( ) . checkDBVersion ( )
raise SystemExit ( " Your database version ( " + str ( db . DBConnection ( ) . checkDBVersion ( ) ) + " ) is too old to migrate from with this version of Sick Beard ( " + str ( MIN_DB_VERSION ) + " ). \n " + \
" Upgrade using a previous version of SB first, or start with no database file to begin fresh. " )
raise SystemExit ( " Your database version ( " + str ( db . DBConnection ( ) . checkDBVersion ( ) ) + " ) has been incremented past what this version of Sick Beard supports ( " + str ( MAX_DB_VERSION ) + " ). \n " + \
" If you have used other forks of SB, your database may be unusable due to their modifications. " )
# Initialize the config and our threads
sickbeard . initialize ( consoleLogging = consoleLogging )
sickbeard . showList = [ ]
if sickbeard . DAEMON :
daemonize ( )
# Use this PID for everything
sickbeard . PID = os . getpid ( )
if forcedPort :
logger . log ( u " Forcing web server to port " + str ( forcedPort ) )
startPort = forcedPort
else :
startPort = sickbeard . WEB_PORT
if sickbeard . WEB_LOG :
log_dir = sickbeard . LOG_DIR
else :
log_dir = None
# sickbeard.WEB_HOST is available as a configuration value in various
# places but is not configurable. It is supported here for historic reasons.
if sickbeard . WEB_HOST and sickbeard . WEB_HOST != ' ' :
webhost = sickbeard . WEB_HOST
else :
if sickbeard . WEB_IPV6 :
webhost = ' :: '
else :
webhost = ' '
try :
initWebServer ( {
' port ' : startPort ,
' host ' : webhost ,
' data_root ' : os . path . join ( sickbeard . PROG_DIR , ' gui/ ' + sickbeard . GUI_NAME ) ,
' web_root ' : sickbeard . WEB_ROOT ,
' log_dir ' : log_dir ,
' username ' : sickbeard . WEB_USERNAME ,
' password ' : sickbeard . WEB_PASSWORD ,
' enable_https ' : sickbeard . ENABLE_HTTPS ,
' https_cert ' : sickbeard . HTTPS_CERT ,
' https_key ' : sickbeard . HTTPS_KEY ,
} )
except IOError :
logger . log ( u " Unable to start web server, is something else running on port %d ? " % startPort , logger . ERROR )
if sickbeard . LAUNCH_BROWSER and not sickbeard . DAEMON :
logger . log ( u " Launching browser and exiting " , logger . ERROR )
sickbeard . launchBrowser ( startPort )
sys . exit ( )
# Build from the DB to start with
logger . log ( u " Loading initial show list " )
loadShowsFromDB ( )
# Fire up all our threads
sickbeard . start ( )
# Launch browser if we're supposed to
if sickbeard . LAUNCH_BROWSER and not noLaunch and not sickbeard . DAEMON :
sickbeard . launchBrowser ( startPort )
# Start an update if we're supposed to
if forceUpdate or sickbeard . UPDATE_SHOWS_ON_START :
sickbeard . showUpdateScheduler . action . run ( force = True ) # @UndefinedVariable
# Stay alive while my threads do the work
while ( True ) :
if sickbeard . invoked_command :
sickbeard . invoked_command ( )
sickbeard . invoked_command = None
time . sleep ( 1 )
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
if sys . hexversion > = 0x020600F0 :
freeze_support ( )
main ( )