
754 lines
28 KiB

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.model.validation.ValidationModel;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.JpfLanguageConstants;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.FatalCompileTimeException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
public class StrutsApp
extends AbstractForwardContainer
implements ForwardContainer, ExceptionContainer, JpfLanguageConstants
//protected boolean _isRootApp = false;
private HashMap _actionMappings = new HashMap();
private ArrayList _exceptionCatches = new ArrayList();
private ArrayList _messageResources = new ArrayList();
private HashMap _formBeans = new HashMap();
private ValidationModel _validationModel;
private List _additionalValidatorConfigs;
private boolean _returnToPageDisabled = true;
private boolean _returnToActionDisabled = true;
private boolean _isNestedPageFlow = false;
private boolean _isLongLivedPageFlow = false;
private boolean _isSharedFlow = false;
private boolean _isAbstract = false;
/** Map of name to typename */
private Map _sharedFlows = null;
private String _controllerClassName = null;
private String _multipartHandlerClassName = null;
private String _memFileSize = null;
private List _tilesDefinitionsConfigs = null;
protected static final String DUPLICATE_ACTION_COMMENT = "Note that there is more than one action with path \"{0}\"."
+ " Use a form-qualified action path if this is not the "
+ "one you want.";
= PAGEFLOW_PACKAGE + ".PageFlowRequestProcessor";
= PAGEFLOW_PACKAGE + ".config.PageFlowControllerConfig";
protected static final String STRUTS_CONFIG_PREFIX = "struts-config";
protected static final String STRUTS_CONFIG_EXTENSION = ".xml";
public static final char STRUTS_CONFIG_SEPARATOR = '-';
protected static final String WEBINF_DIR_NAME = "WEB-INF";
protected static final String STRUTSCONFIG_OUTPUT_DIR = "_pageflow";
protected static final String VALIDATOR_PLUG_IN_CLASSNAME = STRUTS_PACKAGE + ".validator.ValidatorPlugIn";
protected static final String VALIDATOR_PATHNAMES_PROPERTY = "pathnames";
protected static final String TILES_PLUG_IN_CLASSNAME = STRUTS_PACKAGE + ".tiles.TilesPlugin";
protected static final String TILES_DEFINITIONS_CONFIG_PROPERTY = "definitions-config";
protected static final String TILES_MODULE_AWARE_PROPERTY = "moduleAware";
protected static final String NETUI_VALIDATOR_RULES_URI = '/' + WEBINF_DIR_NAME + "/beehive-netui-validator-rules.xml";
protected static final String STRUTS_VALIDATOR_RULES_URI = '/' + WEBINF_DIR_NAME + "/validator-rules.xml";
private static final String[] NODE_ORDER =
public StrutsApp( String controllerClassName )
super( null );
setParentApp( this );
_controllerClassName = controllerClassName;
// Add a reference for the default validation message resources (in beehive-netui-pageflow.jar).
MessageResourcesModel mrm = new MessageResourcesModel( this );
mrm.setReturnNull( true );
addMessageResources( mrm );
public void addMessageResources( MessageResourcesModel mr )
_messageResources.add( mr );
private void addDisambiguatedActionMapping( ActionModel mapping )
if ( mapping.getFormBeanName() != null )
String qualifiedPath = getFormQualifiedActionPath( mapping );
String path = mapping.getPath();
mapping.setPath( qualifiedPath );
mapping.setUnqualifiedActionPath( path );
_actionMappings.put( qualifiedPath, mapping );
* Adds a new ActionMapping to this StrutsApp.
public void addActionMapping( ActionModel mapping )
String mappingPath = mapping.getPath();
ActionModel conflictingActionMapping = ( ActionModel ) _actionMappings.get( mappingPath );
if ( conflictingActionMapping != null )
ActionModel defaultMappingForThisPath = conflictingActionMapping;
// If the new action mapping takes no form, then it has the highest precedence, and replaces the existing
// "natural" mapping for the given path. Otherwise, replace the existing one if the existing one has a
// form bean and if the new mapping's form bean type comes alphabetically before the existing one's.
