Iron Mace false false true 63 16 A spiky mace 0 15654365 Iron Short Sword false false true 91 16 A razor sharp sword 1 15654365 Iron Kite Shield false false true 238 8 A large metal shield 2 15654365 Iron Square Shield false false true 168 8 A medium metal shield 3 15654365 Wooden Shield false false true 20 8 A solid wooden shield 4 0 Medium Iron Helmet false false true 84 32 A medium sized helmet 5 15654365 Large Iron Helmet false false true 154 33 A full face helmet 6 15654365 Iron Chain Mail Body false false true 210 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 15654365 Iron Plate Mail Body false false true 560 322 Provides excellent protection 8 15654365 Iron Plate Mail Legs false false true 280 644 These look pretty heavy 9 15654365 Coins true false true 1 0 Lovely money! 10 0 Bronze Arrows true false true 2 0 Arrows with bronze heads 11 16737817 Iron Axe false false true 56 16 A woodcutters axe 12 15654365 Knife false false true 6 0 A dangerous looking knife 13 0 Logs false false true 4 0 A number of wooden logs 14 0 Leather Armour false false true 21 64 Better than no armour! 15 0 Leather Gloves false false true 6 256 These will keep my hands warm! 17 0 Boots false false true 6 512 Comfortable leather boots 16 0 Cabbage Eat false false true 1 0 Yuck I don't like cabbage 18 0 Egg false false true 4 0 A nice fresh egg 19 0 Bones Bury false false true 1 0 Ew it's a pile of bones 20 0 Bucket false false true 2 0 It's a wooden bucket 22 1052688 Milk false false true 6 0 It's a bucket of milk 22 0 Flour false false false 2 0 A little heap of flour 23 0 Amulet of GhostSpeak false false false 35 1024 It lets me talk to ghosts 24 0 Silverlight key 1 false false false 1 0 A key given to me by Wizard Traiborn 25 14540253 Silverlight key 2 false false false 1 0 A key given to me by Captain Rovin 25 14540253 Skull false false false 1 0 A spooky looking skull 26 0 Iron dagger false false true 35 16 Short but pointy 80 15654365 Grain false false true 2 0 Some wheat heads 27 0 Book Read false false false 1 0 28 16755370 Fire-Rune true false true 4 0 One of the 4 basic elemental runes 30 0 Water-Rune true false true 4 0 One of the 4 basic elemental runes 31 0 Air-Rune true false true 4 0 One of the 4 basic elemental runes 32 0 Earth-Rune true false true 4 0 One of the 4 basic elemental runes 33 0 Mind-Rune true false true 3 0 Used for low level missile spells 34 0 Body-Rune true false true 3 0 Used for curse spells 35 0 Life-Rune true true true 1 0 Used for summon spells 36 0 Death-Rune true false true 20 0 Used for high level missile spells 37 0 Needle true false true 1 0 Used with a thread to make clothes 38 0 Nature-Rune true false true 7 0 Used for alchemy spells 39 0 Chaos-Rune true false true 10 0 Used for mid level missile spells 40 0 Law-Rune true false true 12 0 Used for teleport spells 41 0 Thread true false true 1 0 Used with a needle to make clothes 42 0 Holy Symbol of saradomin false false true 200 0 This needs a string putting on it 43 0 Unblessed Holy Symbol false false true 200 1024 This needs blessing 44 0 Cosmic-Rune true false true 15 0 Used for enchant spells 45 0 Key false false false 1 0 The key to get into the phoenix gang 25 15636736 Key false false true 1 0 The key to the phoenix gang's weapons store 25 15636736 Scroll false false true 5 0 An intelligence Report 29 0 Water false false true 6 0 It's a bucket of water 22 5724145 Silverlight key 3 false false false 1 0 A key I found in a drain 25 14540253 Silverlight false false true 50 16 A magic sword 81 0 Broken shield false false true 1 0 Half of the shield of Arrav 46 0 Broken shield false false true 1 0 Half of the shield of Arrav 47 0 Cadavaberries false false true 1 0 Poisonous berries 21 15161265 Message false false true 1 0 A message from Juliet to Romeo 29 0 Cadava false false false 1 0 I'm meant to give this to Juliet 48 11620466 Potion false false true 1 0 This is meant to be good for spots 48 5289585 Phoenix Crossbow false false true 4 16 Former property of the phoenix gang 49 0 Crossbow false false true 70 16 This fires crossbow bolts 49 0 Certificate false false true 1 0 I can use this to claim a reward from the king 29 0 Bronze dagger false false true 10 16 Short but pointy 80 16737817 Steel dagger false false true 125 16 Short but pointy 80 15658734 Mithril dagger false false true 325 16 Short but pointy 80 10072780 Adamantite dagger false false true 800 16 Short but pointy 80 11717785 Bronze Short Sword false false true 26 16 A razor sharp sword 1 16737817 Steel Short Sword false false true 325 16 A razor sharp sword 1 15658734 Mithril Short Sword false false true 845 16 A razor sharp sword 1 10072780 Adamantite Short Sword false false true 2080 16 A razor sharp sword 1 11717785 Bronze Long Sword false false true 40 16 A razor sharp sword 81 16737817 Iron Long Sword false false true 140 16 A razor sharp sword 81 15654365 Steel Long Sword false false true 500 16 A razor sharp sword 81 15658734 Mithril Long Sword false false true 1300 16 A razor sharp sword 81 10072780 Adamantite Long Sword false false true 3200 16 A razor sharp sword 81 11717785 Rune long sword false false true 32000 16 A razor sharp sword 81 65535 Bronze 2-handed Sword false false true 80 8216 A very large sword 82 16737817 Iron 2-handed Sword false false true 280 8216 A very large sword 82 15654365 Steel 2-handed Sword false false true 1000 8216 A very large sword 82 15658734 Mithril 2-handed Sword false false true 2600 8216 A very large sword 82 10072780 Adamantite 2-handed Sword false false true 6400 8216 A very large sword 82 11717785 Rune 2-handed Sword false false true 64000 8216 A very large sword 82 65535 Bronze Scimitar false false true 32 16 A vicious curved sword 83 16737817 Iron Scimitar false false true 112 16 A vicious curved sword 83 15654365 Steel Scimitar false false true 400 16 A vicious curved sword 83 15658734 Mithril Scimitar false false true 1040 16 A vicious curved sword 83 10072780 Adamantite Scimitar false false true 2560 16 A vicious curved sword 83 11717785 Bronze Axe false false true 16 16 A woodcutters axe 12 16737817 Steel Axe false false true 200 16 A woodcutters axe 12 15658734 Iron battle Axe false false true 182 16 A vicious looking axe 84 15654365 Steel battle Axe false false true 650 16 A vicious looking axe 84 15658734 Mithril battle Axe false false true 1690 16 A vicious looking axe 84 10072780 Adamantite battle Axe false false true 4160 16 A vicious looking axe 84 11717785 Rune battle Axe false false true 41600 16 A vicious looking axe 84 65535 Bronze Mace false false true 18 16 A spiky mace 0 16737817 Steel Mace false false true 225 16 A spiky mace 0 15658734 Mithril Mace false false true 585 16 A spiky mace 0 10072780 Adamantite Mace false false true 1440 16 A spiky mace 0 11717785 Rune Mace false false true 14400 16 A spiky mace 0 65535 Brass key false false true 1 0 I wonder what this is the key to 25 16750848 Staff false false true 15 16 It's a slightly magical stick 85 10072780 Staff of Air false false true 1500 16 A Magical staff 91 65535 Staff of water false false true 1500 16 A Magical staff 91 255 Staff of earth false false true 1500 16 A Magical staff 91 7353600 Medium Bronze Helmet false false true 24 32 A medium sized helmet 5 16737817 Medium Steel Helmet false false true 300 32 A medium sized helmet 5 15658734 Medium Mithril Helmet false false true 780 32 A medium sized helmet 5 10072780 Medium Adamantite Helmet false false true 1920 32 A medium sized helmet 5 11717785 Large Bronze Helmet false false true 44 33 A full face helmet 6 16737817 Large Steel Helmet false false true 550 33 A full face helmet 6 15658734 Large Mithril Helmet false false true 1430 33 A full face helmet 6 10072780 Large Adamantite Helmet false false true 3520 33 A full face helmet 6 11717785 Large Rune Helmet false false true 35200 33 A full face helmet 6 65535 Bronze Chain Mail Body false false true 60 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 16737817 Steel Chain Mail Body false false true 750 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 15658734 Mithril Chain Mail Body false false true 1950 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 10072780 Adamantite Chain Mail Body false false true 4800 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 11717785 Bronze Plate Mail Body false false true 160 322 Provides excellent protection 8 16737817 Steel Plate Mail Body false false true 2000 322 Provides excellent protection 8 15658734 Mithril Plate Mail Body false false true 5200 322 Provides excellent protection 8 10072780 Adamantite Plate Mail Body false false true 12800 322 Provides excellent protection 8 11717785 Steel Plate Mail Legs false false true 1000 644 These look pretty heavy 9 15658734 Mithril Plate Mail Legs false false true 2600 644 These look pretty heavy 9 10072780 Adamantite Plate Mail Legs false false true 6400 644 These look pretty heavy 9 11717785 Bronze Square Shield false false true 48 8 A medium metal shield 3 16737817 Steel Square Shield false false true 600 8 A medium metal shield 3 15658734 Mithril Square Shield false false true 1560 8 A medium metal shield 3 10072780 Adamantite Square Shield false false true 3840 8 A medium metal shield 3 11717785 Bronze Kite Shield false false true 68 8 A large metal shield 2 16737817 Steel Kite Shield false false true 850 8 A large metal shield 2 15658734 Mithril Kite Shield false false true 2210 8 A large metal shield 2 10072780 Adamantite Kite Shield false false true 5440 8 A large metal shield 2 11717785 Cookedmeat Eat false false true 4 0 Mmm this looks tasty 60 13395507 Raw chicken false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 60 16747571 Burntmeat false false true 1 0 Oh dear 60 5000268 Pot false false true 1 0 This pot is empty 61 16748885 Flour false false true 10 0 There is flour in this pot 62 0 Bread dough false false true 1 0 Some uncooked dough 63 0 Bread Eat false false true 12 0 Nice crispy bread 64 16739379 Burntbread false false true 1 0 This bread is ruined! 64 5000268 Jug false false true 1 0 This jug is empty 65 65856 Water false false true 1 0 It's full of water 65 12632319 Wine Drink false false true 1 0 It's full of wine 65 12851224 Grapes false false true 1 0 Good grapes for wine making 21 9386967 Shears false false true 1 0 For shearing sheep 66 0 Wool false false true 1 0 I think this came from a sheep 67 0 Fur false false true 10 0 This would make warm clothing 68 12288534 Cow hide false false true 1 0 I should take this to the tannery 69 0 Leather false false true 1 0 It's a piece of leather 69 16757299 Clay false false true 1 0 Some hard dry clay 70 15046937 Copper ore false false true 3 0 This needs refining 70 16737817 Iron ore false false true 17 0 This needs refining 70 11704729 Gold false false true 150 0 This needs refining 73 16763980 Mithril ore false false true 162 0 This needs refining 70 10072780 Adamantite ore false false true 400 0 This needs refining 70 11717785 Coal false false true 45 0 Hmm a non-renewable energy source! 71 0 Bronze Pickaxe false false true 1 0 Used for mining 72 16737817 Uncut diamond false false true 200 0 This would be worth more cut 73 0 Uncut ruby false false true 100 0 This would be worth more cut 73 16724736 Uncut emerald false false true 50 0 This would be worth more cut 73 3394611 Uncut sapphire false false true 25 0 This would be worth more cut 73 19711 Diamond false false true 2000 0 This looks valuable 74 0 Ruby false false true 1000 0 This looks valuable 74 16724736 Emerald false false true 500 0 This looks valuable 74 3394611 Sapphire false false true 250 0 This looks valuable 74 19711 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Tinderbox false false true 1 0 Useful for lighting a fire 76 0 Chisel false false true 1 0 Good for detailed crafting 77 0 Hammer false false true 1 0 Good for hitting things! 78 0 Bronze bar false false true 8 0 It's a bar of bronze 79 16737817 Iron bar false false true 28 0 It's a bar of iron 79 15654365 Steel bar false false true 100 0 It's a bar of steel 79 15658734 Gold bar false false true 300 0 This looks valuable 79 16763980 Mithril bar false false true 300 0 It's a bar of mithril 79 10072780 Adamantite bar false false true 640 0 It's a bar of adamantite 79 11717785 Pressure gauge false false false 1 0 It looks like part of a machine 50 0 Fish Food false false true 1 0 Keeps your pet fish strong and healthy 51 0 Poison false false true 1 0 This stuff looks nasty 52 0 Poisoned fish food false false false 1 0 Doesn't seem very nice to the poor fishes 51 0 Spinach roll Eat false false true 1 0 A home made spinach thing 53 0 Bad wine Drink false false true 1 0 Oh dear 65 12851224 Ashes false false true 2 0 A heap of ashes 23 11184810 Apron false false true 2 1024 A mostly clean apron 58 0 Cape false false true 2 2048 A bright red cape 59 16711680 Wizards robe false false true 15 64 I can do magic better in this 87 255 Wizardshat false false true 2 32 A silly pointed hat 86 255 Brass necklace false false true 30 1024 I'd prefer a gold one 57 0 Skirt false false true 2 128 A ladies skirt 88 255 Longbow false false true 80 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 65280 Shortbow false false true 50 24 Short but effective 55 65280 Crossbow bolts true false true 3 0 Good if you have a crossbow! 