2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
# Author: Nic Wolfe <nic@wolfeden.ca>
# URL: http://code.google.com/p/sickbeard/
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os . path
import xml . etree . cElementTree as etree
import re
import sickbeard
from sickbeard import exceptions , helpers
from sickbeard . metadata import helpers as metadata_helpers
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard import encodingKludge as ek
from sickbeard . exceptions import ex
2014-03-14 16:42:44 -07:00
from sickbeard . show_name_helpers import allPossibleShowNames
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
from lib . tmdb_api . tmdb_api import TMDB
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
from sickbeard . indexers import indexer_api , indexer_exceptions
class GenericMetadata ( ) :
Base class for all metadata providers . Default behavior is meant to mostly
follow XBMC 12 + metadata standards . Has support for :
- show metadata file
- episode metadata file
- episode thumbnail
- show fanart
- show poster
- show banner
- season thumbnails ( poster )
- season thumbnails ( banner )
- season all poster
- season all banner
def __init__ ( self ,
show_metadata = False ,
episode_metadata = False ,
fanart = False ,
poster = False ,
banner = False ,
episode_thumbnails = False ,
season_posters = False ,
season_banners = False ,
season_all_poster = False ,
season_all_banner = False ) :
self . name = " Generic "
self . _ep_nfo_extension = " nfo "
self . _show_metadata_filename = " tvshow.nfo "
self . fanart_name = " fanart.jpg "
self . poster_name = " poster.jpg "
self . banner_name = " banner.jpg "
self . season_all_poster_name = " season-all-poster.jpg "
self . season_all_banner_name = " season-all-banner.jpg "
self . show_metadata = show_metadata
self . episode_metadata = episode_metadata
self . fanart = fanart
self . poster = poster
self . banner = banner
self . episode_thumbnails = episode_thumbnails
self . season_posters = season_posters
self . season_banners = season_banners
self . season_all_poster = season_all_poster
self . season_all_banner = season_all_banner
def get_config ( self ) :
config_list = [ self . show_metadata , self . episode_metadata , self . fanart , self . poster , self . banner , self . episode_thumbnails , self . season_posters , self . season_banners , self . season_all_poster , self . season_all_banner ]
return ' | ' . join ( [ str ( int ( x ) ) for x in config_list ] )
def get_id ( self ) :
return GenericMetadata . makeID ( self . name )
def makeID ( name ) :
name_id = re . sub ( " [+] " , " plus " , name )
name_id = re . sub ( " [^ \ w \ d_] " , " _ " , name_id ) . lower ( )
return name_id
def set_config ( self , string ) :
config_list = [ bool ( int ( x ) ) for x in string . split ( ' | ' ) ]
self . show_metadata = config_list [ 0 ]
self . episode_metadata = config_list [ 1 ]
self . fanart = config_list [ 2 ]
self . poster = config_list [ 3 ]
self . banner = config_list [ 4 ]
self . episode_thumbnails = config_list [ 5 ]
self . season_posters = config_list [ 6 ]
self . season_banners = config_list [ 7 ]
self . season_all_poster = config_list [ 8 ]
self . season_all_banner = config_list [ 9 ]
def _has_show_metadata ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_show_file_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_show_file_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_episode_metadata ( self , ep_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_episode_file_path ( ep_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_episode_file_path ( ep_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_fanart ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_fanart_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_fanart_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_poster ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_poster_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_poster_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_banner ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_banner_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_banner_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_episode_thumb ( self , ep_obj ) :
location = self . get_episode_thumb_path ( ep_obj )
result = location != None and ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , location )
if location :
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_season_poster ( self , show_obj , season ) :
location = self . get_season_poster_path ( show_obj , season )
result = location != None and ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , location )
if location :
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_season_banner ( self , show_obj , season ) :
location = self . get_season_banner_path ( show_obj , season )
result = location != None and ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , location )
if location :
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + location + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_season_all_poster ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_season_all_poster_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_season_all_poster_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def _has_season_all_banner ( self , show_obj ) :
result = ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , self . get_season_all_banner_path ( show_obj ) )
logger . log ( u " Checking if " + self . get_season_all_banner_path ( show_obj ) + " exists: " + str ( result ) , logger . DEBUG )
return result
def get_show_file_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . _show_metadata_filename )
def get_episode_file_path ( self , ep_obj ) :
return helpers . replaceExtension ( ep_obj . location , self . _ep_nfo_extension )
def get_fanart_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . fanart_name )
def get_poster_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . poster_name )
def get_banner_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . banner_name )
def get_episode_thumb_path ( self , ep_obj ) :
Returns the path where the episode thumbnail should be stored .
