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do ->
root = @
SQLitePlugin = (dbPath, openSuccess, openError) ->
console.log "SQLitePlugin"
@dbPath = dbPath
@openSuccess = openSuccess
@openError = openError
throw new Error("Cannot create a SQLitePlugin instance without a dbPath") unless dbPath
@openSuccess or (@openSuccess = ->
console.log "DB opened: " + dbPath
@openError or (@openError = (e) ->
console.log e.message
@open @openSuccess, @openError
SQLitePlugin::openDBs = {}
SQLitePlugin::transaction = (fn, error, success) ->
t = new SQLitePluginTransaction(@dbPath)
fn t
t.complete success, error
SQLitePlugin::open = (success, error) ->
console.log "SQLitePlugin.prototype.open"
opts = undefined
unless @dbPath of @openDBs
@openDBs[@dbPath] = true
PhoneGap.exec success, error, "SQLitePlugin", "open", [ @dbPath ]
SQLitePlugin::close = (success, error) ->
console.log "SQLitePlugin.prototype.close"
opts = undefined
if @dbPath of @openDBs
delete @openDBs[@dbPath]
PhoneGap.exec null, null, "SQLitePlugin", "close", [ @dbPath ]
get_unique_id = ->
id = new Date().getTime()
id2 = new Date().getTime()
id2 = new Date().getTime() while id is id2
id2 + "000"
transaction_queue = []
transaction_callback_queue = {}
SQLitePluginTransaction = (dbPath) ->
@dbPath = dbPath
@executes = []
@trans_id = get_unique_id()
@__completed = false
@__submitted = false
# this.optimization_no_nested_callbacks: default is true.
# if set to true large batches of queries within a transaction will be much faster but
# you will lose the ability to do multi level nesting of executeSQL callbacks
@optimization_no_nested_callbacks = true
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction - this.trans_id:" + @trans_id
transaction_queue[@trans_id] = []
transaction_callback_queue[@trans_id] = new Object()
SQLitePluginTransaction.queryCompleteCallback = (transId, queryId, result) ->
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.queryCompleteCallback"
query = null
for x of transaction_queue[transId]
if transaction_queue[transId][x]["query_id"] is queryId
query = transaction_queue[transId][x]
if transaction_queue[transId].length is 1
transaction_queue[transId] = []
transaction_queue[transId].splice x, 1
query["callback"] result if query and query["callback"]
SQLitePluginTransaction.queryErrorCallback = (transId, queryId, result) ->
query = null
for x of transaction_queue[transId]
if transaction_queue[transId][x]["query_id"] is queryId
query = transaction_queue[transId][x]
if transaction_queue[transId].length is 1
transaction_queue[transId] = []
transaction_queue[transId].splice x, 1
query["err_callback"] result if query and query["err_callback"]
SQLitePluginTransaction.txCompleteCallback = (transId) ->
unless typeof transId is "undefined"
transaction_callback_queue[transId]["success"]() if transId and transaction_callback_queue[transId] and transaction_callback_queue[transId]["success"]
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.txCompleteCallback---transId = NULL"
SQLitePluginTransaction.txErrorCallback = (transId, error) ->
unless typeof transId is "undefined"
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.txErrorCallback---transId:" + transId
transaction_callback_queue[transId]["error"] error if transId and transaction_callback_queue[transId]["error"]
delete transaction_queue[transId]
delete transaction_callback_queue[transId]
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.txErrorCallback---transId = NULL"
SQLitePluginTransaction::add_to_transaction = (trans_id, query, params, callback, err_callback) ->
new_query = new Object()
new_query["trans_id"] = trans_id
if callback or not @optimization_no_nested_callbacks
new_query["query_id"] = get_unique_id()
else new_query["query_id"] = "" if @optimization_no_nested_callbacks
new_query["query"] = query
if params
new_query["params"] = params
new_query["params"] = []
new_query["callback"] = callback
new_query["err_callback"] = err_callback
transaction_queue[trans_id] = [] unless transaction_queue[trans_id]
transaction_queue[trans_id].push new_query
SQLitePluginTransaction::executeSql = (sql, values, success, error) ->
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.prototype.executeSql"
errorcb = undefined
successcb = undefined
txself = undefined
txself = this
successcb = null
if success
console.log "success not null:" + sql
successcb = (execres) ->
console.log "executeSql callback:" + JSON.stringify(execres)
res = undefined
saveres = undefined
saveres = execres
res =
item: (i) ->
length: saveres.length
rowsAffected: saveres.rowsAffected
insertId: saveres.insertId or null
success txself, res
console.log "success NULL:" + sql
errorcb = null
if error
errorcb = (res) ->
error txself, res
@add_to_transaction @trans_id, sql, values, successcb, errorcb
console.log "executeSql - add_to_transaction" + sql
SQLitePluginTransaction::complete = (success, error) ->
console.log "SQLitePluginTransaction.prototype.complete"
begin_opts = undefined
commit_opts = undefined
errorcb = undefined
executes = undefined
opts = undefined
successcb = undefined
txself = undefined
throw new Error("Transaction already run") if @__completed
throw new Error("Transaction already submitted") if @__submitted
@__submitted = true
txself = this
successcb = ->
if transaction_queue[txself.trans_id].length > 0 and not txself.optimization_no_nested_callbacks
txself.__submitted = false
txself.complete success, error
@__completed = true
success txself if success
errorcb = (res) ->
if error
errorcb = (res) ->
error txself, res
transaction_callback_queue[@trans_id]["success"] = successcb
transaction_callback_queue[@trans_id]["error"] = errorcb
PhoneGap.exec null, null, "SQLitePlugin", "executeSqlBatch", transaction_queue[@trans_id]
# required for callbacks:
root.SQLitePluginTransaction = SQLitePluginTransaction
root.sqlitePlugin =
openDatabase: (dbPath, version, displayName, estimatedSize, creationCallback, errorCallback) ->
new SQLitePlugin(dbPath, creationCallback, errorCallback)