
2090 lines
83 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.MutableURI;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.config.PageFlowActionMapping;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.config.PageFlowExceptionConfig;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.ActionForwardHandler;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.ExceptionsHandler;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.FlowControllerHandlerContext;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.Handlers;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.handler.LoginHandler;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.internal.*;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.scoping.ScopedRequest;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.internal.FileUtils;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.internal.InternalStringBuilder;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.internal.cache.ClassLevelCache;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.struts.Globals;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet;
import org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor;
import org.apache.struts.config.ActionConfig;
import org.apache.struts.config.ControllerConfig;
import org.apache.struts.config.ModuleConfig;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;
import org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils;
import org.apache.struts.util.TokenProcessor;
import javax.security.auth.login.LoginException;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.security.Principal;
* Base class for user-written flow controllers - {@link PageFlowController}s and {@link SharedFlowController}s.
public abstract class FlowController extends PageFlowManagedObject
implements PageFlowConstants, ActionResolver
private static final Logger _log = Logger.getInstance( FlowController.class );
private static final String ONCREATE_EXCEPTION_FORWARD = InternalConstants.ATTR_PREFIX + "onCreateException";
private static final String CACHEID_ACTION_METHODS = InternalConstants.ATTR_PREFIX + "actionMethods";
private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUEST_COUNT = 4;
private static final String MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PARAM = "pageflow-max-concurrent-requests";
private static final Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE = Locale.getDefault();
private static final ActionForward NULL_ACTION_FORWARD = new ActionForward();
private static final TokenProcessor TOKEN_PROCESSOR = TokenProcessor.getInstance();
* The system default Locale.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getDefaultLocale}.
protected static Locale defaultLocale = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
static class PerRequestState
private HttpServletRequest _request;
private HttpServletResponse _response;
private ActionMapping _actionMapping;
public PerRequestState( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ActionMapping actionMapping )
_request = request;
_response = response;
_actionMapping = actionMapping;
public HttpServletRequest getRequest()
return _request;
public HttpServletResponse getResponse()
return _response;
public ActionMapping getActionMapping()
return _actionMapping;
* Stores per-request state, which is <i>only valid during calls to {@link FlowController#execute} or {@link FlowController#handleException}</i>.
private transient PerRequestState _perRequestState;
* Cached reference to the associated Struts ModuleConfig.
private transient ModuleConfig _moduleConfig = null;
* @see #incrementRequestCount
private transient int _requestCount = 0;
* @see #incrementRequestCount
private static int _maxConcurrentRequestCount = -1;
* Default constructor.
protected FlowController()
* Reinitialize the object for a new request. Used by the framework; normally should not be called directly.
public void reinitialize( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext servletContext )
// Cache the associated ModuleConfig. This is used throughout the code, in places where the request
// isn't available to do a lazy initialization.
super.reinitialize( request, response, servletContext );
* Log in the user, using "weak" username/password authentication. Goes through a custom {@link LoginHandler}, if
* one has been configured in beehive-netui-config.xml.
* @param username the user's login name
* @param password the user's password
* @exception LoginException if the authentication failed
public void login( String username, String password )
throws LoginException
LoginHandler lh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
lh.login( getHandlerContext(), username, password );
* Log out the current user. Goes through a custom {@link LoginHandler}, if one has been configured in
* beehive-netui-config.xml.
* @param invalidateSessions if true, the session is invalidated (on all single-signon webapps);
* otherwise the session and its data are left intact (except for authentication
* information used internally by the server). To invalidate the session in only the
* current webapp, set this parameter to <code>false</code> and call
* {@link FlowController#getSession}.invalidate().
public void logout( boolean invalidateSessions )
LoginHandler lh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
lh.logout( getHandlerContext(), invalidateSessions );
* Get the current logged-in user. Goes through a custom {@link LoginHandler}, if one has been configured in
* beehive-netui-config.xml.
* @return the current logged-in <code>Principal</code>, or <code>null</code> if there is no logged-in user.
public Principal getUserPrincipal()
LoginHandler lh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
return lh.getUserPrincipal(getHandlerContext());
* Tell whether the current logged-in user is a member of a given role. Goes through a custom {@link LoginHandler},
* if one has been configured in beehive-netui-config.xml.
* @param roleName the name of the role to test.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is a current logged-in user and the user is a member of the given role.
* @see #getUserPrincipal
public boolean isUserInRole(String roleName)
LoginHandler lh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
return lh.isUserInRole(getHandlerContext(), roleName);
* Send a Page Flow error to the browser.
* @deprecated Use {@link FlowController#sendError(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)} instead.
* @param errText the error message to display.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
protected void sendError( String errText, HttpServletResponse response )
throws IOException
sendError( errText, null, response );
* Send a Page Flow error to the browser.
* @param errText the error message to display.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
protected void sendError( String errText, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
throws IOException
InternalUtils.sendError( "PageFlow_Custom_Error", null, request, response,
new Object[]{ getDisplayName(), errText } );
* Handle the given exception - invoke user code if appropriate and return a destination URI.
* @param ex the Exception to handle.
* @param mapping the Struts action mapping for current Struts action being processed.
* @param form the form-bean (if any) associated with the Struts action being processed. May be null.
* @param request the current HttpServletRequest.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
* @return a Struts ActionForward object that specifies the URI that should be displayed.
* @throws ServletException if another Exception is thrown during handling of <code>ex</code>.
public synchronized ActionForward handleException( Throwable ex, ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws IOException, ServletException
PerRequestState prevState = setPerRequestState( new PerRequestState( request, response, mapping ) );
ExceptionsHandler eh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getExceptionsHandler();
FlowControllerHandlerContext context = getHandlerContext();
// First, put the exception into the request (or other applicable context).
Throwable unwrapped = eh.unwrapException( context, ex );
eh.exposeException( context, unwrapped, mapping );
return eh.handleException( context, unwrapped, mapping, form );
setPerRequestState( prevState );
* Get the name of the current action being executed. This call is only valid
* during {@link FlowController#execute} (where any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle
* methods {@link FlowController#beforeAction} and {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @return the name of the current action being executed.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected String getCurrentActionName()
return InternalUtils.getActionName( getActionMapping() );
* Perform decision logic to determine the next URI to be displayed.
* @param mapping the Struts ActionMapping for the current action being processed.
* @param form the form-bean (if any) associated with the Struts action being processed. May be null.
* @param request the current HttpServletRequest.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
* @return a Struts ActionForward object that specifies the next URI to be displayed.
* @throws Exception if an Exception was thrown during user action-handling code.