ep_obj : a TVEpisode instance for which to create the thumbnail
if ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , ep_obj . location ) :
tbn_filename = ep_obj . location . rpartition ( " . " )
if tbn_filename [ 0 ] == " " :
tbn_filename = ep_obj . location + " -thumb.jpg "
else :
tbn_filename = tbn_filename [ 0 ] + " -thumb.jpg "
else :
return None
return tbn_filename
def get_season_poster_path ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Returns the full path to the file for a given season poster .
show_obj : a TVShow instance for which to generate the path
season : a season number to be used for the path . Note that season 0
means specials .
# Our specials thumbnail is, well, special
if season == 0 :
season_poster_filename = ' season-specials '
else :
season_poster_filename = ' season ' + str ( season ) . zfill ( 2 )
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , season_poster_filename + ' -poster.jpg ' )
def get_season_banner_path ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Returns the full path to the file for a given season banner .
show_obj : a TVShow instance for which to generate the path
season : a season number to be used for the path . Note that season 0
means specials .
# Our specials thumbnail is, well, special
if season == 0 :
season_banner_filename = ' season-specials '
else :
season_banner_filename = ' season ' + str ( season ) . zfill ( 2 )
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , season_banner_filename + ' -banner.jpg ' )
def get_season_all_poster_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . season_all_poster_name )
def get_season_all_banner_path ( self , show_obj ) :
return ek . ek ( os . path . join , show_obj . location , self . season_all_banner_name )
def _show_data ( self , show_obj ) :
This should be overridden by the implementing class . It should
provide the content of the show metadata file .
return None
def _ep_data ( self , ep_obj ) :
This should be overridden by the implementing class . It should
provide the content of the episode metadata file .
return None
def create_show_metadata ( self , show_obj , force = False ) :
if self . show_metadata and show_obj and ( not self . _has_show_metadata ( show_obj ) or force ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating show metadata for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . write_show_file ( show_obj )
return False
def create_episode_metadata ( self , ep_obj , force = False ) :
if self . episode_metadata and ep_obj and ( not self . _has_episode_metadata ( ep_obj ) or force ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating episode metadata for " + ep_obj . prettyName ( ) , logger . DEBUG )
return self . write_ep_file ( ep_obj )
return False
def create_fanart ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . fanart and show_obj and not self . _has_fanart ( show_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating fanart for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_fanart ( show_obj )
return False
def create_poster ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . poster and show_obj and not self . _has_poster ( show_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating poster for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_poster ( show_obj )
return False
def create_banner ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . banner and show_obj and not self . _has_banner ( show_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating banner for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_banner ( show_obj )
return False
def create_episode_thumb ( self , ep_obj ) :
if self . episode_thumbnails and ep_obj and not self . _has_episode_thumb ( ep_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating episode thumbnail for " + ep_obj . prettyName ( ) , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_thumbnail ( ep_obj )
return False
def create_season_posters ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . season_posters and show_obj :
result = [ ]
for season , episodes in show_obj . episodes . iteritems ( ) : # @UnusedVariable
if not self . _has_season_poster ( show_obj , season ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating season posters for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
result = result + [ self . save_season_posters ( show_obj , season ) ]
return all ( result )
return False
def create_season_banners ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . season_banners and show_obj :
result = [ ]
for season , episodes in show_obj . episodes . iteritems ( ) : # @UnusedVariable
if not self . _has_season_banner ( show_obj , season ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating season banners for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
result = result + [ self . save_season_banners ( show_obj , season ) ]
return all ( result )
return False
def create_season_all_poster ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . season_all_poster and show_obj and not self . _has_season_all_poster ( show_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating season all poster for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_season_all_poster ( show_obj )
return False
def create_season_all_banner ( self , show_obj ) :
if self . season_all_banner and show_obj and not self . _has_season_all_banner ( show_obj ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata provider " + self . name + " creating season all banner for " + show_obj . name , logger . DEBUG )
return self . save_season_all_banner ( show_obj )
return False
def _get_episode_thumb_url ( self , ep_obj ) :
Returns the URL to use for downloading an episode ' s thumbnail. Uses
2014-03-10 19:32:02 -07:00
theTVDB . com and TVRage . com data .