56 0 Apron false false true 2 1024 This will help keep my clothes clean 58 9789488 Chef's hat false false true 2 32 What a silly hat 89 0 Beer Drink false false true 2 0 A glass of frothy ale 90 0 Skirt false false true 2 128 A ladies skirt 88 16036851 Skirt false false true 2 128 A ladies skirt 88 4210752 Black Plate Mail Body false false true 3840 322 Provides excellent protection 8 3158064 Staff of fire false false true 1500 16 A Magical staff 91 16711680 Magic Staff false false true 200 16 A Magical staff 91 16777215 Wizardshat false false true 2 32 A silly pointed hat 86 4210752 Silk false false true 30 0 It's a sheet of silk 92 16724172 Flier false false true 1 0 Get your axes from Bob's axes 29 0 Tin ore false false true 3 0 This needs refining 70 13810105 Mithril Axe false false true 520 16 A powerful axe 12 10072780 Adamantite Axe false false true 1280 16 A powerful axe 12 11717785 Bronze battle Axe false false true 52 16 A vicious looking axe 84 16737817 Bronze Plate Mail Legs false false true 80 644 These look pretty heavy 9 16737817 Ball of wool false false true 2 0 Spun from sheeps wool 93 0 Oil can false false false 3 0 Its pretty full 94 0 Cape false false true 7 2048 A warm black cape 59 2434341 Kebab Eat false false true 3 0 A meaty Kebab 95 0 Spade Dig false false true 3 0 A fairly small spade 96 0 Closet Key false false false 1 0 A slightly smelly key 25 16772608 Rubber tube false false false 3 0 Its slightly charred 97 0 Bronze Plated Skirt false false true 80 640 Designer leg protection 88 8400921 Iron Plated Skirt false false true 280 640 Designer leg protection 88 7824998 Black robe false false true 13 64 I can do magic better in this 87 4210752 Stake false false false 8 16 A very pointy stick 98 16737817 Garlic false false true 3 0 A clove of garlic 99 0 Red spiders eggs false false true 7 0 Eewww 100 0 Limpwurt root false false true 7 0 The root of a limpwurt plant 101 0 Strength Potion Drink false false true 14 0 4 doses of strength potion 48 15658544 Strength Potion Drink false false true 13 0 3 doses of strength potion 48 15658544 Strength Potion Drink false false true 13 0 2 doses of strength potion 48 15658544 Strength Potion Drink false false true 11 0 1 dose of strength potion 48 15658544 Steel Plated skirt false false true 1000 640 Designer leg protection 88 7829367 Mithril Plated skirt false false true 2600 640 Designer Leg protection 88 2245205 Adamantite Plated skirt false false true 6400 640 Designer leg protection 88 4347170 Cabbage Eat false false true 1 0 Yuck I don't like cabbage 18 0 Cape false false true 32 2048 A thick blue cape 59 4210926 Large Black Helmet false false true 1056 33 A full face helmet 6 4210752 Red Bead false false true 4 0 A small round red bead 102 16711680 Yellow Bead false false true 4 0 A small round yellow bead 102 16776960 Black Bead false false true 4 0 A small round black bead 102 4210752 White Bead false false true 4 0 A small round white bead 102 16777215 Amulet of accuracy false false true 100 1024 It increases my aim 24 0 Redberries false false true 3 0 Very bright red berries 21 16711680 Rope false false true 18 0 A Coil of rope 103 0 Reddye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 16711680 Yellowdye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 16776960 Paste false false false 5 0 A bottle off skin coloured paste 104 15523008 Onion false false true 3 0 A strong smelling onion 99 15641190 Bronze key false false false 1 0 A heavy key 25 16737817 Soft Clay false false true 2 0 Clay that's ready to be used 105 0 Wig false false false 2 0 A blonde wig 106 16763992 Wig false false false 2 0 A wig made from wool 106 0 Half full wine jug Drink false false true 1 0 It's half full of wine 65 12851224 Keyprint false false false 2 0 An imprint of a key in a lump of clay 107 0 Black Plate Mail Legs false false true 1920 644 These look pretty heavy 9 4210752 Banana Eat false false true 2 0 Mmm this looks tasty 108 0 Pastry dough false false true 1 0 Some uncooked dough 63 0 Pie dish false false true 3 0 For making pies in 110 15634261 Cooking apple false false true 1 0 I wonder what i can make with this 109 0 Pie shell false false true 1 0 I need to find a filling for this pie 111 0 Uncooked apple pie false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 112 16633518 Uncooked meat pie false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 112 16633518 Uncooked redberry pie false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 112 16633518 Apple pie Eat false false true 30 0 Mmm Apple pie 112 11168819 Redberry pie Eat false false true 12 0 Looks tasty 112 11168819 Meat pie Eat false false true 15 0 Mighty and meaty 112 11168819 Burntpie Empty dish false false true 1 0 Oops 112 5000268 Half a meat pie Eat false false true 10 0 Mighty and meaty 113 11168819 Half a Redberry pie Eat false false true 4 0 Looks tasty 113 11168819 Half an apple pie Eat false false true 5 0 Mmm Apple pie 113 11168819 Portrait false false false 3 0 It's a picture of a knight 114 0 Faladian Knight's sword false false false 200 16 A razor sharp sword 115 15654365 Blurite ore false false false 3 0 What Strange stuff 70 5263598 Asgarnian Ale Drink false false true 2 0 A glass of frothy ale 90 0 Wizard's Mind Bomb Drink false false true 2 0 It's got strange bubbles in it 90 0 Dwarven Stout Drink false false true 2 0 A Pint of thick dark beer 90 0 Eye of newt false false true 3 0 It seems to be looking at me 116 0 Rat's tail false false false 3 0 A bit of rat 117 0 Bluedye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 255 Goblin Armour false false true 40 0 Armour Designed to fit Goblins 118 65535 Goblin Armour false false false 40 0 Armour Designed to fit Goblins 118 16750912 Goblin Armour false false false 40 0 Armour Designed to fit Goblins 118 255 Unstrung Longbow false true true 60 0 I need to find a string for this 119 65280 Unstrung shortbow false true true 23 0 I need to find a string for this 120 65280 Unfired Pie dish false false true 3 0 I need to put this in a pottery oven 110 15632503 Unfired pot false false true 1 0 I need to put this in a pottery oven 61 15632503 Arrow shafts true true true 1 0 I need to attach feathers to these 121 0 Woad Leaf true false true 1 0 Slightly bluish leaves 122 0 Orangedye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 16755200 Gold ring false false true 350 0 A valuable ring 123 16763980 Sapphire ring false false true 900 0 A valuable ring 123 19711 Emerald ring false false true 1275 0 A valuable ring 123 3394611 Ruby ring false false true 2025 0 A valuable ring 123 16724736 Diamond ring false false true 3525 0 A valuable ring 123 0 Gold necklace false false true 450 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 16763980 Sapphire necklace false false true 1050 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 19711 Emerald necklace false false true 1425 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 3394611 Ruby necklace false false true 2175 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 16724736 Diamond necklace false false true 3675 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 0 Ring mould false false true 5 0 Used to make gold rings 127 0 Amulet mould false false true 5 0 Used to make gold amulets 128 0 Necklace mould false false true 5 0 Used to make gold necklaces 129 0 Gold Amulet false false true 350 0 It needs a string so I can wear it 126 16763980 Sapphire Amulet false false true 900 0 It needs a string so I can wear it 126 19711 Emerald Amulet false false true 1275 0 It needs a string so I can wear it 126 3394611 Ruby Amulet false false true 2025 0 It needs a string so I can make wear it 126 16724736 Diamond Amulet false false true 3525 0 It needs a string so I can wear it 126 0 Gold Amulet false false true 350 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 16763980 Sapphire Amulet false false true 900 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 19711 Emerald Amulet false false true 1275 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 3394611 Ruby Amulet false false true 2025 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 16724736 Diamond Amulet false false true 3525 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 0 Superchisel Twiddle false true true 3525 0 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 126 0 Mace of Zamorak false false true 4500 16 This mace gives me the creeps 0 13408690 Bronze Plate Mail top false false true 160 322 Armour designed for females 130 16737817 Steel Plate Mail top false false true 2000 322 Armour designed for females 130 15658734 Mithril Plate Mail top false false true 5200 322 Armour designed for females 130 10072780 Adamantite Plate Mail top false false true 12800 322 Armour designed for females 130 11717785 Iron Plate Mail top false false true 560 322 Armour designed for females 130 15654365 Black Plate Mail top false false true 3840 322 Armour designed for females 130 3158064 Sapphire Amulet of magic false false true 900 1024 It improves my magic 125 19711 Emerald Amulet of protection false false true 1275 1024 It improves my defense 125 3394611 Ruby Amulet of strength rub false false true 2025 1024 It improves my damage 125 16724736 Diamond Amulet of power rub false false true 3525 1024 A powerful amulet 125 0 Karamja Rum false false false 30 0 A very strong spirit brewed in Karamja 131 0 Cheese Eat false false true 4 0 It's got holes in it 150 0 Tomato Eat false false true 4 0 This would make good ketchup 151 0 Pizza Base false false true 4 0 I need to add some tomato next 152 16768184 Burnt Pizza false false true 1 0 Oh dear! 152 4210752 Incomplete Pizza false false true 10 0 I need to add some cheese next 153 0 Uncooked Pizza false false true 25 0 This needs cooking 154 0 Plain Pizza Eat false false true 40 0 A cheese and tomato pizza 154 0 Meat Pizza Eat false false true 50 0 A pizza with bits of meat on it 155 16756316 Anchovie Pizza Eat false false true 60 0 A Pizza with Anchovies 155 11447982 Half Meat Pizza Eat false false true 25 0 Half of this pizza has been eaten 156 16756316 Half Anchovie Pizza Eat false false true 30 0 Half of this pizza has been eaten 156 11447982 Cake Eat false false true 50 0 A plain sponge cake 157 16763289 Burnt Cake false false true 1 0 Argh what a mess! 157 4210752 Chocolate Cake Eat false false true 70 0 This looks very tasty! 