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws Exception
// Don't actually run the action (and perform the associated synchronization) if there are too many
// concurrent requests to this instance.
if ( incrementRequestCount( request, response, getServletContext() ) )
// netui:sync-point
synchronized ( this )
ActionForward ret = null;
// establish the control context for running the beginAction, Action, afterAction code
PageFlowControlContainer pfcc = null;
try {
pfcc = PageFlowControlContainerFactory.getControlContainer(request,getServletContext());
pfcc.beginContextOnPageFlow(this,request,response, getServletContext());
catch (Exception e) {
return handleException(e, mapping, form, request, response);
try {
// execute the beginAction, Action, afterAction code
ret = internalExecute( mapping, form, request, response );
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// if already handling an exception during execute, then just log
PageFlowRequestWrapper rw = PageFlowRequestWrapper.get(request);
Throwable alreadyBeingHandled = rw.getExceptionBeingHandled();
if (alreadyBeingHandled != null) {
_log.error( "Exception thrown while ending context on page flow in execute()", e );
else {
return handleException(e, mapping, form, request, response);
return ret;
decrementRequestCount( request );
return null; // error was written to the response by incrementRequestCount()
* Internal method used to execute an action on a FlowController. This is where the magic generally happens as
* the {@link #beforeAction()}, login, action execution (simple and normal), and {@link #afterAction()} are
* all executed by this method. This method is considered <i>internal</i> and should not be invoked direclty.
protected ActionForward internalExecute( ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws Exception
ServletContainerAdapter sca = AdapterManager.getServletContainerAdapter( getServletContext() );
PageFlowEventReporter eventReporter = sca.getEventReporter();
RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext( request, response );
eventReporter.actionRaised( requestContext, this, mapping, form );
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// If we handled an exception in onCreate, just forward to the result of that.
ActionForward onCreateFwd = ( ActionForward ) request.getAttribute( ONCREATE_EXCEPTION_FORWARD );
if ( onCreateFwd != null )
return onCreateFwd == NULL_ACTION_FORWARD ? null : onCreateFwd;
PageFlowUtils.setActionURI( request );
// First change the actionPath (path) so that it lines up with our naming convention
// for action methods.
boolean gotPastBeforeAction = false;
ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
PerRequestState prevState = setPerRequestState( new PerRequestState( request, response, mapping ) );
// beforeAction callback
gotPastBeforeAction = true;
PageFlowActionMapping pfActionMapping =
mapping instanceof PageFlowActionMapping ? ( PageFlowActionMapping ) mapping : null;
Object unwrappedForm = InternalUtils.unwrapFormBean( form );
// mapping.isOverloaded() means it's the base mapping for a set of overloaded mappings.
// Find the one appropriate to the passed-in form.
if ( unwrappedForm != null && pfActionMapping != null )
if ( pfActionMapping.isOverloaded() )
String mappingPath = pfActionMapping.getPath();
// Try the form class and all superclasses to get an overloaded action path.
for ( Class i = unwrappedForm.getClass(); i != null; i = i.getSuperclass() )
String formQualifiedActionPath = getFormQualifiedActionPath( i, mappingPath );
ActionConfig cf = pfActionMapping.getModuleConfig().findActionConfig( formQualifiedActionPath );
if ( cf != null )
assert cf instanceof PageFlowActionMapping : cf.getClass().getName();
if ( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
_log.debug( "Found form-specific mapping " + cf.getPath() +
" -- choosing this one over current mapping " + mappingPath );
pfActionMapping = ( PageFlowActionMapping ) cf;
mapping = pfActionMapping;
String actionName = InternalUtils.getActionName( mapping );
// Check whether isLoginRequired=true for this action.
LoginHandler loginHandler = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getLoginHandler();
if ( pfActionMapping != null && pfActionMapping.isLoginRequired()
&& loginHandler.getUserPrincipal( getHandlerContext() ) == null )
NotLoggedInException ex = createNotLoggedInException( actionName, request );
return handleException( ex, mapping, form, request, response );
// Now delegate to the appropriate action method, or if it's a simple action, handle it that way.
ActionForward retVal;
if ( pfActionMapping != null && pfActionMapping.isSimpleAction() )
retVal = handleSimpleAction( pfActionMapping, form, request, servletContext );
retVal = getActionMethodForward( actionName, unwrappedForm, request, response, mapping );
ActionForward ret =
forwardTo(retVal, mapping, null, actionName, null, form, request, response, servletContext);
long timeTaken = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
eventReporter.actionSuccess( requestContext, this, mapping, form, ret, timeTaken );
return ret;
catch ( Exception e )
// Even though we handle any Throwable thrown by the user's action method, we don't need
// to catch Throwable here, because anything thrown by the action method will be wrapped
// in an InvocationTargetException. Any Error (or other Throwable) that appears here
// should not be handled by handleException() -- it's probably a framework problem and
// should bubble out to the container.
return handleException( e, mapping, form, request, response );
ActionForward overrideReturn = null;
if ( gotPastBeforeAction )
// afterAction callback
catch ( Throwable th )
overrideReturn = handleException( th, mapping, form, request, response );
// Store information on this action for use with navigateTo=Jpf.NavigateTo.previousAction.
savePreviousActionInfo( form, request, mapping, getServletContext() );
if ( overrideReturn != null )
return overrideReturn;
setPerRequestState( prevState );
ActionForward forwardTo( ActionForward fwd, ActionMapping mapping, PageFlowExceptionConfig exceptionConfig,
String actionName, ModuleConfig altModuleConfig, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ServletContext servletContext )
// This method is overridden in PageFlowController. Even though we're just delegating here, we can't remove it.
