import*; import org.rscdaemon.server.model.*; import org.rscdaemon.server.event.*; import org.rscdaemon.server.entityhandling.EntityHandler; /** * Quest: Imp Catcher (v1.0) 5/1/2009 * Status: COMPLETE * Start: Talborn the wizard (id 17), 218, 1635 * Items: 231, 232, 233, 234 * Reward: 1 quest point, 350 magic xp * * @author punKrockeR */ public class ImpCatcher extends Quest { private static final int TALBORN_ID = 17; private static final int RED_BEAD = 231; private static final int YELLOW_BEAD = 232; private static final int BLACK_BEAD = 233; private static final int WHITE_BEAD = 234; private static final int ITEM_REWARD = 235; private static final int REWARD_XP = 350; private static final String[] FIRST_MENU = new String[] { "No way you crazy bastard", "Sure, why not" }; private static final String[] SECOND_MENU = new String[] { "Yeah I did", "Not yet" }; private static final int DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY = 3200; private static final int QUEST_POINTS = 1; /** * @return the quest's name */ public String getName() { return "Imp Catcher"; } /** * @return this quest's unique id */ public int getUniqueID() { return 3; } /** * Initialises the quest */ public void init() { associateNpc(TALBORN_ID); } /** * Handles the given quest action */ public void handleAction(QuestAction action, Object[] args, final Player player) { int stage = player.getQuestStage(this); if(action == action.TALKED_NPC) { if(!(args[0] instanceof Npc)) return; final Npc npc = (Npc)args[0]; if(npc.getID() != TALBORN_ID) return; player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); if(stage == -1) startQuest(player, npc); else handleTalk(player, npc); } } /** * Handles npc chat if the quest hasn't been started yet */ private void startQuest(final Player player, final Npc npc) { sendChat("...Avada kedavra!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { spellPlayer(player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 1000) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Holy shit!", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("What? Huh? Get out of the way you fool!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("You shot me you stupid sod", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Hmm, indeed. But it worked!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Yeah it did. You burnt my sleeve.", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Collateral damage. A necessary casualty.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Your sleeve is expendable in this war", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("What war?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Well the war against those nasty little imps of course", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Imps? What threat could they possibly pose?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Those little bastards stole my beads!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Riight.. your beads. And what's so special about these beads?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Why, absolutely nothing. It's the principle of the matter.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Surely it can't be that hard to get them to give them back", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Oh really? Why don't you try and get them back then", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Yeah right, chase imps around for free. You're crazier than I thought", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Free? Nonsense. I'd be happy to reward you.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Hmm. What kind of reward?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { npc.blockedBy(player); player.setBusy(true); sendChat("I've got a few valuable things lying around, I'll find something.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { npc.blockedBy(player); player.setBusy(true); sendChat("How about it? Would you help an old wizard out?", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(false); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(FIRST_MENU) { public void handleReply(final int option, final String reply) { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat(reply, player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { if(option == 1) { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Excellent! Begin at once if you wish to collect them within a decade", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("There are four beads! Red, white, black, yellow and black.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Ahh you said... nevermind", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("I'll come back when I get the beads...", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("If! If you get the beads. Don't underestimate the little beasts!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Sure, whatever old man.", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); player.setQuestStage(getUniqueID(), 1); sendChat("Tarantallegra!", npc, player); spellPlayer(player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Ouch! Would you bloody wait til I'm gone!", player, npc); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Move it!", npc, player); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } else { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Fine. But don't come to me when you need some pomegranate!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Okaaay...", player, npc); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } } }); } }); player.getActionSender().sendMenu(FIRST_MENU); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } /** * Handles npc chat if the quest is started but not finished */ private void handleTalk(final Player player, final Npc npc) { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("I know you. You're that fellow that stole my beads!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("What? No, I'm the one that offered to find them for you.", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("It makes no difference, I still don't like you.", npc, player); if(player.getQuestStage(getUniqueID()) != COMPLETE) { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("But my beads, did you find them?", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(false); npc.blockedBy(player); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(SECOND_MENU) { public void handleReply(final int option, final String reply) { sendChat(reply, player, npc); if(option == 0) // Yes { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { if(player.getInventory().hasItemId(RED_BEAD) && player.getInventory().hasItemId(YELLOW_BEAD) && player.getInventory().hasItemId(BLACK_BEAD) && player.getInventory().hasItemId(WHITE_BEAD)) { sendChat("Excellent! Hand them over immediately", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Alright, calm down. I thought they were useless anyway", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Useless! Oh my dear " + (player.isMale() ? "boy" : "girl") + ", they are quite important", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { finishQuest(player, npc); } }); } }); } }); } else { sendChat("Bollocks! Don't return til you have them you fool", npc, player); spellPlayer(player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Hey! Watch yourself old man", player, npc); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } } }); } else // No { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Well what are you doing here then? Move it!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { spellPlayer(player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Would you bugger off with the spells you mad fool!", player, npc); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } }); } }); } } }); player.getActionSender().sendMenu(SECOND_MENU); } }); } }); } else { player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } } }); } }); } /** * Finishes the quest */ private void finishQuest(final Player player, final Npc npc) { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); player.getActionSender().sendMessage("You hand over the beads"); player.getInventory().remove(YELLOW_BEAD, 1); player.getInventory().remove(RED_BEAD, 1); player.getInventory().remove(WHITE_BEAD, 1); player.getInventory().remove(BLACK_BEAD, 1); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); player.getActionSender().sendSound("click"); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Alright, that's my half of the bargain.", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Now what of my reward?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Ah, your reward. I found this! You can take it.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); player.getActionSender().sendMessage(EntityHandler.getNpcDef(TALBORN_ID).getName() + " gives you one " + EntityHandler.getItemDef(ITEM_REWARD).getName()); player.getInventory().add(new InvItem(ITEM_REWARD, 1)); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("What am I supposed to do with this?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("I don't know, whatever you like. I certainly don't want it", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("And have a read of this book", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("It'll teach you a thing or two about magic!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); player.getActionSender().sendMessage("You read the wizard's book"); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); player.incExp(6, REWARD_XP, false); player.getActionSender().sendStat(6); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Now I have work to do! Leave my tower!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { spellPlayer(player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { sendChat("Damnit! Gladly...", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, DEFAULT_EVENT_DELAY) { public void action() { player.setQuestStage(getUniqueID(), Quest.COMPLETE); player.incQuestPoints(QUEST_POINTS); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } }); } /** * Casts an imaginary spell at the player */ private void spellPlayer(Player player, Npc npc) { player.setLastDamage(0); player.informOfModifiedHits(player); player.getActionSender().sendTeleBubble(npc.getLocation().getX(), npc.getLocation().getY(), false); player.getActionSender().sendSound("combat1a"); } /** * Construct the quest (empty) */ public ImpCatcher() { } }