157 16744524 Partial Cake Eat false false true 30 0 Someone has eaten a big chunk of this cake 158 16763289 Partial Chocolate Cake Eat false false true 50 0 Someone has eaten a big chunk of this cake 158 16744524 Slice of Cake Eat false false true 10 0 I'd rather have a whole cake! 159 16763289 Chocolate Slice Eat false false true 30 0 A slice of chocolate cake 159 16744524 Chocolate Bar Eat false false true 10 0 It's a bar of chocolate 160 0 Cake Tin false false true 10 0 Useful for baking cakes 177 0 Uncooked cake false false true 20 0 Now all I need to do is cook it 178 16769248 Unfired bowl false false true 2 0 I need to put this in a pottery oven 161 15632503 Bowl false false true 4 0 Useful for mixing things 161 16757606 Bowl of water false false true 3 0 It's a bowl of water 162 255 Incomplete stew false false true 4 0 I need to add some meat too 162 10066355 Incomplete stew false false true 4 0 I need to add some potato too 162 10066355 Uncooked stew false false true 10 0 I need to cook this 162 13415270 Stew Eat false false true 20 0 It's a meat and potato stew 162 10046464 Burnt Stew Empty false false true 1 0 Eew it's horribly burnt 162 3158064 Potato false false true 1 0 Can be used to make stew 163 0 Raw Shrimp false false true 5 0 I should try cooking this 164 16752800 Shrimp Eat false false true 5 0 Some nicely cooked fish 164 16740464 Raw Anchovies false false true 15 0 I should try cooking this 164 10526975 Anchovies Eat false false true 15 0 Some nicely cooked fish 164 7368959 Burnt fish false false true 1 0 Oops! 164 4210752 Raw Sardine false false true 10 0 I should try cooking this 165 10551200 Sardine Eat false false true 10 0 Some nicely cooked fish 165 7405424 Raw Salmon false false true 50 0 I should try cooking this 165 0 Salmon Eat false false true 50 0 Some nicely cooked fish 165 12619920 Raw Trout false false true 20 0 I should try cooking this 165 16752800 Trout Eat false false true 20 0 Some nicely cooked fish 165 16740464 Burnt fish false false true 1 0 Oops! 165 4210752 Raw Herring false false true 15 0 I should try cooking this 166 0 Herring Eat false false true 15 0 Some nicely cooked fish 166 12619920 Raw Pike false false true 25 0 I should try cooking this 166 10526975 Pike Eat false false true 25 0 Some nicely cooked fish 166 7368959 Burnt fish false false true 1 0 Oops! 166 4210752 Raw Tuna false false true 100 0 I should try cooking this 167 0 Tuna Eat false false true 100 0 Wow this is a big fish 167 12619920 Burnt fish false false true 1 0 Oops! 167 4210752 Raw Swordfish false false true 200 0 I should try cooking this 168 16752895 Swordfish Eat false false true 200 0 I'd better be careful eating this! 168 12611776 Burnt Swordfish false false true 1 0 Oops! 168 4210752 Raw Lobster false false true 150 0 I should try cooking this 169 16711680 Lobster Eat false false true 150 0 This looks tricky to eat 169 11558912 Burnt Lobster false false true 1 0 Oops! 169 4210752 Lobster Pot false false true 20 0 Useful for catching lobsters 170 0 Net false false true 5 0 Useful for catching small fish 171 0 Fishing Rod false false true 5 0 Useful for catching sardine or herring 172 0 Fly Fishing Rod false false true 5 0 Useful for catching salmon or trout 173 0 Harpoon false false true 5 0 Useful for catching really big fish 174 0 Fishing Bait true false true 3 0 For use with a fishing rod 175 0 Feather true false true 2 0 Used for fly-fishing 176 0 Chest key false false false 1 0 A key to One eyed Hector's chest 25 14540253 Silver false false true 75 0 This needs refining 134 0 Silver bar false false true 150 0 This looks valuable 79 0 Holy Symbol of saradomin false false true 300 1024 This improves my prayer 44 0 Holy symbol mould false false true 5 0 Used to make Holy Symbols 132 0 Disk of Returning Spin false false true 12 0 Used to get out of Thordur's blackhole 133 0 Monks robe false false true 40 64 I feel closer to the God's when I am wearing this 87 10510400 Monks robe false false true 30 128 Keeps a monk's legs nice and warm 88 10510400 Red key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 16711680 Orange Key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 16755200 Yellow key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 16777045 Blue key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 255 Magenta key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 16711935 Black key false false false 1 0 A painted key 25 4210752 Rune dagger false false true 8000 16 Short but pointy 80 65535 Rune short sword false false true 20800 16 A razor sharp sword 1 65535 Rune Scimitar false false true 25600 16 A vicious curved sword 83 65535 Medium Rune Helmet false false true 19200 32 A medium sized helmet 5 65535 Rune Chain Mail Body false false true 50000 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 65535 Rune Plate Mail Body false false true 65000 322 Provides excellent protection 8 65535 Rune Plate Mail Legs false false true 64000 644 These look pretty heavy 9 65535 Rune Square Shield false false true 38400 8 A medium metal shield 3 56797 Rune Kite Shield false false true 54400 8 A large metal shield 2 56797 Rune Axe false false true 12800 16 A powerful axe 12 65535 Rune skirt false false true 64000 640 Designer leg protection 88 26214 Rune Plate Mail top false false true 65000 322 Armour designed for females 130 65535 Runite bar false false true 5000 0 It's a bar of runite 79 56797 Runite ore false false true 3200 0 This needs refining 70 56797 Plank false false true 1 0 This doesn't look very useful 135 0 Tile false false true 1 0 This doesn't look very useful 136 0 Skull false false true 1 0 A spooky looking skull 26 0 Big Bones Bury false false true 1 0 Ew it's a pile of bones 137 0 Muddy key false false true 1 0 It looks like a key to a chest 25 15636736 Map false false false 1 0 A map showing the way to the Isle of Crandor 138 0 Map Piece false false false 1 0 I need some more of the map for this to be useful 139 0 Map Piece false false false 1 0 I need some more of the map for this to be useful 140 0 Map Piece false false false 1 0 I need some more of the map for this to be useful 141 0 Nails true false true 3 0 Nails made from steel 142 0 Anti dragon breath Shield false false true 20 8 Helps prevent damage from dragons 143 0 Maze key false false true 1 0 The key to the entrance of Melzar's maze 25 14540253 Pumpkin Eat false false true 30 0 Happy halloween 149 0 Black dagger false false true 240 16 Short but pointy 80 3158064 Black Short Sword false false true 624 16 A razor sharp sword 1 3158064 Black Long Sword false false true 960 16 A razor sharp sword 81 3158064 Black 2-handed Sword false false true 1920 8216 A very large sword 82 3158064 Black Scimitar false false true 768 16 A vicious curved sword 83 3158064 Black Axe false false true 384 16 A sinister looking axe 12 3158064 Black battle Axe false false true 1248 16 A vicious looking axe 84 3158064 Black Mace false false true 432 16 A spikey mace 0 3158064 Black Chain Mail Body false false true 1440 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 3158064 Black Square Shield false false true 1152 8 A medium metal shield 3 3158064 Black Kite Shield false false true 1632 8 A large metal shield 2 3158064 Black Plated skirt false false true 1920 640 Designer leg protection 88 1118481 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Guam leaf false true true 3 0 A herb used in attack potion making 75 0 Marrentill false true true 5 0 A herb used in poison cures 75 0 Tarromin false true true 11 0 A useful herb 75 0 Harralander false true true 20 0 A useful herb 75 0 Ranarr Weed false true true 25 0 A useful herb 75 0 Irit Leaf false true true 40 0 A useful herb 75 0 Avantoe false true true 48 0 A useful herb 75 0 Kwuarm false true true 54 0 A powerful herb 75 0 Cadantine false true true 65 0 A powerful herb 75 0 Dwarf Weed false true true 70 0 A powerful herb 75 0 Unfinished potion false true true 3 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Guam potion 48 10073782 Unfinished potion false true true 5 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Marrentill potion 48 11966902 Unfinished potion false true true 11 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Tarromin potion 48 11974297 Unfinished potion false true true 20 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Harralander potion 48 11966873 Unfinished potion false true true 25 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Ranarr potion 48 10073753 Unfinished potion false true true 40 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Irit potion 48 10066358 Unfinished potion false true true 48 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Avantoe potion 48 10066329 Unfinished potion false true true 54 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Kwuarm potion 48 11974326 Unfinished potion false true true 65 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Cadantine potion 48 13743769 Unfinished potion false true true 70 0 I need another ingredient to finish this Dwarfweed potion 48 10073809 Vial false false true 2 0 It's full of water 48 11197951 Vial false false true 2 0 This vial is empty 144 0 Unicorn horn false true true 20 0 Poor unicorn 145 0 Blue dragon scale false true true 50 0 A large shiny scale 146 0 Pestle and mortar false true true 4 0 I can grind things for potions in this 147 0 Snape grass false true true 10 0 Strange spikey grass 148 0 Medium black Helmet false false true 576 32 A medium sized helmet 5 3158064 White berries false true true 10 0 Poisonous berries 21 0 Ground blue dragon scale false true true 40 0 This stuff isn't good for you 23 35071 Ground unicorn horn false true true 20 0 A useful potion ingredient 23 15645520 Attack Potion Drink false true true 12 0 3 doses of attack potion 48 3206894 Attack Potion Drink false true true 9 0 2 doses of attack potion 48 3206894 Attack Potion Drink false true true 6 0 1 dose of attack potion 48 3206894 Stat restoration Potion Drink false true true 88 0 3 doses of stat restoration potion 48 15609904 Stat restoration Potion Drink false true true 66 0 2 doses of stat restoration potion 48 15609904 Stat restoration Potion Drink false true true 44 0 1 dose of stat restoration potion 48 15609904 Defense Potion Drink false true true 120 0 3 doses of defense potion 48 3206704 Defense Potion Drink false true true 90 0 2 doses of defense potion 48 3206704 Defense Potion Drink false true true 60 0 1 dose of defense potion 48 3206704 Restore prayer Potion Drink false true true 152 0 3 doses of restore prayer potion 48 3206809 Restore prayer Potion Drink false true true 114 0 2 doses of restore prayer potion 48 3206809 Restore prayer Potion Drink false true true 76 0 1 dose of restore prayer potion 48 3206809 Super attack Potion Drink false true true 180 0 3 doses of attack potion 48 3158254 Super attack Potion Drink false true true 135 0 2 doses of attack potion 48 3158254 Super attack Potion Drink false true true 90 0 1 dose of attack potion 48 3158254 Fishing Potion Drink false true true 200 0 3 doses of fishing potion 48 3158064 Fishing Potion Drink false true true 150 0 2 doses of fishing potion 48 3158064 Fishing Potion Drink false true true 100 0 1 dose of fishing potion 48 3158064 Super strength Potion Drink false true true 220 0 3 doses of strength potion 48 15658734 Super strength Potion Drink false true true 165 0 2 doses of strength potion 48 15658734 Super strength Potion Drink false true true 110 0 1 dose of strength potion 48 15658734 Super defense Potion Drink false true true 264 0 3 doses of defense potion 48 15644208 Super defense Potion Drink false true true 198 0 2 doses of defense potion 48 15644208 Super defense Potion Drink false true true 132 0 1 dose of defense potion 48 15644208 Ranging Potion Drink false true true 288 0 3 doses of ranging potion 48 3192558 Ranging Potion Drink false true true 216 0 2 doses of ranging potion 48 3192558 Ranging Potion Drink false true true 144 0 1 dose of ranging potion 48 3192558 Wine of Zamorak Drink false false true 1 0 It's full of wine 65 12851224 Raw bear meat false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 60 16747571 Raw rat meat false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 60 16747571 Raw beef false false true 1 0 I need to cook this first 60 16747571 Enchanted bear meat false true false 1 0 I don't fancy eating this now 60 13495347 Enchanted rat meat false true false 1 0 I don't fancy eating this now 60 13495347 Enchanted beef false true false 1 0 I don't fancy eating this now 60 13495347 Enchanted chicken meat false true false 1 0 I don't fancy eating this now 60 13495347 Dramen Staff false true false 15 16 A magical staff cut from the dramen tree 85 10072780 Dramen Branch false true false 15 0 I need to make this into a staff 179 10072780 Cape false false true 32 2048 A thick Green cape 59 4246592 Cape false false true 32 2048 A thick yellow cape 59 15658560 Cape false false true 32 2048 A thick Orange cape 59 15636736 Cape false false true 32 2048 A thick purple cape 59 11141341 Greendye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 65280 Purpledye false false true 5 0 A little bottle of dye 104 11141375 Iron ore certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 iron ore 180 0 Coal certificate true false true 20 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 coal 180 0 Mithril ore certificate true false true 30 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 mithril ore 180 0 Silver certificate true false true 15 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 silver nuggets 180 0 Gold certificate true false true 25 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 gold nuggets 180 0 Dragonstone Amulet false true true 17625 1024 A very powerful amulet 125 12255487 Dragonstone false true true 10000 0 This looks very valuable 74 12255487 Dragonstone Amulet false true true 17625 0 It needs a string so I can wear it 126 12255487 Crystal key false true true 1 0 A very shiny key 25 15663103 Half of a key false true true 1 0 A very shiny key 181 15663103 Half of a key false true true 1 0 A very shiny key 182 15663103 Iron bar certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 