ActionForwardHandler handler = Handlers.get( servletContext ).getActionForwardHandler();
FlowControllerHandlerContext context = new FlowControllerHandlerContext( request, response, this );
return handler.processForward( context, fwd, mapping, exceptionConfig, actionName, altModuleConfig, form );
NotLoggedInException createNotLoggedInException( String actionName, HttpServletRequest request )
if ( InternalUtils.sessionExpired( request ) )
return new LoginExpiredException( actionName, this );
return new NotLoggedInException( actionName, this );
* Initialize after object creation. This is a framework-invoked method; it should not normally be called directly.
public synchronized void create( HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
ServletContext servletContext )
PerRequestState prevState = setPerRequestState( new PerRequestState( request, response, null ) );
// we start the context on the bean so user control can run against Controls in the onCreate() method
super.create( request, response, servletContext );
catch ( Throwable th )
_log.info( "Handling exception in onCreate(), FlowController " + this, th );
reinitialize(request, response, servletContext);
ActionForward fwd = handleException( th, null, null, request, response );
if ( fwd == null ) fwd = NULL_ACTION_FORWARD;
request.setAttribute( ONCREATE_EXCEPTION_FORWARD, fwd );
catch ( Exception e )
_log.error( "Exception thrown while handling exception in onCreate(): " + e.getMessage(), th );
if(prevState != null)
setPerRequestState( prevState );
PageFlowControlContainer pfcc = PageFlowControlContainerFactory.getControlContainer(request,getServletContext());
PageFlowEventReporter er = AdapterManager.getServletContainerAdapter( servletContext ).getEventReporter();
RequestContext requestContext = new RequestContext( request, response );
er.flowControllerCreated( requestContext, this );
* Internal destroy method that is invoked when this object is being removed from the session. This is a
* framework-invoked method; it should not normally be called directly.
void destroy( HttpSession session )
onDestroy(); // for backwards compatiblity
super.destroy( session );
// We may have lost our transient ServletContext reference. Try to get the ServletContext reference from the
// HttpSession object if necessary.
ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
if ( servletContext == null && session != null ) servletContext = session.getServletContext();
if ( servletContext != null )
PageFlowEventReporter er = AdapterManager.getServletContainerAdapter( servletContext ).getEventReporter();
er.flowControllerDestroyed( this, session );
* Get the Struts module path for this controller.
* @return a String that is the Struts module path for this controller.
public abstract String getModulePath();
* Callback that occurs before any user action method is invoked. {@link FlowController#getRequest},
* {@link FlowController#getResponse}, {@link FlowController#getSession}, and
* {@link FlowController#getActionMapping} may all be used during this method. The action to be run can be
* discovered by calling {@link ActionMapping#getPath} on the value returned from
* {@link FlowController#getActionMapping}.
protected synchronized void beforeAction()
throws Exception
* Callback that occurs after any user action method is invoked. {@link FlowController#getRequest},
* {@link FlowController#getResponse}, {@link FlowController#getSession}, and
* {@link FlowController#getActionMapping} may all be used during this method. The action that was run can be
* discovered by calling {@link ActionMapping#getPath} on the value returned from
* {@link FlowController#getActionMapping}.
protected synchronized void afterAction()
throws Exception
* Callback that is invoked when this controller instance is created. {@link FlowController#getRequest},
* {@link FlowController#getResponse}, {@link FlowController#getSession} may all be used during this method.
protected void onCreate()
throws Exception
* Callback that is invoked when this controller instance is "destroyed", i.e., removed from the user session.
* {@link FlowController#getRequest}, {@link FlowController#getResponse}, and {@link FlowController#getActionMapping}
* may <i>not</i> be used during this method, since it may be called due to session termination outside of a
* request. {@link FlowController#getSession} also may not be used, but the session is passed as an argument
* to {@link FlowController#onDestroy(HttpSession)}, which should be used in place of this method.
* <br>
* Note that this method is <strong>not synchronized</strong>. It is dangerous to synchronize your override of
* this method because it is invoked during a callback from the Servlet container. Depending on the container,
* synchronization here can cause deadlocks.
* @deprecated {@link FlowController#onDestroy(HttpSession)} should be used instead.
protected void onDestroy()
* Callback that is invoked when this controller instance is "destroyed", i.e., removed from the user session.
* {@link FlowController#getRequest}, {@link FlowController#getResponse}, and {@link FlowController#getActionMapping}
* may <i>not</i> be used during this method, since it may be called due to session termination outside of a
* request. {@link FlowController#getSession} also may not be used, but the session is passed as an argument.
* <br>
* Note that this method is <strong>not synchronized</strong>. It is dangerous to synchronize your override of
* this method because it is invoked during a callback from the Servlet container. Depending on the container,
* synchronization here can cause deadlocks.
protected void onDestroy( HttpSession session )
* Get a legacy PreviousPageInfo.
* @deprecated This method will be removed without replacement in a future release.
public abstract PreviousPageInfo getPreviousPageInfoLegacy( PageFlowController curJpf, HttpServletRequest request );
* Get an action handler method of the given name/signature.
* @param methodName the name of the action handler method to query.
* @param argType the type of the argument to the action handler method; if <code>null</code>,
* the method takes no arguments.
* @return the desired Method, or <code>null</code> if it doesn't exist.
protected Method getActionMethod( String methodName, Class argType )
String cacheKey = argType != null ? methodName + '/' + argType.getName() : methodName;
Class thisClass = getClass();
ClassLevelCache cache = ClassLevelCache.getCache( thisClass );
Method actionMethod = ( Method ) cache.get( CACHEID_ACTION_METHODS, cacheKey );
if ( actionMethod != null )
return actionMethod;
// We didn't find it in the cache. Look for it reflectively.
if ( argType == null )
// No form -- look for a method with no arguments.
actionMethod = InternalUtils.lookupMethod( thisClass, methodName, null );
// Has a form. Look for a method with a single argument -- either the given type
// or any superclass.
while ( argType != null )
actionMethod = InternalUtils.lookupMethod( thisClass, methodName, new Class[]{ argType } );
if ( actionMethod != null )
argType = argType.getSuperclass();
if ( actionMethod != null && actionMethod.getReturnType().equals( Forward.class ) )
if ( ! Modifier.isPublic( actionMethod.getModifiers() ) ) actionMethod.setAccessible( true );
cache.put( CACHEID_ACTION_METHODS, cacheKey, actionMethod );
return actionMethod;
return null;
private Class getFormClass( Object form, ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request )
throws ClassNotFoundException
if ( mapping instanceof PageFlowActionMapping )
String formClassName = ( ( PageFlowActionMapping ) mapping ).getFormClass();
if ( formClassName != null )
return InternalUtils.getReloadableClass( formClassName, getServletContext() );
return form != null ? form.getClass() : null;
* Get the ActionForward returned by the action handler method that corresponds to the
* given action name and form-bean, or send an error to the browser if there is no
* matching method.
* @param actionName the name of the Struts action to handle.
* @param inputForm the form-bean associated with the action. May be <code>null</code>.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
* @return the ActionForward returned by the action handler method, or <code>null</code> if
* there was no matching method (in which case an error was written to the
* browser.
* @throws Exception if an Exception was raised in user code.
ActionForward getActionMethodForward( String actionName, Object inputForm,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
ActionMapping mapping )
throws Exception
// Find the method.