if ( mapping.getFormBeanName() == null
|| ( conflictingActionMapping.getFormBeanName() != null
&& getBeanType( mapping ).compareTo( getBeanType( conflictingActionMapping ) ) < 0 ) )
_actionMappings.remove( mappingPath );
_actionMappings.put( mappingPath, mapping );
defaultMappingForThisPath = mapping;
conflictingActionMapping.setOverloaded( false );
addDisambiguatedActionMapping( conflictingActionMapping );
addDisambiguatedActionMapping( mapping );
defaultMappingForThisPath.setOverloaded( true );
defaultMappingForThisPath.setComment( DUPLICATE_ACTION_COMMENT.replaceAll( "\\{0\\}", mappingPath ) ); // @TODO I18N
_actionMappings.put( mappingPath, mapping );
// Returns either the "form class" (specified for non-ActionForm-derived bean types), or the type of the
// associated FormBeanModel.
public String getBeanType( ActionModel actionMapping )
String beanType = actionMapping.getFormClass(); // will be non-null for non-ActionForm-derived types
if ( beanType == null )
FormBeanModel bean = getFormBean( actionMapping.getFormBeanName() );
assert bean != null;
beanType = bean.getType();
return beanType;
protected String getFormQualifiedActionPath( ActionModel action )
assert action.getFormBeanName() != null : "action " + action.getPath() + " has no form bean";
String beanType = getBeanType( action );
return action.getPath() + '_' + makeFullyQualifiedBeanName( beanType );
* Implemented for {@link ExceptionContainer}.
public void addException( ExceptionModel c )
_exceptionCatches.add( c );
* Implemented for {@link ExceptionContainer}.
public String getActionPath()
return null;
* Returns all of the form beans that are defined for this
* StrutsApp.
public FormBeanModel[] getFormBeans()
return ( FormBeanModel[] ) getFormBeansAsList().toArray( new FormBeanModel[0] );
* Returns a list of all the form beans that are defined for this StrutsApp.
public List getFormBeansAsList()
ArrayList retList = new ArrayList();
for ( Iterator i = _formBeans.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
FormBeanModel fb = ( FormBeanModel ) i.next();
if ( fb != null ) retList.add( fb );
return retList;
public FormBeanModel getFormBean( String formBeanName )
return ( FormBeanModel ) _formBeans.get( formBeanName );
* Returns a list of {@link FormBeanModel}.
public List getFormBeansByActualType( String actualTypeName, Boolean usesPageFlowScopedBean )
ArrayList beans = null;
for ( Iterator i = _formBeans.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
FormBeanModel formBean = ( FormBeanModel ) i.next();
if ( formBean != null && formBean.getActualType().equals( actualTypeName )
&& ( usesPageFlowScopedBean == null || usesPageFlowScopedBean.booleanValue() == formBean.isPageFlowScoped() ) )
if ( beans == null ) beans = new ArrayList();
beans.add( formBean );
return beans;
* Adds a new form bean to this StrutsApp.
public void addFormBean( FormBeanModel newFormBean )
_formBeans.put( newFormBean.getName(), newFormBean );
* Delete the given form-bean.
public void deleteFormBean( FormBeanModel formBean )
_formBeans.remove( formBean.getName() );
public String getFormNameForType( String formType, boolean isPageFlowScoped )
// First try and create a form-bean name that is a camelcased version of the classname without all of its
// package/outer-class qualifiers. If one with that name already exists, munge the fully-qualified classname.
int lastQualifier = formType.lastIndexOf( '$' );
if ( lastQualifier == -1 ) lastQualifier = formType.lastIndexOf( '.' );
String formBeanName = formType.substring( lastQualifier + 1 );
formBeanName = Character.toLowerCase( formBeanName.charAt( 0 ) ) + formBeanName.substring( 1 );
// If there's a name conflict, we need to disambiguate.
if ( _formBeans.containsKey( formBeanName ) )
String conflictingName = formBeanName;
FormBeanModel conflictingBean = ( FormBeanModel ) _formBeans.get( conflictingName );
// If the conflicting form bean has a different value for isPageFlowScoped(), we can simply add a suffix
// to this bean name.
if ( conflictingBean != null && isPageFlowScoped != conflictingBean.isPageFlowScoped() )
formBeanName += isPageFlowScoped ? "_flowScoped" : "_nonFlowScoped";
assert ! _formBeans.containsKey( formBeanName ); // we generate this name -- shouldn't conflict
return formBeanName;
formBeanName = makeFullyQualifiedBeanName( formType );
// Now look for the one we're conflicting with
if ( conflictingBean != null )
String nonConflictingName = makeFullyQualifiedBeanName( conflictingBean.getType() );
conflictingBean.setName( nonConflictingName );
_formBeans.put( nonConflictingName, conflictingBean );
// Now look for any action mappings that are using the conflicting name...
