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* Copyright (C) 2011 moparisthebest
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Official forums are
* Email me at , I read it but don't usually respond.
package org.moparscape.res.impl;
import org.moparscape.res.ChecksumInfo;
import org.moparscape.res.ChecksumInputStream;
import org.moparscape.res.DownloadListener;
import java.util.Random;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: mopar
* Date: 3/12/11
* Time: 3:16 PM
* To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates.
public abstract class Downloader {
public static final int bufferSize = 512;
// enforce empty default public constructor
public Downloader() {
public abstract void download(String url, String savePath, DownloadListener callback);
public abstract boolean supportsURL(String url);
public abstract String uniqueFoldername(String url);
public void guessFilenames(String url, String savePath, java.util.List<String> files) {
// here we know nothing about the downloading implementation, so we just list all the files in the 'savePath'
listFiles(savePath, files);
* Downloads resource specified by url to savePath.
* @param url This can be any URL Java can natively handle, in addition to magnet links, and torrent files both locally and at http and https URLs.
* @param savePath Directory to save the URL to.
* @throws IOException Passed from calls this method makes.
public static void download(String url, String savePath) throws IOException {
download(url, savePath, false);
* Downloads resource specified by url to savePath, then extracts the downloaded file. Current supported types are .zip.gz, .zip, and .gz.
* @param url This can be any URL Java can natively handle, in addition to magnet links, and torrent files both locally and at http and https URLs.
* @param savePath Directory to save the URL to, and extract the supported files to.
* @throws IOException Passed from calls this method makes.
/* public static void downloadExtract(String url, String savePath) throws IOException {
download(url, savePath, true);
public static void download(String url, String savePath, boolean extract) throws IOException {
if (isTorrent(url)) {
} else {
String toExtract = "";//new, savePath);
if (extract)
extractFile(toExtract, savePath);
public static void writeStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
int len;
while ((len = >= 0) {
out.write(buffer, 0, len);
//if(in instanceof ZipInputStream) try{ Thread.sleep(1); }catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
//if(in instanceof ProgressInputStream) try{ Thread.sleep(1); }catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
// if its a ZipInputStream we don't want to close it
if (!(in instanceof ZipInputStream))
public static void listFiles(String savePath, java.util.List<String> fileList) {
synchronized (fileList) {
listFiles(new File(savePath), fileList);
* @param path
* @param fileList This must be synchronized around before calling this method
private static void listFiles(File path, java.util.List<String> fileList) {
if (!path.exists())
//if(path.isFile() && !fileList.contains(path.getAbsolutePath()))
if (path.isFile())
else if (path.isDirectory())
for (File file : path.listFiles())
listFiles(file, fileList);
public static boolean supportsExtraction(String file) {
return extMatch(file, ".zip.gz", ".zip", ".gz");
public static long crcExtractFile(String fileName){
Checksum crc = new CRC32();
extractFile(fileName, crc);
return crc.getValue();
public static boolean extractFile(String fileName, Checksum cs) {
return extractFile(fileName, null, null, cs);
public static boolean extractFile(String fileName, String savePath) {
return extractFile(fileName, savePath, null, null);
public static boolean extractFile(String fileName, String savePath, Checksum cs) {
return extractFile(fileName, savePath, null, cs);
public static boolean extractFile(String fileName, String savePath, DownloadListener callback) {
return extractFile(fileName, savePath, callback, null);
* Currently supports .zip, .gz, and .zip.gz
* @param fileName
* @param savePath
* @throws IOException
public static boolean extractFile(String fileName, String savePath, DownloadListener callback, Checksum cs) {
if(savePath != null && !savePath.endsWith("/"))
savePath += "/";
File file = new File(fileName);
try {
long length = file.length();
InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
if (callback != null) {
callback.extracting("Extracting " + fileName, length, "to " + savePath + "...");
is = new ProgressInputStream(is, callback);
if(cs != null)
is = new ChecksumInputStream(is, cs);
//if(true)throw new RuntimeException("woohoo! fake exceptions!");
fileName = fileName.toLowerCase();
if (fileName.endsWith(".zip.gz"))
is = new GZIPInputStream(is);
else if (fileName.endsWith(".gz")) {
// strip .gz off the end
fileName = file.getName();
fileName = fileName.substring(0, fileName.length() - 3);
// exception for java_client.exefalse &&
