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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ########################## Copyrights and license ############################
# #
# Copyright 2012 Andrew Bettison <andrewb@zip.com.au> #
# Copyright 2012 Dima Kukushkin <dima@kukushkin.me> #
# Copyright 2012 Michael Woodworth <mwoodworth@upverter.com> #
# Copyright 2012 Petteri Muilu <pmuilu@xena.(none)> #
# Copyright 2012 Steve English <steve.english@navetas.com> #
# Copyright 2012 Vincent Jacques <vincent@vincent-jacques.net> #
# Copyright 2012 Zearin <zearin@gonk.net> #
# Copyright 2013 AKFish <akfish@gmail.com> #
# Copyright 2013 Ed Jackson <ed.jackson@gmail.com> #
# Copyright 2013 Jonathan J Hunt <hunt@braincorporation.com> #
# Copyright 2013 Mark Roddy <markroddy@gmail.com> #
# Copyright 2013 Vincent Jacques <vincent@vincent-jacques.net> #
# #
# This file is part of PyGithub. http://jacquev6.github.com/PyGithub/ #
# #
# PyGithub is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under #
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) #
# any later version. #
# #
# PyGithub is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY #
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS #
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more #
# details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License #
# along with PyGithub. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #
# #
# ##############################################################################
import logging
import httplib
import base64
import urllib
import urlparse
import sys
import Consts
import re
atLeastPython26 = sys.hexversion >= 0x02060000
atLeastPython3 = sys.hexversion >= 0x03000000
if atLeastPython26:
import json
else: # pragma no cover (Covered by all tests with Python 2.5)
import simplejson as json # pragma no cover (Covered by all tests with Python 2.5)
import GithubException
class Requester:
__httpConnectionClass = httplib.HTTPConnection
__httpsConnectionClass = httplib.HTTPSConnection
def injectConnectionClasses(cls, httpConnectionClass, httpsConnectionClass):
cls.__httpConnectionClass = httpConnectionClass
cls.__httpsConnectionClass = httpsConnectionClass
def resetConnectionClasses(cls):
cls.__httpConnectionClass = httplib.HTTPConnection
cls.__httpsConnectionClass = httplib.HTTPSConnection
# For Debug
def setDebugFlag(cls, flag):
cls.DEBUG_FLAG = flag
def setOnCheckMe(cls, onCheckMe):
cls.ON_CHECK_ME = onCheckMe
def NEW_DEBUG_FRAME(self, requestHeader):
Initialize a debug frame with requestHeader
Frame count is updated and will be attached to respond header
The structure of a frame: [requestHeader, statusCode, responseHeader, raw_data]
Some of them may be None
if self.DEBUG_FLAG: # pragma no branch (Flag always set in tests)
new_frame = [requestHeader, None, None, None]
if self._frameCount < self.DEBUG_FRAME_BUFFER_SIZE - 1: # pragma no branch (Should be covered)
self._frameBuffer[0] = new_frame # pragma no cover (Should be covered)
self._frameCount = len(self._frameBuffer) - 1
def DEBUG_ON_RESPONSE(self, statusCode, responseHeader, data):
Update current frame with response
Current frame index will be attached to responseHeader
if self.DEBUG_FLAG: # pragma no branch (Flag always set in tests)
self._frameBuffer[self._frameCount][1:4] = [statusCode, responseHeader, data]
responseHeader[self.DEBUG_HEADER_KEY] = self._frameCount
def check_me(self, obj):
if self.DEBUG_FLAG and self.ON_CHECK_ME is not None: # pragma no branch (Flag always set in tests)
frame = None
if self.DEBUG_HEADER_KEY in obj._headers:
frame_index = obj._headers[self.DEBUG_HEADER_KEY]
frame = self._frameBuffer[frame_index]
self.ON_CHECK_ME(obj, frame)
def _initializeDebugFeature(self):
self._frameCount = 0
self._frameBuffer = []
def __init__(self, login_or_token, password, base_url, timeout, client_id, client_secret, user_agent, per_page):
