package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class handles the loading of entities from the conf files, and provides * methods for relaying these entities to the user. */ public class EntityHandler { private static Map agilityCourses; private static Map agilityObjects; private static Map arrowHeads; private static Map bowString; private static Map certers; private static Map dartTips; private static DoorDef[] doors; private static Map firemaking; private static GameObjectDef[] gameObjects; private static Map gems; private static ItemHerbSecond[] herbSeconds; private static Map itemAffectedTypes; private static Map itemCooking; private static ItemCraftingDef[] itemCrafting; private static Map itemEdibleHeals; private static Map itemHerb; private static ItemDef[] items; private static Map itemSmelting; private static ItemSmithingDef[] itemSmithing; private static Map itemUnIdentHerb; private static Map itemWieldable; private static List[] keyChestLoots; private static Map logCut; private static NPCDef[] npcs; private static Map objectFishing; private static Map objectMining; private static Map objectTelePoints; private static Map objectWoodcutting; private static PrayerDef[] prayers; private static Map spellAggressiveLvl; private static SpellDef[] spells; private static TileDef[] tiles; static { DataStore dataStore = Instance.getDataStore(); try { doors = dataStore.loadDoorDefs(); gameObjects = dataStore.loadGameObjectDefs(); npcs = dataStore.loadNPCDefs(); for (NPCDef n : npcs) { if (n.isAttackable()) { n.respawnTime -= (n.respawnTime / 3); } } prayers = dataStore.loadPrayerDefs(); items = dataStore.loadItemDefs(); spells = dataStore.loadSpellDefs(); tiles = dataStore.loadTileDefs(); keyChestLoots = dataStore.loadKeyChestLoots(); herbSeconds = dataStore.loadItemHerbSeconds(); dartTips = dataStore.loadDartTips(); gems = dataStore.loadGemDefs(); logCut = dataStore.loadItemLogCutDefs(); bowString = dataStore.loadItemBowStringDefs(); arrowHeads = dataStore.loadItemArrowHeadDefs(); firemaking = dataStore.loadFiremakingDefs(); itemAffectedTypes = dataStore.loadItemAffectedTypes(); itemWieldable = dataStore.loadItemWieldableDefs(); itemUnIdentHerb = dataStore.loadItemUnIdentHerbDefs(); itemHerb = dataStore.loadItemHerbDefs(); itemEdibleHeals = dataStore.loadItemEdibleHeals(); itemCooking = dataStore.loadItemCookingDefs(); itemSmelting = dataStore.loadItemSmeltingDefs(); itemSmithing = dataStore.loadItemSmithingDefs(); itemCrafting = dataStore.loadItemCraftingDefs(); objectMining = dataStore.loadObjectMiningDefs(); objectWoodcutting = dataStore.loadObjectWoodcuttingDefs(); objectFishing = dataStore.loadObjectFishDefs(); spellAggressiveLvl = dataStore.loadSpellAgressiveLevel(); objectTelePoints = dataStore.loadTelePoints(); certers = dataStore.loadCerterDefs(); agilityObjects = dataStore.loadAgilityDefs(); agilityCourses = dataStore.loadAgilityCourseDefs(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } dataStore.dispose(); } /** * @param id * the agility courses's start ID * @return the AgilityCourseDef with the given start ID */ public static AgilityCourseDef getAgilityCourseDef(int id) { return agilityCourses.get(id); } /** * @param id * the agility object's ID * @return the AgilityDef with the given object ID */ public static AgilityDef getAgilityDef(int id) { return agilityObjects.get(id); } /** * @param id * the npcs ID * @return the CerterDef for the given npc */ public static CerterDef getCerterDef(int id) { return certers.get(id); } /** * @return the ItemCraftingDef for the requested item */ public static ItemCraftingDef getCraftingDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= itemCrafting.length) { return null; } return itemCrafting[id]; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the DoorDef with the given ID */ public static DoorDef getDoorDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= doors.length) { return null; } return doors[id]; } /** * @return the FiremakingDef for the given log */ public static FiremakingDef getFiremakingDef(int id) { return firemaking.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the GameObjectDef with the given ID */ public static GameObjectDef getGameObjectDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= gameObjects.length) { return null; } return gameObjects[id]; } /** * @param the * items type * @return the types of items affected */ public static int[] getItemAffectedTypes(int type) { return itemAffectedTypes.get(type); } /** * @return the ItemArrowHeadDef for the given arrow */ public static ItemArrowHeadDef getItemArrowHeadDef(int id) { return arrowHeads.get(id); } /** * @return the ItemBowStringDef for the given bow */ public static ItemBowStringDef getItemBowStringDef(int id) { return bowString.