package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Defines a quest script * * @author punKrockeR */ public abstract class Quest { /** * Empty constructor */ public Quest() { } /** * The world instance */ protected static final World world = World.getWorld(); /** * The completed flag */ public static final int COMPLETE = 0; /** * This quest's current thread */ private Thread thread = null; /** * The list of npcs associated with this quest */ private Set associatedNpcs = new HashSet(); /** * The list of objects associated with this quest */ private HashMap associatedObjects = new HashMap(); /** * The list of items associated with this quest */ private Set associatedItems = new HashSet(); /** * Quest initialization */ public void init() { } /** * Used for triggers */ public abstract void handleAction(QuestAction action, Object[] args, Player player); /** * Sets this thread */ public void setThread(Thread thread) { this.thread = thread; } /** * @return this quest's UNIQUE ID - >>MUST<< be unique. */ public abstract int getUniqueID(); /** * @return this quest's name */ public abstract String getName(); /** * The default sleep time */ private static long DEFAULT_DELAY = 3200; /** * Adds the given npc id to the list of npc ids associated with this quest */ public void associateNpc(int id) { associatedNpcs.add(id); } /** * Adds the given item id to the list of item ids associated with this quest */ public void associateItem(int id) { associatedItems.add(id); } /** * Adds the given object id to the list of object ids associated with this * quest */ public void associateObject(int id, int x, int y) { associatedObjects.put(new java.awt.Point(id, associatedObjects.size()), Point.location(x, y)); } /** * Adds the given object id to the list of object ids associated with this * quest */ public void associateObject(int id) { associatedObjects.put(new java.awt.Point(id, associatedObjects.size()), Point.location(0, 0)); } /** * @return if the given npc id is associated with this quest */ public boolean isNpcAssociated(int id, Player player) { return associatedNpcs.contains(id); } /** * @return if the given item id is associated with this quest */ public boolean isItemAssociated(int id, Player player) { return associatedItems.contains(id); } /** * @return if the given object id is associated with this quest */ public boolean isObjectAssociated(GameObject obj, Player player) { java.util.Set set = associatedObjects.keySet(); for (java.awt.Point p : set) { int i = (int) p.getX(); if (i == obj.getID()) if (Point.location(obj.getX(), obj.getY()).equals(associatedObjects.get(p)) || (associatedObjects.get(p).getX() == 0 && associatedObjects.get(p).getY() == 0)) { Logger.println("obj id " + i + " is associated with quest " + getName()); return true; } else Logger.println("obj id " + i + " is NOT associated with quest " + getName()); } return false; } /** * Sends a quest message to the player */ public void sendMessage(Player player, String message) { player.getActionSender().sendMessage("@que@" + message); } /** * Inform of npc chat */ public void sendChat(String msg, Npc npc, Player player) { sendChat(msg, npc, player, DEFAULT_DELAY); } /** * Inform of npc chat */ public void sendChat(String msg, Npc npc, Player player, long delay) { try { if (player != null && npc != null) npc.blockedBy(player); } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException cme) { } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } player.informOfNpcMessage(new ChatMessage(npc, msg, player)); sleep(delay); } /** * Inform of player chat */ public void sendChat(String msg, Player player, Npc npc) { sendChat(msg, player, npc, DEFAULT_DELAY); } /** * Inform of player chat */ public void sendChat(String msg, Player player, Npc npc, long delay) { try { if (player != null && npc != null) npc.blockedBy(player); } catch (java.util.ConcurrentModificationException cme) { } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } player.informOfChatMessage(new ChatMessage(player, msg, npc)); sleep(delay); } /** * Adds the given short event */ public void addSingleEvent(SingleEvent event) { world.getDelayedEventHandler().add(event); } /** * @return if the given NPC is visible to the player */ public boolean isNpcVisible(Npc npc, Player player) { return true; } /** * @return if the given NPC is shootable */ public boolean isNpcShootable(Npc npc, Player player) { return true; } /** * @return if the given Item is visible to the player */ public boolean isItemVisible(Item item, Player player) { return true; } /** * @return if this quest is to be loaded or not (used for when a quest is * not finished yet, and shouldn't be loaded) */ public boolean loadQuest() { return true; } /** * Pauses the quest for 'ms' milliseconds */ public void sleep(long ms) { if (ms <= 0) return; try { thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } /** * Sleeps for the DEFAULT time */ public void sleep() { sleep(DEFAULT_DELAY); } /** * Sets the default delay */ public void setDefaultDelay(long l) { DEFAULT_DELAY = l; } /** * @return which option the player chooses out of the given menu */ public int getMenuOption(final Player player, long timeout, String... menu) { player.setLastQuestMenuReply(-1); player.getActionSender().sendMenu(menu); player.setMenuHandler(new MenuHandler(menu) { public void handleReply(int option, String reply) { player.setLastQuestMenuReply(option); sendChat(reply, player, null, 0); } }); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (player.getLastQuestMenuReply() == -1 && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) <= timeout) { if (player.getLastQuestMenuReply() == -2) return -1; sleep(10); } return player.getLastQuestMenuReply(); } /** * @return which option the player chooses out of the given menu */ public int getMenuOption(final Player player, String... menu) { return getMenuOption(player, 30000, menu); // 30 sec default timeout } /** * Queues the given player-to-npc chat */ public void queueChat(Player player, Npc npc, long delay, String... chat) { int idx = 0; while (idx < chat.length) sendChat(chat[idx++], player, npc); } /** * Queues the given player-to-npc chat */ public void queueChat(Player player, Npc npc, String... chat) { queueChat(player, npc, DEFAULT_DELAY, chat); } /** * Queues the given npc-to-player chat */ public void queueChat(Npc npc, Player player, long delay, String... chat) { int idx = 0; while (idx < chat.length) sendChat(chat[idx++], npc, player); } /** * Queues the given player-to-npc chat */ public void queueChat(Npc npc, Player player, String... chat) { queueChat(npc, player, DEFAULT_DELAY, chat); } /** * @return if the player is wielding the given item id */ public boolean isWielding(Player player, int id) { return player.getInventory().wielding(id); } /** * Adds the given InvItems to the player's inventory */ public void giveItem(Player player, InvItem... items) { boolean coins = false; for (InvItem i : items) { player.getInventory().add(i); if (i.getID() == 10) coins = true; } player.getActionSender().sendSound(coins ? "coins" : "click"); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * Adds the given item ids to the player's inventory */ public void giveItem(Player player, int... ids) { boolean coins = false; for (int i : ids) { player.getInventory().add(new InvItem(i, 1)); if (i == 10) coins = true; } player.getActionSender().sendSound(coins ? "coins" : "click"); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * Removes the given InvItems from the player's inventory */ public void takeItem(Player player, InvItem... items) { boolean coins = false; for (InvItem i : items) { player.getInventory().remove(i); if (i.getID() == 10) coins = true; } player.getActionSender().sendSound(coins ? "coins" : "click"); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * Removes the given item ids from the player's inventory */ public void takeItem(Player player, int... ids) { boolean coins = false; for (int i : ids) { player.getInventory().remove(new InvItem(i, 1)); if (i == 10) coins = true; } player.getActionSender().sendSound(coins ? "coins" : "click"); player.getActionSender().sendInventory(); } /** * @return if the player has the given InvItem */ public boolean hasItem(Player player, InvItem... items) { boolean has = true; for (InvItem i : items) { if (!player.getInventory().hasItemId(i.getID())) { has = false; break; } } return has; } /** * @return if the player has the given item ids */ public boolean hasItem(Player player, int... items) { boolean has = true; for (int i : items) { if (!player.getInventory().hasItemId(i)) { has = false; break; } } return has; } /** * @return the amount of the given item the player has */ public int countItem(Player player, InvItem item) { return player.getInventory().countId(item.getID()); } /** * @return the amount of the given item id the player has */ public int countItem(Player player, int id) { return player.getInventory().countId(id); } /** * @return if the player has the given item in his inventory, bank or if * it's on the ground somewhere */ public boolean hasItemAbs(Player player, int id) { if (player.getInventory().hasItemId(id)) return true; if (player.getBank().hasItemId(id)) return true; ActiveTile[][] tiles = player.getViewArea().getViewedArea(20, 20, 20, 20); for (int x = 0; x < tiles.length; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < tiles[x].length; y++) { ActiveTile t = tiles[x][y]; if (t != null) { for (Item i : t.getItems()) { if (i.getID() == id) { if (i.getOwner().equals(player)) return true; } } } } } return false; } /** * Sets this quest's stage */ public void setStage(Player player, int stage) { player.setQuestStage(getUniqueID(), stage); } /** * @return this quest's stage */ public int getQuestStage(Player player) { return player.getQuestStage(getUniqueID()); } }