Class formClass = getFormClass( inputForm, mapping, request );
Method actionMethod = getActionMethod( actionName, formClass );
// Invoke the method.
if ( actionMethod != null )
return invokeActionMethod( actionMethod, inputForm, request, mapping );
if ( _log.isWarnEnabled() )
InternalStringBuilder msg = new InternalStringBuilder( "Could not find matching action method for action=" );
msg.append( actionName ).append( ", form=" );
msg.append( inputForm != null ? inputForm.getClass().getName() :"[none]" );
_log.warn( msg.toString() );
PageFlowException ex = new NoMatchingActionMethodException( actionName, inputForm, this );
InternalUtils.throwPageFlowException( ex, request );
return null;
private static String getFormQualifiedActionPath( Class formClass, String actionPath )
InternalStringBuilder ret = new InternalStringBuilder( actionPath );
ret.append( '_' );
ret.append( formClass.getName().replace( '.', '_' ).replace( '$', '_' ) );
return ret.toString();
* Invoke the given action handler method, passing it an argument if appropriate.
* @param method the action handler method to invoke.
* @param arg the form-bean to pass; may be <code>null</code>.
* @return the ActionForward returned by the action handler method.
* @throws Exception if an Exception was raised in user code.
protected ActionForward invokeActionMethod( Method method, Object arg )
throws Exception
return invokeActionMethod( method, arg, getRequest(), getActionMapping() );
* Invoke the given action handler method, passing it an argument if appropriate.
* @param method the action handler method to invoke.
* @param arg the form-bean to pass; may be <code>null</code>.
* @param request the current HttpServletRequest.
* @return the ActionForward returned by the action handler method.
* @throws Exception if an Exception was raised in user code.
ActionForward invokeActionMethod( Method method, Object arg, HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping )
throws Exception
Class[] paramTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
if ( paramTypes.length > 0 && paramTypes[0].isInstance( arg ) )
if ( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
_log.debug( "Invoking action method " + method.getName() + '(' + paramTypes[0].getName() + ')' );
return ( ActionForward ) method.invoke( this, new Object[]{ arg } );
else if ( paramTypes.length == 0 )
if ( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
_log.debug( "Invoking action method " + method.getName() + "()" );
return ( ActionForward ) method.invoke( this, null );
boolean readonly = false;
if ( mapping instanceof PageFlowActionMapping )
PageFlowActionMapping pfam = ( PageFlowActionMapping ) mapping;
readonly = pfam.isReadonly();
A read only Flow Controller is one that is marked as such via metadata. If a FlowController
is read only, no steps need to be taken to ensure that it fails over into the session for
serialization in a cluster.
if ( ! readonly )
ensureFailover( getRequest() );
if ( _log.isWarnEnabled() )
_log.warn( "Could not find action method " + method.getName() + " with appropriate signature." );
return null;
* Get the current HttpServletRequest. This call is only valid during {@link FlowController#execute} (where
* any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle methods {@link FlowController#onCreate},
* {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @return the current HttpServletRequest.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected final HttpServletRequest getRequest()
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getRequest was called outside of a valid context." );
return _perRequestState.getRequest();
* Get the current HttpServletResponse. This call is only valid during {@link FlowController#execute} (where
* any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle methods {@link FlowController#onCreate},
* {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @return the current HttpServletResponse.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected final HttpServletResponse getResponse()
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getResponse was called outside of a valid context." );
return _perRequestState.getResponse();
* Get the current Struts ActionMapping, which is information from the Struts-XML &lt;action&gt;
* tag that corresponds to the current action being executed. This call is only valid during
* {@link FlowController#execute} (where any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle
* methods {@link FlowController#beforeAction} and {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @deprecated Use {@link FlowController#getActionMapping} instead.
* @return the current Struts ActionMapping.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected final ActionMapping getMapping()
return getActionMapping();
* Get the current Struts ActionMapping, which is information from the Struts-XML &lt;action&gt;
* tag that corresponds to the current action being executed. This call is only valid
* during {@link FlowController#execute} (where any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle
* methods {@link FlowController#beforeAction} and {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @return the current Struts ActionMapping.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected final ActionMapping getActionMapping()
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getActionMapping was called outside of a valid context." );
return _perRequestState.getActionMapping();
* Get the current user session. This call is only valid during {@link FlowController#execute} (where
* any user action method is invoked), and during the lifecycle methods {@link FlowController#onCreate},
* {@link FlowController#onDestroy}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
* @return the HttpSession for the current user session.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute}, and outside of
* {@link FlowController#onCreate}, {@link FlowController#onDestroy}, {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
protected final HttpSession getSession()
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getSession was called outside of a valid context." );
return _perRequestState.getRequest().getSession( true );
PerRequestState setPerRequestState( PerRequestState state )
if ( state != null )
assert state.getRequest() != null;
assert state.getResponse() != null;
PerRequestState prevState = _perRequestState;
_perRequestState = state;
return prevState;
* Get the Struts ModuleConfig object associated with this FlowController.
protected final ModuleConfig getModuleConfig()
if ( _moduleConfig == null )
_moduleConfig = InternalUtils.ensureModuleConfig(getModulePath(), getServletContext());
assert _moduleConfig != null : getModulePath() + "; " + getClass().getName();
return _moduleConfig;
* This is a non-property public accessor that will return the property value <code>moduleConfig</code>.
* This is a non-property method because properties are exposed to databinding and that would expose
* internal data structures to attack.
* @return the ModuleConfig for this FlowController
public final ModuleConfig theModuleConfig()
return getModuleConfig();
* Gets the Struts module configuration associated with this controller.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getModuleConfig()} instead.
* @param servletContext the current ServletContext.
* @return the Struts ModuleConfig for this controller.
public ModuleConfig getModuleConfig( ServletContext servletContext, HttpServletRequest request )
return getModuleConfig();
* Resolve the given action name to a URI. This version assumes that the ActionServlet
* class should be {@link PageFlowActionServlet}.
* Note: this method invokes the full action-processing cycle on a {@link ScopedRequest}. Use
* {@link FlowController#resolveAction} to resolve the URI for an action in the current page flow.
* @deprecated Use {@link PageFlowUtils#strutsLookup} instead. This method will be removed in v1.1.
public static ActionResult lookup( String actionName, ServletContext context, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws Exception
return PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup( context, request, response, actionName, null );
* Resolve the given action name to a URI.
* Note: this method invokes the full action-processing cycle on a {@link ScopedRequest}. Use
* {@link FlowController#resolveAction} to resolve the URI for an action in the current page flow.
