2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
# This file is part of Sick Beard.
# Sick Beard is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Sick Beard is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Sick Beard. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Created on Sep 20, 2012
# @author: Dermot Buckley <dermot@buckley.ie>
# @copyright: Dermot Buckley
import time
import traceback
try :
import json
except ImportError :
from lib import simplejson as json
from sickbeard import logger
from sickbeard import db
from sickbeard . helpers import getURL
from sickbeard . exceptions import ex
from lib import requests
MAX_XEM_AGE_SECS = 86400 # 1 day
_schema_created = False
def _check_for_schema ( ) :
global _schema_created
if not _schema_created :
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
myDB . action ( ' CREATE TABLE if not exists scene_numbering (indexer_id INTEGER, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, scene_season INTEGER, scene_episode INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (indexer_id, season, episode)) ' )
cacheDB . action ( ' CREATE TABLE if not exists xem_numbering (indexer_id INTEGER, season INTEGER, episode INTEGER, scene_season INTEGER, scene_episode INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (indexer_id, season, episode)) ' )
cacheDB . action ( ' CREATE TABLE if not exists xem_refresh (indexer_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, last_refreshed INTEGER) ' )
_schema_created = True
def get_scene_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode , fallback_to_xem = True ) :
Returns a tuple , ( season , episode ) , with the scene numbering ( if there is one ) ,
otherwise returns the xem numbering ( if fallback_to_xem is set ) , otherwise
2014-03-10 19:32:02 -07:00
returns the TVDB and TVRAGE numbering .
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( so the return values will always be set )
@param indexer_id : int
@param season : int
@param episode : int
@param fallback_to_xem : bool If set ( the default ) , check xem for matches if there is no local scene numbering
@return : ( int , int ) a tuple with ( season , episode )
if indexer_id is None or season is None or episode is None :
return ( season , episode )
result = find_scene_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode )
if result :
return result
else :
if fallback_to_xem :
xem_result = find_xem_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode )
if xem_result :
return xem_result
return ( season , episode )
def find_scene_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode ) :
Same as get_scene_numbering ( ) , but returns None if scene numbering is not set
if indexer_id is None or season is None or episode is None :
return ( season , episode )
_check_for_schema ( )
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
rows = myDB . select ( " SELECT scene_season, scene_episode FROM scene_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and season = ? and episode = ? " , [ indexer_id , season , episode ] )
if rows :
return ( int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " scene_season " ] ) , int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " scene_episode " ] ) )
else :
return ( season , episode )
def get_indexer_numbering ( indexer_id , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode , fallback_to_xem = True ) :
2014-03-10 19:32:02 -07:00
Returns a tuple , ( season , episode ) with the TVDB and TVRAGE numbering for ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode )
2014-03-09 22:18:05 -07:00
( this works like the reverse of get_scene_numbering )
if indexer_id is None or sceneSeason is None or sceneEpisode is None :
return ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode )
_check_for_schema ( )
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
rows = myDB . select ( " SELECT season, episode FROM scene_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_season = ? and scene_episode = ? " , [ indexer_id , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ] )
if rows :
return ( int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " season " ] ) , int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " episode " ] ) )
else :
if fallback_to_xem :
return get_indexer_numbering_for_xem ( indexer_id , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode )
return ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode )
def get_scene_numbering_for_show ( indexer_id ) :
Returns a dict of ( season , episode ) : ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ) mappings
for an entire show . Both the keys and values of the dict are tuples .
Will be empty if there are no scene numbers set
if indexer_id is None :
return { }
_check_for_schema ( )
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
rows = myDB . select ( ''' SELECT season, episode, scene_season, scene_episode
FROM scene_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ?
ORDER BY season , episode ''' , [indexer_id])
result = { }
for row in rows :
result [ ( int ( row [ ' season ' ] ) , int ( row [ ' episode ' ] ) ) ] = ( int ( row [ ' scene_season ' ] ) , int ( row [ ' scene_episode ' ] ) )
return result
def set_scene_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode , sceneSeason = None , sceneEpisode = None ) :
Set scene numbering for a season / episode .