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
ep_obj : a TVEpisode object for which to grab the thumb URL
all_eps = [ ep_obj ] + ep_obj . relatedEps
indexer_lang = ep_obj . show . lang
# get a TVDB object
try :
# There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
# change the language value elsewhere
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = { ' indexer ' : ep_obj . show . indexer }
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' actors ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if indexer_lang and not indexer_lang == ' en ' :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' language ' ] = indexer_lang
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if ep_obj . show . dvdorder != 0 :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' dvdorder ' ] = True
t = indexer_api . indexerApi ( * * lINDEXER_API_PARMS )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
indexer_show_obj = t [ ep_obj . show . indexerid ]
except indexer_exceptions . indexer_shownotfound , e :
raise exceptions . ShowNotFoundException ( e . message )
except indexer_exceptions . indexer_error , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to connect to " + ep_obj . show . indexer + " while creating meta files - skipping - " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return None
# try all included episodes in case some have thumbs and others don't
for cur_ep in all_eps :
try :
myEp = indexer_show_obj [ cur_ep . season ] [ cur_ep . episode ]
except ( indexer_exceptions . indexer_episodenotfound , indexer_exceptions . indexer_seasonnotfound ) :
2014-03-10 16:58:37 -07:00
logger . log ( u " Unable to find episode " + str ( cur_ep . season ) + " x " + str ( cur_ep . episode ) + " on " + ep_obj . show . indexer + " .. has it been removed? Should I delete from db? " )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
thumb_url = getattr ( myEp , ' filename ' , None )
if thumb_url is not None :
return thumb_url
return None
def write_show_file ( self , show_obj ) :
Generates and writes show_obj ' s metadata under the given path to the
filename given by get_show_file_path ( )
show_obj : TVShow object for which to create the metadata
path : An absolute or relative path where we should put the file . Note that
the file name will be the default show_file_name .
Note that this method expects that _show_data will return an ElementTree
object . If your _show_data returns data in another format you ' ll need to
override this method .
data = self . _show_data ( show_obj )
if not data :
return False
nfo_file_path = self . get_show_file_path ( show_obj )
nfo_file_dir = ek . ek ( os . path . dirname , nfo_file_path )
try :
if not ek . ek ( os . path . isdir , nfo_file_dir ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata dir didn ' t exist, creating it at " + nfo_file_dir , logger . DEBUG )
ek . ek ( os . makedirs , nfo_file_dir )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( nfo_file_dir )
logger . log ( u " Writing show nfo file to " + nfo_file_path , logger . DEBUG )
nfo_file = ek . ek ( open , nfo_file_path , ' w ' )
data . write ( nfo_file , encoding = " utf-8 " )
nfo_file . close ( )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( nfo_file_path )
except IOError , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to write file to " + nfo_file_path + " - are you sure the folder is writable? " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return False
return True
def write_ep_file ( self , ep_obj ) :
Generates and writes ep_obj ' s metadata under the given path with the
given filename root . Uses the episode ' s name with the extension in
_ep_nfo_extension .
ep_obj : TVEpisode object for which to create the metadata
file_name_path : The file name to use for this metadata . Note that the extension
will be automatically added based on _ep_nfo_extension . This should
include an absolute path .
Note that this method expects that _ep_data will return an ElementTree
object . If your _ep_data returns data in another format you ' ll need to
override this method .
