Tree A pointy tree Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 tree2 Tree A leafy tree Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 tree Well The bucket is missing WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 well Table A mighty fine table WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 96 table Treestump Someone has chopped this tree down! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 treestump Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Chair A sturdy looking chair WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 chair logs A pile of logs WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 logpile Longtable It has nice candles WalkTo Examine 1 4 1 0 longtable Throne It looks fancy and expensive WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 throne Range A hot well stoked range WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 range Gravestone R I P WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gravestone1 Gravestone Its covered in moss WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gravestone2 Bed Ooh nice blankets rest Examine 1 2 3 0 Bigbed Bed Its a bed - wow rest Examine 1 2 2 0 bed bar Mmm beer WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barpumps Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Altar Its an Altar Recharge at Examine 1 2 1 0 altar Post What am I examining posts for WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 wallpost Support A wooden pole WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 supportnw barrel Its empty WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel Bench It doesn't look very comfy WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 bench Portrait A painting of our beloved king WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 portrait candles Candles on a fancy candlestick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 candles fountain The water looks fairly clean WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 fountain landscape An oil painting WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 landscape Millstones You can use these to make flour WalkTo Examine 1 3 3 0 mill Counter It's the shop counter WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 120 counter Stall A market stall WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 112 market Target Coming soon archery practice Practice Examine 1 1 1 0 target PalmTree A nice palm tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 palm2 PalmTree A shady palm tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 palm Fern A leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 fern Cactus It looks very spikey WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cactus Bullrushes I wonder why it's called a bullrush WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 bullrushes Flower Ooh thats pretty WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 flower Mushroom I think it's a poisonous one WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 mushroom Coffin This coffin is closed Open Examine 1 2 2 0 coffin Coffin This coffin is open Search Close 1 2 2 0 coffin2 stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairs stairs These lead downstairs Go down Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairsdown stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 stonestairs stairs These lead downstairs Go down Examine 1 2 3 0 stonestairsdown railing nice safety measure WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 woodenrailing pillar An ornate pillar WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 marblepillar Bookcase A large collection of books WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 bookcase Sink Its fairly dirty WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 sink Dummy I can practice my fighting here hit Examine 1 1 1 0 sworddummy anvil heavy metal WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 anvil Torch It would be very dark without this WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 torcha1 hopper You put grain in here operate Examine 1 2 2 0 milltop chute Flour comes out here WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 40 millbase cart A farm cart WalkTo Examine 1 2 3 0 cart sacks Yep they're sacks WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 sacks cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard Gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate The gate is open WalkTo close 3 1 2 0 metalgateopen gate The gate is open WalkTo close 3 1 2 0 woodengateopen gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed signpost To Varrock WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost signpost To the tower of wizards WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost doors The doors are open WalkTo Close 3 1 2 0 doubledoorsopen doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed signpost To player owned houses WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost signpost To Lumbridge Castle WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost bookcase It's a bookcase WalkTo Search 1 1 2 0 bookcase henge these look impressive WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 henge Dolmen A sort of ancient altar thingy WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 dolmen Tree This tree doesn't look too healthy WalkTo Chop 1 1 1 0 deadtree1 cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Wheat nice ripe looking wheat WalkTo pick 0 1 1 0 wheat sign The blue moon inn WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sails The windmill's sails WalkTo Examine 0 1 3 0 windmillsail sign estate agent WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign The Jolly boar inn WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign Drain This drainpipe runs from the kitchen to the sewers WalkTo Search 0 1 1 0 pipe&drain manhole A manhole cover open Examine 0 1 1 0 manholeclosed manhole How dangerous - this manhole has been left open climb down close 0 1 1 0 manholeopen pipe a dirty sewer pipe WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 wallpipe Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed barrel It seems to be full of newt's eyes WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen fountain I think I see something in the fountain WalkTo Search 1 2 2 0 fountain signpost To Draynor Manor WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Tree This tree doesn't look too healthy Approach Search 1 1 1 0 deadtree1 sign General Store WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign Lowe's Archery store WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign The Clothes Shop WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign Varrock Swords WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed sign Bob's axes WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign The staff shop WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign fire A strongly burning fire WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 firea1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks2 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 copperrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 copperrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 ironrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 ironrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 tinrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 tinrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 mithrilrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 mithrilrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 adamiterock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 adamiterock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 coalrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 coalrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 goldrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 goldrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 clayrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 clayrock1 web A spider's web WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 ceilingweb web A spider's web WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 floorweb furnace A red hot furnace WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 furnace Cook's Range A hot well stoked range WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 range Machine I wonder what it's supposed to do WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 madmachine Spinning wheel I can spin wool on this WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 spinningwheel Lever The lever is up WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever The lever is down WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 leverdown LeverA It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup LeverB It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup LeverC It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup LeverD It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup LeverE It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup LeverF It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder signpost To the forge WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost signpost To the Barbarian's Village WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost signpost To Al Kharid WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Compost Heap A smelly pile of compost WalkTo Search 1 2 2 0 compost Coffin This coffin is closed Open Examine 1 2 2 0 coffin Coffin This coffin is open Search Close 1 2 2 0 coffin2 gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed sign The Bank of runescape WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed torch A scary torch WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 skulltorcha1 Altar An altar to the evil God Zamorak Recharge at Examine 1 2 1 0 chaosaltar Shield A display shield WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 wallshield Grill some sort of ventilation WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 wallgrill Cauldron A very large pot WalkTo drink from 1 1 1 0 cauldron Grill some sort of ventilation Listen Examine 0 1 1 0 wallgrill Mine Cart It's empty WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 minecart Buffers Stop the carts falling off the end WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 trackbuffer Track Train track WalkTo Examine 0 2 2 0 trackcurve Track Train track WalkTo Examine 0 2 2 0 trackpoints Track Train track WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 trackstraight Hole I can see a witches cauldron directly below it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 hole ship A ship to Karamja board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship to Karamja board Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A ship to Karamja board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Emergency escape ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown sign Wydin's grocery WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign The Rusty Anchor WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 hopper You put grain in here operate Examine 1 2 2 0 milltop cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 bluriterock1 Doric's anvil Property of Doric the dwarf WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 anvil pottery oven I can fire clay pots in this WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 potteryoven potter's wheel I can make clay pots using this WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 potterywheel gate A gate from Lumbridge to Al Kharid Open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate This gate is open WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateopen crate A crate used for storing bananas WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate Banana tree A tree with nice ripe bananas growing on it WalkTo Pick Banana 1 1 1 0 palm2 Banana tree There are no bananas left on the tree WalkTo Pick Banana 1 1 1 0 palm2 crate A crate used for storing bananas WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate Chest A battered old chest WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Flower Ooh thats pretty WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 flower sign Fishing Supplies WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign Jewellers WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign Potato A potato plant WalkTo pick 0 1 1 0 potato fish I can see fish swimming in the water Lure Bait 0 1 1 0 fishing fish I can see fish swimming in the water Net Bait 0 1 1 0 fishing fish I can see fish swimming in the water Harpoon Cage 0 1 1 0 fishing Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 silverrock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 silverrock1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Monks Altar Its an Altar Recharge at Examine 1 2 1 0 altar Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Coffin This coffin is closed Open Examine 1 2 2 0 coffin Coffin This coffin is open Search Close 1 2 2 0 coffin2 Smashed table This table has seen better days WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 smashedtable Fungus A creepy looking fungus WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 nastyfungus Smashed chair This chair is broken WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 smashedchair Broken pillar The remains of a pillar WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 brokenpillar Fallen tree A fallen tree WalkTo Examine 1 3 2 0 fallentree Danger Sign Danger! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 dangersign Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 runiterock1 Rock A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 runiteruck1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Gravestone A big impressive gravestone WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 largegrave bone Eep! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 curvedbone bone This would feed a dog for a month WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 largebone carcass I think it's dead WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 carcass animalskull I wouldn't like to meet a live one WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 animalskull Vine A creepy creeper WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 vine Vine A creepy creeper WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 vinecorner Vine A creepy creeper WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 vinejunction Chest Perhaps I should search it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown ship The Lumbridge Lady board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship The Lumbridge Lady board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback hole This ship isn't much use with that there WalkTo Examine 2 1 1 0 brokenwall Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed hole This ship isn't much use with that there WalkTo Examine 2 1 1 0 brokenwall ship The Lumbridge Lady board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship The Lumbridge Lady board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Altar of Guthix A sort of ancient altar thingy Recharge at Examine 1 2 2 0 dolmen The Cauldron of Thunder A very large pot WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cauldron Tree A leafy tree Search Examine 1 1 1 0 tree ship A ship to Entrana board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship to Entrana board Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A ship to Entrana board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A ship to Port Sarim board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Dramen Tree This tree doesn't look too healthy Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 dramentree hopper You put grain in here operate Examine 1 2 2 0 milltop Chest Perhaps I should search it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder sign 2-handed swords sold here WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign ye olde herbalist WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Door mat If I ever get my boots muddy I know where to come search Examine 0 1 1 0 Doormat gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Cauldron A very large pot WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cauldron cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen gate The bank vault gate open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed fish I can see fish swimming in the water Net Harpoon 0 1 1 0 fishing sign Harry's fishing shack WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed sign The shrimp and parrot WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign signpost Palm Street WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Rockslide A pile of rocks blocks your path Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rock3 Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder fish I can see fish swimming in the lava! Bait Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing barrel Its got ale in it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel table It's a sturdy table WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 96 bigtable Fireplace It would be very cold without this WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 fireplacea1 Egg Thats one big egg! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 bigegg Eggs They'd make an impressive omlette WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 eggs Stalagmites Hmm pointy WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stalagmites Stool A simple three legged stool WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stool Bench It doesn't look to comfortable WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 wallbench table A round table ideal for knights WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 bigroundtable table A handy little table WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 96 roundtable fountain of heros Use a dragonstone gem here to increase it's abilties WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 fountain bush A leafy bush WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 hedge A carefully trimmed hedge WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 bush2 flower A nice colourful flower WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 blueflower plant Hmm leafy WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 smallfern Giant crystal How unusual a crystal with a wizard trapped in it WalkTo Examine 1 3 3 0 giantcrystal sign The dead man's chest WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign sign The rising sun WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign crate A large wooden storage box WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate crate A large wooden storage box WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate ship A merchant ship stow away Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A merchant ship stow away Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback beehive It's guarded by angry looking bees WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 beehive Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Altar An altar to the evil God Zamorak Recharge at Search 1 2 1 0 chaosaltar sign Hickton's Archery store WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign signpost To Camelot WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Archway A decorative marble arch WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 marblearch Obelisk of water It doesn't look very wet WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obelisk Obelisk of fire It doesn't look very hot WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obelisk sand pit I can use a bucket to get sand from here WalkTo Search 