for ( Iterator i = _actionMappings.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
ActionModel mapping = ( ActionModel ) i.next();
if ( mapping.getFormBeanName() != null && mapping.getFormBeanName().equals( conflictingName ) )
mapping.setFormBeanName( nonConflictingName );
_formBeans.put( conflictingName, null );
return formBeanName;
protected static String makeFullyQualifiedBeanName( String formType )
return formType.replace( '.', '_' ).replace( '$', '_' );
protected static class ActionMappingComparator implements Comparator
public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 )
assert o1 instanceof ActionModel && o2 instanceof ActionModel;
ActionModel am1 = ( ActionModel ) o1;
ActionModel am2 = ( ActionModel ) o2;
assert ! am1.getPath().equals( am2.getPath() ); // there should be no duplicate paths
return am1.getPath().compareTo( am2.getPath() );
protected Map getFormBeansMap()
return _formBeans;
protected List getExceptionCatchesList()
return _exceptionCatches;
protected List getSortedActionMappings()
ArrayList sortedActionMappings = new ArrayList();
sortedActionMappings.addAll( _actionMappings.values() );
Collections.sort( sortedActionMappings, new ActionMappingComparator() );
return sortedActionMappings;
protected List getMessageResourcesList()
return _messageResources;
* Get the MessageResourcesModel for which no "key" is set (the default one used at runtime).
public MessageResourcesModel getDefaultMessageResources()
for ( java.util.Iterator ii = _messageResources.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
MessageResourcesModel i = ( MessageResourcesModel ) ii.next();
if ( i.getKey() == null ) return i;
return null;
public boolean isReturnToPageDisabled()
return _returnToPageDisabled;
public boolean isReturnToActionDisabled()
return _returnToActionDisabled;
public void setReturnToPageDisabled( boolean disabled )
_returnToPageDisabled = disabled;
public void setReturnToActionDisabled( boolean disabled )
_returnToActionDisabled = disabled;
public void setAdditionalValidatorConfigs( List additionalValidatorConfigs )
if ( additionalValidatorConfigs != null && ! additionalValidatorConfigs.isEmpty() )
_additionalValidatorConfigs = additionalValidatorConfigs;
public void setValidationModel( ValidationModel validationModel )
if ( ! validationModel.isEmpty() ) // if there's nothing in the validation model, we don't care about it.
_validationModel = validationModel;
public void writeXml( PrintWriter writer, File mergeFile )
throws IOException, FatalCompileTimeException, XmlModelWriterException
XmlModelWriter xw = new XmlModelWriter( mergeFile, "struts-config",
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.1//EN",
writeXML(xw, xw.getRootElement());
protected void writeToElement(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element) {
// form-beans
writeFormBeans(xw, element);
// global-exceptions
writeExceptions(xw, element);
// global-forwards
Element globalForwardsElement = findChildElement(xw, element, "global-forwards", true, NODE_ORDER);
writeForwards(xw, globalForwardsElement);
// action-mappings
writeActionMappings(xw, element);
// message-resources
writeMessageResources(xw, element);
// controller (request-processor, etc.)
writeControllerElement(xw, element);
// ValidatorPlugIn
writeValidatorInit(xw, element);
// TilesPlugin
writeTilesInit(xw, element);
private void writeMessageResources(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
for ( Iterator i = getMessageResourcesList().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
MessageResourcesModel mr = ( MessageResourcesModel ) i.next();
if ( mr != null )
Element mrToEdit = findChildElement(xw, element, "message-resources", "key", mr.getKey(), true, NODE_ORDER);
mr.writeXML( xw, mrToEdit );
private void writeActionMappings(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
Element actionMappingsElement = findChildElement(xw, element, "action-mappings", true, NODE_ORDER);
List actionMappingsList = getSortedActionMappings();
for ( int i = 0; i < actionMappingsList.size(); ++i )
ActionModel am = ( ActionModel ) actionMappingsList.get( i );
Element actionMappingtoEdit = findChildElement(xw, actionMappingsElement, "action", "path", am.getPath(), true, null);
am.writeXML(xw, actionMappingtoEdit);
private void writeExceptions(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
Element exceptionsElement = findChildElement(xw, element, "global-exceptions", true, NODE_ORDER);
List exceptionCatches = getExceptionCatchesList();
if ( exceptionCatches != null && ! exceptionCatches.isEmpty() )
for ( int i = 0; i < exceptionCatches.size(); ++i )
ExceptionModel ec = ( ExceptionModel ) exceptionCatches.get( i );
Element exceptionToEdit = findChildElement(xw, exceptionsElement, "exception", "type", ec.getType(), true, null);
ec.writeXML( xw, exceptionToEdit );
private void writeFormBeans(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
Element formBeansElement = findChildElement(xw, element, "form-beans", true, NODE_ORDER);
for (Iterator i = getFormBeansMap().values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
FormBeanModel fb = (FormBeanModel) i.next();
// fb may be null -- we do this to prevent a name from being used.