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemCookingDef with the given ID */ public static ItemCookingDef getItemCookingDef(int id) { return itemCooking.get(id); } /** * @return the ItemDartTipDef for the given tip */ public static ItemDartTipDef getItemDartTipDef(int id) { return dartTips.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemDef with the given ID */ public static ItemDef getItemDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= items.length) { return null; } return items[id]; } /** * @param the * items id * @return the amount eating the item should heal */ public static int getItemEdibleHeals(int id) { Integer heals = itemEdibleHeals.get(id); if (heals != null) { return heals.intValue(); } return 0; } /** * @return the ItemGemDef for the given gem */ public static ItemGemDef getItemGemDef(int id) { return gems.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemHerbDef with the given ID */ public static ItemHerbDef getItemHerbDef(int id) { return itemHerb.get(id); } /** * @return the ItemHerbSecond for the given second ingredient */ public static ItemHerbSecond getItemHerbSecond(int secondID, int unfinishedID) { for (ItemHerbSecond def : herbSeconds) { if (def.getSecondID() == secondID && def.getUnfinishedID() == unfinishedID) { return def; } } return null; } /** * @return the ItemLogCutDef for the given log */ public static ItemLogCutDef getItemLogCutDef(int id) { return logCut.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemSmeltingDef with the given ID */ public static ItemSmeltingDef getItemSmeltingDef(int id) { return itemSmelting.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemUnIdentHerbDef with the given ID */ public static ItemUnIdentHerbDef getItemUnIdentHerbDef(int id) { return itemUnIdentHerb.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ItemWieldableDef with the given ID */ public static ItemWieldableDef getItemWieldableDef(int id) { return itemWieldable.get(id); } public static List[] getKeyChestLoots() { return keyChestLoots; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the NPCDef with the given ID */ public static NPCDef getNpcDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= npcs.length) { return null; } return npcs[id]; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ObjectFishingDef with the given ID */ public static ObjectFishingDef getObjectFishingDef(int id, int click) { ObjectFishingDef[] defs = objectFishing.get(id); if (defs == null) { return null; } return defs[click]; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ObjectMiningDef with the given ID */ public static ObjectMiningDef getObjectMiningDef(int id) { return objectMining.get(id); } /** * @param the * point we are currently at * @return the point we should be teleported to */ public static Point getObjectTelePoint(Point location, String command) { TelePoint point = objectTelePoints.get(location); if (point == null) { return null; } if (command == null || point.getCommand().equalsIgnoreCase(command)) { return point; } return null; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the ObjectWoodcuttingDef with the given ID */ public static ObjectWoodcuttingDef getObjectWoodcuttingDef(int id) { return objectWoodcutting.get(id); } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the PrayerDef with the given ID */ public static PrayerDef getPrayerDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= prayers.length) { return null; } return prayers[id]; } /** * @return the ItemSmithingDef for the requested item */ public static ItemSmithingDef getSmithingDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= itemSmithing.length) { return null; } return itemSmithing[id]; } /** * @return the ItemSmithingDef for the requested item */ public static ItemSmithingDef getSmithingDefbyID(int itemID) { for (ItemSmithingDef i : itemSmithing) { if (i.itemID == itemID) return i; } return null; } /** * @param the * spells id * @return the lvl of the spell (for calculating what it hits) */ public static int getSpellAggressiveLvl(int id) { Integer lvl = spellAggressiveLvl.get(id); if (lvl != null) { return lvl.intValue(); } return 0; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the SpellDef with the given ID */ public static SpellDef getSpellDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= spells.length) { return null; } return spells[id]; } /** * @param id * the entities ID * @return the TileDef with the given ID */ public static TileDef getTileDef(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= tiles.length) { return null; } return tiles[id]; } }