To clear the scene numbering , leave both sceneSeason and sceneEpisode as None .
if indexer_id is None or season is None or episode is None :
_check_for_schema ( )
myDB = db . DBConnection ( )
# sanity
#if sceneSeason == None: sceneSeason = season
#if sceneEpisode == None: sceneEpisode = episode
# delete any existing record first
myDB . action ( ' DELETE FROM scene_numbering where indexer_id = ? and season = ? and episode = ? ' , [ indexer_id , season , episode ] )
# now, if the new numbering is not the default, we save a new record
if sceneSeason is not None and sceneEpisode is not None :
myDB . action ( " INSERT INTO scene_numbering (indexer_id, season, episode, scene_season, scene_episode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) " , [ indexer_id , season , episode , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ] )
def find_xem_numbering ( indexer_id , season , episode ) :
Returns the scene numbering , as retrieved from xem .
Refreshes / Loads as needed .
@param indexer_id : int
@param season : int
@param episode : int
@return : ( int , int ) a tuple of scene_season , scene_episode , or None if there is no special mapping .
if indexer_id is None or season is None or episode is None :
return None
_check_for_schema ( )
if _xem_refresh_needed ( indexer_id ) :
_xem_refresh ( indexer_id )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
rows = cacheDB . select ( " SELECT scene_season, scene_episode FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and season = ? and episode = ? " , [ indexer_id , season , episode ] )
if rows :
return ( int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " scene_season " ] ) , int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " scene_episode " ] ) )
else :
return None
def get_indexer_numbering_for_xem ( indexer_id , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ) :
Reverse of find_xem_numbering : lookup a tvdb season and episode using scene numbering
@param indexer_id : int
@param sceneSeason : int
@param sceneEpisode : int
@return : ( int , int ) a tuple of ( season , episode )
if indexer_id is None or sceneSeason is None or sceneEpisode is None :
return None
_check_for_schema ( )
if _xem_refresh_needed ( indexer_id ) :
_xem_refresh ( indexer_id )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
rows = cacheDB . select ( " SELECT season, episode FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? and scene_season = ? and scene_episode = ? " , [ indexer_id , sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ] )
if rows :
return ( int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " season " ] ) , int ( rows [ 0 ] [ " episode " ] ) )
else :
return ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode )
def _xem_refresh_needed ( indexer_id ) :
Is a refresh needed on a show ?
@param indexer_id : int
@return : bool
if indexer_id is None :
return False
_check_for_schema ( )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
rows = cacheDB . select ( " SELECT last_refreshed FROM xem_refresh WHERE indexer_id = ? " , [ indexer_id ] )
if rows :
return time . time ( ) > ( int ( rows [ 0 ] [ ' last_refreshed ' ] ) + MAX_XEM_AGE_SECS )
else :
return True
def _xem_refresh ( indexer_id ) :
Refresh data from xem for a tv show
@param indexer_id : int
if indexer_id is None :
try :
logger . log ( u ' Looking up XEM scene mapping for show %s ' % ( indexer_id , ) , logger . DEBUG )
#data = getURL('http://thexem.de/map/all?id=%s&origin=tvdb&destination=scene' % (indexer_id,))
data = requests . get ( ' http://thexem.de/map/all?id= %s &origin=tvdb&destination=scene ' % ( indexer_id , ) ) . json ( )
# http://thexem.de/map/all?id=1640 91&origin=tvdb&destination=scene
if data is None or data == ' ' :
logger . log ( u ' No XEN data for show " %s " , trying TVTumbler ' % ( indexer_id , ) , logger . MESSAGE )