data = self . _ep_data ( ep_obj )
if not data :
return False
nfo_file_path = self . get_episode_file_path ( ep_obj )
nfo_file_dir = ek . ek ( os . path . dirname , nfo_file_path )
try :
if not ek . ek ( os . path . isdir , nfo_file_dir ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata dir didn ' t exist, creating it at " + nfo_file_dir , logger . DEBUG )
ek . ek ( os . makedirs , nfo_file_dir )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( nfo_file_dir )
logger . log ( u " Writing episode nfo file to " + nfo_file_path , logger . DEBUG )
nfo_file = ek . ek ( open , nfo_file_path , ' w ' )
data . write ( nfo_file , encoding = " utf-8 " )
nfo_file . close ( )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( nfo_file_path )
except IOError , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to write file to " + nfo_file_path + " - are you sure the folder is writable? " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return False
return True
def save_thumbnail ( self , ep_obj ) :
Retrieves a thumbnail and saves it to the correct spot . This method should not need to
be overridden by implementing classes , changing get_episode_thumb_path and
_get_episode_thumb_url should suffice .
ep_obj : a TVEpisode object for which to generate a thumbnail
file_path = self . get_episode_thumb_path ( ep_obj )
if not file_path :
logger . log ( u " Unable to find a file path to use for this thumbnail, not generating it " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
thumb_url = self . _get_episode_thumb_url ( ep_obj )
# if we can't find one then give up
if not thumb_url :
logger . log ( u " No thumb is available for this episode, not creating a thumb " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
thumb_data = metadata_helpers . getShowImage ( thumb_url )
result = self . _write_image ( thumb_data , file_path )
if not result :
return False
for cur_ep in [ ep_obj ] + ep_obj . relatedEps :
cur_ep . hastbn = True
return True
def save_fanart ( self , show_obj , which = None ) :
Downloads a fanart image and saves it to the filename specified by fanart_name
inside the show ' s root folder.
show_obj : a TVShow object for which to download fanart
# use the default fanart name
fanart_path = self . get_fanart_path ( show_obj )
fanart_data = self . _retrieve_show_image ( ' fanart ' , show_obj , which )
if not fanart_data :
logger . log ( u " No fanart image was retrieved, unable to write fanart " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
return self . _write_image ( fanart_data , fanart_path )
def save_poster ( self , show_obj , which = None ) :
Downloads a poster image and saves it to the filename specified by poster_name
inside the show ' s root folder.
show_obj : a TVShow object for which to download a poster
# use the default poster name
poster_path = self . get_poster_path ( show_obj )
poster_data = self . _retrieve_show_image ( ' poster ' , show_obj , which )
if not poster_data :
logger . log ( u " No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write poster " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
return self . _write_image ( poster_data , poster_path )
def save_banner ( self , show_obj , which = None ) :
Downloads a banner image and saves it to the filename specified by banner_name
inside the show ' s root folder.
show_obj : a TVShow object for which to download a banner
# use the default banner name
banner_path = self . get_banner_path ( show_obj )
banner_data = self . _retrieve_show_image ( ' banner ' , show_obj , which )
if not banner_data :
logger . log ( u " No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write banner " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
return self . _write_image ( banner_data , banner_path )
def save_season_posters ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Saves all season posters to disk for the given show .
show_obj : a TVShow object for which to save the season thumbs
Cycles through all seasons and saves the season posters if possible . This
method should not need to be overridden by implementing classes , changing
_season_posters_dict and get_season_poster_path should be good enough .
season_dict = self . _season_posters_dict ( show_obj , season )
result = [ ]
# Returns a nested dictionary of season art with the season
# number as primary key. It's really overkill but gives the option
# to present to user via ui to pick down the road.
for cur_season in season_dict :
cur_season_art = season_dict [ cur_season ]
if len ( cur_season_art ) == 0 :
# Just grab whatever's there for now
art_id , season_url = cur_season_art . popitem ( ) # @UnusedVariable
season_poster_file_path = self . get_season_poster_path ( show_obj , cur_season )
if not season_poster_file_path :
logger . log ( u " Path for season " + str ( cur_season ) + " came back blank, skipping this season " , logger . DEBUG )
seasonData = metadata_helpers . getShowImage ( season_url )
if not seasonData :
logger . log ( u " No season poster data available, skipping this season " , logger . DEBUG )
result = result + [ self . _write_image ( seasonData , season_poster_file_path ) ]
if result :
return all ( result )
else :
return False
return True
def save_season_banners ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Saves all season banners to disk for the given show .
show_obj : a TVShow object for which to save the season thumbs
Cycles through all seasons and saves the season banners if possible . This
method should not need to be overridden by implementing classes , changing
_season_banners_dict and get_season_banner_path should be good enough .
