import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Point; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; class CursorTest { Cursor cursor; double cursorTolerance; void initialize() throws AWTException { cursor = new Cursor(); cursorTolerance = 5; } @Test void testMoveCursorToCoordinatesHelper() throws Exception { initialize(); testThetaBetweenPoints(); testFindNearestPathLengthThatExists(); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(); //testRightClickCursor(); } void testFindNearestPathLengthThatExists() throws Exception { int closestLengthForPreviousValue = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 2203; i++) { int closestLength = cursor.findNearestPathLengthThatExists(i); assertTrue(closestLength >= closestLengthForPreviousValue); closestLengthForPreviousValue = closestLength; } } void testThetaBetweenPoints() { Point a = new Point(0, 0); Point b = new Point(10, 0); Point c = new Point(10, 10); Point d = new Point(20, 10); assertEquals(degreesToRadians(90), cursor.getThetaBetweenPoints(a, b)); assertEquals(degreesToRadians(45), cursor.getThetaBetweenPoints(a, c)); assertEquals(1.1071487177940904, cursor.getThetaBetweenPoints(a, d)); assertEquals(degreesToRadians(45), cursor.getThetaBetweenPoints(b, d)); } void testMoveCursorToCoordinates() throws Exception { Point a = new Point(0, 0); Point b = new Point(150, 250); Point c = new Point(375, 190); Point d = new Point(375, 600); Point e = new Point(952, 603); Point f = new Point(1025, 133); Point g = new Point(543, 582); Point h = new Point(1643, 582); Point i = new Point(0, 582); Point j = new Point(954, 123); Point k = new Point(954, 960); Point l = new Point(384, 654); Point m = new Point(84, 43); Point n = new Point(84, 43); Point o = new Point(12, 842); Point p = new Point(1600, 514); Point q = new Point(1599, 513); Point r = new Point(1600, 515); Point s = new Point(1602, 513); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(a, b); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(b, c); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(c, d); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(d, e); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(e, f); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(f, g); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(g, c); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(c, f); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(f, b); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(b, a); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(a, g); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(g, h); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(h, i); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(i, j); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(j, k); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(k, l); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(l, m); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(m, n); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(n, o); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(o, p); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(p, q); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(q, r); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(r, s); testMoveCursorToCoordinates(s, a); } /*void testRightClickCursor() throws InterruptedException { Point a = new Point(375, 600); Point b = new Point(952, 603); Point c = new Point(1025, 133); Point d = new Point(543, 582); testMoveAndRightClickCursor(a, b); testMoveAndRightClickCursor(b, c); testMoveAndRightClickCursor(c, d); testMoveAndRightClickCursor(d, a); }*/ /*void testMoveAndRightClickCursor(Point a, Point b) throws InterruptedException { cursor.robotMouseMove(a); cursor.moveAndRightClickAtCoordinates(b); Point point = cursor.getCurrentCursorPoint(); System.out.println("Cursor ended up on " + point.x + "," + point.y); verifyCursorIsInCorrectPlace(point, b); // Way to verify that context menu is open? }*/ void testMoveCursorToCoordinates(Point a, Point b) throws Exception { cursor.robotMouseMove(a); cursor.moveCursorToCoordinates(b); Point point = cursor.getCurrentCursorPoint(); //System.out.println("Cursor ended up on " + point.x + "," + point.y); verifyCursorIsInCorrectPlace(point, b); Thread.sleep(250); } void verifyCursorIsInCorrectPlace(Point actualPoint, Point expectedPoint) { assertEquals(actualPoint.x, expectedPoint.x, cursorTolerance); assertEquals(actualPoint.y, expectedPoint.y, cursorTolerance); } private double degreesToRadians(double degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180.0; } }