module('Lawnchair construction/destruction', { setup:function() { }, teardown:function() { } }); test('ctor requires callbacks in each form', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(6); // raise exception if no ctor callback is supplied try { var lc2 = new Lawnchair(); } catch(e) { ok(true, 'exception raised if no callback supplied to init'); } try { var lc3 = new Lawnchair({}, {}); } catch(e) { ok(true, 'exception raised if no callback supplied to init, but two args are present'); } try { var lc3 = new Lawnchair({}); } catch(e) { ok(true, 'exception raised if no callback supplied to init, but one arg is present'); } var lc = new Lawnchair({}, function(ref) { ok(true, 'should call passed in callback when using obj+function ctor form') equals(this, ref, "lawnchair callback scoped to lawnchair instance") equals(ref, this, "lawnchair passes self into callback too") QUnit.start() }); }); /** test('independent data stores', function() { var store1 = new Lawnchair({name: "store1"}, function() {}); store1 .save({key: 'apple', quantity: 3}, function() { var store2 = new Lawnchair({name: "store2"}, function() {}); store1.all(function(r) { equals(r.length, 1); }); store2.all(function(r) { equals(r.length, 0); }); }) }) **/ module('all()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); // I like to make all my variables globals. Starting a new trend. me = {name:'brian', age:30}; store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start(); }); }, teardown:function() { me = null; } }) test('chainable', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(1); same(store.all(function(r) { QUnit.start(); }), store, 'should be chainable (return itself)'); }) test('full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(4); store.all(function(r) { ok(true, 'calls callback'); ok(r instanceof Array, 'should provide array as parameter'); equals(r.length, 0, 'parameter should initially have zero length'); same(this, store, '"this" should be scoped to the lawnchair object inside callback'); QUnit.start(); }); }) test('adding, nuking and size tests', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);, function() { store.all(function(r) { equals(r.length, 1, 'parameter should have length 1 after saving a single record'); store.nuke(function() { store.all(function(r) { equals(r.length, 0, 'parameter should have length 0 after nuking'); QUnit.start(); }); }); }); }); }) test( 'shorthand callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2); store.all('ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();'); // Is this test block necessary? // // var tmp = new Lawnchair({name:'temps', record:'tmp'}, function(){ // QUnit.start() // var Temps = this; // equals(this, Temps, 'this is bound to Lawnchair') // QUnit.stop() // Temps.all('ok(temps, " is passed to all callback"); QUnit.start()') // }) }) test('scoped variable in shorthand callback', function() { QUnit.expect(1); QUnit.stop(); // FIXME fkn qunit being weird here... expect(1) var tmp = new Lawnchair({name:'temps', record:'tmp'}, function() { this.nuke(function() {{a:1}, function() { this.each('ok(tmp, "this.record is passed to each callback"); QUnit.start()') }) }) }) }) module('nuke()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start() }); }, teardown:function() { } }) test( 'chainable', function() { QUnit.expect(1); QUnit.stop() same(store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start() }), store, 'should be chainable'); }) test( 'full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2); store.nuke(function() { ok(true, "should call callback in nuke"); same(this, store, '"this" should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance'); QUnit.start(); }); }) test( 'shorthand callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2); store.nuke('ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();'); }) module('save()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); // I like to make all my variables globals. Starting a new trend. me = {name:'brian', age:30}; store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start(); }); }, teardown:function() { me = null; } }) test( 'chainable', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(1); same(, function() { QUnit.start(); }), store, 'should be chainable'); }) test( 'full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);, function(it) { ok(true, 'should call passed in callback'); same(it, me, 'should pass in original saved object in callback'); QUnit.start(); }); }) test( 'shorthand callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);, 'ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();'); }) test( 'saving