#data = getURL('http://show-api.tvtumbler.com/api/thexem/all?id=%s&origin=tvdb&destination=scene' % (indexer_id,))
data = requests . get ( ' http://show-api.tvtumbler.com/api/thexem/all?id= %s &origin=tvdb&destination=scene ' % ( indexer_id , ) ) . json ( )
if data is None or data == ' ' :
logger . log ( u ' TVTumbler also failed for show " %s " . giving up. ' % ( indexer_id , ) , logger . MESSAGE )
return None
result = data
if result :
_check_for_schema ( )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
cacheDB . action ( " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO xem_refresh (indexer_id, last_refreshed) VALUES (?,?) " , [ indexer_id , time . time ( ) ] )
if ' success ' in result [ ' result ' ] :
cacheDB . action ( " DELETE FROM xem_numbering where indexer_id = ? " , [ indexer_id ] )
for entry in result [ ' data ' ] :
if ' scene ' in entry :
cacheDB . action ( " INSERT INTO xem_numbering (indexer_id, season, episode, scene_season, scene_episode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) " ,
[ indexer_id , entry [ ' tvdb ' ] [ ' season ' ] , entry [ ' tvdb ' ] [ ' episode ' ] , entry [ ' scene ' ] [ ' season ' ] , entry [ ' scene ' ] [ ' episode ' ] ] )
if ' scene_2 ' in entry : # for doubles
cacheDB . action ( " INSERT INTO xem_numbering (indexer_id, season, episode, scene_season, scene_episode) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?) " ,
[ indexer_id , entry [ ' tvdb ' ] [ ' season ' ] , entry [ ' tvdb ' ] [ ' episode ' ] , entry [ ' scene_2 ' ] [ ' season ' ] , entry [ ' scene_2 ' ] [ ' episode ' ] ] )
#logger.log(u'Found XEM scene data for show %s' % (indexer_id), logger.MESSAGE)
else :
logger . log ( u ' Failed to get XEM scene data for show %s because " %s " ' % ( indexer_id , result [ ' message ' ] ) , logger . MESSAGE )
else :
logger . log ( u " Empty lookup result - no XEM data for show %s " % ( indexer_id , ) , logger . MESSAGE )
except Exception , e :
logger . log ( u " Exception while refreshing XEM data for show " + str ( indexer_id ) + " : " + ex ( e ) , logger . WARNING )
logger . log ( traceback . format_exc ( ) , logger . DEBUG )
return None
def get_xem_numbering_for_show ( indexer_id ) :
Returns a dict of ( season , episode ) : ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ) mappings
for an entire show . Both the keys and values of the dict are tuples .
Will be empty if there are no scene numbers set in xem
if indexer_id is None :
return { }
_check_for_schema ( )
if _xem_refresh_needed ( indexer_id ) :
_xem_refresh ( indexer_id )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
rows = cacheDB . select ( ''' SELECT season, episode, scene_season, scene_episode
FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ?
ORDER BY season , episode ''' , [indexer_id])
result = { }
for row in rows :
result [ ( int ( row [ ' season ' ] ) , int ( row [ ' episode ' ] ) ) ] = ( int ( row [ ' scene_season ' ] ) , int ( row [ ' scene_episode ' ] ) )
return result
def get_xem_numbering_for_season ( indexer_id , season ) :
Returns a dict of ( season , episode ) : ( sceneSeason , sceneEpisode ) mappings
for an entire show . Both the keys and values of the dict are tuples .
Will be empty if there are no scene numbers set
if indexer_id is None or season is None :
return { }
_check_for_schema ( )
if _xem_refresh_needed ( indexer_id ) :
_xem_refresh ( indexer_id )
cacheDB = db . DBConnection ( ' cache.db ' )
rows = cacheDB . select ( ''' SELECT season, scene_season
FROM xem_numbering WHERE indexer_id = ? AND season = ?
ORDER BY season ''' , [indexer_id, season])
result = { }
if rows :
for row in rows :
result . setdefault ( int ( row [ ' season ' ] ) , [ ] ) . append ( int ( row [ ' scene_season ' ] ) )
else :
result . setdefault ( int ( season ) , [ ] ) . append ( int ( season ) )
return result