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Cordova/PhoneGap Native SQLitePlugin
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
Native interface to sqlite in a Cordova/PhoneGap plugin, working to follow the HTML5 Web SQL API as close as possible. **NOTE** that the API is now different from and is still undergoing some changes.
2011-06-23 10:03:47 -04:00
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
Created by @Joenoon:
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
Adapted to 1.5 by @coomsie
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
API changes by @chbrody
Android version by @marcucio and @chbrody
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
We are brand new to objective-c, so there could be problems with our code!
2012-03-07 10:50:27 -05:00
**NOTE:** There are now the following trees:
- `iOS`: new version by @marcucio, with improvements for batch transaction processing, testing seems OK, **TBD** needs to be ported to Cordova 1.5/1.6
- `Cordova-iOS` for Cordova 1.5/1.6 iOS
- `Legacy-PhoneGap-iPhone` for PhoneGap (tested 1.3 and earlier).
- `Android`: new version by @marcucio, with improvements for batch transaction processing, testing seems OK
- `DroidGap-old`: initial adaptation for Android, expected to go away pretty soon.
Cordova 1.6 (RC)
From @mineshaftgap: you have to make the following change to Cordova-iOS/build/SQLitePlugin.js:
diff --git a/Cordova-iOS/build/SQLitePlugin.js b/Cordova-iOS/build/SQLitePlugin.js
index 65cf62f..85649e4 100644
--- a/Cordova-iOS/build/SQLitePlugin.js
+++ b/Cordova-iOS/build/SQLitePlugin.js
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
(function() {
var SQLiteNative, SQLitePluginTransaction, callbacks, cbref, counter, getOptions, root;
+ window.Cordova = window.cordova;
root = this;
callbacks = {};
PhoneGap 1.3.0
For installing with PhoneGap 1.3.0:
in PGSQLitePlugin.h file change for PhoneGaps JSONKit.h implementation.
#import <PhoneGap/PGPlugin.h>
#import <PhoneGap/JSONKit.h>
#import <PhoneGap/PhoneGapDelegate.h>
#import <PhoneGap/File.h>
#import "PGPlugin.h"
#import "JSON.h"
#import "PhoneGapDelegate.h"
#import "File.h"
and in PGSQLitePlugin.m JSONRepresentation must be changed to JSONString:
--- a/Plugins/PGSQLitePlugin.m
+++ b/Plugins/PGSQLitePlugin.m
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
if (hasInsertId) {
[resultSet setObject:insertId forKey:@"insertId"];
- [self respond:callback withString:[resultSet JSONRepresentation] withType:@"success"];
+ [self respond:callback withString:[resultSet JSONString] withType:@"success"];
SQLite library
In the Project "Build Phases" tab, select the _first_ "Link Binary with Libraries" dropdown menu and add the library `libsqlite3.dylib` or `libsqlite3.0.dylib`.
**NOTE:** In the "Build Phases" there can be multiple "Link Binary with Libraries" dropdown menus. Please select the first one otherwise it will not work.
2012-01-31 21:56:03 -05:00
Native SQLite Plugin
2012-01-31 21:56:03 -05:00
Drag .h and .m files into your project's Plugins folder (in xcode) -- I always
just have "Create references" as the option selected.
Take the precompiled javascript file from build/, or compile the coffeescript
file in src/ to javascript WITH the top-level function wrapper option (default).
Use the resulting javascript file in your HTML.
Look for the following to your project's Cordova.plist or PhoneGap.plist:
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
Insert this in there:
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
**NOTE:** For `Legacy-PhoneGap-iPhone` the plugin name is `PGSQLitePlugin`, no fix is expected in this project.
General Usage
Sample in Javascript:
// Wait for PhoneGap to load
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
// PhoneGap is ready
function onDeviceReady() {
var db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("Database", "1.0", "PhoneGap Demo", 200000);
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)');
return tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], function(tx, res) {
//console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId + " -- probably 1");
//console.log("rowsAffected: " + res.rowsAffected + " -- should be 1");
tx.executeSql("select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], function(tx, res) {
console.log("rows.length: " + res.rows.length + " -- should be 1");
return console.log("rows[0].cnt: " + res.rows.item(0).cnt + " -- should be 1");
}, function(e) {
return console.log("ERROR: " + e.message);
Tested OK using the Lawnchair test suite. Old DroidGap version is expected to go away very soon, yes I did repeat myself!
Cordova iOS
2012-04-09 11:04:04 -04:00
**NOTE:** Please use sqlitePlugin.openDatabase() to open a database, the parameters are different from the old SQLitePlugin() constructor which is now gone. This should a closer resemblance to the HTML5/W3 SQL API.