iron bars 180 0 Steel bar certificate true false true 20 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 steel bars 180 0 Mithril bar certificate true false true 30 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 mithril bars 180 0 Silver bar certificate true false true 15 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 silver bars 180 0 Gold bar certificate true false true 25 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 gold bars 180 0 Lobster certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 lobsters 180 0 Raw lobster certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 raw lobsters 180 0 Swordfish certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 swordfish 180 0 Raw swordfish certificate true false true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at draynor market for 5 raw swordfish 180 0 Diary Read false true true 1 0 Property of Nora.T.Hag 28 11206570 Front door key false true false 1 0 A house key 25 15636736 Ball false true false 1 0 A child's ball 183 0 Magnet false true false 3 0 A very attractive magnet 184 0 Grey wolf fur false true true 50 0 This would make warm clothing 68 15658734 Uncut dragonstone false true true 1000 0 This would be worth more cut 73 12255487 Dragonstone ring false true true 17625 0 A valuable ring 123 12255487 Dragonstone necklace false true true 18375 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 12255487 Raw Shark false true true 300 0 I should try cooking this 185 5263488 Shark Eat false true true 300 0 I'd better be careful eating this! 185 11558912 Burnt Shark false true true 1 0 Oops! 185 4210752 Big Net false true true 20 0 Useful for catching lots of fish 186 0 Casket Open false true true 50 0 I hope there is treasure in it 187 0 Raw cod false true true 25 0 I should try cooking this 165 10526924 Cod Eat false true true 25 0 Some nicely cooked fish 165 7368908 Raw Mackerel false true true 17 0 I should try cooking this 166 13421728 Mackerel Eat false true true 17 0 Some nicely cooked fish 166 13421680 Raw Bass false true true 120 0 I should try cooking this 167 16752800 Bass Eat false true true 120 0 Wow this is a big fish 167 16740464 Ice Gloves false true false 6 256 These will keep my hands cold! 17 11202303 Firebird Feather false true false 2 0 A red hot feather 176 16711680 Firebird Feather false true false 2 0 This is cool enough to hold now 176 16768256 Poisoned Iron dagger false true true 35 16 Short but pointy 80 15654365 Poisoned bronze dagger false true true 10 16 Short but pointy 80 16737817 Poisoned Steel dagger false true true 125 16 Short but pointy 80 15658734 Poisoned Mithril dagger false true true 325 16 Short but pointy 80 10072780 Poisoned Rune dagger false true true 8000 16 Short but pointy 80 65535 Poisoned Adamantite dagger false true true 800 16 Short but pointy 80 11717785 Poisoned Black dagger false true true 240 16 Short but pointy 80 3158064 Cure poison Potion Drink false true true 288 0 3 doses of cure poison potion 48 6749969 Cure poison Potion Drink false true true 216 0 2 doses of cure poison potion 48 6749969 Cure poison Potion Drink false true true 144 0 1 dose of cure poison potion 48 6749969 Poison antidote Drink false true true 288 0 3 doses of anti poison potion 48 16716134 Poison antidote Drink false true true 216 0 2 doses of anti poison potion 48 16716134 Poison antidote Drink false true true 144 0 1 dose of anti poison potion 48 16716134 Weapon poison false true true 144 0 For use on daggers and arrows 48 1140479 ID Paper false true true 1 0 ID of Hartigen the black knight 29 0 Poison Bronze Arrows true true true 2 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 16737817 Christmas cracker false false true 1 0 Use on another player to pull it 188 16711680 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 16711680 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 16776960 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 255 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 65280 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 16711935 Party Hat false false true 2 32 Party!!! 189 0 Miscellaneous key false true true 1 0 I wonder what this unlocks 25 14509670 Bunch of keys false true true 2 0 Some keys on a keyring 190 0 Whisky Drink false true true 5 0 A bottle of Draynor Malt 191 16755200 Candlestick false true true 5 0 A valuable candlestick 192 0 Master thief armband false true false 2 0 This denotes a great act of thievery 193 0 Blamish snail slime false true false 5 0 Yuck 104 15663086 Blamish oil false true false 10 0 Made from the finest snail slime 48 15663086 Oily Fishing Rod false true false 15 0 A rod covered in Blamish oil 172 0 Lava eel Eat false true false 150 0 Strange it looks cooler now it's been cooked 194 11558912 Raw lava eel false true false 150 0 A very strange eel 194 16711680 Poison Crossbow bolts true true true 3 0 Good if you have a crossbow! 56 0 Dragon sword false true true 100000 16 A Razor sharp sword 273 16711748 Dragon axe false true true 200000 16 A vicious looking axe 272 16711748 Jail keys false true false 2 0 Keys to the black knight jail 190 0 Dusty Key false true false 1 0 A key given to me by Velrak 25 12303291 Charged Dragonstone Amulet Rub false true true 17625 1024 A very powerful amulet 125 12255487 Grog Drink false true true 3 0 A murky glass of some sort of drink 90 0 Candle false true false 3 0 An unlit candle 195 0 Black Candle false true false 3 0 A spooky but unlit candle 195 2105376 Candle false true false 3 0 A small slowly burning candle 196 0 Black Candle false true false 3 0 A spooky candle 196 2105376 Insect repellant false true false 3 0 Drives away all known 6 legged creatures 197 0 Bat bones Bury false true true 1 0 Ew it's a pile of bones 20 0 Wax Bucket false true false 2 0 It's a wooden bucket 22 16777181 Excalibur false true false 200 16 This used to belong to king Arthur 115 10072780 Druids robe false false true 40 64 I feel closer to the Gods when I am wearing this 87 16777215 Druids robe false false true 30 128 Keeps a druids's knees nice and warm 88 16777215 Eye patch false true true 2 32 It makes me look very piratical 198 0 Unenchanted Dragonstone Amulet false true true 17625 1024 I wonder if I can get this enchanted 125 12255487 Unpowered orb false true true 100 0 I'd prefer it if it was powered 199 0 Fire orb false true true 300 0 A magic glowing orb 199 16711680 Water orb false true true 300 0 A magic glowing orb 199 255 Battlestaff false true true 7000 16 It's a slightly magical stick 85 10072780 Battlestaff of fire false true true 15500 16 A Magical staff 91 16711680 Battlestaff of water false true true 15500 16 A Magical staff 91 255 Battlestaff of air false true true 15500 16 A Magical staff 91 65535 Battlestaff of earth false true true 15500 16 A Magical staff 91 7353600 Blood-Rune true true true 25 0 Used for high level missile spells 200 0 Beer glass false false true 2 0 I need to fill this with beer 201 0 Glassblowing pipe false true true 2 0 Use on molten glass to make things 202 0 Seaweed false true true 2 0 Slightly damp seaweed 203 0 Molten glass false true true 2 0 Hot glass ready to be blown 204 0 Soda ash false true true 2 0 One of the ingredients for making glass 23 0 Sand false true true 2 0 One of the ingredients for making glass 22 16763904 Air orb false true true 300 0 A magic glowing orb 199 65535 Earth orb false true true 300 0 A magic glowing orb 199 7353600 Bass certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 bass 180 0 Raw bass certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 raw bass 180 0 Shark certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 shark 180 0 Raw shark certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 raw shark 180 0 Oak Logs false true true 20 0 Logs cut from an oak tree 14 0 Willow Logs false true true 40 0 Logs cut from a willow tree 14 0 Maple Logs false true true 80 0 Logs cut from a maple tree 14 0 Yew Logs false true true 160 0 Logs cut from a yew tree 14 0 Magic Logs false true true 320 0 Logs made from magical wood 14 0 Headless Arrows true true true 1 0 I need to attach arrow heads to these 205 0 Iron Arrows true true true 6 0 Arrows with iron heads 11 15654365 Poison Iron Arrows true true true 6 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 15654365 Steel Arrows true true true 24 0 Arrows with steel heads 11 15658734 Poison Steel Arrows true true true 24 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 15658734 Mithril Arrows true true true 64 0 Arrows with mithril heads 11 9614028 Poison Mithril Arrows true true true 64 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 9614028 Adamantite Arrows true true true 160 0 Arrows with adamantite heads 11 11717785 Poison Adamantite Arrows true true true 160 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 11717785 Rune Arrows true true true 800 0 Arrows with rune heads 11 65535 Poison Rune Arrows true true true 800 0 Venomous looking arrows 206 65535 Oak Longbow false true true 160 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 255 Oak Shortbow false true true 100 24 Short but effective 55 255 Willow Longbow false true true 320 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 16776960 Willow Shortbow false true true 200 24 Short but effective 55 16776960 Maple Longbow false true true 640 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 16746496 Maple Shortbow false true true 400 24 Short but effective 55 16746496 Yew Longbow false true true 1280 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 16711680 Yew Shortbow false true true 800 24 Short but effective 55 16711680 Magic Longbow false true true 2560 24 A Nice sturdy bow 54 4210752 Magic Shortbow false true true 1600 24 Short but effective 55 4210752 Unstrung Oak Longbow false true true 80 0 I need to find a string for this 119 255 Unstrung Oak Shortbow false true true 50 0 I need to find a string for this 120 255 Unstrung Willow Longbow false true true 160 0 I need to find a string for this 119 16776960 Unstrung Willow Shortbow false true true 100 0 I need to find a string for this 120 16776960 Unstrung Maple Longbow false true true 320 0 I need to find a string for this 119 16744448 Unstrung Maple Shortbow false true true 200 0 I need to find a string for this 120 16744448 Unstrung Yew Longbow false true true 640 0 I need to find a string for this 119 16711680 Unstrung Yew Shortbow false true true 400 0 I need to find a string for this 120 16711680 Unstrung Magic Longbow false true true 1280 0 I need to find a string for this 119 4210752 Unstrung Magic Shortbow false true true 800 0 I need to find a string for this 120 4210752 Barcrawl card Read false true false 10 0 The official Alfred Grimhand barcrawl 180 0 Bronze arrow heads true true true 1 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 16737817 Iron arrow heads true true true 3 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 15658717 Steel arrow heads true true true 12 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 15658734 Mithril arrow heads true true true 32 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 10072780 Adamantite arrow heads true true true 80 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 11717785 Rune arrow heads true true true 400 0 Not much use without the rest of the arrow! 