mirror of https://github.com/moparisthebest/SickRage synced 2025-03-04 02:19:41 -05:00

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ########################## Copyrights and license ############################
# #
# Copyright 2012 Vincent Jacques <vincent@vincent-jacques.net> #
# Copyright 2012 Zearin <zearin@gonk.net> #
# Copyright 2013 AKFish <akfish@gmail.com> #
# Copyright 2013 Vincent Jacques <vincent@vincent-jacques.net> #
# #
# This file is part of PyGithub. http://jacquev6.github.com/PyGithub/ #
# #
# PyGithub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under #
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) #
# any later version. #
# #
# PyGithub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY #
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS #
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more #
# details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License #
# along with PyGithub. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# #
# ##############################################################################
import os
import sys
import unittest
import httplib
import traceback
import github
atLeastPython26 = sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000
atLeastPython3 = sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000
atMostPython32 = sys.hexversion < 0x03030000
if atLeastPython26:
import json
else: # pragma no cover (Covered by all tests with Python 2.5)
import simplejson as json # pragma no cover (Covered by all tests with Python 2.5)
def readLine(file):
if atLeastPython3:
return file.readline().decode("utf-8").strip()
return file.readline().strip()
class FakeHttpResponse:
def __init__(self, status, headers, output):
self.status = status
self.__headers = headers
self.__output = output
def getheaders(self):
return self.__headers
def read(self):
return self.__output
def fixAuthorizationHeader(headers):
if "Authorization" in headers:
if headers["Authorization"].endswith("ZmFrZV9sb2dpbjpmYWtlX3Bhc3N3b3Jk"):
# This special case is here to test the real Authorization header
# sent by PyGithub. It would have avoided issue https://github.com/jacquev6/PyGithub/issues/153
# because we would have seen that Python 3 was not generating the same
# header as Python 2
elif headers["Authorization"].startswith("token "):
headers["Authorization"] = "token private_token_removed"
elif headers["Authorization"].startswith("Basic "):
headers["Authorization"] = "Basic login_and_password_removed"
class RecordingConnection: # pragma no cover (Class useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
def __init__(self, file, protocol, host, port, *args, **kwds):
self.__file = file
self.__protocol = protocol
self.__host = host
self.__port = str(port)
self.__cnx = self._realConnection(host, port, *args, **kwds)
def request(self, verb, url, input, headers):
print verb, url, input, headers,
self.__cnx.request(verb, url, input, headers)
self.__writeLine(input.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''))
def getresponse(self):
res = self.__cnx.getresponse()
status = res.status
print "=>", status
headers = res.getheaders()
output = res.read()
return FakeHttpResponse(status, headers, output)
def close(self):
return self.__cnx.close()
def __writeLine(self, line):
self.__file.write(line + "\n")
class RecordingHttpConnection(RecordingConnection): # pragma no cover (Class useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
_realConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection
def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwds):
RecordingConnection.__init__(self, file, "http", *args, **kwds)
class RecordingHttpsConnection(RecordingConnection): # pragma no cover (Class useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
_realConnection = httplib.HTTPSConnection
def __init__(self, file, *args, **kwds):
RecordingConnection.__init__(self, file, "https", *args, **kwds)
class ReplayingConnection:
def __init__(self, testCase, file, protocol, host, port, *args, **kwds):
self.__testCase = testCase
self.__file = file
self.__protocol = protocol
self.__host = host
self.__port = str(port)
def request(self, verb, url, input, headers):
self.__testCase.assertEqual(self.__protocol, readLine(self.__file))
self.__testCase.assertEqual(verb, readLine(self.__file))
self.__testCase.assertEqual(self.__host, readLine(self.__file))
self.__testCase.assertEqual(self.__port, readLine(self.__file))
self.__testCase.assertEqual(self.__splitUrl(url), self.__splitUrl(readLine(self.__file)))
self.__testCase.assertEqual(headers, eval(readLine(self.__file)))
expectedInput = readLine(self.__file)
if input.startswith("{"):
self.__testCase.assertEqual(json.loads(input.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')), json.loads(expectedInput))
elif atMostPython32: # @todo Test in all cases, including Python 3.3
# In Python 3.3, dicts are not output in the same order as in Python 2.5 -> 3.2.
# So, form-data encoding is not deterministic and is difficult to test.
self.__testCase.assertEqual(input.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''), expectedInput)
def __splitUrl(self, url):
splitedUrl = url.split("?")