## Coffee Script
db = sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3")
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table')
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)')
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
db.transaction (tx) ->
2012-03-28 04:45:36 -04:00
tx.executeSql "INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], (res) ->
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
# success callback
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
console.log "insertId: #{res.insertId} -- probably 1"
console.log "rowsAffected: #{res.rowsAffected} -- should be 1"
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
# check the count (not a part of the transaction)
2012-03-28 04:45:36 -04:00
db.executeSql "select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], (res) ->
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
console.log "rows.length: #{res.rows.length} -- should be 1"
console.log "rows[0].cnt: #{res.rows[0].cnt} -- should be 1"
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
, (e) ->
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
# error callback
2011-09-26 20:05:16 -04:00
console.log "ERROR: #{e.message}"
## Plain Javascript
var db = sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3");
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)');
db.transaction(function(tx) {
return tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], function(res) {
console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId + " -- probably 1");
console.log("rowsAffected: " + res.rowsAffected + " -- should be 1");
return db.executeSql("select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], function(res) {
console.log("rows.length: " + res.rows.length + " -- should be 1");
return console.log("rows[0].cnt: " + res.rows[0].cnt + " -- should be 1");
}, function(e) {
return console.log("ERROR: " + e.message);
## Changes in tx.executeSql() success callback
var db = sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3");
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)');
db.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], function(res) {
console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId + " -- probably 1");
console.log("rowsAffected: " + res.rowsAffected + " -- should be 1");
db.transaction(function(tx) {
return tx.executeSql("select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], function(tx, res) {
console.log("rows.length: " + res.rows.length + " -- should be 1");
return console.log("rows.item(0).cnt: " + res.rows.item(0).cnt + " -- should be 1");
Legacy PhoneGap (old version)
## Coffee Script
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
db = new PGSQLitePlugin("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3")
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table')
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)')
db.transaction (tx) ->
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
tx.executeSql "INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], (res) ->
# success callback
console.log "insertId: #{res.insertId} -- probably 1"
console.log "rowsAffected: #{res.rowsAffected} -- should be 1"
# check the count (not a part of the transaction)
db.executeSql "select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", (res) ->
console.log "rows.length: #{res.rows.length} -- should be 1"
console.log "rows[0].cnt: #{res.rows[0].cnt} -- should be 1"
, (e) ->
# error callback
console.log "ERROR: #{e.message}"
## Plain Javascript
var db;
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
db = new PGSQLitePlugin("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3");
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)');
db.transaction(function(tx) {
return tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], function(tx, res) {
console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId + " -- probably 1");
console.log("rowsAffected: " + res.rowsAffected + " -- should be 1");
return db.executeSql("select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], function(res) {
console.log("rows.length: " + res.rows.length + " -- should be 1");
return console.log("rows[0].cnt: " + res.rows[0].cnt + " -- should be 1");
}, function(e) {
return console.log("ERROR: " + e.message);
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
## Changes in tx.executeSql() success callback
var db;
2012-04-02 13:38:18 -04:00
db = new PGSQLitePlugin("my_sqlite_database.sqlite3");
db.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table');
db.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table (id integer primary key, data text, data_num integer)');
db.executeSql("INSERT INTO test_table (data, data_num) VALUES (?,?)", ["test", 100], function(res) {
console.log("insertId: " + res.insertId + " -- probably 1");
console.log("rowsAffected: " + res.rowsAffected + " -- should be 1");
db.transaction(function(tx) {
return tx.executeSql("select count(id) as cnt from test_table;", [], function(tx, res) {
console.log("rows.length: " + res.rows.length + " -- should be 1");
return console.log("rows[0].cnt: " + res.rows.item(0).cnt + " -- should be 1");
Lawnchair Adapter Usage
Common adapter
Please look at the `Lawnchair-adapter` tree that contains a common adapter, working for both Android and iOS, along with a test-www directory.
Legacy: iOS/iPhone only
Include the following js files in your html:
- lawnchair.js (you provide)
- sqlite_plugin.js [pgsqlite_plugin.js in Legacy-PhoneGap-iPhone]
- lawnchair_sqlite_plugin_adapter.js [lawnchair_pgsqlite_plugin_adapter.js] (must come after sqlite_plugin.js [pgsqlite_plugin.js in Legacy-PhoneGap-iPhone])
The `name` option will determine the sqlite filename. Optionally, you can change it using the `db` option.
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
In this example, you would be using/creating the database at: *Documents/kvstore.sqlite3* (all db's in SQLitePlugin are in the Documents folder)
2012-03-27 02:31:55 -04:00
kvstore = new Lawnchair { name: "kvstore", adapter: SQLitePlugin.lawnchair_adapter }, () ->
# do stuff
Using the `db` option you can create multiple stores in one sqlite file. (There will be one table per store.)
recipes = new Lawnchair {db: "cookbook", name: "recipes", ...}
ingredients = new Lawnchair {db: "cookbook", name: "ingredients", ...}
Legacy Lawnchair test
In the lawnchair-test subdirectory of Cordova-iOS or Legacy-PhoneGap-iPhone you can copy the contents of the www subdirectory into a Cordova/PhoneGap project and see the behavior of the Lawnchair test suite.
Extra notes
@marcucio has also made some improvements for batching in the iOS version in but I do not want to take these until I know it is working OK with multi-level transaction API.
Old baching notes, will go away:
2011-09-28 14:20:54 -04:00
### Other notes from @Joenoon:
I played with the idea of batching responses into larger sets of
writeJavascript on a timer, however there was only a barely noticeable
performance gain. So I took it out, not worth it. However there is a
massive performance gain by batching on the client-side to minimize
PhoneGap.exec calls using the transaction support.