season_dict = self . _season_banners_dict ( show_obj , season )
result = [ ]
# Returns a nested dictionary of season art with the season
# number as primary key. It's really overkill but gives the option
# to present to user via ui to pick down the road.
for cur_season in season_dict :
cur_season_art = season_dict [ cur_season ]
if len ( cur_season_art ) == 0 :
# Just grab whatever's there for now
art_id , season_url = cur_season_art . popitem ( ) # @UnusedVariable
season_banner_file_path = self . get_season_banner_path ( show_obj , cur_season )
if not season_banner_file_path :
logger . log ( u " Path for season " + str ( cur_season ) + " came back blank, skipping this season " , logger . DEBUG )
seasonData = metadata_helpers . getShowImage ( season_url )
if not seasonData :
logger . log ( u " No season banner data available, skipping this season " , logger . DEBUG )
result = result + [ self . _write_image ( seasonData , season_banner_file_path ) ]
if result :
return all ( result )
else :
return False
return True
def save_season_all_poster ( self , show_obj , which = None ) :
# use the default season all poster name
poster_path = self . get_season_all_poster_path ( show_obj )
poster_data = self . _retrieve_show_image ( ' poster ' , show_obj , which )
if not poster_data :
logger . log ( u " No show poster image was retrieved, unable to write season all poster " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
return self . _write_image ( poster_data , poster_path )
def save_season_all_banner ( self , show_obj , which = None ) :
# use the default season all banner name
banner_path = self . get_season_all_banner_path ( show_obj )
banner_data = self . _retrieve_show_image ( ' banner ' , show_obj , which )
if not banner_data :
logger . log ( u " No show banner image was retrieved, unable to write season all banner " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
return self . _write_image ( banner_data , banner_path )
def _write_image ( self , image_data , image_path ) :
Saves the data in image_data to the location image_path . Returns True / False
to represent success or failure .
image_data : binary image data to write to file
image_path : file location to save the image to
# don't bother overwriting it
if ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , image_path ) :
logger . log ( u " Image already exists, not downloading " , logger . DEBUG )
return False
if not image_data :
logger . log ( u " Unable to retrieve image, skipping " , logger . WARNING )
return False
image_dir = ek . ek ( os . path . dirname , image_path )
try :
if not ek . ek ( os . path . isdir , image_dir ) :
logger . log ( u " Metadata dir didn ' t exist, creating it at " + image_dir , logger . DEBUG )
ek . ek ( os . makedirs , image_dir )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( image_dir )
outFile = ek . ek ( open , image_path , ' wb ' )
outFile . write ( image_data )
outFile . close ( )
helpers . chmodAsParent ( image_path )
except IOError , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to write image to " + image_path + " - are you sure the show folder is writable? " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return False
return True
def _retrieve_show_image ( self , image_type , show_obj , which = None ) :
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
Gets an image URL from theTVDB . com and TMDB . com , downloads it and returns the data .
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
image_type : type of image to retrieve ( currently supported : fanart , poster , banner )
show_obj : a TVShow object to use when searching for the image
which : optional , a specific numbered poster to look for
Returns : the binary image data if available , or else None
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
image_url = None
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
indexer_lang = show_obj . lang
try :
# There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
# change the language value elsewhere
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = { ' indexer ' : show_obj . indexer }
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' banners ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if indexer_lang and not indexer_lang == ' en ' :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' language ' ] = indexer_lang
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if show_obj . dvdorder != 0 :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' dvdorder ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
t = indexer_api . indexerApi ( * * lINDEXER_API_PARMS )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
indexer_show_obj = t [ show_obj . indexerid ]
except ( indexer_exceptions . indexer_error , IOError ) , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to look up show on " + show_obj . indexer + " , not downloading images: " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return None
if image_type not in ( ' fanart ' , ' poster ' , ' banner ' , ' poster_thumb ' , ' banner_thumb ' ) :
logger . log ( u " Invalid image type " + str ( image_type ) + " , couldn ' t find it in the " + show_obj . indexer + " object " , logger . ERROR )
return None
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
if image_type == ' poster_thumb ' :
if getattr ( indexer_show_obj , ' poster ' , None ) is not None :
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
image_url = re . sub ( ' posters ' , ' _cache/posters ' , indexer_show_obj [ ' poster ' ] )
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
elif image_type == ' banner_thumb ' :
if getattr ( indexer_show_obj , ' banner ' , None ) is not None :
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
image_url = re . sub ( ' graphical ' , ' _cache/graphical ' , indexer_show_obj [ ' banner ' ] )
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
else :
2014-03-13 20:07:15 -07:00
