package; import; import; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import; import; import; import bsh.EvalError; public class Script { public Player player; public Npc npc; /** * DONT TOUCH THIS. Sets the Player and Npc instances for reach when * scripting. * * @param p * - the player * @param n * - the affected npc */ public Script(Player p, Npc n) { player = p; npc = n; try { player.getInterpreter().getNameSpace().importObject(this); player.getInterpreter().source( World.getWorld().npcScripts.get(npc.getID())); player.getInterpreter().getNameSpace().clear(); } catch (EvalError e) { error(); // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { error(); // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { error(); // e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ConcurrentModificationException cme) { Logger.println("got cme"); } catch (Exception e) { error(); // e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Unblock the NPC/Player if something unhandled happens. */ private void error() { npc.unblock(); player.setBusy(false); } /** * Sends a normal Message to the player * * @param msg * - the message */ public void SendMessage(String msg) { player.getActionSender().sendMessage(msg); } /** * Sends a large black box Message to the player * * @param msg * - the message */ public void SendBoxMessage(String msg) { player.getActionSender().sendAlert(msg, true); } /** * Sends a medium or large black box message * * @param msg * - the message * @param big * - true if large box, false if medium */ public void SendBoxMessage(String msg, boolean big) { player.getActionSender().sendAlert(msg, big); } /** * Add item(s) to the players inventory (This is setup to handle the amount * even when the item is non stackable) * * @param id * - the item's ID * @param amount * - the amount given */ public void AddItem(int id, int amount) { InvItem item = new InvItem(id, amount); if (item.getDef().stackable) { player.getInventory().add(new InvItem(id, amount)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { player.getInventory().add(new InvItem(id)); } } player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * Says something to the NPC your talking too * * @param msg * - the message */ public void PlayerTalk(String msg) { player.informOfChatMessage(new ChatMessage(player, msg, npc)); Wait(2000); } /** * the Npc your interacting with says something to you * * @param msg * - the message */ public void NpcTalk(String msg) { player.informOfNpcMessage(new ChatMessage(npc, msg, player)); Wait(2000); } /** * Sleeps for the default delay (2000) */ public void Wait() { Wait(2000); } /** * Wait's the delay until the next line is executed */ @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public void Wait(int ms) { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { SendMessage(e.getMessage()); } } /** * AUTO EXPANDING arrays (String...) with BeanShell do not yet work. I know * this looks dodgey, but easy-scripting support comes first. Currently set * for 7 options max. */ public int PickOption(String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4, String s5, String s6, String s7) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7 }); } public int PickOption(String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4, String s5, String s6) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 }); } public int PickOption(String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4, String s5) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 }); } public int PickOption(String s1, String s2, String s3, String s4) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2, s3, s4 }); } public int PickOption(String s1, String s2, String s3) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2, s3 }); } public int PickOption(String s1, String s2) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1, s2 }); } public int PickOption(String s1) { return PickOption(new String[] { s1 }); } /** * Sends a question menu, waits for the response. * * @param strs * - array of options * @return the option number */ public int PickOption(String[] strs) { try { long time = GameEngine.getTime(); player.setBusy(false); player.setLastOption(-2); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(strs) { public void handleReply(int option, String reply) { if (option < 0 || option >= getOptions().length) { npc.unblock(); player.setBusy(false); owner.setLastOption(-1); return; } owner.setLastOption(option); } }); player.getActionSender().sendMenu(strs); while (player.getLastOption() == -2 && GameEngine.getTime() - time < 20000) { // timeout Wait(25); } if (player.getLastOption() == -1 || player.getLastOption() == -2) { player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); return -1; } player.setBusy(true); int newOpt = player.getLastOption(); player.setLastOption(-2); PlayerTalk(strs[newOpt]); return newOpt + 1; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return -1; } } /** * Teleports you from x to y (without a bubble) * * @param x * - new x axis * @param y * - new y axis */ public void Teleport(int x, int y) { player.teleport(x, y, false); } /** * Removes all the items from inventory that you specify * * @param id * - the item id to remove */ public void RemoveAllItem(int id) { RemoveItem(id, player.getInventory().countId(id)); } /** * Checks inventory for items/amounts. * * @param id * - the items id * @param amount * - the amount * @return true if it has the items. */ public boolean HasItem(int id, int amount) { if (EntityHandler.getItemDef(id).stackable) { for (InvItem i : player.getInventory().getItems()) { if (i.getID() == id && i.getAmount() >= amount) return true; } } else { int count = 0; for (InvItem i : player.getInventory().getItems()) { if (i.getID() == id) count++; } if (count >= amount) return true; } return false; } /** * Removes item(s) from your inventory * * @param id * - the item id * @param amount * - the amount */ public void RemoveItem(int id, int amount) { if (EntityHandler.getItemDef(id).stackable) { player.getInventory().remove(id, amount); } else { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) player.getInventory().remove(id, 1); } player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * Adds experience to the selected Stat. * * @param stat * - the stat number * @param amount * - the amount * */ public void AddExp(int stat, int amount) { player.incExp(stat, amount, true); } /** * Gets the free space in your inventory * * @return - the free slots */ public int GetInventoryFreeSpace() { return 30 - player.getInventory().size(); } /** * Gets the max level of a stat * * @param stat * @return */ public int GetStatMaxLevel(int stat) { return player.getMaxStat(stat); } /** * Gets the current level of a stat * * @param stat * @return */ public int GetStatCurLevel(int stat) { return player.getCurStat(stat); } /** * Adds an item to your bank * * @param id * - the item id * @param amount * - the amount */ public void AddBankItem(int id, int amount) { player.getBank().add(new InvItem(id, amount)); } public int CountItem(int id) { return player.getInventory().countId(id); } public static final int ATTACK = 0; public static final int DEFENSE = 1; public static final int STRENGTH = 2; public static final int HITS = 3; public static final int RANGED = 4; public static final int PRAYER = 5; public static final int MAGIC = 6; public static final int COOKING = 7; public static final int WOODCUT = 8; public static final int FLETCHING = 9; public static final int FISHING = 10; public static final int FIREMAKING = 11; public static final int CRAFTING = 12; public static final int SMITHING = 13; public static final int MINING = 14; public static final int HERBLAW = 15; public static final int AGILITY = 16; public static final int THIEVING = 17; }