* @deprecated Use {@link PageFlowUtils#strutsLookup} instead. This method will be removed in v1.1.
public static ActionResult lookup( String actionName, ServletContext context, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, String actionServletClassName )
throws Exception
return PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup( context, request, response, actionName, null );
* Call an action and return the result URI.
* @param actionName the name of the action to run.
* @param form the form bean instance to pass to the action, or <code>null</code> if none should be passed.
* @return the result webapp-relative URI, as a String.
* @throws ActionNotFoundException when the given action does not exist in this FlowController.
* @throws Exception if the action method throws an Exception.
public String resolveAction( String actionName, Object form, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws Exception
ActionMapping mapping = ( ActionMapping ) getModuleConfig().findActionConfig( '/' + actionName );
if ( mapping == null )
InternalUtils.throwPageFlowException( new ActionNotFoundException( actionName, this, form ), request );
ActionForward fwd = getActionMethodForward( actionName, form, request, response, mapping );
if ( fwd instanceof Forward )
( ( Forward ) fwd ).initialize( mapping, this, request );
String path = fwd.getPath();
if ( fwd.getContextRelative() || FileUtils.isAbsoluteURI( path ) )
return path;
return getModulePath() + path;
* Call an action and return the result URI.
* @deprecated Use {@link FlowController#resolveAction(String, Object, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)} instead.
* @param actionName the name of the action to run.
* @param form the form bean instance to pass to the action, or <code>null</code> if none should be passed.
* @return the result webapp-relative URI, as a String.
* @throws ActionNotFoundException when the given action does not exist in this FlowController.
* @throws Exception if the action method throws an Exception.
public String resolveAction( String actionName, Object form )
throws Exception
return resolveAction( actionName, form, getRequest(), getResponse() );
* Get a list of the names of actions handled by methods in this PageFlowController.
* @return a String array containing the names of actions handled by methods in this PageFlowController.
protected String[] getActions()
ActionConfig[] actionConfigs = getModuleConfig().findActionConfigs();
ArrayList actionNames = new ArrayList();
for ( int i = 0; i < actionConfigs.length; i++ )
ActionConfig ac = actionConfigs[i];
actionNames.add( ac.getPath().substring( 1 ) ); // every action path has a '/' in front of it
return ( String[] ) actionNames.toArray( new String[0] );
* Tell whether a given String is the name of an action handled by a method in this PageFlowController.
* @param name the action-name to query.
* @return <code>true</code> if <code>name</code> is the name of an action handled by a method in this
* PageFlowController.
public boolean isAction( String name )
return getModuleConfig().findActionConfig( '/' + name ) != null;
* Tell whether this is a {@link PageFlowController}.
* @return <code>true</code> if this is a {@link PageFlowController}.
public boolean isPageFlow()
return false;
* Get the current Struts ActionServlet.
* @deprecated This method will be removed with no replacement. In most cases, {@link FlowController#getServletContext()} is
* sufficient; for other cases, the ActionServlet itself is in the ServletContext attribute
* {@link Globals#ACTION_SERVLET_KEY}.
* @return the ActionServlet.
protected ActionServlet getServlet()
return InternalUtils.getActionServlet( getServletContext() );
* Called on this object for non-lookup (refresh) requests. This is a framework-invoked method that should not
* normally be called directly.
public final synchronized void refresh( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response )
PerRequestState prevState = setPerRequestState( new PerRequestState( request, response, null ) );
setPerRequestState( prevState );
* Callback that is invoked when this controller is involved in a refresh request, as can happen in a portal
* environment on a request where no action is run in the current page flow, but a previously-displayed page in the
* page flow is re-rendered.
protected void onRefresh()
* Remove this instance from the user session.
protected void remove()
removeFromSession( getRequest() );
* Used by derived classes to store information on the most recent action executed.
void savePreviousActionInfo( ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, ActionMapping mapping,
ServletContext servletContext )
* Store information about recent pages displayed. This is a framework-invoked method that should not normally be
* called directly.
public void savePreviousPageInfo( ActionForward forward, ActionForm form, ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext,
boolean isSpecialForward )
* When this FlowController does not use a {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.Forward &#64;Jpf.Forward}
* annotation with a
* <code>navigateTo=</code>{@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.NavigateTo#previousAction Jpf.NavigateTo.previousAction}
* attribute, the following methods always return <code>null</code> by default.
* <ul>
* <li>getPreviousActionInfo</li>
* <li>getPreviousActionURI</li>
* <li>getPreviousForm</li>
* </ul>
* Override <code>alwaysTrackPreviousAction</code> (which always returns <code>false</code>) to enable these methods
* in all cases.
* @return <code>true</code> if the previous action should always be tracked, regardless of whether
* <code>return-to="previousAction"</code> is used.
* @see PageFlowController#getPreviousActionInfo
* @see PageFlowController#getPreviousActionURI
* @see PageFlowController#getPreviousFormBean
protected boolean alwaysTrackPreviousAction()
return false;
* When this FlowController does not use a {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.Forward &#64;Jpf.Forward}
* annotation with either a
* <code>navigateTo</code>={@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.NavigateTo#currentPage Jpf.NavigateTo.currentPage}
* attribute or a
* <code>navigateTo</code>={@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.NavigateTo#previousPage Jpf.NavigateTo.previousPage}
* attribute, the following methods always return <code>null</code> by default.
* <ul>
* <li>getCurrentPageInfo</li>
* <li>getPreviousPageInfo</li>
* <li>getCurrentForwardPath</li>
* <li>getPreviousForwardPath</li>
* </ul>
* Override <code>alwaysTrackPreviousPage</code> (which always returns <code>false</code>) to enable these methods
* in all cases.
* @return <code>true</code> if the previous page should always be tracked, regardless
* of whether <code>return-to="currentPage"</code> or <code>return-to="previousPage"</code>
* is used.