if getattr ( indexer_show_obj , image_type , None ) is not None :
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
image_url = indexer_show_obj [ image_type ]
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
# Try and get posters and fanart from TMDB
if image_url is None :
2014-03-14 16:42:44 -07:00
for show_name in set ( allPossibleShowNames ( show_obj ) ) :
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
if image_type in ( ' poster ' , ' poster_thumb ' ) :
2014-03-14 16:42:44 -07:00
image_url = self . _retrieve_show_images_from_tmdb ( show_name , poster = True )
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
elif image_type == ' fanart ' :
2014-03-14 16:42:44 -07:00
image_url = self . _retrieve_show_images_from_tmdb ( show_name , backdrop = True )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
if image_url :
if image_url :
image_data = metadata_helpers . getShowImage ( image_url , which )
return image_data
return None
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
def _season_posters_dict ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Should return a dict like :
result = { < season number > :
{ 1 : ' <url 1> ' , 2 : < url 2 > , . . . } , }
# This holds our resulting dictionary of season art
result = { }
indexer_lang = show_obj . lang
try :
# There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
# change the language value elsewhere
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = { ' indexer ' : show_obj . indexer }
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' banners ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if indexer_lang and not indexer_lang == ' en ' :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' language ' ] = indexer_lang
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if show_obj . dvdorder != 0 :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' dvdorder ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
t = indexer_api . indexerApi ( * * lINDEXER_API_PARMS )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
indexer_show_obj = t [ show_obj . indexerid ]
except ( indexer_exceptions . indexer_error , IOError ) , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to look up show on " + show_obj . indexer + " , not downloading images: " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return result
# if we have no season banners then just finish
if getattr ( indexer_show_obj , ' _banners ' , None ) is None or ' season ' not in indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] or ' season ' not in indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] [ ' season ' ] :
return result
# Give us just the normal poster-style season graphics
seasonsArtObj = indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] [ ' season ' ] [ ' season ' ]
# Returns a nested dictionary of season art with the season
# number as primary key. It's really overkill but gives the option
# to present to user via ui to pick down the road.
result [ season ] = { }
2014-03-10 19:32:02 -07:00
# find the correct season in the TVDB and TVRAGE object and just copy the dict into our result dict
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
for seasonArtID in seasonsArtObj . keys ( ) :
if int ( seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' season ' ] ) == season and seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' language ' ] == ' en ' :
result [ season ] [ seasonArtID ] = seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' _bannerpath ' ]
return result
def _season_banners_dict ( self , show_obj , season ) :
Should return a dict like :
result = { < season number > :
{ 1 : ' <url 1> ' , 2 : < url 2 > , . . . } , }
# This holds our resulting dictionary of season art
result = { }
indexer_lang = show_obj . lang
try :
# There's gotta be a better way of doing this but we don't wanna
# change the language value elsewhere
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS = { ' indexer ' : show_obj . indexer }
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' banners ' ] = True
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if indexer_lang and not indexer_lang == ' en ' :
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
lINDEXER_API_PARMS [ ' language ' ] = indexer_lang
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
2014-03-11 22:28:30 -07:00
t = indexer_api . indexerApi ( * * lINDEXER_API_PARMS )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
indexer_show_obj = t [ show_obj . indexerid ]
except ( indexer_exceptions . indexer_error , IOError ) , e :
logger . log ( u " Unable to look up show on " + show_obj . indexer + " , not downloading images: " + ex ( e ) , logger . ERROR )
return result
# if we have no season banners then just finish
if ' season ' not in indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] or ' seasonwide ' not in indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] [ ' season ' ] :
return result
# Give us just the normal season graphics
seasonsArtObj = indexer_show_obj [ ' _banners ' ] [ ' season ' ] [ ' seasonwide ' ]
# Returns a nested dictionary of season art with the season
# number as primary key. It's really overkill but gives the option
# to present to user via ui to pick down the road.
result [ season ] = { }
2014-03-10 19:32:02 -07:00
# find the correct season in the TVDB and TVRAGE object and just copy the dict into our result dict
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
for seasonArtID in seasonsArtObj . keys ( ) :
if int ( seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' season ' ] ) == season and seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' language ' ] == ' en ' :
result [ season ] [ seasonArtID ] = seasonsArtObj [ seasonArtID ] [ ' _bannerpath ' ]
return result
def retrieveShowMetadata ( self , folder ) :
Used only when mass adding Existing Shows , using previously generated Show metadata to reduce the need to query TVDB .