207 65535 Flax false true true 5 0 I should use this with a spinning wheel 209 0 Bow string false true true 10 0 I need a bow handle to attach this too 208 0 Easter egg Eat false false true 10 0 Happy Easter 210 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 I need to catch some scorpions in this 211 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 1 scorpion in it 212 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 2 scorpions in it 212 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 3 scorpions in it 212 0 Enchanted Battlestaff of fire false true true 42500 16 A Magical staff 91 16711680 Enchanted Battlestaff of water false true true 42500 16 A Magical staff 91 255 Enchanted Battlestaff of air false true true 42500 16 A Magical staff 91 65535 Enchanted Battlestaff of earth false true true 42500 16 A Magical staff 91 7353600 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 1 scorpion in it 212 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 1 scorpion in it 212 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 2 scorpions in it 212 0 Scorpion cage false true false 10 0 It has 2 scorpions in it 212 0 Gold false true false 150 0 This needs refining 73 16763980 Gold bar false true false 300 0 This looks valuable 79 16763980 Ruby ring false true false 2025 0 A valuable ring 123 16724736 Ruby necklace false false false 2175 1024 I wonder if this is valuable 57 16724736 Family crest false true false 10 0 The crest of a varrocian noble family 213 0 Crest fragment false true false 10 0 Part of the Fitzharmon family crest 214 0 Crest fragment false true false 10 0 Part of the Fitzharmon family crest 215 0 Crest fragment false true false 10 0 Part of the Fitzharmon family crest 216 0 Steel gauntlets false true false 6 256 Very handy armour 217 12303291 Gauntlets of goldsmithing false true false 6 256 Metal gloves for gold making 217 16777130 Gauntlets of cooking false true false 6 256 Used for cooking fish 217 14540253 Gauntlets of chaos false true false 6 256 Improves bolt spells 217 16755370 Robe of Zamorak false true true 40 64 A robe worn by worshippers of Zamorak 87 16711680 Robe of Zamorak false true true 30 128 A robe worn by worshippers of Zamorak 88 16711680 Address Label false true false 10 0 To lord Handelmort- Handelmort mansion 218 0 Tribal totem false true false 10 0 It represents some sort of tribal god 219 0 Tourist guide Read false true true 1 0 Your definitive guide to Ardougne 28 11184895 Spice false true true 230 0 Put it in uncooked stew to make curry 62 16711680 Uncooked curry false true true 10 0 I need to cook this 162 15643494 Curry Eat false true true 20 0 It's a spicey hot curry 162 12274688 Burnt curry Empty false true true 1 0 Eew it's horribly burnt 162 5255216 Yew logs certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Ardougne for 5 yew logs 180 0 Maple logs certificate true true true 20 0 Each certificate exchangable at Ardougne for 5 maple logs 180 0 Willow logs certificate true true true 30 0 Each certificate exchangable at Ardougne for 5 willow logs 180 0 Lockpick false true true 20 0 It makes picking some locks easier 220 0 Red vine worms true true false 3 0 Strange little red worms 175 16711680 Blanket false true false 5 0 A child's blanket 92 56831 Raw giant carp false true false 50 0 I should try cooking this 165 80 Giant Carp Eat false true false 50 0 Some nicely cooked fish 165 12619984 Fishing competition Pass false true false 10 0 Admits one to the Hemenster fishing competition 218 0 Hemenster fishing trophy false true false 20 0 Hurrah you won a fishing competition 221 16763980 Pendant of Lucien false true false 12 1024 Gets me through the chamber of fear 222 3158064 Boots of lightfootedness false true false 6 512 Wearing these makes me feel like I am floating 223 16742144 Ice Arrows true true false 2 0 Can only be fired with yew or magic bows 11 11206655 Lever false true false 20 0 This was once attached to something 224 0 Staff of Armadyl false true false 15 16 A Magical staff 91 16776960 Pendant of Armadyl false true false 12 1024 Allows me to fight Lucien 222 0 Large cog false true false 10 0 A large old cog 241 255 Large cog false true false 10 0 A large old cog 240 0 Large cog false true false 10 0 A large old cog 241 16711680 Large cog false true false 10 0 A large old cog 241 13369548 Rat Poison false true true 1 0 This stuff looks nasty 52 0 Shiny Key false true false 1 0 Quite a small key 25 12303291 Khazard Helmet false true false 10 32 A medium sized helmet 5 11250603 Khazard chainmail false true false 10 64 A series of connected metal rings 7 11250603 Khali brew Drink false true true 5 0 A bottle of khazard's worst brew 191 16755200 Khazard cell keys false true false 1 0 Keys for General Khazard's cells 25 14540253 Poison chalice Drink false true false 20 0 A strange looking drink 225 11206400 Magic whistle Blow false true false 10 0 A small tin whistle 226 0 Cup of tea Drink false true true 10 0 A nice cup of tea 227 0 Orb of protection false true false 1 0 A strange glowing green orb 242 14540253 Orbs of protection false true false 1 0 Two strange glowing green orbs 243 14540253 Holy table napkin false true false 10 0 A cloth given to me by sir Galahad 92 0 Bell Ring false true false 1 0 I wonder what happens when i ring it 228 0 Gnome Emerald Amulet of protection false true false 0 1024 It improves my defense 125 3394611 Magic golden feather Blow on false true false 2 0 It will point the way for me 176 16776960 Holy grail false true false 1 0 A holy and powerful artifact 229 0 Script of Hazeel false true false 1 0 An old scroll with strange ancient text 244 14540253 Pineapple false true true 1 0 It can be cut up with a knife 124 0 Pineapple ring Eat false true true 1 0 Exotic fruit 230 0 Pineapple Pizza Eat false true true 100 0 A tropicana pizza 155 16777079 Half pineapple Pizza Eat false true true 50 0 Half of this pizza has been eaten 156 16777079 Magic scroll Read false true false 1 0 Maybe I should read it 244 0 Mark of Hazeel false true false 0 0 A large metal amulet 245 14540253 Bloody axe of zamorak false true false 5000 16 A vicious looking axe 246 15658734 Carnillean armour false true false 65 0 The carnillean family armour 247 15658734 Carnillean Key false true false 1 0 An old rusty key 25 16772608 Cattle prod false true false 15 0 An old cattle prod 248 16772608 Plagued sheep remains false true false 0 0 These sheep remains are infected 20 14540253 Poisoned animal feed false true false 0 0 This looks nasty 250 14540253 Protective jacket false true false 50 64 A thick heavy leather top 251 14540253 Protective trousers false true false 50 644 A thick pair of leather trousers 252 15654365 Plagued sheep remains false true false 0 0 These sheep remains are infected 20 14540253 Plagued sheep remains false true false 0 0 These sheep remains are infected 20 14540253 Plagued sheep remains false true false 0 0 These sheep remains are infected 20 14540253 Dwellberries Eat false true true 4 0 Some rather pretty blue berries 253 0 Gasmask false true false 2 32 Stops me breathing nasty stuff 232 0 Picture false true false 2 0 A picture of a lady called Elena 233 0 Book Read false true false 1 0 Turnip growing for beginners 28 16755455 Seaslug false true false 4 0 A rather nasty looking crustacean 254 0 Chocolaty milk Drink false true false 2 0 Milk with chocolate in it 22 9785408 Hangover cure false true false 2 0 It doesn't look very tasty 22 8757312 Chocolate dust false true true 2 0 I prefer it in a bar shape 23 9461792 Torch false true false 4 0 A unlit home made torch 255 0 Torch false true false 4 0 A lit home made torch 256 0 Warrant false true false 5 0 A search warrant for a house in Ardougne 29 0 Damp sticks false true false 0 0 Some damp wooden sticks 257 0 Dry sticks Rub together false true false 0 0 Some dry wooden sticks 258 0 Broken glass false true false 0 0 Glass from a broken window pane 259 0 Oyster pearls false true true 1400 0 I could work wonders with these and a chisel 260 0 Little key false true false 1 0 Quite a small key 25 12303291 Scruffy note Read false true true 2 0 It seems to say hongorer lure 234 0 Glarial's amulet false true false 1 1024 A bright green gem set in a necklace 261 12303291 Swamp tar true true true 1 0 A foul smelling thick tar like substance 262 12303291 Uncooked Swamp paste true true true 1 0 A thick tar like substance mixed with flour 263 12303291 Swamp paste true true true 30 0 A tar like substance mixed with flour and warmed 263 12303291 Oyster pearl bolts true true true 110 0 Great if you have a crossbow! 266 0 Glarials pebble false true false 1 0 A small pebble with elven inscription 264 12303291 Book on baxtorian Read false true false 2 0 A book on elven history in north runescape 28 0 Large key false true false 1 0 I wonder what this is the key to 25 16750848 Oyster pearl bolt tips true true true 56 0 Can be used to improve crossbow bolts 265 12303291 Oyster false true true 5 0 It's empty 267 0 Oyster pearls false true true 112 0 I could work wonders with these and a chisel 268 0 Oyster Open false true true 200 0 It's a rare oyster 269 0 Soil false true false 2 0 It's a bucket of fine soil 22 12285815 Dragon medium Helmet false true true 100000 32 A medium sized helmet 271 16711748 Mithril seed Open true true false 200 0 Magical seeds in a mithril case 270 0 An old key false true false 1 0 A door key 25 15636736 Pigeon cage false true false 1 0 It's for holding pigeons 274 15636736 Messenger pigeons Release false true false 1 0 Some very plump birds 275 15636736 Bird feed false true false 1 0 A selection of mixed seeds 276 15636736 Rotten apples Eat false true false 1 0 Yuck! 277 15636736 Doctors gown false true false 40 64 I do feel clever wearing this 87 16777215 Bronze key false true false 1 0 A heavy key 25 16737817 Distillator false true false 1 0 It's for seperating compounds 278 16737817 Glarial's urn false false false 1 0 An urn containing glarials ashes 279 0 Glarial's urn false false false 1 0 An empty metal urn 280 0 Priest robe false false true 5 64 I feel closer to saradomin in this 87 1052688 Priest gown false false true 5 128 I feel closer to saradomin in this 88 1052688 Liquid Honey false true false 0 0 This isn't worth much 48 16776960 Ethenea false true false 10 0 An expensive colourless liquid 48 11184827 Sulphuric Broline false true false 1 0 It's highly poisonous 48 11966902 Plague sample false true false 1 0 An air tight tin container 281 0 Touch paper false true false 1 0 For scientific testing 282 0 Dragon Bones Bury false true true 1 0 Ew it's a pile of bones 137 0 Herb Identify false true false 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Snake Weed false true false 5 0 A very rare jungle herb 75 0 Herb Identify false true false 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Ardrigal false true false 5 0 An interesting 75 0 Herb Identify false true false 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Sito Foil false true false 5 0 An rare species of jungle herb 75 0 Herb Identify false true false 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Volencia Moss false true false 5 0 A very rare species of jungle herb 75 0 Herb Identify false true false 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Rogues Purse false true false 5 0 A rare species of jungle herb 75 0 Soul-Rune true true true 2500 0 Used for high level curse spells 235 0 King lathas Amulet false true false 10 1024 The amulet is red 125 13382451 Bronze Spear false true true 4 16 A bronze tipped spear 283 16737817 Halloween mask false false true 15 32 Aaaarrrghhh ... i'm a monster 284 65280 Dragon bitter Drink false true true 2 0 A glass of frothy ale 90 0 Greenmans ale Drink false true true 2 0 A glass of frothy ale 90 0 Halloween mask false false true 15 32 Aaaarrrghhh ... i'm a monster 284 16711680 Halloween mask false false true 15 32 Aaaarrrghhh ... i'm a monster 284 255 Cocktail glass false true true 0 0 For sipping cocktails 285 0 Cocktail shaker Pour false true true 2 0 For mixing cocktails 286 0 Bone Key Look false true false 1 0 A key delicately carved key made from a single piece of bone 25 16777215 Gnome robe false true true 180 128 A high fashion robe 88 16755370 Gnome robe false true true 180 128 A high fashion robe 88 11206570 Gnome robe false true true 180 128 A high fashion robe 88 11184895 Gnome robe false true true 180 128 A high fashion robe 88 16777164 Gnome robe false true true 180 128 A high fashion robe 88 13434879 Gnomeshat false true true 160 32 A silly pointed hat 86 16755370 Gnomeshat false true true 160 32 A silly pointed hat 86 11206570 Gnomeshat false true true 160 32 A silly pointed hat 86 11184895 Gnomeshat false true true 160 32 A silly pointed hat 86 16777164 Gnomeshat false true true 160 32 A silly pointed hat 86 13434879 Gnome top false true true 180 64 Rometti - the ultimate in gnome design 87 16755370 Gnome top false true true 180 64 Rometti - the only name in gnome fashion! 87 11206570 Gnome top false true true 180 64 Rometti - the only name in gnome fashion! 87 11184895 Gnome top false true true 180 64 Rometti - the only name in gnome fashion! 87 16777164 Gnome top false true true 180 64 Rometti - the only name in gnome fashion! 