1 2 2 0 sandpit Obelisk of air A tall stone pointy thing WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obelisk Obelisk of earth A tall stone pointy thing WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obelisk gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Oak Tree A grand old oak tree Chop Examine 1 2 2 0 oaktree Willow Tree A weeping willow Chop Examine 1 2 2 0 willowtree Maple Tree It's got nice shaped leaves Chop Examine 1 2 2 0 mapletree Yew Tree A tough looking yew tree Chop Examine 1 2 2 0 yewtree Tree A magical tree Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 magictree gate A gate guarded by a fierce barbarian open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed sign The forester's arms WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign flax A flax plant WalkTo pick 0 1 1 0 flax Large treestump Someone has chopped this tree down! WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 treestump Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 goldrock1 Lever It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever It's a lever Pull Inspect 0 1 1 0 leverup gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed ship A ship bound for Ardougne board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship bound for Ardougne board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Bakers Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market Silk Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market Fur Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market Silver Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market Spices Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market gems Stall A market stall WalkTo steal from 1 2 2 112 market crate A large heavy sealed crate WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate crate A large heavy sealed crate WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate sign RPDT depot WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign stairs These lead upstairs Go up Search for traps 1 2 3 0 stonestairs Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest someone is stealing something from it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Search for traps 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed empty stall A market stall WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 112 market stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 stonestairs hopper You put grain in here operate Examine 1 2 2 0 milltop signpost Ardougne city zoo WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost sign The flying horse WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup pipe a dirty sewer pipe WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 wallpipe fish I can see fish swimming in the water Bait Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing fish I can see fish swimming in the water Bait Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing fish I can see fish swimming in the water Bait Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing fish I can see fish swimming in the water Bait Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing Vine A creepy creeper WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 vine gate The main entrance to McGrubor's wood open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate The gate is open WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateopen gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed stairs These lead downstairs Go down Examine 1 2 3 0 stonestairsdown broken cart A farm cart WalkTo Examine 1 2 3 0 brokencart Lever It's a lever Pull Searchfortraps 0 1 1 0 leverup clock pole blue A pole - a pole to put cog's on inspect Examine 0 1 1 0 clockpoleblue clock pole red A pole - a pole to put cog's on inspect Examine 0 1 1 0 clockpolered clock pole purple A pole - a pole to put cog's on inspect Examine 0 1 1 0 clockpolepurple clock pole black A pole - a pole to put cog's on inspect Examine 0 1 1 0 clockpoleblack wallclockface It's a large clock face WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 wallclockface Lever Bracket Theres something missing here WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 leverbracket Lever It's a lever Pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairs stairs These lead downstairs Go down Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairsdown gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed2 gate The gate is open close Examine 3 1 2 0 metalgateopen2 Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever The lever is up push Examine 0 1 1 0 leverdown Foodtrough It's for feeding the rat's WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 Foodtrough fish I can see fish swimming in the water cage harpoon 0 1 1 0 fishing spearwall It's a defensive battlement WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 spearwall hornedskull A horned dragon skull WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 hornedskull Chest I wonder what is inside... Open picklock 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open picklock 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed guardscupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard guardscupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Coal truck I can use this to transport coal get coal from Examine 1 1 1 0 minecart ship A ship to Port Birmhaven board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A ship to Port Birmhaven board Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A ship to Port Birmhaven board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Tree It's a tree house WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 toplesstree Ballista It's a war machine fire Examine 1 4 1 0 catabow largespear WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 catabowarrow spirit tree A grand old spirit tree talk to Examine 1 2 2 0 ent young spirit Tree Ancestor of the spirit tree talk to Examine 1 1 1 0 tree2 gate The gate is closed talk through Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed wall A damaged wall climb Examine 1 3 1 0 khazardwall tree An exotic looking tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle tree 2 tree An exotic looking tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle tree 1 Fern An exotic leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle fern textured Fern An exotic leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle fern textured 2 Fern An exotic leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle fern textured 3 Fern An exotic leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle fern textured 4 fly trap A small carnivourous plant approach Search 0 1 1 0 jungle fly trap Fern An exotic leafy plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle fern Fern An exotic spikey plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle spikey fern plant What an unusual plant WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 jungle strange plant plant An odd looking plant WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle strange plant 2 plant some nice jungle foliage WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle medium size plant stone head It looks like it's been here some time WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 jungle statue dead Tree A rotting tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 deadtree2 sacks Yep they're sacks WalkTo prod 1 1 1 0 sacks khazard open Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen khazard shut Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed doorframe It's a stone doorframe WalkTo Examine 3 1 2 0 doubledoorframe Sewer valve It changes the water flow of the sewer's turn left turn right 1 1 1 0 sewervalve Sewer valve 2 It changes the water flow of the sewer's turn left turn right 1 1 1 0 sewervalve Sewer valve 3 It changes the water flow of the sewer's turn left turn right 1 1 1 0 sewervalve Sewer valve 4 It changes the water flow of the sewer's turn left turn right 1 1 1 0 sewervalve Sewer valve 5 It changes the water flow of the sewer's turn left turn right 1 1 1 0 sewervalve Cave entrance I wonder what is inside... enter Examine 1 2 2 0 caveentrance Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 logbridgelow Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 logbridgehigh tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 treeplatformhigh tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 treeplatformlow gate The gate is open close Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateopen2 tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 largetreeplatformlow tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 largetreeplatformhigh Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 logbridgecurvedhigh Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 logbridgecurvedlow tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 treeplatformlow2 tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 treeplatformhigh2 Tribal brew A very large pot WalkTo drink 1 1 1 0 cauldron Pineapple tree A tree with nice ripe pineapples growing on it WalkTo Pick pineapple 1 1 1 0 palm2 Pineapple tree There are no pineapples left on the tree WalkTo Pick pineapple 1 1 1 0 palm2 log raft A mighty fine raft board Examine 0 1 1 96 lograft log raft A mighty fine raft board Examine 0 1 1 96 lograft Tomb of hazeel A clay shrine to lord hazeel WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 96 hazeeltomb range A pot of soup slowly cooking WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 range Bookcase A large collection of books Search Examine 1 1 2 0 bookcase Carnillean Chest Perhaps I should search it WalkTo Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Carnillean Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed crate A crate used for storing food Search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate Butlers cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard