package; /** * The definition wrapper for items */ public class ItemDef extends EntityDef { /** * The base price of the object */ public int basePrice; /** * The command of the object */ public String command; /** * PictureMask */ public int mask; /** * Is this item a member's item? */ public boolean members; /** * The sprite id */ public int sprite; /** * Whether the item is stackable or not */ public boolean stackable; /** * Is this item tradeable? */ public boolean trade; /** * Whether the item is wieldable or not */ public int wieldable; public boolean canTrade() { return trade; } public int getBasePrice() { return basePrice; } public String getCommand() { return command; } public String getCommandType() { return wieldable == 16 ? "Wield" : "Wear"; } public int getPictureMask() { return mask; } public int getSprite() { return sprite; } public boolean isMembers() { return members; } public boolean isStackable() { return stackable; } public boolean isWieldable() { return wieldable > 0; } }