
360 lines
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.AbstractPageError;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.ErrorHandling;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.IErrorReporter;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.IDocumentTypeProducer;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.javascript.ScriptContainer;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.AbstractHtmlState;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.HtmlTag;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.TagRenderingBase;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.rendering.WriteRenderAppender;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
* Generates the html element and performs error handling within its body.
* @jsptagref.tagdescription <p>
* Renders an &lt;html> tag.
* </p>
* @example In this sample, the &lt;netui:html> tag uses the default locale and the direction of the HTML is
* left-to-right (LTR).
* <pre>&lt;netui:html dir="LTR" useLocale="true" /></pre>
* @netui:tag name="html" description="Generates the html element and performs error handling within its body."
public class Html extends ScriptContainer
implements IErrorReporter, IDocumentTypeProducer
* The HTML tag is registered into the request with this name. This allows tags reporting
* errors to find the top level <code>ErrorReporter</code>.
public static final String HTML_TAG_ID = "netui:html";
* This is an override of the Document type set in the request
public static final String DOC_TYPE_OVERRIDE = "netui:doctype";
* Constant representing the document type html 4.01
public static final String HTML_401 = "html4-loose";
* Constant representing the document type html 4.01
public static final String HTML_401_QUIRKS = "html4-loose-quirks";
* Constant representing the document type XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
public static final String XHTML_10 = "xhtml1-transitional";
private HtmlTag.State _state = new HtmlTag.State();
private TagRenderingBase _br;
private WriteRenderAppender _writer;
private boolean _useLocale = false; // include xml:lang=defaultLocale.getLanguage()
private boolean _scopeEnded = false;
private ArrayList _errors; // errors
private IErrorReporter _containerErrors; //Check to see if there is a parent error reporter
private String _docType; // The document type
private int _rendering = TagRenderingBase.UNKNOWN_RENDERING;
* Returns the name of the Tag.
public String getTagName()
return "Html";
* This method will return the TagRenderBase enum value for the document type. The default
* value is HTML 4.01.
* @return int
public int getTargetDocumentType()
if (_rendering != TagRenderingBase.UNKNOWN_RENDERING)
return _rendering;
if (_docType != null) {
if (_docType.equals(HTML_401))
_rendering = TagRenderingBase.HTML_RENDERING;
else if (_docType.equals(HTML_401_QUIRKS))
_rendering = TagRenderingBase.HTML_RENDERING_QUIRKS;
else if (_docType.equals(XHTML_10))
_rendering = TagRenderingBase.XHTML_RENDERING;
_rendering = TagRenderingBase.getDefaultDocType();
else {
_rendering = TagRenderingBase.getDefaultDocType();
return _rendering;
/////////////////////////// Attributes ////////////////////////////
* Sets the dir value of the html.
* @param dir the direction of text, "LTR" or "RTL"
* @jsptagref.attributedescription Specifies the direction of text. (<code>LTR | RTL</code>)
* @jsptagref.databindable false
* @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_dir</i>
* @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
* description="Sets the dir value (ltr or rtl) of the html."
public void setDir(String dir)
_state.dir = dir;
* Gets whether the default locale's language should be used.
* @return true or false
public boolean isUseLocale()
return _useLocale;
* Sets whether the default locale's language should be used.
* @param locale true or false
* @jsptagref.attributedescription Sets whether the default locale's language should be used.
* @jsptagref.databindable false
* @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>boolean_locale</i>
* @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true" type="boolean"
* description="Sets whether the default locale's language should be used."
public void setUseLocale(boolean locale)
_useLocale = locale;
* Set the document type (html4-loose or xhtml1-transitional) of the document.
* @jsptagref.attributedescription Set the document type (html4-loose or xhtml1-transitional) of the document.
* The default is html4-loose-quirks.
* @jsptagref.databindable false
* @jsptagref.attributesyntaxvalue <i>string_doctype</i>
* @netui:attribute required="false" rtexprvalue="true"
* description="Set the document type (html4-loose or xhtml1-transitional) of the document."
public void setDocumentType(String docType)
_docType = docType;
public int doStartTag() throws JspException
// check to see if there is a scope id
ServletRequest req = pageContext.getRequest();
_containerErrors = (org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.IErrorReporter) req.getAttribute(CONTAINER_ERRORS);
//Make this tag available to child tags
req.setAttribute(HTML_TAG_ID, this);
// set the local
Locale currentLocale = currentLocale();
if (currentLocale == null) {
currentLocale = Locale.getDefault();
// write out the html...
_state.lang = currentLocale.getLanguage();
String idScope = getRealIdScope();
if (idScope != null) {
_state.registerAttribute(AbstractHtmlState.ATTR_GENERAL, "netui:idScope", idScope);
_writer = new WriteRenderAppender(pageContext);
_br = TagRenderingBase.Factory.getRendering(TagRenderingBase.HTML_TAG, req);
_br.doStartTag(_writer, _state);
* Write out the body content and report any errors that occured.
* @throws JspException if a JSP exception has occurred
public int doEndTag() throws JspException
// if there are errors then we should output the error table
ErrorHandling.reportCollectedErrors(pageContext, this);
// The body tag may cause the scope Div to be closed, if not we must do it now
//if (getIdScope() != null && !_scopeEnded) {
// _writer.append("</div>");
// the script can be written out by another tag, typically this would be the <body> tag.
// close the html tag
if (!_scopeEnded)
return EVAL_PAGE;
* This will close the HTML div associated with the idScope. This may be
* called by the Body tag so the div ends before the body ends.
* @param _writer a writer to write the close tag into
public void endScope(WriteRenderAppender _writer)
// write the close tag and mark the fact that it is now closed.
_scopeEnded = true;
* Add an error to the errors being reported by this tag.
* @param ape The AbstractPageError to add
public void addError(AbstractPageError ape)
assert (ape != null);
// if this is not the error reporter, then find an error reporter above this one.
if (_containerErrors == null && _errors == null) {
Tag par = getParent();
while (par != null) {
if (par instanceof org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.IErrorReporter) {
_containerErrors = (org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.IErrorReporter) par;
par = par.getParent();
// if there is an error reporter, add the error and return
if (_containerErrors != null) {
// This is the error reporter.
if (_errors == null) {
_errors = new ArrayList();
// add the error and update it
ape.errorNo = _errors.size();
* Return an ArrayList of the errors
* @return an <code>ArrayList</code> of all errors.
public ArrayList returnErrors()
if (_containerErrors != null)
return _containerErrors.returnErrors();
ArrayList e = _errors;
_errors = null;
return e;
* This boolean indicates if an ErrorReporter is reporting errors
* or not. The caller should check this before calling addError
* because the ErrorReporter may be off for some reason.
* @return a boolean indicating if the tag is reporting errors or not.
public boolean isReporting()
return true;
* Return the current Locale for this request, creating a new one if
* necessary. If there is no current Locale, and locale support is not
* requested, return <code>null</code>.
protected Locale currentLocale()
ServletRequest req = pageContext.getRequest();
// Create a new session if necessary
HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
if ((_useLocale) && (session == null))
session = ((HttpServletRequest) req).getSession();
if (session == null)
return null;
// Return any currently set Locale in our session
Locale current = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY);
if (current != null)
return current;
// Configure a new current Locale, if requested
if (!_useLocale)
return (null);
current = req.getLocale();
if (current != null)
session.setAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY, current);
return current;
* Release any acquired resources.
protected void localRelease()
_br = null;
_writer = null;
_useLocale = false;
_scopeEnded = false;
_errors = null;
_containerErrors = null;