objects', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(1);, function() {{key:"something", value:"else"}, function(r) { store.all(function(r) { equals(r.length, 2, 'after saving two keys, num. records should equal to 2'); QUnit.start(); }); }); }) }) test( 'save without callback', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(1);, function(obj) { var key = obj.key;; equals(obj.key, key, "save without callback retains key"); QUnit.start(); }) }); module('batch()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); // I like to make all my variables globals. Starting a new trend. me = {name:'brian', age:30}; store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start(); }); }, teardown:function() { me = null; } }) test('batch insertion', function(){ QUnit.expect(3); QUnit.stop(); ok(store.batch, 'batch implemented'); equals(store.batch([]), store, 'chainable') store.batch([{i:1},{i:2}], function() { store.all(function(r){ equals(r.length, 2, 'should be two records from batch insert with array of two objects'); QUnit.start(); }); }); }) test( 'full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(500); QUnit.expect(2); store.batch([{j:'k'}], function() { ok(true, 'callback called with full syntax'); same(this, store, '"this" should be the LAwnchair instance'); QUnit.start(); }) }) test( 'shorthand callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(500); QUnit.expect(2); store.batch([{o:'k'}], 'ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();') }) module('get()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); // I like to make all my variables globals. Starting a new trend. me = {name:'brian', age:30}; store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start(); }); }, teardown:function() { me = null; } }); test( 'should it be chainable?', function() { QUnit.expect(1); QUnit.stop(); equals(store.get('foo', function() { QUnit.start(); }), store, 'get chainable'); }); test('get functionality', function() { QUnit.expect(4); QUnit.stop();{key:'xyz', name:'tim'}, function() { store.get('xyz', function(r) { equals(r.key, 'xyz', 'should return key in loaded object'); equals(, 'tim', 'should return proper object when calling get with a key'); store.get('doesntexist', function(s) { ok(true, 'should call callback even for non-existent key'); equals(s, null, 'should return null for non-existent key'); QUnit.start(); }); }); }); }); test('get batch functionality', function() { QUnit.expect(3); QUnit.stop(500); var t = [{key:'test-get'},{key:'test-get-1'}] store.batch(t, function() { this.get(['test-get','test-get-1'], function(r) { equals(r[0].key, 'test-get', "get first object"); equals(r[1].key, 'test-get-1', "get second object"); equals(r.length, t.length, "should batch get") QUnit.start() }) }) }); test( 'full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2); store.get('somekey', function(r){ ok(true, 'callback got called'); same(this, store, '"this" should be teh Lawnchair instance'); QUnit.start(); }); }); test('short callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2); store.get('somekey', 'ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();'); }); module('remove()', { setup:function() { QUnit.stop(); // I like to make all my variables globals. Starting a new trend. me = {name:'brian', age:30}; store.nuke(function() { QUnit.start(); }); }, teardown:function() { me = null; } }); test( 'chainable', function() { QUnit.expect(1); QUnit.stop();{key:'me', name:'brian'}, function() { same(store.remove('me', function() { QUnit.start(); }), store, 'should be chainable'); }); }); test( 'full callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);{key:'somekey', name:'something'}, function() { store.remove('somekey', function(r){ ok(true, 'callback got called'); same(this, store, '"this" should be teh Lawnchair instance'); QUnit.start(); }); }); }); test('short callback syntax', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);{key:'somekey', name:'something'}, function() { store.remove('somekey', 'ok(true, "shorthand syntax callback gets evaled"); same(this, store, "`this` should be scoped to the Lawnchair instance"); QUnit.start();'); }); }); // FIXME need to add tests for batch deletion test( 'remove functionality', function() { QUnit.stop(); QUnit.expect(2);{name:'joni'}, function(r) { //store.find(" == 'joni'", function(r){ store.remove(r, function(r) { store.all(function(all) { equals(all.length, 0, "should have length 0 after saving, finding, and removing a record using entire object");{key:'die', name:'dudeman'}, function(r) { store.remove('die', function(r){ store.all(function(rec) { equals(rec.length, 0, "should have length 0 after saving and removing by string key"); QUnit.start(); }); }); }); }); }); //}); }); });