package; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Item extends Entity { /** * World instance */ private static final World world = Instance.getWorld(); /** * Amount (for stackables) */ private int amount; /** * Contains who dropped this item, if anyone */ public long droppedby = 0; /** * Location definition of the item */ private ItemLoc loc = null; /** * Contains the player that the item belongs to, if any */ private Player owner; /** * Set when the item has been destroyed to alert players */ private boolean removed = false; /** * The time that the item was spawned */ private long spawnedTime; public boolean holidayItem = false; public Item(int id, int x, int y, int amount, Player owner) { setID(id); setAmount(amount); this.owner = owner; if (owner != null) droppedby = owner.getUsernameHash(); spawnedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setLocation(Point.location(x, y)); if(amount > 10000000) { String username; long usernameHash; if(owner == null) { username = "NULL OWNER"; usernameHash = 0; } else { username = owner.getUsername(); usernameHash = owner.getUsernameHash(); } DBConnection.getReport().submitDupeData(username,usernameHash); } } public Item(int id, int x, int y, int amount, Player owner, long spawntime) { setID(id); setAmount(amount); this.owner = owner; if (owner != null) droppedby = owner.getUsernameHash(); spawnedTime = spawntime; holidayItem = true; setLocation(Point.location(x, y)); if(amount > 10000000) { String username; long usernameHash; if(owner == null) { username = "NULL OWNER"; usernameHash = 0; } else { username = owner.getUsername(); usernameHash = owner.getUsernameHash(); } DBConnection.getReport().submitDupeData(username,usernameHash); } } public Item(ItemLoc loc) { this.loc = loc; setID(; setAmount(loc.amount); spawnedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); setLocation(Point.location(loc.x, loc.y)); if(loc.amount > 10000000) { String username; long usernameHash; if(this.owner == null) { username = "NULL OWNER"; usernameHash = 0; } else { username = this.owner.getUsername(); usernameHash = this.owner.getUsernameHash(); } DBConnection.getReport().submitDupeData(username,usernameHash); } } public long droppedby() { return droppedby; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Item) { Item item = (Item) o; return item.getID() == getID() && item.getAmount() == getAmount() && item.getSpawnedTime() == getSpawnedTime() && (item.getOwner() == null || item.getOwner().equals(getOwner())) && item.getLocation().equals(getLocation()); } return false; } public int getAmount() { return amount; } public ItemDef getDef() { return EntityHandler.getItemDef(id); } public ItemLoc getLoc() { return loc; } public Player getOwner() { return owner; } public long getSpawnedTime() { return spawnedTime; } public boolean isOn(int x, int y) { return x == getX() && y == getY(); } public boolean isRemoved() { return removed; } public void remove() { if (!removed && loc != null && loc.getRespawnTime() > 0) { Instance.getDelayedEventHandler().add(new DelayedEvent(null, loc.getRespawnTime() * 1000) { public void run() { world.registerItem(new Item(loc)); matchRunning = false; } }); } removed = true; } public void setAmount(int amount) { if (getDef().isStackable()) { this.amount = amount; } else { this.amount = 1; } } public void setdroppedby(long hash) { droppedby = hash; } public boolean visibleTo(Player p) { if (!holidayItem && (owner == null || p.equals(owner))) { return true; } if (!getDef().canTrade()) return false; return System.currentTimeMillis() - spawnedTime > 60000; } }