
298 lines
8.2 KiB

= HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener;
HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture)
console.log('remove: ' + type);
this.originalRemoveEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
var maxSearchLength = 50;
var weeklyPointsAllowed = 49;
var valuesLoaded = false;
var values = [];
var database;
var viewAssembler = new ViewAssembler();
var backButtonLabel = " ";
$(document).ready(function () {
function setupDefaultView() {
var bodyView = viewAssembler.defaultView();
//Setup the default view
var defaultView = { title: "Welcome!",
view: bodyView
//Setup the ViewNavigator
window.viewNavigator = new ViewNavigator('body');
backButtonLabel = (isTablet() ? "Back" : " ");
database = window.localStorage;
cache: true
function onNearbyListItemClick(event) {
var target = $(event.target)
if (target.get(0).nodeName.toUpperCase() != "LI") {
target = target.parent();
var index = target.attr("index");
index = parseInt(index);
database.setItem("amount", values[index][3]);
function scriptSuccess(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
//for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// values[i].push(i.toString());
//console.log( "scriptSuccess: " + values.length );
function pushPointsPage() {
function showPointsPage(push) {
var view = { title: "My Points",
backLabel: backButtonLabel,
view: viewAssembler.pointsView()
if(push == undefined || !push)
function onSearchButtonClick(event) {
var $input = $("#search_searchPhrase");
var searchPhrase = $input.val();
if (searchPhrase != undefined && searchPhrase.length > 0) {
var values = filterValuesBySearchCriteria(searchPhrase);
var view = { title: "Search Results",
backLabel: backButtonLabel,
view: viewAssembler.searchResultsView(values, searchPhrase)
function filterValuesBySearchCriteria(searchPhrase) {
var result = [];
//var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var tokens = searchPhrase.toLowerCase().split(" ");
var regexps = new Array(tokens.length);
for (var x = 0; x < regexps.length; ++x)
regexps[x] = new RegExp(tokens[x]);
var numFound = 0;
for (var y = 0; y < values.length; ++y) {
var found = true;
for (var z = 0; z < regexps.length; ++z) {
if (!regexps[z].test(values[y][0])) {
found = false;
if (found) {
if (++numFound == maxSearchLength)
//console.log( new Date().getTime() - startTime );
return result;
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function isPositiveNumber(n) {
return isNumber(n) && n > 0;
function roundPoints(points){
return Math.round(points * 10) / 10;
function onCalcPointsButtonClick(event) {
var protein = $("#calcProtein").val();
var carbs = $("#calcCarbs").val();
var fat = $("#calcFat").val();
var fiber = $("#calcFiber").val();
if (isPositiveNumber(protein) && isPositiveNumber(carbs) && isPositiveNumber(fat) && isPositiveNumber(fiber)) {
var amount = calcPointsPlusFood(protein, carbs, fat, fiber);
database.setItem("amount", amount);
database.setItem("calcPointsAmount", amount);
database.setItem("protein", protein);
database.setItem("carbs", carbs);
database.setItem("fat", fat);
database.setItem("fiber", fiber);
var view = { title: "Calculate Points",
backLabel: backButtonLabel,
view: viewAssembler.calcPointsView()
function calcPointsPlusFood(protein, carbs, fat, fiber) {
var points = (protein / 10.9375) + (carbs / 9.2105) + (fat / 3.8889) - (fiber / 12.5);
return roundPoints(points);
function onCalcAllowanceButtonClick(event) {
var weight = $("#calcWeight").val();
var height = $("#calcHeight").val();
var age = $("#calcAge").val();
var maleNotFemale = "male" == $("#calcGender").val();
var poundsNotKg = "pounds" == $("#calcWeightType").val();
var inchNotMeters = "inches" == $("#calcHeightType").val();
if (isPositiveNumber(weight) && isPositiveNumber(height) && isPositiveNumber(age)) {
var allowance = calcPointsPlusAllowance(weight, height, age, maleNotFemale, poundsNotKg, inchNotMeters);
database.setItem("allowance", allowance);
database.setItem("weight", weight);
database.setItem("height", height);
database.setItem("age", age);
database.setItem("maleNotFemale", maleNotFemale);
var view = { title: "Calculate Allowance",
backLabel: backButtonLabel,
view: viewAssembler.calcAllowanceView(allowance, weight, height, age, maleNotFemale, poundsNotKg, inchNotMeters)
function calcPointsPlusAllowance(weight, height, age, maleNotFemale, poundsNotKg, inchNotMeters) {
var wmult = poundsNotKg ? .454 : 1;
var hmult = inchNotMeters ? .0254 : 1;
var base1, age1, activity, wgt1, ht1;
if (maleNotFemale) {
base1 = 864;
age1 = 9.72;
activity = 1.12;
wgt1 = 14.2;
ht1 = 503;
} else {
base1 = 387;
age1 = 7.31;
activity = 1.14;
wgt1 = 10.9;
ht1 = 660.7;
var totage = Math.round((age1 * age) * 100) / 100;
var totwgt = Math.round(((wmult * weight) * wgt1) * 100) / 100;
var totht = Math.round(((hmult * height) * ht1) * 100) / 100;
var tee1 = Math.round((activity * (totwgt + totht)) * 100) / 100;
var tee2 = Math.round((base1 - totage + tee1) * 100) / 100;
var atee1 = tee2 - (tee2 * .10) + 200;
var target1 = (atee1 - 1000) / 35;
var modtar = Math.round(target1 - 11);
if (modtar <= 26)
modtar = 26;
else if (modtar >= 71)
modtar = 71;
return modtar;
function onSubtractPointsButtonClick(event) {
var amount = $("#pointSubtract").val();
var dailyNotWeekly = "daily" == $("#pointType").val();
if (isNumber(amount)) {
var keyName = dailyNotWeekly ? "dailyPoints" : "weeklyPointsAllowed";
var points = database.getItem(keyName);
points -= amount;
database.setItem(keyName, roundPoints(points));
function onResetPointsButtonClick(dailyNotWeekly) {
var keyName = dailyNotWeekly ? "dailyPoints" : "weeklyPointsAllowed";
var points = dailyNotWeekly ? dbGet("allowance", 0) : weeklyPointsAllowed;
database.setItem(keyName, points);
function arrayToFoodObject(index) {
var result = {};
var row = values[index];
result.name = row[1];
result.amount = row[2];
result.points = row[3];
result.index = index;
return result;
function openExternalURL(url) {
var result = confirm("You will leave the Points Watcher App. Continue?");
if (result == true) {
window.open(url, '_blank');
function dbGetNum(key) {
var ret = dbGet(key, 0);
return ret < 1 ? undefined : ret;
function dbGet(key, defaultVal) {
var ret = database.getItem(key);
if (ret == undefined) {
ret = defaultVal;
database.setItem(key, ret);
return ret;
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackKey, false);
function onBackKey(event) {
if (window.viewNavigator.history.length > 1) {
return false;
return true;
document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (e) {
}, false);