87 13434879 Gnome cocktail guide Read false true true 2 0 A book on tree gnome cocktails 299 0 Beads of the dead false true false 35 1024 A curious looking neck ornament 24 16737817 Cocktail glass Drink false true true 2 0 For sipping cocktails 288 0 Cocktail glass Drink false true true 2 0 For sipping cocktails 289 0 Lemon Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 290 0 Lemon slices Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 291 16763952 Orange Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 292 0 Orange slices Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 291 16760880 Diced orange Eat false true true 2 0 Fresh chunks of orange 293 16760880 Diced lemon Eat false true true 2 0 Fresh chunks of lemon 293 16763952 Fresh Pineapple Eat false true true 1 0 It can be cut up with a knife 124 0 Pineapple chunks Eat false true true 1 0 Fresh chunks of pineapple 293 16760880 Lime Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 294 0 Lime chunks Eat false true true 1 0 Fresh chunks of lime 293 65280 Lime slices Eat false true true 2 0 It's very fresh 291 65280 Fruit blast Drink false true true 2 0 A cool refreshing fruit mix 295 0 Odd looking cocktail Drink false true true 2 0 A cool refreshing mix 289 0 Whisky Drink false true true 5 0 A locally brewed Malt 191 16755200 Vodka Drink false true true 5 0 A strong spirit 191 16755200 Gin Drink false true true 5 0 A strong spirit 191 16755200 Cream Eat false true true 2 0 Fresh cream 296 0 Drunk dragon Drink false true true 2 0 A warm creamy alcoholic beverage 297 0 Equa leaves Eat false true true 2 0 Small sweet smelling leaves 298 0 SGG Drink false true true 2 0 A short green guy..looks good 295 0 Chocolate saturday Drink false true true 2 0 A warm creamy alcoholic beverage 297 0 Brandy Drink false true true 5 0 A strong spirit 191 16755200 Blurberry special Drink false true true 2 0 Looks good..smells strong 295 0 Wizard blizzard Drink false true true 2 0 Looks like a strange mix 295 0 Pineapple punch Drink false true true 2 0 A fresh healthy fruit mix 295 0 Gnomebatta dough false true true 2 0 Dough formed into a base 300 0 Gianne dough Mould false true true 2 0 It's made from a secret recipe 301 0 Gnomebowl dough false true true 2 0 Dough formed into a bowl shape 302 0 Gnomecrunchie dough false true true 2 0 Dough formed into cookie shapes 303 0 Gnomebatta false true true 2 0 A baked dough base 300 0 Gnomebowl Eat false true true 2 0 A baked dough bowl 302 0 Gnomebatta false true true 2 0 It's burnt to a sinder 304 0 Gnomecrunchie false true true 2 0 They're burnt to a sinder 306 0 Gnomebowl false true true 2 0 It's burnt to a sinder 305 0 Uncut Red Topaz false true true 40 0 A semi precious stone 73 16525133 Uncut Jade false true true 30 0 A semi precious stone 73 10025880 Uncut Opal false true true 20 0 A semi precious stone 73 16777124 Red Topaz false true true 200 0 A semi precious stone 74 16525133 Jade false true true 150 0 A semi precious stone 74 10025880 Opal false true true 100 0 A semi precious stone 74 16777124 Swamp Toad Remove legs false true true 2 0 Slippery little blighters 307 0 Toad legs Eat false true true 2 0 Gnome delicacy apparently 308 0 King worm Eat false true true 2 0 Gnome delicacy apparently 309 0 Gnome spice false true true 2 0 Aluft Giannes secret reciepe 310 0 Gianne cook book Read false true true 2 0 Aluft Giannes favorite dishes 299 0 Gnomecrunchie Eat false true true 2 0 Yum ... smells good 311 0 Cheese and tomato batta Eat false true true 2 0 Smells really good 312 0 Toad batta Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Gnome batta Eat false true true 2 0 Smells like pants 312 0 Worm batta Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Fruit batta Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Veg batta Eat false true true 2 0 looks healthy 312 0 Chocolate bomb Eat false true true 2 0 Looks great 313 0 Vegball Eat false true true 2 0 Looks pretty healthy 314 0 Worm hole Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 315 0 Tangled toads legs Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 316 0 Choc crunchies Eat false true true 2 0 Yum ... smells good 311 0 Worm crunchies Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 311 0 Toad crunchies Eat false true true 2 0 Actually smells quite good 311 0 Spice crunchies Eat false true true 2 0 Yum ... smells good 311 0 Crushed Gemstone false true true 2 0 A gemstone that has been smashed 23 16777215 Blurberry badge false true true 2 0 An official cocktail maker 317 16711680 Gianne badge false true true 2 0 An official gianne chef 317 65280 Tree gnome translation Read false true true 2 0 Translate the old gnome tounge 299 0 Bark sample false true false 2 0 A sample from the grand tree 318 0 War ship Play with false true true 2 0 A model of a karamja warship 319 0 Gloughs journal Read false true false 2 0 Glough's private notes 299 0 Invoice Read false true false 2 0 A note with foreman's timber order 234 0 Ugthanki Kebab Eat false true true 20 0 A strange smelling Kebab made from Ugthanki meat - it doesn't look too good 95 0 Special curry Eat false true true 20 0 It's a spicy hot curry 162 12274688 Glough's key false true false 1 0 Glough left this at anita's 25 14540253 Glough's notes Read false true false 2 0 Scribbled notes and diagrams 234 0 Pebble false true false 2 0 The pebble has an inscription 321 0 Pebble false true false 2 0 The pebble has an inscription 322 0 Pebble false true false 2 0 The pebble has an inscription 323 0 Pebble false true false 2 0 The pebble has an inscription 324 0 Daconia rock false true false 40 0 A magicaly crafted stone 73 14540253 Sinister key false true true 1 0 You get a sense of dread from this key 25 1118481 Herb Identify false true true 1 0 I need a closer look to identify this 75 0 Torstol false true true 25 0 A useful herb 75 0 Unfinished potion false true true 25 0 I need Jangerberries to finish this Torstol potion 48 12285696 Jangerberries Eat false true true 1 0 They don't look very ripe 21 4497408 Fruit blast Drink false true true 30 0 A cool refreshing fruit mix 295 0 Blurberry special Drink false true true 30 0 Looks good..smells strong 295 0 Wizard blizzard Drink false true true 30 0 Looks like a strange mix 295 0 Pineapple punch Drink false true true 30 0 A fresh healthy fruit mix 295 0 SGG Drink false true true 30 0 A short green guy..looks good 295 0 Chocolate saturday Drink false true true 30 0 A warm creamy alcoholic beverage 297 0 Drunk dragon Drink false true true 30 0 A warm creamy alcoholic beverage 297 0 Cheese and tomato batta Eat false true true 120 0 Smells really good 312 0 Toad batta Eat false true true 120 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Gnome batta Eat false true true 120 0 Smells like pants 312 0 Worm batta Eat false true true 120 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Fruit batta Eat false true true 120 0 Actually smells quite good 312 0 Veg batta Eat false true true 120 0 looks healthy 312 0 Chocolate bomb Eat false true true 160 0 Looks great 313 0 Vegball Eat false true true 150 0 Looks pretty healthy 314 0 Worm hole Eat false true true 150 0 Actually smells quite good 315 0 Tangled toads legs Eat false true true 160 0 Actually smells quite good 316 0 Choc crunchies Eat false true true 85 0 Yum ... smells good 311 0 Worm crunchies Eat false true true 85 0 Actually smells quite good 311 0 Toad crunchies Eat false true true 85 0 Actually smells quite good 311 0 Spice crunchies Eat false true true 85 0 Yum ... smells good 311 0 Stone-Plaque Read false true false 5 0 A stone plaque with carved letters in it 236 0 Tattered Scroll Read false true false 5 0 An ancient tattered scroll 29 255 Crumpled Scroll Read false true false 5 0 An ancient crumpled scroll 29 12648448 Bervirius Tomb Notes Read false true false 5 0 Notes taken from the tomb of Bervirius 29 16776960 Zadimus Corpse Bury false true false 1 0 The remains of Zadimus 237 15400622 Potion of Zamorak Drink false true true 25 0 It looks scary 48 15636736 Potion of Zamorak Drink false true true 25 0 It looks scary 48 15636736 Potion of Zamorak Drink false true true 25 0 It looks scary 48 15636736 Boots false true true 200 512 They're soft and silky 223 16755370 Boots false true true 200 512 They're soft and silky 223 11206570 Boots false true true 200 512 They're soft and silky 223 11184895 Boots false true true 200 512 They're soft and silky 223 16777164 Boots false true true 200 512 They're soft and silky 223 13434879 Santa's hat false false true 160 32 It's a santa claus' hat 325 0 Locating Crystal Activate false true false 100 0 A magical crystal sphere 199 12648447 Sword Pommel false true false 100 0 An ivory sword pommel 334 16777088 Bone Shard Look false true false 1 0 A slender piece of bone 238 0 Steel Wire false true true 200 0 Useful for crafting items 326 0 Bone Beads false true false 1 0 Beads carved out of bone 239 16777152 Rashiliya Corpse Bury false true false 1 0 The remains of the Zombie Queen 237 16744576 ResetCrystal Activate false true false 100 0 Helps reset things in game 199 182474 Bronze Wire false true true 20 0 Useful for crafting items 326 16737817 Present Open false false true 160 0 Click to use this on a friend 330 0 Gnome Ball Shoot false true false 10 0 Lets play 327 0 Papyrus false true true 9 0 Used for making notes 282 0 A lump of Charcoal false true true 45 0 A lump of cooked coal good for making marks. 73 2105376 Arrow false true false 10 0 Linen wrapped around an arrow head 328 0 Lit Arrow true true false 10 0 A flamming arrow 329 0 Rocks false true false 10 0 A few Large rocks 331 0 Paramaya Rest Ticket false true false 5 0 Allows you to rest in the luxurius Paramaya Inn 218 0 Ship Ticket false true false 5 0 Allows you passage on the 'Lady of the Waves' ship. 218 8454143 Damp cloth false true false 10 0 It smells as if it's been doused in alcohol 92 0 Desert Boots false true true 20 512 Boots made specially for the desert 223 16777215 Orb of light false true false 10 0 The orb gives you a safe peaceful feeling 333 0 Orb of light false true false 10 0 The orb gives you a safe peaceful feeling 345 0 Orb of light false true false 10 0 The orb gives you a safe peaceful feeling 346 0 Orb of light false true false 10 0 The orb gives you a safe peaceful feeling 347 0 Railing false true false 10 0 A broken metal rod 335 0 Randas's journal Read false true false 1 0 An old journal with several pages missing 28 15641258 Unicorn horn false true false 20 0 Poor unicorn went splat! 145 0 Coat of Arms false true false 10 0 A symbol of truth and all that is good 348 0 Coat of Arms false true false 10 0 A symbol of truth and all that is good 336 0 Staff of Iban false true false 15 8216 It's a slightly magical stick 337 0 Dwarf brew false true false 2 0 It's a bucket of home made brew 22 12285815 Ibans Ashes false true false 2 0 A heap of ashes 23 11184810 Cat false true false 2 0 She's sleeping..i think! 338 11184810 A Doll of Iban Search false true false 2 0 A strange doll made from sticks and cloth 339 11184810 Old Journal Read false true false 1 0 I wonder who wrote this! 28 16755370 Klank's gauntlets false true false 6 256 Heavy hand protection 217 12303291 Iban's shadow false true false 2 0 A dark mystical liquid 340 11184810 Iban's conscience false true false 2 0 The remains of a dove that died long ago 341 11184810 Amulet of Othainian false true false 0 1024 A strange looking amulet 125 12255487 Amulet of Doomion false true false 0 1024 A strange looking amulet 125 12255487 Amulet of Holthion false true false 0 1024 A strange looking amulet 125 12255487 Keep key false true false 1 0 A small prison key 25 12303291 Bronze Throwing Dart true true true 2 16 A deadly throwing dart with a bronze tip. 231 16737817 Prototype Throwing Dart true true false 70 0 A proto type of a deadly throwing dart. 231 16737817 Iron Throwing Dart true true true 5 16 A deadly throwing dart with an iron tip. 231 15654365 Full Water Skin false true true 30 0 A skinful of water 343 8404992 Lens mould false true false 10 0 A peculiar mould in the shape of a disc 342 0 Lens false true false 10 0 A perfectly formed glass disc 344 0 Desert Robe false true true 40 128 Cool light robe to wear in the desert 88 16777215 Desert Shirt false true true 40 64 A light cool shirt to wear in the desert 87 16777215 Metal Key false true false 1 0 A large metalic key. 25 12632256 Slaves Robe Bottom false true true 40 128 A dirty desert skirt 88 8421376 Slaves Robe Top false true true 40 64 A dirty desert shirt 87 8421376 Steel Throwing Dart true true true 20 16 A deadly throwing dart with a steel tip. 231 15658734 Astrology Book Read false true false 2 0 A book on Astrology in runescape 28 0 Unholy Symbol mould false true false 200 0 Use this with silver in a furnace 349 0 Unholy Symbol of Zamorak false true false 200 0 This needs stringing 350 0 Unblessed Unholy Symbol of Zamorak false true false 200 1024 This needs blessing 351 0 Unholy Symbol of Zamorak false true false 200 1024 A symbol indicating allegiance to Zamorak 351 0 Shantay Desert Pass true true false 5 0 Allows you into the desert through the Shantay pass worth 5 gold. 218 13083169 Staff of Iban Wield false true false 15 0 The staff is damaged 337 0 Dwarf cannon base Set down false true true 200000 0 Bang 352 0 Dwarf cannon stand false true true 200000 0 Bang 353 0 Dwarf cannon barrels false true true 200000 0 Bang 354 0 Dwarf cannon furnace false true true 200000 0 Bang 355 0 Fingernails false true false 0 0 Ugh gross! 