if (badExtension(fileName)) {
// input stream to store uncompressed data in, no use in uncompressing twice
// we could write this to temporary file on the system, and delete it if its bad
// but I really don't ever want a potentially malicious binary on the end-users system
// so we will just store it in memory (java_client.win32.exe is fairly small anyhow)
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ChecksumInfo ci = new ChecksumInfo(BTDownloaderCRCs.getCRC(BTDownloaderCRCs.WINDOWS));
if ((!fileName.endsWith("java_client.win32.exe")) || (!ci.checksumMatch(new GZIPInputStream(is), baos))) {
if (fileName.endsWith("java_client.win32.exe"))
System.out.println(String.format("CRC Mismatch for java_client.win32.exe, expected: %d actual: %d", ci.getExpectedChecksum(), ci.getChecksum()));
// then no exception, just return with error
if (callback != null)
callback.error("Bad extension, refusing to extract: " + fileName, null);
return false;
//System.out.println("exe passes");
// if we are here, this is our java_client.win32.exe, and the CRC is correct, now just write it out to the file
// this should be quick enough I'm not going to bother with a ProgressInputStream
//writeStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()), new FileOutputStream(savePath + fileName));
OutputStream fos = getOutputStream(savePath, fileName);
return true;
if (callback != null)
callback.setExtraInfo("Extracting File: " + fileName);
writeStream(new GZIPInputStream(is), getOutputStream(savePath, fileName));
return true;
} else if (fileName.endsWith(".zip")) {
// if we are here, the streams are all set up to unzip below, so don't do anything
} else {
// otherwise this file can't be extracted, so just return for now
if (callback != null)
callback.error("Extraction of this file type is unsupported: " + fileName, null);
return false;
ZipInputStream zin = new ZipInputStream(is);
ZipEntry entry;
while ((entry = zin.getNextEntry()) != null) {
String name = entry.getName();
if (entry.isDirectory() && savePath != null) { // Checks if the entry is a directory.
File folder = new File(savePath + name);
if (callback != null)
callback.setExtraInfo("Creating Directory: " + name);
} else {// If the entry isn't a directory, then it should be a file?
if (badExtension(entry.getName()))
if (callback != null)
callback.setExtraInfo("Extracting File: " + name);
writeStream(zin, getOutputStream(savePath, name));
//try{ Thread.sleep(1000); }catch(InterruptedException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }
if (callback != null)
callback.setExtraInfo("File extraction completed successfully!");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (callback != null)
callback.error("Extraction of this file failed: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
return false;
// helper method to supply NullOutputStream if savePath is null
private static OutputStream getOutputStream(String savePath, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException{
if(savePath == null || fileName == null)
return new org.moparscape.res.NullOutputStream();
return new FileOutputStream(savePath + fileName);
public static File createTempDir() {
File baseDir = new File(System.getProperty(""));
String baseName = System.currentTimeMillis() + "-tmp";
File tempDir = new File(baseDir, baseName);
if (tempDir.mkdir())
return tempDir;
// start generating random numbers until we find an open directory
Random r = new Random();
int tries = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < tries; i++) {
tempDir = new File(baseDir, baseName + r.nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
if (tempDir.mkdir())
return tempDir;
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create directory within " + tries + " tries, giving up.");
public static boolean deleteDirectory(File path) {
if (path != null && path.exists() && path.isDirectory())
for (File file : path.listFiles())
if (file.isDirectory())
return path.delete();
protected static boolean badExtension(String file) {
return extMatch(file, ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd", ".com", ".sh", ".bash");
private static boolean extMatch(String file, String... extensions) {
file = file.toLowerCase();
for (String badExt : extensions)
if (file.endsWith(badExt))
return true;
return false;
protected static class ProgressInputStream extends FilterInputStream {
private DownloadListener dl = null;
int progress = 0;
protected ProgressInputStream(InputStream in, DownloadListener dl) {
this.dl = dl;
public int read() throws IOException {
int byteValue =;
if (byteValue != -1) dl.setProgress(++progress);
return byteValue;
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
int bytesRead =;
if (bytesRead != -1) dl.setProgress(progress += bytesRead);
return bytesRead;
public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int bytesRead =, off, len);
if (bytesRead != -1) dl.setProgress(progress += bytesRead);
return bytesRead;
public void close() throws IOException {