if password is not None:
login = login_or_token
if atLeastPython3:
self.__authorizationHeader = "Basic " + base64.b64encode((login + ":" + password).encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8").replace('\n', '') # pragma no cover (Covered by Authentication.testAuthorizationHeaderWithXxx with Python 3)
self.__authorizationHeader = "Basic " + base64.b64encode(login + ":" + password).replace('\n', '')
elif login_or_token is not None:
token = login_or_token
self.__authorizationHeader = "token " + token
self.__authorizationHeader = None
self.__base_url = base_url
o = urlparse.urlparse(base_url)
self.__hostname = o.hostname
self.__port = o.port
self.__prefix = o.path
self.__timeout = timeout
self.__scheme = o.scheme
if o.scheme == "https":
self.__connectionClass = self.__httpsConnectionClass
elif o.scheme == "http":
self.__connectionClass = self.__httpConnectionClass
assert False, "Unknown URL scheme"
self.rate_limiting = (-1, -1)
self.rate_limiting_resettime = 0
self.per_page = per_page
self.oauth_scopes = None
self.__clientId = client_id
self.__clientSecret = client_secret
assert user_agent is not None, 'github now requires a user-agent. ' \
'See http://developer.github.com/v3/#user-agent-required'
self.__userAgent = user_agent
def requestJsonAndCheck(self, verb, url, parameters=None, headers=None, input=None, cnx=None):
return self.__check(*self.requestJson(verb, url, parameters, headers, input, cnx))
def requestMultipartAndCheck(self, verb, url, parameters=None, headers=None, input=None):
return self.__check(*self.requestMultipart(verb, url, parameters, headers, input))
def __check(self, status, responseHeaders, output):
output = self.__structuredFromJson(output)
if status >= 400:
raise self.__createException(status, responseHeaders, output)
return responseHeaders, output
def __createException(self, status, headers, output):
if status == 401 and output.get("message") == "Bad credentials":
cls = GithubException.BadCredentialsException
elif status == 401 and 'x-github-otp' in headers and re.match(r'.*required.*', headers['x-github-otp']):
cls = GithubException.TwoFactorException # pragma no cover (Should be covered)
elif status == 403 and output.get("message").startswith("Missing or invalid User Agent string"):
cls = GithubException.BadUserAgentException
elif status == 403 and output.get("message").startswith("API Rate Limit Exceeded"):
cls = GithubException.RateLimitExceededException
elif status == 404 and output.get("message") == "Not Found":
cls = GithubException.UnknownObjectException
cls = GithubException.GithubException
return cls(status, output)
def __structuredFromJson(self, data):
if len(data) == 0:
return None
if atLeastPython3 and isinstance(data, bytes): # pragma no branch (Covered by Issue142.testDecodeJson with Python 3)
data = data.decode("utf-8") # pragma no cover (Covered by Issue142.testDecodeJson with Python 3)
return json.loads(data)
except ValueError, e:
return {'data': data}
def requestJson(self, verb, url, parameters=None, headers=None, input=None, cnx=None):
def encode(input):
return "application/json", json.dumps(input)
return self.__requestEncode(cnx, verb, url, parameters, headers, input, encode)
def requestMultipart(self, verb, url, parameters=None, headers=None, input=None):
def encode(input):
boundary = "----------------------------3c3ba8b523b2"
eol = "\r\n"
encoded_input = ""
for name, value in input.iteritems():
encoded_input += "--" + boundary + eol
encoded_input += "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" + name + "\"" + eol
encoded_input += eol
encoded_input += value + eol
encoded_input += "--" + boundary + "--" + eol
return "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary, encoded_input
return self.__requestEncode(None, verb, url, parameters, headers, input, encode)