Butlers cupboard The cupboard is open Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen gate The gate is open WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateopen gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed Cattle furnace A red hot furnace WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 furnace Ardounge wall A huge wall seperating east and west ardounge WalkTo Examine 1 1 3 0 ardoungewall Ardounge wall corner A huge wall seperating east and west ardounge WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ardoungewallcorner Dug up soil A freshly dug pile of mud WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 mudpatch Pile of mud Mud caved in from above climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile large Sewer pipe a dirty sewer pipe enter Examine 1 1 1 0 largesewerpipe Ardounge wall gateway A huge set of heavy wooden doors open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard The cupboard is open Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Fishing crane For hauling in large catches of fish operate Examine 1 1 2 0 fishingcrane Rowboat A reasonably sea worthy two man boat WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 rowboat Damaged Rowboat A not so sea worthy two man boat WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 rowboatsinking barrel I wonder what's inside WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Fishing crane For hauling in large catches of fish operate Examine 1 1 1 0 fishingcranerot1 Fishing crane For hauling in large catches of fish operate Examine 1 1 1 0 fishingcranerot2 Waterfall it's a waterfall WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 waterfall leaflessTree A pointy tree jump off jump to next 1 1 1 0 deadtree2base leaflessTree A pointy tree jump off jump to next 1 1 1 0 deadtree2base log raft A mighty fine raft board Examine 0 1 1 96 lograft doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Well An oddly placed well operate Examine 1 2 2 0 well Tomb of glarial A stone tomb surrounded by flowers Search Examine 1 2 4 96 elventomb Waterfall it's a fast flowing waterfall jump off Examine 2 1 2 0 waterfalllev1 Waterfall it's a fast flowing waterfall jump off Examine 0 1 2 0 waterfalllev2 Bookcase A large collection of books Search Examine 1 1 2 0 bookcase doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Stone stand On top is an indent the size of a rune stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonestand Glarial's Gravestone There is an indent the size of a pebble in the stone's center read Examine 1 1 1 0 gravestone1 gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed crate It's a crate Search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate leaflessTree A pointy tree jump off Examine 1 1 1 0 deadtree2base Statue of glarial A statue of queen glarial - something's missing WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 glarialsstatue Chalice of eternity A magically elevated chalice full of treasure WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 baxtorianchalice Chalice of eternity A magically elevated chalice full of treasure empty Examine 1 1 1 0 baxtorianchalicelow doors The doors are shut Open Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup log raft remains oops! WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 96 brokenlograft Tree A pointy tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 tree2 Range A hot well stoked range WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 range crate It's an old crate WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate fish I can see fish swimming in the water Net Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing Watch tower They're always watching approach Examine 1 2 2 0 watchtower signpost Tourist infomation WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 doors The doors are open WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsopen Rope ladder A hand made ladder WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ropeladder cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Rope ladder A hand made ladder WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ropeladder Cooking pot the mourners are busy enjoying this stew WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cauldron Gallow Best not hang about! WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 gallows gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed crate A crate used for storing confiscated goods WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen sign Tailors fancy dress WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand tree-lev 0 gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed gate The gate is open WalkTo close 2 1 2 0 woodengateopen Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 logbridge lev0 Watch tower A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomewatchtower lev0 Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 logbridgejunction lev0 climbing rocks I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks Ledge It looks rather thin balance on Examine 0 1 0 0 corner_ledge Ledge It looks rather thin balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 straight_ledge log It looks slippery WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance1 log It looks slippery WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance2 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rocks A rocky outcrop Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 PalmTree A shady palm tree WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 palm Scorched Earth An area of burnt soil WalkTo Search 0 1 1 0 mudpatch Rocks A moss covered rock Mine Search 1 1 1 0 mossyrock sign The dancing donkey inn WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign fish I can see fish swimming in the water harpoon cage 0 1 1 0 fishing Rocky Walkway A precarious rocky walkway Balance Examine 1 1 1 0 rocktile Rocky Walkway A precarious rocky walkway Balance Examine 1 1 1 0 rocktile Rocky Walkway A precarious rocky walkway Balance Examine 1 1 1 0 rocktile Rocky Walkway A precarious rocky walkway Balance Examine 1 1 1 0 rocktile fight Dummy I can practice my fighting here hit Examine 1 1 1 0 sworddummy gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Jungle Vine A deep jungle Vine WalkTo Search 0 1 1 0 vine statue hand carved WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 tribalstature sign Ye Olde Dragon Inn WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand treeinside-lev 0 grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand treeinside-lev 1 grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand treeinside-lev 2 grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand tree-lev 1 grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand tree-lev 2 Hillside Entrance Large doors that seem to lead into the hillside Open Search 2 1 2 0 hillsidedoor tree A large exotic looking tree WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 jungle medium size plant Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 logbridgejunction lev1 Tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 fourwayplatform-lev 0 Tree platform A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 fourwayplatform-lev 1 Metalic Dungeon Gate It seems to be closed Open Search 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 logbridge lev1 Log bridge A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 0 0 0 0 logbridge lev2 Watch tower A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 1 0 0 0 gnomewatchtower lev1 Watch tower A tree gnome construction WalkTo Examine 1 0 0 0 gnomewatchtower lev2 Shallow water A small opening in the ground with some spots of water WalkTo Investigate 1 2 2 0 rockpoolwater Doors Perhaps you should give them a push Open Search 2 1 2 0 hillsidedoor grand tree the grand tree WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 grand tree-lev 3 Tree Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 0 1 1 0 ladder Tree Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-down Examine 0 1 1 0 ladderdown blurberrys cocktail bar the gnome social hot spot WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 blurberrybar Gem Rocks A rocky outcrop with a vein of semi precious stones Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 gemrock Giannes place Eat green eat gnome cruisine WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 blurberrybar ropeswing A good place to train agility WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing net A good place to train agility WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 obstical_net Frame A good place to train agility WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_frame Tree It has a branch ideal for tying ropes to WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_for_rope Tree I wonder who put that rope there WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_rope Tree they look fun to swing on WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_vines cart A farm cart WalkTo Search 1 2 3 0 cart fence it doesn't look too strong WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomefence beam A plank of wood WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 beam Sign read me WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Blurberry's cocktail bar WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Giannes tree gnome cuisine WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Heckel funch's grocery store WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Hudo glenfad's grocery store WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Rometti's fashion outlet WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Tree gnome bank and rometti's fashion outlet WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Tree gnome local swamp WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign Agility training course WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Sign To the grand tree WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Root To the grand tree search Examine 1 1 1 0 treeroot1 Root To the grand tree search Examine 1 1 1 0 treeroot2 Metal Gate The gate is closed Open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Metal Gate The gate is open WalkTo close 2 1 2 0 metalgateopen A farm cart It is blocking the entrance to the village Examine Search 1 2 3 0 cart Ledge It looks rather thin balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 straight_ledge Ledge It looks rather thin balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 straight_ledge Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder cage i don't like the look of that open Examine 0 1 1 0 gnomecage glider i wonder if it flys fly Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomeglider cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard cupboard Perhaps I should search it Search close 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairs glider i wonder if it flys WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomeglidercrashed gate The gate is open WalkTo close 1 1 2 0 woodengateopen gate The gate is closed open Examine 1 1 2 0 woodengateclosed chaos altar An altar to the evil God Zamorak Recharge at Examine 1 2 1 0 chaosaltar Gnome stronghold gate The gate is closed Open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed ropeswing A good place to train agility Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing ropeswing A good place to train agility Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing stairs These lead upstairs Go up Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairs stairs These lead downstairs Go down Examine 1 2 3 0 woodenstairsdown Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Pile of rubble What a mess climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Stone stand On top our four indents from left to right WalkTo push down 1 1 1 0 stonestand Watch tower A tree gnome construction climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomewatchtower lev1 Pile of rubble What a mess climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpiledown Root To the grand tree search Examine 1 1 1 0 treeroot2 Root To the grand tree push Examine 1 1 1 0 treeroot2 Root To the grand tree push Examine 1 1 1 0 treeroot2 Sign Home to the Head tree guardian WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomesign Hammock They've got to sleep somewhere lie in Examine 1 1 2 0 gnomehamek Goal You're supposed to throw the ball here WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 gnomegoal stone tile It looks as if it might move twist Examine 1 1 1 0 stonedisc Chest You get a sense of dread from the chest WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest You get a sense of dread from the chest Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Watch tower A tree gnome construction WalkTo climb down 0 1 1 0 gnomewatchtower lev2 net A good place to train agility climb Examine 1 2 1 0 obstical_net Watch tower A tree gnome construction climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomewatchtower lev1 Watch tower A tree gnome construction climb down Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomewatchtower lev2 ropeswing A good place to train agility grab hold of Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing Bumpy Dirt Some disturbed earth Look Search 0 1 1 0 mudpatch pipe a dirty sewer pipe WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe net A good place to train agility climb Examine 1 2 1 0 obstical_net pipe a dirty sewer pipe enter Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe log It looks slippery balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance1 pipe a dirty sewer pipe enter Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe pipe a dirty sewer pipe enter Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_pipe Handholds I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed stronghold spirit Tree Ancestor of the spirit tree talk to Examine 1 1 1 0 tree2 Tree It has a branch ideal for tying ropes to WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_for_rope Tree I wonder who put that rope there swing on Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_rope Tree I wonder who put that rope there swing on Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_rope Spiked pit I don't want to go down there WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 spikedpit-low Spiked pit I don't want to go down there WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 spikedpit Cave I wonder what is inside... enter Examine 1 2 2 0 caveentrance stone pebble Looks like a stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonedisc Pile of rubble Rocks that have caved in WalkTo Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Pile of rubble Rocks that have caved in WalkTo Search 1 2 1 0 mudpile pipe I might be able to fit through this enter Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe pipe 2 enter Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe Stone Looks like a stone WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 stonedisc Stone Looks like a stone Look Closer Investigate 1 1 1 0 stonedisc ropeswing A good place to train agility Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing log It looks slippery balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance1 net A good place to train agility Climb Up Examine 1 2 1 0 obstical_net Ledge It looks rather thin balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 straight_ledge Handholds I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks log It looks slippery balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance1 log It looks slippery balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance1 Rotten Gallows A human corpse hangs from the noose Look Search 1 2 2 0 gallows Pile of rubble Rocks that have caved in WalkTo Search 1 2 1 0 mudpile ropeswing I wonder what's over here Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing ropeswing I wonder what's over here Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing ocks A moss covered rock balance Examine 1 1 1 0 mossyrock Tree This tree doesn't look too healthy WalkTo balance 1 1 1 0 deadtree1 Well stacked rocks Rocks that have been stacked at regular intervals Investigate Search 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Tomb Dolmen An ancient construct for displaying the bones of the deceased Look Search 1 2 2 0 dolmen Handholds I wonder if I can climb up these Climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks Bridge Blockade A crudely constructed fence to stop you going further Investigate Jump 1 1 1 0 gnomefence Log Bridge A slippery log that is a make-do bridge Balance On Examine 0 1 1 0 log_balance2 Handholds I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks Tree they look fun to swing on Swing on Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_vines Tree they look fun to swing on Swing on Examine 1 2 2 0 tree_with_vines Wet rocks A rocky outcrop Look Search 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Smashed table This table has seen better days Examine Craft 1 1 1 0 smashedtable Crude Raft A crudely constructed raft Disembark Examine 0 1 1 96 lograft Daconia rock Piles of daconia rock Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 rocks1 statue A statue to mark Taie Bwo Wannai sacred grounds WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 tribalstature Stepping stones A rocky outcrop Balance Jump onto 1 1 1 0 rocks1 gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed gate Enter to balance into an agility area open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed gate Enter to balance into an agility area open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed pipe It looks a tight squeeze enter Examine 1 1 1 0 obstical_pipe ropeswing A good place to train agility Swing Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing Stone Looks like a stone balance on Examine 1 1 1 0 stonedisc Ledge It doesn't look stable balance on Examine 0 1 1 0 straight_ledge Vine A creepy creeper climb up Examine 0 1 1 0 vinecorner Rocks A rocky outcrop WalkTo Climb 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Wooden Gate The gate is open Close Close 2 1 2 0 woodengateopen Wooden Gate The gate is closed Open Examine 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed Stone bridge An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 bridge section 1 Stone bridge An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 bridge section 2 Stone bridge An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 bridge section 3 Stone bridge An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave bridge support Stone platform An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave platform small fence it doesn't look too strong WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomefence2 Rocks A rocky outcrop Climb Climb 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 3 1 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 3 1 0 bridge section collapsed2 Gate of Iban It doesn't look very inviting open Examine 1 3 1 0 rams skull door Wooden Door It doesn't look very inviting cross Examine 1 3 1 0 rams skull dooropen Tomb Dolmen An ancient construct for displaying the bones of the deceased Look Search 1 2 2 0 dolmen Cave entrance It doesn't look very inviting enter Examine 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Old bridge That's been there a while WalkTo Examine 1 3 1 0 cave old bridge Old bridge That's been there a while cross Examine 1 3 1 0 cave old bridgedown Crumbled rock climb up to above ground climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile stalagmite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave large stagamite stalagmite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave small stagamite Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Lever Seems to be some sort of winch pull Examine 1 1 1 0 cave lever stalactite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave large stagatite stalactite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave small stagatite stalactite Formed over thousands of years climb Examine 0 1 1 0 cave extra large stagatite Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Swamp That smells horrid step over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave swampbubbles Swamp That smells horrid WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave swampbubbles Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Pile of mud Mud caved in from above climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Travel Cart A sturdy cart for travelling in Board Look 1 2 3 0 cart Travel Cart A sturdy cart for travelling in Board Look 1 2 3 0 cart Rocks A small rocky outcrop mine Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 stalactite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave large stagatite Rocks You should be able to move these clear Examine 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1a Rocks You should be able to move these WalkTo Examine 1 1 3 0 cave swamprocks sign The Paramaya Hostel WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 shopsign Ladder A ladder that leads to the dormitory - a ticket is needed Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Spiked pit They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrapa signpost To the Furnace WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Ship A sea faring ship called 'Lady Of The Waves' board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront Ship A sea faring ship called 'Lady Of The Waves' board Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap sacks Yep they're sacks WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 sacks Zamorakian Temple Scary! WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave temple Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Grill They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrap Rocks A small rocky outcrop walk here Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop walk here Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Tomb Doors Ornately carved wooden doors depicting skeletal warriors Open Search 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Swamp That smells horrid step over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave swampbubbles Rocks You should be able to move these clear Examine 1 2 1 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear Examine 1 2 1 0 cave rocktrap1 stalactite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave extra large stagatite stalactite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave extra large stagatite Spiked pit They looks suspicious walk over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grilltrapa up Lever Seems to be some sort of winch pull Examine 1 1 1 0 cave lever Cage Seems to be mechanical WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grillcage Cage Seems to be mechanical WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave grillcageup Rocks More rocks! step over search for traps 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Spear trap Ouch! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave speartrapa Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks! step over search 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Ledge I might be able to climb that drop down Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Furnace Charred bones are slowly burning inside WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave furnace Well The remains of a warrior slump over the strange construction drop down Examine 1 1 1 0 cave well Passage A strange metal grill covers the passage walk down Examine 1 2 1 0 cave tubetrap Passage The passage way has swung down to a vertical position climb up Examine 1 2 1 0 cave tubetrapa Passage The passage way has swung down to a vertical position climb up rope Examine 1 2 1 0 cave tubetrapa rope stalagmite Formed over thousands of years search Examine 1 1 1 0 cave large stagamite Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Rocks You should be able to move these clear search 1 2 2 0 cave rocktrap1 Passage Looks suspicous! Walk here search 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrap snap trap aaaarghh WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrapa Wooden planks You can walk across these WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave planks Passage Looks suspicous! Walk here search 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrap Passage Looks suspicous! Walk here search 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrap Flames of zamorak Careful search Examine 1 2 2 0 cave bloodwell Platform An ancient construction WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave platform verysmall Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings wall grill It seems to filter the rotten air through the caverns climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave wallgrill Ledge I might be able to make to the other side jump off climb up 1 1 1 0 cave ledge wall grill It seems to filter the rotten air through the caverns climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave wallgrill Dug up soil A freshly dug pile of mud search Examine 0 1 1 0 mudpatch Dug up soil A freshly dug pile of mud search Examine 0 1 1 0 mudpatch Pile of mud Mud caved in from above climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile stalagmite Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 cave small stagamite Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Spiked pit I don't want to go down there WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 spikedpit Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Boulder Could be dangerous! WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 cave bolder crate Someone or something has been here before us WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 crate Door Spooky! open Examine 1 1 1 0 cave templedoor Platform An ancient construction WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave platform small2 Cage remains Poor unicorn! WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 cave smashedcage Ledge I might be able to climb that climb up Examine 1 1 1 0 cave ledge Passage Looks suspicous! Walk here Examine 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrap Passage Looks suspicous! Walk here Examine 1 1 1 0 cave snaptrap Gate of Zamorak It doesn't look very inviting open Examine 1 3 1 0 rams skull door Rocks A small rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Bridge support An ancient construction WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave bridge supportbase Tomb of Iban A clay shrine to lord iban Open Examine 1 1 2 96 hazeeltomb Claws of Iban claws of iban WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 96 clawsofiban barrel Its stinks of alcohol empty Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rocks More rocks step over search for traps 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Rocks More rocks step over search for traps 1 1 1 0 cave speartrap Swamp That smells horrid WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave swampbubbles Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Stone bridge An ancient stone construction WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 bridge section corner cage That's no way to live search Examine 0 1 1 0 gnomecage cage That's no way to live search Examine 0 1 1 0 gnomecage Stone steps They lead into the darkness walk down Examine 0 1 1 0 cave bridge stairs Pile of mud Mud and rocks piled up climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed cross Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed Stone bridge The bridge has partly collapsed jump over Examine 1 1 3 0 bridge section collapsed2 Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Pit of the Damned The son of zamoracks alter... WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave temple alter Open Door Spooky! open Examine 1 1 1 0 cave templedooropen signpost Observatory reception WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost Stone Gate A mystical looking object Go through Look 1 2 2 0 henge Chest Perhaps there is something inside Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Zodiac A map of the twelve signs of the zodiac WalkTo Examine 0 3 3 0 zodiac Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Stone steps They lead into the darkness walk down Examine 0 1 1 0 cave bridge stairs Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Rock Scripture has been carved into the rock read Examine 1 1 1 0 cave carvings Telescope A device for viewing the heavens Use Examine 1 1 1 0 telescope Gate The entrance to the dungeon jail open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed sacks These sacks feels lumpy! Search Examine 1 1 1 0 sacks Ladder the ladder goes down into a dark area Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Chest All these chests look the same! Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest All these chests look the same! Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Bookcase A very roughly constructed bookcase. WalkTo Search 1 1 2 0 bookcase Iron Gate A well wrought iron gate - it's locked. Open Search 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Ladder the ladder down to the cavern Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Chest Perhaps there is something inside Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest All these chests look the same! Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest Perhaps there is something inside Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest All these chests look the same! Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Rockslide A pile of rocks blocks your path WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 rock3 Altar An altar to the evil God Zamorak Recharge at Examine 1 2 1 0 chaosaltar column Formed over thousands of years WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave pillar Grave of Scorpius Here lies Scorpius: dread follower of zamorak Read Examine 1 1 3 0 gravestone1 Bank Chest Allows you to access your bank. Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed dwarf multicannon fires metal balls fire pick up 0 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon Disturbed sand Footprints in the sand show signs of a struggle Look Search 0 1 1 0 sandyfootsteps Disturbed sand Footprints in the sand show signs of a struggle Look Search 0 1 1 0 sandyfootsteps dwarf multicannon base bang pick up Examine 0 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part1 dwarf multicannon stand bang pick up Examine 0 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part2 dwarf multicannon barrels bang pick up Examine 0 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part3 Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 fence These bridges seem hastily put up WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 gnomefence signpost a signpost read Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost2 Rocks I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 brownclimbingrocks Rocks I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 brownclimbingrocks Cave entrance A noxious smell emanates from the cave... enter Examine 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wouldn't like to think where the owner is now Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Wooden Doors Large oak doors constantly watched by guards Open Watch 2 1 2 0 hillsidedoor Pedestal something fits on here WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 96 stonestand bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 Standard A standard with a human skull on it WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ogre standard Mining Cave A gaping hole that leads to another section of the mine enter Examine 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Mining Cave A gaping hole that leads to another section of the mine enter Examine 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Rocks A small rocky outcrop WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Lift To brings mined rocks to the surface Operate Examine 1 1 2 0 liftwinch Mining Barrel For loading up mined stone from below ground WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel Hole I wonder where this leads... enter Examine 1 1 1 0 hole Hole I wonder where this leads... enter Examine 1 1 1 0 hole Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Counter An ogre is selling items here Steal from Examine 1 1 1 0 rockcounter Track Train track Look Examine 1 2 2 0 trackcurve Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Mine Cart A heavily constructed and often used mining cart. Look Search 1 1 1 0 minecart Lift Platform A wooden lift that is operated from the surface. Use Search 1 1 1 0 liftbed Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest I wonder what is inside... Close Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Watch tower Constructed by the dwarven black guard WalkTo Examine 0 2 2 0 watchtower Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Cave entrance I wonder what is inside... enter Examine 1 2 2 0 caveentrance Pile of mud Mud caved in from above climb Examine 1 2 1 0 mudpile Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown crate A crate search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate crate A crate search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate Gate This gate barrs your way into gu'tanoth open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Gate This gate barrs your way into gu'tanoth open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 bush A leafy bush Search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 multicannon fires metal balls inspect Examine 1 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon Rocks Some rocks are close to the egde jump over look at 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks Some rocks are close to the edge jump over look at 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-down Examine 0 1 1 0 ladderdown Cave entrance I wonder what is inside... enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Counter An ogre is selling cakes here Steal from Examine 1 1 1 0 rock cake counter Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Bookcase A large collection of books Look Search 1 1 2 0 bookcase Captains Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Experimental Anvil An experimental anvil - for developing new techniques in forging Use Examine 1 1 1 0 anvil Rocks A small pile of stones Search Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop Search Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 Column Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena colomn Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena wall Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena corner Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena tallwall Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena cornerfill Lever The lever is up pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverup Lever The lever is down pull Examine 0 1 1 0 leverdown Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena tallcorner Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Wall Created by ancient mages WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena plain wall Gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Gate The gate is closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder shock cosmic energy WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 spellshock Desk A very strong looking table with some locked drawers. WalkTo Search 1 2 1 120 counter Cave I wonder what's inside! enter Examine 1 1 1 0 small caveentrance2 Mining Cart A sturdy well built mining cart with barrels full of rock on the back. WalkTo Search 1 2 3 0 cart Rock of Dalgroth A mysterious boulder of the ogres mine prospect 1 2 2 0 cave bolder entrance Created by ancient mages walk through Examine 1 1 1 0 magearena door Dried Cactus It looks very spikey WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cactuswatered climbing rocks I wonder if I can climb up these climb Examine 0 1 1 0 climbing_rocks Rocks Strange rocks - who knows why they're wanted? Mine Prospect 1 1 1 0 tinrock1 lightning blimey! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 lightning1 Crude Desk A very roughly constructed desk WalkTo Search 1 2 1 120 counter Heavy Metal Gate This is an immense and very heavy looking gate made out of thick wrought metal Look Push 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Counter An ogre is selling cakes here Steal from Examine 1 1 1 0 rock cake counter Crude bed A flea infested sleeping experience rest Examine 1 1 2 0 poorbed flames looks hot! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 firespell1 Carved Rock An ornately carved rock with a pointed recepticle WalkTo Search 1 1 1 120 cave small stagamite USE FREE SLOT PLEASE USE WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 crate crate A crate used for storing materials search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate crate A crate used for storing materials search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate barrel Its shut search Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 1-1light Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 1-1dark Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 3 1 0 1-3light Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 3 1 0 1-3dark Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 2-2light Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 2-2dark Barrier this section is roped off WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barrier1 buried skeleton I hope I don't meet any of these search Examine 1 1 1 0 halfburiedskeleton Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 2-1light Brick A stone brick WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 2-1light Specimen tray A pile of sifted earth WalkTo Search 1 2 2 0 compost winch This winches earth from the dig hole Operate Examine 1 1 2 0 liftwinch crate A crate search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate crate A crate search Examine 1 1 1 0 crate Urn A large ornamental urn WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 largeurn buried skeleton I'm glad this isn't around now search Examine 1 1 1 0 halfburiedskeleton2 panning point a shallow where I can pan for gold look Examine 0 1 1 0 fishing Rocks A small rocky outcrop WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 signpost a signpost read Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost2 signpost a signpost read Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost2 signpost a signpost read Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost2 signpost a signpost read Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost2 signpost Digsite educational centre WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost soil soil search Examine 0 1 1 0 dugupsoil1 soil soil search Examine 0 1 1 0 dugupsoil2 soil soil search Examine 0 1 1 0 dugupsoil3 Gate The gate has closed open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed ship The ship is sinking WalkTo Examine 2 1 2 0 sinkingshipfront barrel The ship is sinking climb on Examine 2 1 2 0 sinkingbarrel Leak The ship is sinking fill Examine 0 1 1 0 shipleak bush A leafy bush search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 bush A leafy bush search Examine 1 1 1 0 bush1 cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard sacks Yep they're sacks search Examine 1 1 1 0 sacks sacks Yep they're sacks search Examine 1 1 