356 0 Powering crystal1 false true false 0 0 An intricately cut gemstone 357 16777011 Mining Barrel false true false 100 0 A roughly constructed barrel for carrying rock. 358 65280 Ana in a Barrel Look false true false 100 0 A roughly constructed barrel with an Ana in it! 359 16711680 Stolen gold false true false 300 0 I wish I could spend it 79 16763980 Multi cannon ball true true true 10 0 A heavy metal spiked ball 332 0 Railing false true false 10 0 A metal railing replacement 335 0 Ogre tooth false true false 0 0 Big sharp and nasty 360 0 Ogre relic false true false 0 0 A grotesque symbol of the ogres 361 0 Skavid map false true false 0 0 A map of cave locations 362 0 Dwarf remains false true false 1 0 The remains of a dwarf savaged by goblins 237 16744576 Key false true false 1 0 A key for a chest 25 16750848 Ogre relic part false true false 0 0 A piece of a statue 363 0 Ogre relic part false true false 0 0 A piece of a statue 364 0 Ogre relic part false true false 0 0 A piece of a statue 365 0 Ground bat bones false true false 20 0 The ground bones of a bat 23 15645520 Unfinished potion false true false 3 0 I need another ingredient to finish the shaman potion 48 56576 Ogre potion false true false 120 0 A strange liquid 48 13434726 Magic ogre potion false true false 120 0 A strange liquid that bubbles with power 48 6750156 Tool kit false true false 120 0 These could be handy! 366 15654365 Nulodion's notes Read false true false 1 0 Construction notes for dwarf cannon ammo 234 0 Cannon ammo mould false true true 5 0 Used to make cannon ammo 367 0 Tenti Pineapple false true false 1 0 The most delicious in the whole of Kharid 124 0 Bedobin Copy Key false true false 20 0 A copy of a key for the captains of the mining camps chest 25 4194304 Technical Plans Read false true false 500 0 Very technical looking plans for making a thrown weapon of some sort 218 12632256 Rock cake Eat false true false 0 0 Yum... I think! 368 0 Bronze dart tips true true true 1 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 16737817 Iron dart tips true true true 3 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 15654365 Steel dart tips true true true 9 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 15658734 Mithril dart tips true true true 25 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 10072780 Adamantite dart tips true true true 65 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 11717785 Rune dart tips true true true 350 0 Dangerous looking dart tips - need feathers for flight 369 65535 Mithril Throwing Dart true true true 50 16 A deadly throwing dart with a mithril tip. 231 10072780 Adamantite Throwing Dart true true true 130 16 A deadly throwing dart with an adamantite tip. 231 11717785 Rune Throwing Dart true true true 700 16 A deadly throwing dart with a runite tip. 231 65535 Prototype dart tip true true false 1 0 Dangerous looking dart tip - needs feathers for flight 207 16737817 Info document Read false true false 2 0 Read to access variable choices 234 0 Instruction manual Read false true false 1 0 An old note book 28 16755370 Unfinished potion false true false 3 0 I need another ingredient to finish this potion 48 6750054 Iron throwing knife false true true 6 16 A finely balanced knife 80 15654365 Bronze throwing knife false true true 2 16 A finely balanced knife 80 16737817 Steel throwing knife false true true 21 16 A finely balanced knife 80 15658734 Mithril throwing knife false true true 54 16 A finely balanced knife 80 10072780 Adamantite throwing knife false true true 133 16 A finely balanced knife 80 11717785 Rune throwing knife false true true 333 16 A finely balanced knife 80 65535 Black throwing knife false true true 37 16 A finely balanced knife 80 3158064 Water Skin mostly full false true true 27 0 A half full skin of water 343 8404992 Water Skin mostly empty false true true 24 0 A half empty skin of water 343 8404992 Water Skin mouthful left false true true 18 0 A waterskin with a mouthful of water left 343 8404992 Empty Water Skin false true true 15 0 A completely empty waterskin 343 8404992 Nightshade Eat false true false 30 0 Deadly! 370 0 Shaman robe Search false true false 40 0 This has been left by one of the dead ogre shaman 87 10510400 Iron Spear false true true 13 16 An iron tipped spear 283 15654365 Steel Spear false true true 46 16 A steel tipped spear 283 15658734 Mithril Spear false true true 119 16 A mithril tipped spear 283 10072780 Adamantite Spear false true true 293 16 An adamantite tipped spear 283 11717785 Rune Spear false true true 1000 16 A rune tipped spear 283 56797 Cat Stroke false true false 2 0 It's fluffs 338 11184810 Seasoned Sardine false true true 10 0 They don't smell any better 165 10551200 Kittens false true false 2 0 Purrr 372 11184810 Kitten Stroke false true false 2 0 Purrr 371 11184810 Wrought iron key false true false 1 0 This key clears unlocks a very sturdy gate of some sort. 25 14540253 Cell Door Key false true false 1 0 A roughly hewn key 25 16384 A free Shantay Disclaimer Read false true true 1 0 Very important information. 218 16711680 Doogle leaves false true true 2 0 Small sweet smelling leaves 298 0 Raw Ugthanki Meat false true true 2 0 I need to cook this first 60 16744640 Tasty Ugthanki Kebab Eat false true true 20 0 A fresh Kebab made from Ugthanki meat 320 0 Cooked Ugthanki Meat Eat false true true 5 0 Freshly cooked Ugthanki meat 60 13395507 Uncooked Pitta Bread false true true 4 0 I need to cook this. 152 0 Pitta Bread false true true 10 0 Mmmm I need to add some other ingredients yet. 152 16768184 Tomato Mixture false true true 3 0 A mixture of tomatoes in a bowl 162 16711680 Onion Mixture false true true 3 0 A mixture of onions in a bowl 162 16776960 Onion and Tomato Mixture false true true 3 0 A mixture of onions and tomatoes in a bowl 162 16744512 Onion and Tomato and Ugthanki Mix false true true 3 0 A mixture of onions and tomatoes and Ugthanki meat in a bowl 162 5977890 Burnt Pitta Bread false true true 1 0 Urgh - it's all burnt 152 4194304 Panning tray Search false true false 1 0 Used for panning gold 373 4194304 Panning tray Take gold false true false 1 0 This tray contains gold nuggets 374 4194304 Panning tray Search false true false 1 0 This tray contains mud 375 4194304 Rock pick false true false 1 0 A sharp pick for cracking rocks 376 4194304 Specimen brush false true false 1 0 Stiff brush for cleaning specimens 377 4194304 Specimen jar false true false 1 0 A jar for holding soil samples 378 4194304 Rock Sample false true false 1 0 A rock sample 379 4194304 Gold Nuggets true true false 1 0 Real gold pieces! 380 4194304 Cat false true true 1 0 Looks like a healthy one 381 4194304 Scrumpled piece of paper Read false true true 10 0 A piece of paper with barely legible writing - looks like a recipe! 218 16317080 Digsite info Read false true false 63 0 IAN ONLY 382 0 Poisoned Bronze Throwing Dart true true true 2 16 A venomous throwing dart with a bronze tip. 384 16737817 Poisoned Iron Throwing Dart true true true 5 16 A venomous throwing dart with an iron tip. 384 16737817 Poisoned Steel Throwing Dart true true true 20 16 A venomous throwing dart with a steel tip. 384 15658734 Poisoned Mithril Throwing Dart true true true 50 16 A venomous throwing dart with a mithril tip. 384 10072780 Poisoned Adamantite Throwing Dart true true true 130 16 A venomous throwing dart with an adamantite tip. 384 11717785 Poisoned Rune Throwing Dart true true true 700 16 A deadly venomous dart with a runite tip. 384 65535 Poisoned Bronze throwing knife false true true 2 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 16737817 Poisoned Iron throwing knife false true true 6 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 15654365 Poisoned Steel throwing knife false true true 21 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 15658734 Poisoned Mithril throwing knife false true true 54 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 10072780 Poisoned Black throwing knife false true true 37 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 3158064 Poisoned Adamantite throwing knife false true true 133 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 11717785 Poisoned Rune throwing knife false true true 333 16 A finely balanced knife with a coating of venom 385 65535 Poisoned Bronze Spear false true true 4 16 A bronze tipped spear with added venom 383 16737817 Poisoned Iron Spear false true true 13 16 An iron tipped spear with added venom 383 15654365 Poisoned Steel Spear false true true 46 16 A steel tipped spear with added venom 383 15658734 Poisoned Mithril Spear false true true 119 16 A mithril tipped spear with added venom 383 10072780 Poisoned Adamantite Spear false true true 293 16 An adamantite tipped spear with added venom 383 11717785 Poisoned Rune Spear false true true 1000 16 A rune tipped spear with added venom 383 56797 Book of experimental chemistry Read false true false 1 0 A book on experiments with volatile chemicals 28 16755370 Level 1 Certificate Read false true false 1 0 A Certificate of education 29 0 Level 2 Certificate Read false true false 1 0 A Certificate of education 29 0 Level 3 Certificate Read false true false 1 0 A Certificate of education 29 0 Trowel false true false 1 0 A small device for digging 386 0 Stamped letter of recommendation false true false 1 0 A stamped scroll with a recommendation on it 402 0 Unstamped letter of recommendation false true false 5 0 I hereby recommend this student to undertake the Varrock City earth sciences exams 29 0 Rock Sample false true false 1 0 A rock sample 388 4194304 Rock Sample false true false 1 0 A rock sample 389 4194304 Cracked rock Sample false true false 1 0 It's been cracked open 387 4194304 Belt buckle false true false 1 0 Been here some time 390 4194304 Powering crystal2 false true false 0 0 An intricately cut gemstone 357 16738047 Powering crystal3 false true false 0 0 An intricately cut gemstone 357 6750207 Powering crystal4 false true false 0 0 An intricately cut gemstone 357 3407667 Old boot false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 391 4194304 Bunny ears false false true 1 32 Get another from the clothes shop if you die 392 4194304 Damaged armour false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 393 4194304 Damaged armour false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 394 4194304 Rusty sword false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 395 4194304 Ammonium Nitrate false true false 20 0 An acrid chemical 23 16777164 Nitroglycerin false true false 2 0 A strong acidic formula 48 16750848 Old tooth false true false 0 0 A large single tooth 360 0 Radimus Scrolls Read Scrolls false true false 5 0 Scrolls that Radimus gave you 29 8421504 Chest key false true false 1 0 A small key for a chest 25 16763904 Broken arrow false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 396 4194304 Buttons false true false 1 0 They've been here some time 397 4194304 Broken staff false true false 1 0 That's been here some time 398 4194304 Vase false true false 1 0 An old vase 279 0 Ceramic remains false true false 1 0 Some ancient pottery 399 4194304 Broken glass false true false 0 0 Smashed glass 259 0 Unidentified powder false true false 20 0 Who knows what this is for? 23 16777164 Machette false true true 40 16 A purpose built tool for cutting through thick jungle. 432 8421504 Scroll Read false true false 5 0 A letter written by the expert 29 0 Stone tablet Read false true false 1 0 Some ancient script is engraved on here 400 4194304 Talisman of Zaros false true false 1 0 An ancient item 401 4194304 Explosive compound false true false 2 0 A dark mystical powder 48 51 Bull Roarer Swing false true false 1 0 A sound producing instrument - it may attract attention 418 7552262 Mixed chemicals false true false 2 0 A pungent mix of 2 chemicals 48 16777113 Ground charcoal false true true 20 0 Powdered charcoal! 23 2236962 Mixed chemicals false true false 2 0 A pungent mix of 3 chemicals 48 13408512 Spell scroll Read false true false 5 0 A magical scroll 29 0 Yommi tree seed Inspect true true false 200 0 A magical seed that grows into a Yommi tree - these need to be germinated 270 65280 Totem Pole false true false 500 0 A well crafted totem pole 403 65280 Dwarf cannon base Set down false true true 200000 0 Bang 352 0 Dwarf cannon stand false true true 200000 0 Bang 353 0 Dwarf cannon barrels false true true 200000 0 Bang 354 0 Dwarf cannon furnace false true true 150000 0 Bang 355 0 Golden Bowl false true false 1000 0 A specially made bowl constructed out of pure gold 404 0 Golden Bowl with pure water false true false 1000 0 A golden bowl filled with pure water 405 8454143 Raw Manta ray false true true 500 0 A rare catch! 