package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class Mob extends Entity { /** * Prayers that are currently turned on */ protected boolean[] activatedPrayers = new boolean[14]; /** * ID for our current appearance, used client side to detect changed */ protected int appearanceID = 0; /** * Used to block new requests when we are in the middle of one */ private boolean busy = false; /** * Our combat level */ protected int combatLevel = 3; /** * Timer used to track start and end of combat */ private long combatTimer = 0; /** * Who they are in combat with */ private Mob combatWith = null; /** * Have we moved since last update? */ protected boolean hasMoved; /** * How many times we have hit our opponent */ private int hitsMade = 0; /** * The end state of the last combat encounter */ private CombatState lastCombatState = CombatState.WAITING; /** * Amount of damage last dealt to the player */ private int lastDamage = 0; /** * Time of last movement, used for timeout */ protected long lastMovement = GameEngine.getTime(); public long lastTimeShot = GameEngine.getTime(); protected int mobSprite = 1; private int[][] mobSprites = new int[][] { { 3, 2, 1 }, { 4, -1, 0 }, { 5, 6, 7 } }; /** * Has our appearance changed since last update? */ protected boolean ourAppearanceChanged = true; /** * The path we are walking */ public PathHandler pathHandler = new PathHandler(this); /** * Set when the mob has been destroyed to alert players */ protected boolean removed = false; /** * Has the sprite changed? */ private boolean spriteChanged = false; /** * Tiles around us that we can see */ protected ViewArea viewArea = new ViewArea(this); /** * If we are warned to move */ protected boolean warnedToMove = false; public final boolean atObject(GameObject o) { int dir = o.getDirection(); int width, height; if (o.getType() == 1) { width = height = 1; } else if (dir == 0 || dir == 4) { width = o.getGameObjectDef().getWidth(); height = o.getGameObjectDef().getHeight(); } else { height = o.getGameObjectDef().getWidth(); width = o.getGameObjectDef().getHeight(); } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { Point p = Point.location(o.getX() + x, o.getY() + y); int xDist = Math.abs(location.getX() - p.getX()); int yDist = Math.abs(location.getY() - p.getY()); int tDist = xDist + yDist; if (tDist <= 1) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean finishedPath() { return pathHandler.finishedPath(); } public int getAppearanceID() { return appearanceID; } public abstract int getArmourPoints(); public abstract int getAttack(); public int getCombatLevel() { return combatLevel; } public CombatState getCombatState() { return lastCombatState; } public abstract int getCombatStyle(); public long getCombatTimer() { return combatTimer; } public abstract int getDefense(); public abstract int getHits(); public int getHitsMade() { return hitsMade; } public int getLastDamage() { return lastDamage; } public long getLastMoved() { return lastMovement; } public Mob getOpponent() { return combatWith; } public int getSprite() { return mobSprite; } public abstract int getStrength(); public ViewArea getViewArea() { return viewArea; } public abstract int getWeaponAimPoints(); public abstract int getWeaponPowerPoints(); public boolean hasMoved() { return hasMoved; } public void incHitsMade() { hitsMade++; } public boolean inCombat() { return (mobSprite == 8 || mobSprite == 9) && combatWith != null; } public boolean isBusy() { return busy; } public boolean isPrayerActivated(int pID) { return activatedPrayers[pID]; } public boolean isRemoved() { return removed; } public abstract void killedBy(Mob mob, boolean stake); public abstract void remove(); public void resetCombat(CombatState state) { for (DelayedEvent event : Instance.getDelayedEventHandler().getEvents()) { if (event instanceof FightEvent) { FightEvent fighting = (FightEvent) event; if (fighting.getOwner().equals(this) || fighting.getAffectedMob().equals(this)) { fighting.stop(); break; } } else if (event instanceof DuelEvent) { DuelEvent dueling = (DuelEvent) event; if (dueling.getOwner().equals(this) || dueling.getAffectedPlayer().equals(this)) { dueling.stop(); break; } } } setBusy(false); setSprite(4); setOpponent(null); setCombatTimer(); hitsMade = 0; if (this instanceof Player) { Player player = (Player) this; player.setStatus(Action.IDLE); } lastCombatState = state; } public void resetMoved() { hasMoved = false; } public void resetPath() { pathHandler.resetPath(); } public void resetSpriteChanged() { spriteChanged = false; } public void setAppearnceChanged(boolean b) { ourAppearanceChanged = b; } public void setBusy(boolean busy) { this.busy = busy; } public void setCombatLevel(int level) { combatLevel = level; ourAppearanceChanged = true; } public void setCombatTimer() { combatTimer = GameEngine.getTime(); } public abstract void setHits(int lvl); public void setLastDamage(int d) { lastDamage = d; } public void setLastMoved() { lastMovement = GameEngine.getTime(); } public void setLocation(Point p) { setLocation(p, false); } public void setLocation(Point p, boolean teleported) { if (!teleported) { updateSprite(p); hasMoved = true; } setLastMoved(); warnedToMove = false; super.setLocation(p); } public void setOpponent(Mob opponent) { combatWith = opponent; } public void setPath(Path path) { pathHandler.setPath(path); } public void setPrayer(int pID, boolean b) { activatedPrayers[pID] = b; } public void setSprite(int x) { spriteChanged = true; mobSprite = x; } public boolean spriteChanged() { return spriteChanged; } public void updateAppearanceID() { if (ourAppearanceChanged) { appearanceID++; } } public void updatePosition() { pathHandler.updatePosition(); } protected void updateSprite(Point newLocation) { try { int xIndex = getLocation().getX() - newLocation.getX() + 1; int yIndex = getLocation().getY() - newLocation.getY() + 1; setSprite(mobSprites[xIndex][yIndex]); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } public boolean warnedToMove() { return warnedToMove; } public void warnToMove() { warnedToMove = true; } }