if len(splitedUrl) == 1:
return splitedUrl
self.__testCase.assertEqual(len(splitedUrl), 2)
base, qs = splitedUrl
return (base, sorted(qs.split("&")))
def getresponse(self):
status = int(readLine(self.__file))
headers = eval(readLine(self.__file))
output = readLine(self.__file)
return FakeHttpResponse(status, headers, output)
def close(self):
def ReplayingHttpConnection(testCase, file, *args, **kwds):
return ReplayingConnection(testCase, file, "http", *args, **kwds)
def ReplayingHttpsConnection(testCase, file, *args, **kwds):
return ReplayingConnection(testCase, file, "https", *args, **kwds)
class BasicTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
recordMode = False
def setUp(self):
self.__fileName = ""
self.__file = None
if self.recordMode: # pragma no cover (Branch useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
lambda ignored, *args, **kwds: RecordingHttpConnection(self.__openFile("wb"), *args, **kwds),
lambda ignored, *args, **kwds: RecordingHttpsConnection(self.__openFile("wb"), *args, **kwds)
import GithubCredentials
self.login = GithubCredentials.login
self.password = GithubCredentials.password
self.oauth_token = GithubCredentials.oauth_token
# @todo Remove client_id and client_secret from ReplayData (as we already remove login, password and oauth_token)
# self.client_id = GithubCredentials.client_id
# self.client_secret = GithubCredentials.client_secret
lambda ignored, *args, **kwds: ReplayingHttpConnection(self, self.__openFile("rb"), *args, **kwds),
lambda ignored, *args, **kwds: ReplayingHttpsConnection(self, self.__openFile("rb"), *args, **kwds)
self.login = "login"
self.password = "password"
self.oauth_token = "oauth_token"
self.client_id = "client_id"
self.client_secret = "client_secret"
def tearDown(self):
def __openFile(self, mode):
for (_, _, functionName, _) in traceback.extract_stack():
if functionName.startswith("test") or functionName == "setUp" or functionName == "tearDown":
if functionName != "test": # because in class Hook(Framework.TestCase), method testTest calls Hook.test
fileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ReplayData", self.__class__.__name__ + "." + functionName + ".txt")
if fileName != self.__fileName:
self.__fileName = fileName
self.__file = open(self.__fileName, mode)
return self.__file
def __closeReplayFileIfNeeded(self):
if self.__file is not None:
if not self.recordMode: # pragma no branch (Branch useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
self.assertEqual(readLine(self.__file), "")
def assertListKeyEqual(self, elements, key, expectedKeys):
realKeys = [key(element) for element in elements]
self.assertEqual(realKeys, expectedKeys)
def assertListKeyBegin(self, elements, key, expectedKeys):
realKeys = [key(element) for element in elements[: len(expectedKeys)]]
self.assertEqual(realKeys, expectedKeys)
class TestCase(BasicTestCase):
def doCheckFrame(self, obj, frame):
if obj._headers == {} and frame is None:
if obj._headers is None and frame == {}:
self.assertEqual(obj._headers, frame[2])
def getFrameChecker(self):
return lambda requester, obj, frame: self.doCheckFrame(obj, frame)
def setUp(self):
# Set up frame debugging
self.g = github.Github(self.login, self.password)
def activateRecordMode(): # pragma no cover (Function useful only when recording new tests, not used during automated tests)
BasicTestCase.recordMode = True