* @see PageFlowController#getCurrentPageInfo
* @see PageFlowController#getPreviousPageInfo
* @see PageFlowController#getCurrentForwardPath
* @see PageFlowController#getPreviousForwardPath
protected boolean alwaysTrackPreviousPage()
return false;
* Increment the count of concurrent requests to this FlowController. Note that this method
* is not synchronized -- we use it to decide whether to synchronize on this instance,
* or to bail out with an error message about too many concurrent requests.
boolean incrementRequestCount( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
ServletContext servletContext )
throws IOException
// First cache the max-concurrent-request-count value.
if ( _maxConcurrentRequestCount == -1 )
assert servletContext != null;
String countStr = servletContext.getInitParameter( MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PARAM );
if ( countStr != null )
_maxConcurrentRequestCount = Integer.parseInt( countStr );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
_log.error( "Invalid value for servlet context parameter" + MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PARAM
+ ": " + countStr, e );
if ( _maxConcurrentRequestCount < 1 )
_log.error( "Invalid value for servlet context parameter" + MAX_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_PARAM
+ ": " + countStr );
// Now, if the current count of concurrent requests to this instance is greater than the max,
// send an error on the response.
if ( _requestCount >= _maxConcurrentRequestCount )
if ( _log.isInfoEnabled() )
_log.info( "Too many requests to FlowController " + getDisplayName() + " ("
+ ( _requestCount + 1 ) + '>' + _maxConcurrentRequestCount + "); returning error code "
return false;
// We're ok -- increment the count and continue.
return true;
void decrementRequestCount( HttpServletRequest request )
assert _requestCount > 0 : request.getRequestURI();
* Invoke the given exception handler method. This is a framework-invoked method that should not normally be called
* directly
* @param method the action handler method to invoke.
* @param ex the Throwable that is to be handled.
* @param message the String message that is to be passed to the handler method.
* @param wrappedFormBean the wrapped form bean that is associated with the action being processed; may be <code>null</code>.
* @param exceptionConfig the exception configuration object for the current exception handler.
* @param actionMapping the action configuration object for the requested action.
* @param request the current HttpServletRequest.
* @param response the current HttpServletResponse.
* @return the ActionForward returned by the exception handler method.
public synchronized ActionForward invokeExceptionHandler(
Method method, Throwable ex, String message, ActionForm wrappedFormBean,
PageFlowExceptionConfig exceptionConfig, ActionMapping actionMapping, HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response )
throws IOException, ServletException
PerRequestState prevState = setPerRequestState( new PerRequestState( request, response, actionMapping ) );
if ( _log.isDebugEnabled() )
_log.debug( "Invoking exception handler method " + method.getName() + '('
+ method.getParameterTypes()[0].getName() + ", ...)" );
ActionForward retVal = null;
String actionName = InternalUtils.getActionName( actionMapping );
if ( actionName == null && ex instanceof PageFlowException )
actionName = ( ( PageFlowException ) ex ).getActionName();
Object formBean = InternalUtils.unwrapFormBean( wrappedFormBean );
Object[] args = new Object[]{ ex, actionName, message, formBean };
retVal = ( ActionForward ) method.invoke( this, args );
if ( ! exceptionConfig.isReadonly() )
ensureFailover( request );
return retVal;
catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
Throwable target = e.getTargetException();
if ( target instanceof Exception )
throw ( Exception ) target;
throw e;
catch ( Throwable e )
_log.error( "Exception while handling exception " + ex.getClass().getName()
+ ". The original exception will be thrown.", e );
ExceptionsHandler eh = Handlers.get( getServletContext() ).getExceptionsHandler();
FlowControllerHandlerContext context = new FlowControllerHandlerContext( request, response, this );
Throwable unwrapped = eh.unwrapException( context, e );
if ( ! eh.eatUnhandledException( context, unwrapped ) )
if ( ex instanceof ServletException ) throw ( ServletException ) ex;
if ( ex instanceof IOException ) throw ( IOException ) ex;
if ( ex instanceof Error ) throw ( Error ) ex;
throw new UnhandledException( ex );
return null;
setPerRequestState( prevState );
* Add a property-related message that will be shown with the Errors and Error tags.
* @param propertyName the name of the property with which to associate this error.
* @param messageKey the message-resources key for the message.
* @param messageArgs zero or more arguments to the message.
protected void addActionError( String propertyName, String messageKey, Object[] messageArgs )
InternalUtils.addActionError( propertyName, new ActionMessage( messageKey, messageArgs ), getRequest() );
* Add a property-related message as an expression that will be evaluated and shown with the Errors and Error tags.
* @param propertyName the name of the property with which to associate this error.
* @param expression the expression that will be evaluated to generate the error message.
* @param messageArgs zero or more arguments to the message; may be expressions.
protected void addActionErrorExpression( String propertyName, String expression, Object[] messageArgs )
PageFlowUtils.addActionErrorExpression( getRequest(), propertyName, expression, messageArgs );
* Add a validation error that will be shown with the Errors and Error tags.
* @deprecated Use {@link #addActionError} instead.
* @param propertyName the name of the property with which to associate this error.
* @param messageKey the message-resources key for the error message.
* @param messageArgs an array of arguments for the error message.
protected void addValidationError( String propertyName, String messageKey, Object[] messageArgs )
PageFlowUtils.addValidationError( propertyName, messageKey, messageArgs, getRequest() );
* Add a validation error that will be shown with the Errors and Error tags.
* @deprecated Use {@link #addActionError} instead.
* @param propertyName the name of the property with which to associate this error.
* @param messageKey the message-resources key for the error message.
protected void addValidationError( String propertyName, String messageKey )
PageFlowUtils.addValidationError( propertyName, messageKey, getRequest() );
private static ActionForward handleSimpleAction( PageFlowActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm wrappedFormBean,
HttpServletRequest request,
ServletContext servletContext )
Map/*< String, String >*/ conditionalForwards = mapping.getConditionalForwardsMap();
if ( ! conditionalForwards.isEmpty() )
Object formBean = InternalUtils.unwrapFormBean( wrappedFormBean );
for ( Iterator/*< Map.Entry< String, String > >*/ i = conditionalForwards.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry/*< String, String >*/ entry = ( Map.Entry ) i.next();
String expression = ( String ) entry.getKey();
String forwardName = ( String ) entry.getValue();
if ( InternalExpressionUtils.evaluateCondition( expression, formBean, request, servletContext ) )
if ( _log.isTraceEnabled() )
_log.trace( "Expression '" + expression + "' evaluated to true on simple action "
+ mapping.getPath() + "; using forward " + forwardName + '.' );
return new Forward( forwardName );
catch( Exception e ) // ELException
if( _log.isErrorEnabled() )
_log.error( "Exception occurred evaluating navigation expression '" + expression
+ "'. Cause: " + e.getCause(), e);
String defaultForwardName = mapping.getDefaultForward();
assert defaultForwardName != null : "defaultForwardName is null on Simple Action " + mapping.getPath();
if ( _log.isTraceEnabled() )
_log.trace( "No expression evaluated to true on simple action " + mapping.getPath()
+ "; using forward " + defaultForwardName + '.' );
return new Forward( defaultForwardName );
* Get the system default locale.
