import*; import org.rscdaemon.server.model.*; import org.rscdaemon.server.event.*; /** * Quest: Cook's Assistant (v1.0) * Status: COMPLETE * Start: Lumbridge cook (id 7) * Items: 19, 136, 22 * Reward: 1 quest point, 350 cooking xp * * @author youKnowWho */ public class CooksAssistant extends Quest { private static final int COOK_ID = 7; private static final int ITEM_EGG = 19; private static final int ITEM_FLOUR = 136; private static final int ITEM_MILK = 22; private static final int REWARD_XP = 350; private static final String[] FIRST_MENU = new String[]{"Oh, ok, sorry.", "Well maybe I can help?"}; private static final String[] SECOND_MENU = new String[]{"Sure, what do you need?", "No, sorry"}; private static final int QUEST_POINTS = 1; public void init() { associateNpc(COOK_ID); } public CooksAssistant() { } public String getName() { return "Cook's Assistant"; } public int getUniqueID() { return 0; } public void handleAction(QuestAction action, Object[] args, final Player player) { int stage = player.getQuestStage(this); if(stage == -1) // Quest hasn't been started { if(action == action.TALKED_NPC) { if(!(args[0] instanceof Npc)) return; final Npc npc = (Npc)args[0]; if(npc.getID() != COOK_ID) return; player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Sorry, I can't talk right now, I'm very busy!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { player.setBusy(false); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(FIRST_MENU) { public void handleReply(final int option, final String reply) { player.setBusy(true); switch(option) { case 0: player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); sendChat("Oh, ok, sorry.", player, npc); break; case 1: sendChat("Well maybe I can help?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Perhaps you can... You see, it's the duke's birthday tomorrow", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("And I haven't got the ingredients for his cake yet!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Do you think you could collect them for me?", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { player.setBusy(false); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(SECOND_MENU) { public void handleReply(final int option, final String reply) { player.setBusy(true); switch(option) { case 0: sendChat("Sure, what do you need?", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Oh thank you so much! I'm going to need an egg, some milk and a pot of flour.", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Please, hurry!", npc, player); player.setQuestStage(getUniqueID(), 1); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } }); break; case 1: sendChat("No, sorry", player, npc); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Fine. I didn't want your help anyway.", npc, player); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); break; default: player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); break; } } }); owner.getActionSender().sendMenu(SECOND_MENU); } }); } }); } }); } }); break; default: player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); break; } } }); owner.getActionSender().sendMenu(FIRST_MENU); } }); } else return; } else if(stage == 1) { if(action == action.TALKED_NPC) { if(!(args[0] instanceof Npc)) return; final Npc npc = (Npc)args[0]; if(npc.getID() != COOK_ID) return; player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Sorry, I can't - oh, it's you! Do you have the ingredients?", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { player.setBusy(false); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(new String[]{"I forgot what to get!","Yes, i have them","No, not yet"}) { public void handleReply(final int option, final String reply) { player.setBusy(true); sendChat(reply, player, npc); if(option == 0) { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("I need an egg, a pot flour and some milk! And quickly!", npc, player); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } else if(option == 1) { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { //check items if(player.getInventory().hasItemId(ITEM_EGG) && player.getInventory().hasItemId(ITEM_FLOUR) && player.getInventory().hasItemId(ITEM_MILK)) { finishQuest(player, npc); } else { sendChat("No you don't! Oh please, don't get my hopes up like that!", npc, player); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } } }); } else { addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("Oh, please hurry!", npc, player); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } } }); owner.getActionSender().sendMenu(new String[]{"I forgot what to get!","Yes, i have them","No, not yet"}); } }); } } else if (stage == 0) { if(action == action.TALKED_NPC) { if(!(args[0] instanceof Npc)) return; final Npc npc = (Npc)args[0]; if(npc.getID() != COOK_ID) return; player.setBusy(true); npc.blockedBy(player); sendChat("Oh hi " + player.getUsername() + ". Thanks for your help! I can't talk at the moment though.", npc, player); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } } } private void finishQuest(final Player player, final Npc npc) { sendChat("Oh, thank you so much " + player.getUsername() + "!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { sendChat("I'm afraid don't have any money to reward you with", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 3000) { public void action() { sendChat("But I can give you some cooking tips!", npc, player); addSingleEvent(new SingleEvent(player, 2000) { public void action() { player.incExp(7, REWARD_XP, false); player.getActionSender().sendStat(7); player.setQuestStage(getUniqueID(), Quest.COMPLETE); player.getInventory().remove(ITEM_EGG, 1); player.getInventory().remove(ITEM_MILK, 1); player.getInventory().remove(ITEM_FLOUR, 1); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); player.incQuestPoints(QUEST_POINTS); player.setBusy(false); npc.unblock(); } }); } }); } }); } }