//Author xEnt NpcTalk("Hello, I am the Community Instructor"); NpcTalk("Do you have any questions you would like to know about org.moparscape.msc?"); option = PickOption("Where is everyone?", "What is there to do on this game?", "What is different from the original Classic?", "What are the goals of org.moparscape.msc?", "What is a Subscriber?", "How do i contact a moderator?", "I'm off to start my journey now, goodbye!"); if(option == 1) { NpcTalk("Split all across the server like a normal world :)"); NpcTalk("However Edgeville is a very popular place for players"); } if(option == 2) { NpcTalk("There are many things to do, just like the original Classic."); NpcTalk("You may mine, fish, smith, woodcut, kill monsters, do quests and more!"); NpcTalk("Or if you're a player killer, you may search the wilderness for your prey!"); NpcTalk("If you would like to get more familier with the community, check www.msc.org"); NpcTalk("We have an IRC (Chat) channel, Ventrilo (Voice-chat) Server & Community Forums"); } if(option == 3) { NpcTalk("We have slightly boosted Experience rates (2x Original, 3x for Subscribers)"); NpcTalk("We also run a Capture the Flag & Lottery mini-events now and then"); NpcTalk("For a list of in-game Commands you may use, write ::help in your chat"); } if(option == 4) { NpcTalk("This server's goals are to replicate the original Classic to the best of our ability"); NpcTalk("As well as change some minor things that the players request to make the game a better place"); NpcTalk("You can find more information on our website www.msc.org"); } if(option == 5) { NpcTalk("a Subscriber is a supporter of org.moparscape.msc"); NpcTalk("More details on subscribing your account is at www.msc.org"); NpcTalk("Subscribers get a slight Experience boost, and the warm feeling of helping our server"); NpcTalk("Subscribing supports the funding of the server"); } if(option == 6) { NpcTalk("Moderators patrol the game and help out people with issues"); NpcTalk("If your lucky (or unlucky) enough to see a moderator around in-game"); NpcTalk("They will have a Silver crown next to their name. Admins will have yellow"); NpcTalk("They do respond to your reports, or help you out if you pm them (if they are not busy)"); PlayerTalk("How do i become a moderator?"); NpcTalk("Hehe, It's all about the power!!"); NpcTalk("Truth is, Moderators are hand-picked by the whole staff team"); NpcTalk("There is no way to apply for it, just help out a lot and hope you get picked :)"); } if(option == 7) { NpcTalk("Good luck!"); }