* @return the system default locale.
protected static Locale getDefaultLocale()
return defaultLocale;
* Return the default data source for the Struts module associated with this FlowController.
* @param request the current request.
protected DataSource getDataSource( HttpServletRequest request )
return getDataSource( request, Globals.DATA_SOURCE_KEY );
* Return the specified data source for the current Struts module.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
* @param key The key specified in the
* <code>&lt;message-resources&gt;</code> element for the
* requested bundle
protected DataSource getDataSource( HttpServletRequest request, String key )
// Return the requested data source instance
return ( DataSource ) getServletContext().getAttribute( key + getModuleConfig().getPrefix() );
* Return the user's currently selected Locale.
* @param request the current request.
* @return the user's currently selected Locale, stored in the session.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getLocale} or {@link #retrieveUserLocale}.
protected Locale getLocale( HttpServletRequest request )
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Locale locale = ( Locale ) session.getAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY );
return locale != null ? locale : DEFAULT_LOCALE;
* Get the user's currently selected Locale.
* @return the user's currently selected Locale, stored in the session.
protected Locale getLocale()
return retrieveUserLocale( getRequest(), null );
public static Locale retrieveUserLocale( HttpServletRequest request, String locale )
if ( locale == null ) locale = Globals.LOCALE_KEY;
HttpSession session = request.getSession( false );
Locale userLocale = null;
if ( session != null ) userLocale = ( Locale ) session.getAttribute( locale );
if ( userLocale == null ) userLocale = DEFAULT_LOCALE;
return userLocale;
* Return the message resources for the default module.
* @deprecated This method can only return the resources for the default
* module. Use {@link #getMessageResources()} to get the
* resources for this FlowController.
protected MessageResources getResources()
return ( MessageResources ) getServletContext().getAttribute( Globals.MESSAGES_KEY );
* Return the default message resources for the current module.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMessageResources()} instead.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
protected MessageResources getResources( HttpServletRequest request )
return getMessageResources();
* Return the specified message resources for the current module.
* @deprecated Use {@link #getMessageResources(String)} instead.
* @param request the current request.
* @param key The bundle key specified in a
* {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.MessageBundle &#64;Jpf.MessageBundle} annotation.
protected MessageResources getResources( HttpServletRequest request, String key )
return getMessageResources( key );
* Get the default message resources for this FlowController.
protected MessageResources getMessageResources()
return getMessageResources( Globals.MESSAGES_KEY );
* Get the specified message resources for this FlowController.
* @param key The bundle key specified in a
* {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.annotations.Jpf.MessageBundle &#64;Jpf.MessageBundle} annotation.
protected MessageResources getMessageResources( String key )
return ( MessageResources ) getServletContext().getAttribute( key + getModuleConfig().getPrefix() );
* <p>Returns <code>true</code> if the current form's cancel button was
* pressed. This method will check if the <code>Globals.CANCEL_KEY</code>
* request attribute has been set, which normally occurs if the cancel
* button generated by the Struts <strong>CancelTag</strong> was pressed by the user
* in the current request. If <code>true</code>, validation performed
* by an <strong>ActionForm</strong>'s <code>validate()</code> method
* will have been skipped by the controller servlet.</p>
* @deprecated This method will be removed without replacement in a future release. The normal method for
* cancelling in a form is to use the <code>action</code> attribute on
* {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html.Button}, rather than avoiding validation on the current action.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
* @see org.apache.struts.taglib.html.CancelTag
protected boolean isCancelled( HttpServletRequest request )
return request.getAttribute( Globals.CANCEL_KEY ) != null;
* Generate a new transaction token, to be used for enforcing a single request for a particular transaction.
* @param request the current request.
* @deprecated Use {@link #generateToken()} instead.
protected String generateToken( HttpServletRequest request )
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.generateToken( request );
* Generate a new transaction token, to be used for enforcing a single request for a particular transaction.
* @see #isTokenValid()
* @see #isTokenValid(boolean)
* @see #resetToken()
protected String generateToken()
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.generateToken( getRequest() );
* Return <code>true</code> if there is a transaction token stored in
* the user's current session, and the value submitted as a request
* parameter with this action matches it. Returns <code>false</code>
* under any of the following circumstances:
* <ul>
* <li>No session associated with this request</li>
* <li>No transaction token saved in the session</li>
* <li>No transaction token included as a request parameter</li>
* <li>The included transaction token value does not match the
* transaction token in the user's session</li>
* </ul>
* @deprecated Use {@link #isTokenValid()} instead.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
protected boolean isTokenValid( HttpServletRequest request )
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.isTokenValid( request, false );
* Return <code>true</code> if there is a transaction token stored in
* the user's current session, and the value submitted as a request
* parameter with this action matches it. Returns <code>false</code>
* under any of the following circumstances:
* <ul>
* <li>No session associated with this request</li>
* <li>No transaction token saved in the session</li>
* <li>No transaction token included as a request parameter</li>
* <li>The included transaction token value does not match the
* transaction token in the user's session</li>
* </ul>
* @see #generateToken()
* @see #resetToken()
protected boolean isTokenValid()
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.isTokenValid( getRequest(), false );
* Return <code>true</code> if there is a transaction token stored in
* the user's current session, and the value submitted as a request
* parameter with this action matches it. Returns <code>false</code>
* <ul>
* <li>No session associated with this request</li>
* <li>No transaction token saved in the session</li>
* <li>No transaction token included as a request parameter</li>
* <li>The included transaction token value does not match the
* transaction token in the user's session</li>
* </ul>
* @deprecated Use {@link #isTokenValid(boolean)} instead.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
* @param reset Should we reset the token after checking it?
protected boolean isTokenValid( HttpServletRequest request, boolean reset )
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.isTokenValid( request, reset );
* Return <code>true</code> if there is a transaction token stored in
* the user's current session, and the value submitted as a request
* parameter with this action matches it. Returns <code>false</code>
* <ul>
* <li>No session associated with this request</li>
* <li>No transaction token saved in the session</li>
* <li>No transaction token included as a request parameter</li>
* <li>The included transaction token value does not match the
* transaction token in the user's session</li>
* </ul>
* @param reset Should we reset the token after checking it?
* @see #generateToken()
* @see #resetToken()
protected boolean isTokenValid( boolean reset )
return TOKEN_PROCESSOR.isTokenValid( getRequest(), reset );
* Reset the saved transaction token in the user's session. This
* indicates that transactional token checking will not be needed
* on the next request that is submitted.