empty_return = ( None , None , None )
metadata_path = ek . ek ( os . path . join , folder , self . _show_metadata_filename )
if not ek . ek ( os . path . isdir , folder ) or not ek . ek ( os . path . isfile , metadata_path ) :
logger . log ( u " Can ' t load the metadata file from " + repr ( metadata_path ) + " , it doesn ' t exist " , logger . DEBUG )
return empty_return
logger . log ( u " Loading show info from metadata file in " + folder , logger . DEBUG )
try :
with ek . ek ( open , metadata_path , ' r ' ) as xmlFileObj :
showXML = etree . ElementTree ( file = xmlFileObj )
if showXML . findtext ( ' title ' ) == None \
or ( showXML . findtext ( ' tvdbid ' ) == None and showXML . findtext ( ' id ' ) == None ) :
logger . log ( u " Invalid info in tvshow.nfo (missing name or id): " \
+ str ( showXML . findtext ( ' title ' ) ) + " " \
+ str ( showXML . findtext ( ' indexer ' ) ) + " " \
+ str ( showXML . findtext ( ' tvdbid ' ) ) + " " \
+ str ( showXML . findtext ( ' id ' ) ) )
return empty_return
name = showXML . findtext ( ' title ' )
2014-03-10 16:58:37 -07:00
indexer = showXML . findtext ( ' indexer ' )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
if showXML . findtext ( ' tvdbid ' ) != None :
indexer_id = int ( showXML . findtext ( ' tvdbid ' ) )
elif showXML . findtext ( ' id ' ) != None :
indexer_id = int ( showXML . findtext ( ' id ' ) )
else :
logger . log ( u " Empty <id> or <tvdbid> field in NFO, unable to find a ID " , logger . WARNING )
return empty_return
if indexer_id is None :
logger . log ( u " Invalid indexer ID ( " + str ( indexer_id ) + " ), not using metadata file " , logger . WARNING )
return empty_return
except Exception , e :
logger . log ( u " There was an error parsing your existing metadata file: ' " + metadata_path + " ' error: " + ex ( e ) , logger . WARNING )
return empty_return
return ( indexer_id , name , indexer )
2014-03-13 05:20:45 -07:00
def _retrieve_show_images_from_tmdb ( self , name , id = None , backdrop = False , poster = False ) :
tmdb = TMDB ( sickbeard . TMDB_API_KEY )
result = None
# get TMDB configuration info
config = tmdb . Configuration ( )
response = config . info ( )
base_url = response [ ' images ' ] [ ' base_url ' ]
sizes = response [ ' images ' ] [ ' poster_sizes ' ]
def size_str_to_int ( x ) :
return float ( " inf " ) if x == ' original ' else int ( x [ 1 : ] )
max_size = max ( sizes , key = size_str_to_int )
try :
if id is None :
search = tmdb . Search ( )
response = search . collection ( { ' query ' : name } )
id = response [ ' results ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' id ' ]
result = tmdb . Collections ( id )
except :
try :
if id is None :
search = tmdb . Search ( )
response = search . tv ( { ' query ' : name } )
id = response [ ' results ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' id ' ]
result = tmdb . TV ( id )
except :
return None
return None
if result is None :
return None
images = result . images ( )
# get backdrop urls
if backdrop :
rel_path = images [ ' backdrops ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' file_path ' ]
url = " {0} {1} {2} " . format ( base_url , max_size , rel_path )
return url
# get poster urls
if poster :
rel_path = images [ ' posters ' ] [ 0 ] [ ' file_path ' ]
url = " {0} {1} {2} " . format ( base_url , max_size , rel_path )
return url
return None