406 255 Manta ray Eat false true true 500 0 A rare catch! 407 255 Raw Sea turtle false true true 500 0 A rare catch! 408 255 Sea turtle Eat false true true 500 0 Tasty! 409 255 Annas Silver Necklace false true false 1 1024 A necklace coated with silver 24 0 Bobs Silver Teacup false true false 1 0 A tea cup coated with silver 227 0 Carols Silver Bottle false true false 1 0 A little bottle coated with silver 104 0 Davids Silver Book false true false 1 0 An ornamental book coated with silver 28 0 Elizabeths Silver Needle false true false 1 0 An ornamental needle coated with silver 38 0 Franks Silver Pot false true false 1 0 A small pot coated with silver 61 0 Thread false true false 1 0 A piece of red thread discovered at the scene of the crime 208 16711680 Thread false true false 1 0 A piece of green thread discovered at the scene of the crime 208 65280 Thread false true false 1 0 A piece of blue thread discovered at the scene of the crime 208 255 Flypaper false true false 1 0 Sticky paper for catching flies 415 14540253 Murder Scene Pot false true false 1 0 The pot has a sickly smell of poison mixed with wine 61 16711680 A Silver Dagger false true false 1 16 Dagger Found at crime scene 80 0 Murderers fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of the murderers fingerprint 416 14540253 Annas fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Annas fingerprint 416 14540253 Bobs fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Bobs fingerprint 416 14540253 Carols fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Carols fingerprint 416 14540253 Davids fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Davids fingerprint 416 14540253 Elizabeths fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Elizabeths fingerprint 416 14540253 Franks fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of Franks fingerprint 416 14540253 Zamorak Cape false true false 100 2048 A cape from the almighty zamorak 59 16711680 Saradomin Cape false true false 100 2048 A cape from the almighty saradomin 59 4210926 Guthix Cape false true false 100 2048 A cape from the almighty guthix 59 4246592 Staff of zamorak false true false 80000 16 It's a stick of the gods 337 0 Staff of guthix false true false 80000 16 It's a stick of the gods 85 10072780 Staff of Saradomin false true false 80000 16 It's a stick of the gods 414 10072780 A chunk of crystal false true false 2000 0 A reddish crystal fragment - it looks like it formed a shape at one time. 410 0 A lump of crystal false true false 2000 0 A reddish crystal fragment - it looks like it formed a shape at one time. 411 0 A hunk of crystal false true false 2000 0 A reddish crystal fragment - it looks like it formed a shape at one time. 412 0 A red crystal Inspect false true false 2000 0 A heart shaped red crystal 413 0 Unidentified fingerprint false true false 1 0 An impression of the murderers fingerprint 416 14540253 Annas Silver Necklace false true false 1 1024 A silver necklace coated with flour 24 0 Bobs Silver Teacup false true false 1 0 A silver tea cup coated with flour 227 0 Carols Silver Bottle false true false 1 0 A little silver bottle coated with flour 104 0 Davids Silver Book false true false 1 0 An ornamental silver book coated with flour 28 0 Elizabeths Silver Needle false true false 1 0 An ornamental silver needle coated with flour 38 0 Franks Silver Pot false true false 1 0 A small silver pot coated with flour 61 0 A Silver Dagger false true false 1 16 Dagger Found at crime scene coated with flour 80 0 A glowing red crystal false true false 2000 0 A glowing heart shaped red crystal - great magic must be present in this item 419 0 Unidentified liquid false true false 2 0 A strong acidic formula 48 16750848 Radimus Scrolls Read Scrolls false true false 5 0 Mission briefing and the completed map of Karamja - Sir Radimus will be pleased... 29 8421504 Robe false true false 15 64 A worn robe 87 255 Armour false true false 40 0 An unusually red armour 118 13369344 Dagger false true false 35 16 Short but pointy 80 15654365 Eye patch false true false 2 32 It makes me look very piratical 198 0 Booking of Binding Read false true false 1 0 An ancient tome on Demonology 28 15641258 Holy Water Vial Throw false true false 3 16 A deadly potion against evil kin 48 10073782 Enchanted Vial false true false 200 0 This enchanted vial is empty - but is ready for magical liquids. 144 16646109 Scribbled notes Read false true false 20 0 It looks like a page ripped from a book 427 8421376 Scrawled notes Read false true false 20 0 It looks like a page ripped from a book 427 14066524 Scatched notes Read false true false 20 0 It looks like a page ripped from a book 427 11909701 Shamans Tome Read false true false 1 0 An ancient tome on various subjects... 299 15641258 Edible seaweed Eat false true true 2 0 Slightly damp seaweed 203 0 Rough Sketch of a bowl Read false true false 5 0 A roughly sketched picture of a bowl made from metal 29 0 Burnt Manta ray false true true 500 0 Oops! 430 255 Burnt Sea turtle false true true 500 0 Oops! 431 255 Cut reed plant false true true 2 0 A narrow long tube - it might be useful for something 202 65280 Magical Fire Pass false true false 1 0 A pass which allows you to cross the flaming walls into the Flaming Octagon 29 16711680 Snakes Weed Solution false true false 1 0 Snakes weed in water - part of a potion 48 8454016 Ardrigal Solution false true false 1 0 Ardrigal herb in water - part of a potion 48 8388608 Gujuo Potion Drink false true false 1 0 A potion to help against fear of the supernatural 48 8405056 Germinated Yommi tree seed Inspect true true false 200 0 A magical seed that grows into a Yommi tree - these have been germinated. 270 65280 Dark Dagger false true false 91 16 An unusual looking dagger made of dark shiny obsidian 420 0 Glowing Dark Dagger false true false 91 16 An unusual looking dagger made of dark shiny obsidian - it has an unnatural glow . 421 0 Holy Force Spell Cast false true false 1 0 A powerful incantation - it affects spirits of the underworld 423 0 Iron Pickaxe false false true 140 0 Used for mining 72 15654365 Steel Pickaxe false false true 500 0 Requires level 6 mining to use 72 15658734 Mithril Pickaxe false false true 1300 0 Requires level 21 mining to use 72 10072780 Adamantite Pickaxe false false true 3200 0 Requires level 31 mining to use 72 11717785 Rune Pickaxe false false true 32000 0 Requires level 41 mining to use 72 65535 Sleeping Bag Sleep false false true 30 0 Not as comfy as a bed but better than nothing 422 0 A blue wizards hat false true false 2 32 An ancient wizards hat. 86 255 Gilded Totem Pole Inspect false true false 20 0 A well crafted totem pole - given to you as a gift from Gujuo 403 65280 Blessed Golden Bowl false true false 1000 0 A specially made bowl constructed out of pure gold - it looks magical somehow 404 0 Blessed Golden Bowl with Pure Water false true false 1000 0 A golden bowl filled with pure water - it looks magical somehow 405 8454143 Raw Oomlie Meat false true true 10 0 Raw meat from the Oomlie bird 60 16747571 Cooked Oomlie meat Parcel Eat false true true 35 0 Deliciously cooked Oomlie meat in a palm leaf pouch. 433 13395507 Dragon Bone Certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 Dragon Bones 180 0 Limpwurt Root Certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 Limpwort roots 180 16384 Prayer Potion Certificate true true true 10 0 Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 prayer potions 180 3206809 Super Attack Potion Certificate true true true 10 0 Exchangable at Yanille for 5 180 3158254 Super Defense Potion Certificate true true true 10 0 Exchangable at Yanille for 5 180 15644208 Super Strength Potion Certificate true true true 10 0 Exchangable at Yanille for 5 180 15658734 Half Dragon Square Shield false true true 500000 0 The Right Half of an ancient and powerful looking Dragon Square shield. 425 15654365 Half Dragon Square Shield false true true 110000 0 Left Half of an ancient and powerful looking Dragon Square shield. 424 15654365 Dragon Square Shield false true true 500000 8 An ancient and powerful looking Dragon Square shield. 426 13500416 Palm tree leaf false true true 5 0 A thick green plam leaf - natives use this to cook meat in 428 0 Raw Oomlie Meat Parcel false true true 16 0 Oomlie meat in a palm leaf pouch - just needs to be cooked. 429 16747571 Burnt Oomlie Meat parcel false true true 1 0 Oomlie meat in a palm leaf pouch - it's burnt. 429 4194304 Bailing Bucket Bail with false true true 10 0 It's a water tight bucket 22 1052688 Plank false true true 1 0 Damaged remains of the ship 135 0 Arcenia root false true false 7 0 The root of an arcenia plant 101 0 Display tea false true true 10 0 A nice cup of tea - for display only 227 0 Blessed Golden Bowl with plain water Empty false true false 1000 0 A golden bowl filled with plain water 405 8454143 Golden Bowl with plain water Empty false true false 1000 0 A golden bowl filled with plain water 405 8454143 Cape of legends false true false 450 2048 Shows I am a member of the legends guild 59 16777215 Scythe false false true 15 8216 Get another from the clothes shop if you die 434 0 Oak Log Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Ardougne for 5 oak logs 180 10 true 0 0 true true Tuna Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 tuna 180 10 true 0 0 true false Raw Tuna Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 raw tuna 180 10 true 0 0 true false Flax Certificate Each certificate exchangable in Seers for 5 flax 180 10 true 0 0 true true Bow String Certificate Each certificate exchangable in Seers for 5 bow string 180 10 true 0 0 true true Adamantite Ore Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 adamantite ore 180 10 true 0 0 true false Adamantite Bar Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 adamantite bars 180 10 true 0 0 true false Empty Vial Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 empty vials 180 10 true 0 0 true true Filled Vial Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 filled vials 180 10 true 0 0 true true Eye of newt certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 eye of newt 180 10 true 0 0 true true Big Bone Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 big bones 180 10 true 0 0 true false Ranging Potion Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 ranging potions 180 10 true 0 0 true true Attack Potion Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 attack potions 180 10 true 0 0 true true Defense Potion Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 defense potions 180 10 true 0 0 true true Strength Potion Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 strength potions 180 10 true 0 0 true true Raw Trout Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 raw trout 180 10 true 0 0 true true Trout Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 trout 180 10 true 0 0 true true Raw Salmon certificate Each certificate exchangable at Draynor Market for 5 raw salmon 180 10 true 0 0 true true Salmon certificate Each certificate exchangable at Yanille for 5 salmon 180 10 true 0 0 true true Party Hat Party!!! 189 2 false 1 -13421773 true false Magic Log Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Ardougne for 5 magic logs 180 10 true 0 0 true true Snape Grass Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 Snape Grass 180 10 true 0 0 true true White Berries Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 White Berries 180 10 true 0 0 true true Red Spider Eggs Certificate Each certificate exchangable at Catherby for 5 Red Spider Eggs 180 10 true 0 0 true true Santa's Leggings It's Santa's leggings 439 1 false 1 0 true true Santa's Robe It's Santa's robe 440 1 false 1 0 true true Candy Cane Ooh! A cane made out of candy! 446 1 false 16 0 true true Toy Ball One of Santa's gifts 441 1 false 0 0 false false Toy Horse One of Santa's gifts 442 1 false 0 0 false false Toy Kitten One of Santa's gifts 443 1 false 0 0 false false Toy Teddy One of Santa's gifts 444 1 false 0 0 false false Magic Gift Box I wonder what's inside Open 445 1 false 0 0 true false Jar of Infected Blood This could be deadly Open 456 0 0 0 true false Antidote Cure the affliction Open 456 0 0 0 true false Event Token true These can be traded for Gift Boxes 457 0 0 0 false false