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<?xml version="1.0"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
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<project name="Beehive/SVN/TomcatImports" default="usage" basedir=".">
<property environment="os"/>
<property name="tomcat.home" location="${os.CATALINA_HOME}"/>
<!-- Properties used to run Tomcat -->
In the long run, there probably needs to be a tomcat.properties file that is imported here
which defines the username / password / port number so that they can be overridden
in a user's environment
<property name="catalina.username" value="manager"/>
<property name="catalina.password" value="manager"/>
<property name="catalina-ant.jar" location="${tomcat.home}/server/lib/catalina-ant.jar"/>
<path id="appserver.build.classpath">
<fileset dir="${tomcat.home}/common/lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<target name="deploy" description="Deploy a webapp to a running Tomcat server">
<fail unless="context.path" message="Can't deploy webapp; the value ${context.path} was unspecified"/>
<fail unless="webapp.dir" message="Can't deploy webapp; the value ${webapp.dir} was unspecified"/>
<available property="webapp.available" file="${webapp.dir}" type="dir"/>
<fail unless="webapp.available" message="The webapp at ${webapp.dir} does not exist."/>
<property name="_url" value="file://${webapp.dir}"/>
<echo>deploy webapp from ${_url} with context path ${context.path}</echo>
<taskdef name="tomcatdeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask" classpath="${catalina-ant.jar}"/>
<tomcatdeploy path="/${context.path}" localWar="${_url}" username="${catalina.username}" password="${catalina.password}"/>
<!-- The Tomcat deploy task doesn't necessarily finish deploying the app when the task completes. Sleep for a few... -->
<sleep seconds="5"/>
<target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy a webapp running on a Tomcat server">
<fail unless="context.path" message="Can't undeploy webapp; the value ${context.path} was unspecified"/>
<taskdef name="tomcatundeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask" classpath="${catalina-ant.jar}"/>
<tomcatundeploy path="/${context.path}" username="${catalina.username}" password="${catalina.password}"/>
<target name="redeploy" description="Redeploy a webapp already running on a Tomcat server">
<fail unless="context.path" message="Can't undeploy webapp; the value ${context.path} was unspecified"/>
<taskdef name="tomcatreload" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.ReloadTask" classpath="${catalina-ant.jar}"/>
<tomcatreload path="/${context.path}" username="${catalina.username}" password="${catalina.password}"/>
<!-- The Tomcat deploy task doesn't necessarily finish deploying the app when the task completes. Sleep for a few... -->
<sleep seconds="5"/>
<target name="start" description="Start a Tomcat instance.">
<condition property="cmdline.options" value="">
<not><isset property="cmdline.options"/></not>
<condition property="java.options" value="">
<not><isset property="java.options"/></not>
<echo>startup.dir: ${tomcat.home}/bin</echo>
<echo>cmdline.options: ${cmdline.options}</echo>
<echo>java.options: ${java.options}</echo>
<echo>Start Tomcat</echo>
<exec os="Windows 2000,Windows 2003,Windows XP" dir="${tomcat.home}\bin" executable="cmd.exe">
<env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="${java.options}"/>
<arg line="/c startup.bat ${cmdline.options}"/>
<exec os="Linux,SunOS,Solaris,Mac OS X" dir="${tomcat.home}/bin" executable="sh">
<env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="${java.options}"/>
<arg line="startup.sh ${cmdline.options}"/>
<target name="start.with.shmem" description="Start a Tomcat instance with shared memory debugging.">
<condition property="cmdline.options" value="">
<not><isset property="cmdline.options"/></not>
<condition property="java.options" value="">
<not><isset property="java.options"/></not>
<echo>startup.dir: ${tomcat.home}/bin</echo>
<echo>cmdline.options: ${cmdline.options}</echo>
<echo>java.options: ${java.options}</echo>
<echo>Start Tomcat</echo>
<exec os="Windows 2000,Windows 2003,Windows XP" dir="${tomcat.home}\bin" executable="cmd.exe">
<env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="${java.options}"/>
<arg line="/c catalina.bat jpda start ${cmdline.options}"/>
<exec os="Linux,SunOS,Solaris,Mac OS X" dir="${tomcat.home}/bin" executable="sh">
<env key="JAVA_OPTS" value="${java.options}"/>
<arg line="startup.sh jpda start ${cmdline.options}"/>
<target name="stop" description="Stop the NetUI server">
<echo>Stop Tomcat in: ${tomcat.home}</echo>
<exec os="Windows 2000,Windows 2003,Windows XP" dir="${tomcat.home}\bin" executable="cmd.exe">
<arg line=" /c shutdown"/>
<exec os="Linux,SunOS,Solaris,Mac OS X" dir="${tomcat.home}/bin" executable="sh">
<arg line="shutdown.sh"/>
<target name="usage" description="Print the usage for this build.xml">
<java fork="no" classname="org.apache.tools.ant.Main">
<arg line="-f ${ant.file} -projecthelp"/>