1 0 sacks Leak The ship is sinking fill Examine 0 1 1 0 shipleak2 cupboard The cupboard is shut search Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboardopen Wrought Mithril Gates Magnificent wrought mithril gates giving access to the Legends Guild open Search 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Legends Hall Doors Solid Oak doors leading to the Hall of Legends Open Search 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Camp bed Not comfortable but useful nonetheless WalkTo Examine 1 1 2 0 poorbed barrel It has a lid on it - I need something to lever it off WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 barrelredcross barrel I wonder what is inside... search Examine 1 1 1 0 barrelredcross Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Chest I wonder what is inside... Open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Dense Jungle Tree Thick vegetation Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle medium size plant Jungle tree stump A chopped down jungle tree Walk Examine 1 1 1 0 treestump signpost To the digsite WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 signpost gate You can pass through this on the members server open Examine 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Bookcase A large collection of books search Examine 1 1 2 0 bookcase Dense Jungle Tree An exotic looking tree Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle tree 2 Dense Jungle Tree An exotic looking tree Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 jungle tree 1 Spray There's a strong wind WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 shipspray1 Spray There's a strong wind WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 shipspray2 winch This winches earth from the dig hole Operate Examine 1 1 2 0 liftwinch Brick It seems these were put here deliberately search Examine 1 1 1 0 1-1light Rope it's a rope leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ropeforclimbingbot Rope it's a rope leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ropeforclimbingbot Dense Jungle Palm A hardy palm tree with dense wood Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 palm2 Dense Jungle Palm A hardy palm tree with dense wood Chop Examine 1 1 1 0 palm Trawler net A huge net to catch little fish inspect Examine 1 1 1 0 trawlernet-l Trawler net A huge net to catch little fish inspect Examine 1 1 1 0 trawlernet-r Brick The bricks are covered in the strange compound WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 1-1light Chest I wonder what is inside ? open Examine 1 1 1 0 ChestClosed Chest Perhaps I should search it Search Close 1 1 1 0 ChestOpen Trawler catch Smells like fish! Search Examine 1 1 1 0 trawlernet Yommi Tree An adolescent rare and mystical looking tree in WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 totemtree1 Grown Yommi Tree A fully grown rare and mystical looking tree WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 totemtree2 Chopped Yommi Tree A mystical looking tree that has recently been felled WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 totemtree3 Trimmed Yommi Tree The trunk of the yommi tree. WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 totemtree4 Totem Pole A nicely crafted wooden totem pole. Lift Examine 1 2 2 0 totemtree5 Baby Yommi Tree A baby Yommi tree - with a mystical aura WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 smallfern Fertile earth A very fertile patch of earth WalkTo Examine 0 2 2 0 dugupsoil1 Rock Hewn Stairs steps cut out of the living rock Climb Examine 1 2 3 0 rocksteps Hanging rope A rope hangs from the ceiling WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 ropeladder Rocks A large boulder blocking the stream Move Examine 1 2 2 0 cave bolder Boulder A large boulder blocking the way WalkTo Smash to pieces 1 2 2 0 cave bolder dwarf multicannon fires metal balls fire pick up 1 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon dwarf multicannon base bang pick up Examine 1 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part1 dwarf multicannon stand bang pick up Examine 1 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part2 dwarf multicannon barrels bang pick up Examine 1 1 1 0 dwarf multicannon part3 rock A rocky outcrop climb over Examine 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Rock Hewn Stairs steps cut out of the living rock Climb Examine 1 2 3 0 rocksteps Rock Hewn Stairs steps cut out of the living rock Climb Examine 1 2 3 0 rocksteps Rock Hewn Stairs steps cut out of the living rock Climb Examine 1 2 3 0 rocksteps Compost Heap The family gardeners' compost heap WalkTo Investigate 1 2 2 0 compost beehive An old looking beehive WalkTo Investigate 1 1 1 0 beehive Drain This drainpipe runs from the kitchen to the sewers WalkTo Investigate 0 1 1 0 pipe&drain web An old thick spider's web WalkTo Investigate 0 1 1 0 floorweb fountain There seems to be a lot of insects here WalkTo Investigate 1 2 2 0 fountain Sinclair Crest The Sinclair family crest WalkTo Investigate 0 1 1 0 wallshield barrel Annas stuff - There seems to be something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel barrel Bobs things - There seems to be something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel barrel Carols belongings - there seems to be something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel barrel Davids equipment - there seems to be something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel barrel Elizabeths clothes - theres something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel barrel Franks barrel seems to have something shiny at the bottom WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 barrel Flour Barrel Its full of flour WalkTo Take From 1 1 1 0 barrel sacks Full of various gardening tools WalkTo investigate 1 1 1 0 sacks gate A sturdy and secure wooden gate WalkTo Investigate 2 1 2 0 woodengateclosed Dead Yommi Tree A dead Yommi Tree - it looks like a tough axe will be needed to fell this WalkTo Inspect 1 2 2 0 deadtree2 clawspell forces of guthix WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 clawspell1 Rocks The remains of a large rock WalkTo Examine 1 2 2 0 cave rock1 crate A crate of some kind WalkTo Search 1 1 1 70 crate Cavernous Opening A dark and mysterious cavern enter search 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Ancient Lava Furnace A badly damaged furnace fueled by red hot Lava - it looks ancient Look Search 1 2 2 0 furnace Spellcharge forces of guthix WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 Spellcharge1 Rocks A small rocky outcrop WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 cave rock1 cupboard The cupboard is shut open Examine 1 1 2 0 cupboard sacks Yep they're sacks search Examine 1 1 1 0 sacks Rock A rocky outcrop WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 rocks1 Saradomin stone A faith stone chant to Examine 1 1 1 0 saradominstone Guthix stone A faith stone chant to Examine 1 1 1 0 guthixstone Zamorak stone A faith stone chant to Examine 1 1 1 0 zamorakstone Magical pool A cosmic portal step into Examine 1 2 2 0 rockpool Wooden Beam Some sort of support - perhaps used with ropes to lower people over the hole WalkTo Search 0 1 1 0 Scaffoldsupport Rope down into darkness A scarey downwards trip into possible doom. WalkTo Use 0 1 1 0 ScaffoldsupportRope Cave entrance A dark cave entrance leading to the surface. Enter Examine 1 3 1 0 caveentrance2 Cave entrance A small tunnel that leads to a large room beyond. enter Examine 1 2 2 0 Shamancave Ancient Wooden Doors The doors are locked shut Open Pick Lock 2 1 2 0 doubledoorsclosed Table An old rickety table WalkTo search 1 1 1 96 table Crude bed Barely a bed at all Rest Search 1 1 2 0 poorbed Tall Reeds A tall plant with a tube for a stem. WalkTo Search 0 1 1 0 bullrushes Goblin foot prints They seem to be heading south east WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 sandyfootsteps Dark Metal Gate A dark metalic gate which seems to be fused with the rock Open Search 2 1 2 0 metalgateclosed Magical pool A cosmic portal step into Examine 1 2 2 0 rockpool Rope Up A welcome rope back up and out of this dark place. Climb Examine 0 1 1 0 obstical_ropeswing Half buried remains Some poor unfortunate soul WalkTo Search 1 1 1 0 skeletonwithbag Totem Pole A carved and decorated totem pole Look Examine 1 1 1 0 totemtreeevil Totem Pole A carved and decorated totem pole Look Examine 1 1 1 0 totemtreegood Comfy bed Its a bed - wow rest Examine 1 2 2 0 bed Rotten Yommi Tree A decomposing fully grown Yommi Tree WalkTo Inspect 1 2 2 0 totemtreerotten2 Rotten Yommi Tree A decomposing felled Yommi Tree WalkTo Inspect 1 2 2 0 totemtreerotten3 Rotten Yommi Tree A decomposing Yommi Tree Trunk WalkTo Inspect 1 2 2 0 totemtreerotten4 Rotten Totem Pole A decomposing Totem Pole WalkTo Inspect 1 2 2 0 totemtreerotten5 Leafy Palm Tree A shady palm tree WalkTo Shake 1 1 1 0 palm Grand Viziers Desk A very elegant desk - you could knock it to get the Grand Viziers attention. WalkTo Knock on table 1 2 1 120 counter Strange Barrel It might have something inside of it. Smash Examine 1 1 1 0 barrel ship A sturdy sailing ship WalkTo Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipfront ship A sturdy sailing ship WalkTo Examine 0 2 3 0 Shipmiddle ship A sturdy sailing ship WalkTo Examine 0 5 3 0 Shipback digsite bed Not comfortable but useful nonetheless sleep Examine 1 1 2 0 poorbed Tea stall A stall selling oriental infusions WalkTo Steal from 1 2 2 112 market Boulder A large boulder blocking the way WalkTo Smash to pieces 1 2 2 0 cave bolder Boulder A large boulder blocking the way WalkTo Smash to pieces 1 2 2 0 cave bolder Damaged Earth Disturbed earth - it will heal itself in time WalkTo Examine 0 1 1 0 dugupsoil1 Ladder it's a ladder leading upwards Climb-Up Examine 1 1 1 0 ladder Ladder it's a ladder leading downwards Climb-Down Examine 1 1 1 0 ladderdown Sleigh It's Santa's Sleigh! WalkTo Examine 1 1 1 0 gnomeglider