def __requestEncode(self, cnx, verb, url, parameters, requestHeaders, input, encode):
assert verb in ["HEAD", "GET", "POST", "PATCH", "PUT", "DELETE"]
if parameters is None:
parameters = dict()
if requestHeaders is None:
requestHeaders = dict()
self.__authenticate(url, requestHeaders, parameters)
requestHeaders["User-Agent"] = self.__userAgent
url = self.__makeAbsoluteUrl(url)
url = self.__addParametersToUrl(url, parameters)
encoded_input = "null"
if input is not None:
requestHeaders["Content-Type"], encoded_input = encode(input)
status, responseHeaders, output = self.__requestRaw(cnx, verb, url, requestHeaders, encoded_input)
if "x-ratelimit-remaining" in responseHeaders and "x-ratelimit-limit" in responseHeaders:
self.rate_limiting = (int(responseHeaders["x-ratelimit-remaining"]), int(responseHeaders["x-ratelimit-limit"]))
if "x-ratelimit-reset" in responseHeaders:
self.rate_limiting_resettime = int(responseHeaders["x-ratelimit-reset"])
if "x-oauth-scopes" in responseHeaders:
self.oauth_scopes = responseHeaders["x-oauth-scopes"].split(", ")
self.DEBUG_ON_RESPONSE(status, responseHeaders, output)
return status, responseHeaders, output
def __requestRaw(self, cnx, verb, url, requestHeaders, input):
if cnx is None:
cnx = self.__createConnection()
assert cnx == "status"
cnx = self.__httpsConnectionClass("status.github.com", 443)
response = cnx.getresponse()
status = response.status
responseHeaders = dict((k.lower(), v) for k, v in response.getheaders())
output = response.read()
self.__log(verb, url, requestHeaders, input, status, responseHeaders, output)
return status, responseHeaders, output
def __authenticate(self, url, requestHeaders, parameters):
if self.__clientId and self.__clientSecret and "client_id=" not in url:
parameters["client_id"] = self.__clientId
parameters["client_secret"] = self.__clientSecret
if self.__authorizationHeader is not None:
requestHeaders["Authorization"] = self.__authorizationHeader
def __makeAbsoluteUrl(self, url):
# URLs generated locally will be relative to __base_url
# URLs returned from the server will start with __base_url
if url.startswith("/"):
url = self.__prefix + url
o = urlparse.urlparse(url)
assert o.scheme == self.__scheme or o.scheme == "https" and self.__scheme == "http" # Issue #80
assert o.hostname == self.__hostname
assert o.path.startswith(self.__prefix)
assert o.port == self.__port
url = o.path
if o.query != "":
url += "?" + o.query
return url
def __addParametersToUrl(self, url, parameters):
if len(parameters) == 0:
return url
return url + "?" + urllib.urlencode(parameters)
def __createConnection(self):
kwds = {}
if not atLeastPython3: # pragma no branch (Branch useful only with Python 3)
kwds["strict"] = True # Useless in Python3, would generate a deprecation warning
if atLeastPython26: # pragma no branch (Branch useful only with Python 2.5)
kwds["timeout"] = self.__timeout # Did not exist before Python2.6
return self.__connectionClass(self.__hostname, self.__port, **kwds)
def __log(self, verb, url, requestHeaders, input, status, responseHeaders, output):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
if "Authorization" in requestHeaders:
if requestHeaders["Authorization"].startswith("Basic"):
requestHeaders["Authorization"] = "Basic (login and password removed)"
elif requestHeaders["Authorization"].startswith("token"):
requestHeaders["Authorization"] = "token (oauth token removed)"
else: # pragma no cover (Cannot happen, but could if we add an authentication method => be prepared)
requestHeaders["Authorization"] = "(unknown auth removed)" # pragma no cover (Cannot happen, but could if we add an authentication method => be prepared)
logger.debug("%s %s://%s%s %s %s ==> %i %s %s", str(verb), self.__scheme, self.__hostname, str(url), str(requestHeaders), str(input), status, str(responseHeaders), str(output))