* @deprecated Use {@link #resetToken()} instead.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
protected void resetToken( HttpServletRequest request )
TOKEN_PROCESSOR.resetToken( request );
* Reset the saved transaction token in the user's session. This
* indicates that transactional token checking will not be needed
* on the next request that is submitted.
* @see #isTokenValid()
* @see #isTokenValid(boolean)
* @see #generateToken()
protected void resetToken()
TOKEN_PROCESSOR.resetToken( getRequest() );
* Save the specified messages keys into the request for use by the &lt;netui:error&gt; or &lt;netui:errors&gt; tags.
* @deprecated Use {@link #saveActionErrors} instead.
* @param errors the ActionMessages to save in the request.
protected void saveErrors( HttpServletRequest request, ActionMessages errors )
saveActionErrors( errors );
* Save the specified messages keys into the appropriate request
* attribute for use by the Struts &lt;html:messages&gt; tag (if
* messages="true" is set), if any messages are required. Otherwise,
* ensure that the request attribute is not created.
* @deprecated This method will be removed without replacement in a future release.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
* @param messages Messages object
protected void saveMessages( HttpServletRequest request, ActionMessages messages )
// Remove any messages attribute if none are required
if ( messages == null || messages.isEmpty() )
request.removeAttribute( Globals.MESSAGE_KEY );
// Save the messages we need
request.setAttribute( Globals.MESSAGE_KEY, messages );
* Save the specified messages keys into the request for use by the &lt;netui:error&gt; or &lt;netui:errors&gt; tags.
* @param errors the ActionMessages to save in the request.
protected void saveActionErrors( ActionMessages errors )
// Remove any messages attribute if none are required
if ( errors == null || errors.isEmpty() )
getRequest().removeAttribute( Globals.ERROR_KEY );
getRequest().setAttribute( Globals.ERROR_KEY, errors );
* Save a new transaction token in the user's current session, creating
* a new session if necessary.
* @param request The servlet request we are processing
protected void saveToken( HttpServletRequest request )
TOKEN_PROCESSOR.saveToken( request );
* Set the user's currently selected Locale.
* @param request The request we are processing
* @param locale The user's selected Locale to be set, or null
* to select the server's default Locale
* @deprecated Use {@link #setLocale(Locale)}.
protected void setLocale( HttpServletRequest request, Locale locale )
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
if ( locale == null )
locale = getDefaultLocale();
session.setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, locale );
* Set the user's currently selected Locale.
* @param locale The user's selected Locale to be set, or null to select the server's default Locale
protected void setLocale( Locale locale )
if ( locale == null ) locale = getDefaultLocale();
getSession().setAttribute( Globals.LOCALE_KEY, locale );
* Get the flow-scoped form bean member associated with the given ActionMapping. This is a framework-invoked
* method that should not normally be called directly.
public ActionForm getFormBean( ActionMapping mapping )
if ( mapping instanceof PageFlowActionMapping )
PageFlowActionMapping pfam = ( PageFlowActionMapping ) mapping;
String formMember = pfam.getFormMember();
if ( formMember == null ) return null;
Field field = null;
field = getClass().getDeclaredField( formMember );
catch ( NoSuchFieldException e )
// try finding a non-private field from the class hierarchy
field = InternalUtils.lookupField( getClass(), formMember );
if ( field == null || Modifier.isPrivate( field.getModifiers() ) )
_log.error( "Could not find member field " + formMember + " as the form bean.");
return null;
field.setAccessible( true );
return InternalUtils.wrapFormBean( field.get( this ) );
catch ( Exception e )
_log.error( "Could not use member field " + formMember + " as the form bean.", e );
return null;
PageFlowRequestProcessor getRequestProcessor()
ModuleConfig mc = getModuleConfig();
String key = Globals.REQUEST_PROCESSOR_KEY + mc.getPrefix();
RequestProcessor rp = ( RequestProcessor ) getServletContext().getAttribute( key );
// The RequestProcessor may not have been initialized -- if so, just return a new (temporary) one.
if ( rp == null )
ControllerConfig cc = mc.getControllerConfig();
rp = ( RequestProcessor ) RequestUtils.applicationInstance( cc.getProcessorClass() );
rp.init( InternalUtils.getActionServlet( getServletContext() ), mc );
catch ( Exception e )
_log.error( "Could not initialize request processor for module " + mc.getPrefix(), e );
assert rp == null || rp instanceof PageFlowRequestProcessor : rp.getClass().getName();
return ( PageFlowRequestProcessor ) rp;
* Create a raw action URI, which can be modified before being sent through the registered URL rewriting chain
* using {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.core.urls.URLRewriterService#rewriteURL}.
* @param actionName the action name to convert into a MutableURI; may be qualified with a path from the webapp
* root, in which case the parent directory from the current request is <i>not</i> used.
* @return a MutableURI for the given action, suitable for URL rewriting.
* @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem converting the action URI (derived
* from processing the given action name) into a MutableURI.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute},
* and outside of {@link FlowController#onCreate},
* {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
public MutableURI getActionURI( String actionName )
throws URISyntaxException
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getActionURI was called outside of a valid context." );
ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
HttpServletRequest request = getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = getResponse();
return PageFlowUtils.getActionURI( servletContext, request, response, actionName );
* Create a fully-rewritten URI given an action and parameters.
* @param actionName the action name to convert into a fully-rewritten URI; may be qualified with a path from the
* webapp root, in which case the parent directory from the current request is <i>not</i> used.
* @param parameters the additional parameters to include in the URI query.
* @param asValidXml flag indicating that the query of the uri should be written
* using the &quot;&amp;amp;&quot; entity, rather than the character, '&amp;'
* @return a fully-rewritten URI for the given action.
* @throws URISyntaxException if there is a problem converting the action url (derived
* from processing the given action name) into a URI.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this method is invoked outside of action method
* execution (i.e., outside of the call to {@link FlowController#execute},
* and outside of {@link FlowController#onCreate},
* {@link FlowController#beforeAction}, {@link FlowController#afterAction}.
public String getRewrittenActionURI( String actionName, Map parameters, boolean asValidXml )
throws URISyntaxException
if ( _perRequestState == null )
throw new IllegalStateException( "getRewrittenActionURI was called outside of a valid context." );
ServletContext servletContext = getServletContext();
HttpServletRequest request = getRequest();
HttpServletResponse response = getResponse();
return PageFlowUtils.getRewrittenActionURI( servletContext, request, response,
actionName, parameters, null, asValidXml );
FlowControllerHandlerContext getHandlerContext()
return new FlowControllerHandlerContext( getRequest(), getResponse(), this );