if (fb != null) {
Element formBean = findChildElement(xw, formBeansElement, "form-bean", "name", fb.getName(), true, null);
fb.writeXML(xw, formBean);
protected void writeControllerElement(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
Element controllerElement = findChildElement(xw, element, "controller", false, NODE_ORDER);
// Insert it before the first <message-resources> element.
if (controllerElement == null) {
controllerElement = xw.getDocument().createElement("controller");
Element[] messageResourcesElements = getChildElements(element, "message-resources");
if (messageResourcesElements.length > 0) {
element.insertBefore(controllerElement, messageResourcesElements[0]);
} else {
setElementAttribute(controllerElement, "processorClass", PAGEFLOW_REQUESTPROCESSOR_CLASSNAME);
setElementAttribute(controllerElement, "inputForward", true);
setElementAttribute(controllerElement, "multipartClass", _multipartHandlerClassName);
setElementAttribute(controllerElement, "memFileSize", _memFileSize);
if ( _isNestedPageFlow ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isNestedPageFlow", "true" );
if ( _isLongLivedPageFlow ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isLongLivedPageFlow", "true" );
if ( _isSharedFlow ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isSharedFlow", "true" );
if ( _isAbstract ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isAbstract", "true" );
if ( isReturnToPageDisabled() ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isReturnToPageDisabled", "true" );
if ( isReturnToActionDisabled() ) addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isReturnToActionDisabled", "true" );
if ( _sharedFlows != null )
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
boolean first = true;
for ( java.util.Iterator ii = _sharedFlows.entrySet().iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) ii.next();
if ( ! first ) str.append( ',' );
first = false;
String name = ( String ) entry.getKey();
String type = ( String ) entry.getValue();
str.append( name ).append( '=' ).append( type );
addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "sharedFlows", str.toString() );
addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "controllerClass", _controllerClassName );
// If there is not a default MessageResources element in the generated XML, add a special set-property
// to communicate this to the runtime.
if (findChildElement(xw, element, "message-resources", "key", null) == null) {
addSetProperty( xw, controllerElement, "isMissingDefaultMessages", "true" );
protected void addSetProperty( XmlModelWriter xw, Element element, String propName, String propValue )
setCustomProperty(xw, element, propName, propValue, PAGEFLOW_CONTROLLER_CONFIG_CLASSNAME);
protected void writeValidatorInit(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
if ( ( _validationModel != null && ! _validationModel.isEmpty() ) || _additionalValidatorConfigs != null )
Element plugInElementToEdit = findChildElement(xw, element, "plug-in", "className",
Element pathnamesPropertyElement =
findChildElement(xw, plugInElementToEdit, "set-property", "property", VALIDATOR_PATHNAMES_PROPERTY, true, null);
pathnamesPropertyElement.setAttribute("property", VALIDATOR_PATHNAMES_PROPERTY);
StringBuffer pathNames = new StringBuffer();
pathNames.append( NETUI_VALIDATOR_RULES_URI );
pathNames.append( ',' ).append( STRUTS_VALIDATOR_RULES_URI );
if ( _validationModel != null && ! _validationModel.isEmpty() )
pathNames.append( ",/" ).append( _validationModel.getOutputFileURI() );
if ( _additionalValidatorConfigs != null )
for ( java.util.Iterator ii = _additionalValidatorConfigs.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
String configFile = ( String ) ii.next();
pathNames.append( ',' ).append( configFile );
setElementAttribute(pathnamesPropertyElement, "value", pathNames.toString());
protected void writeTilesInit(XmlModelWriter xw, Element element)
if ( _tilesDefinitionsConfigs == null || _tilesDefinitionsConfigs.isEmpty() ) {
Element plugInElementToEdit =
findChildElement(xw, element, "plug-in", "className", TILES_PLUG_IN_CLASSNAME, true, NODE_ORDER);
Element definitionsElement = findChildElement(xw, plugInElementToEdit, "set-property", "property",
StringBuffer pathNames = new StringBuffer();
boolean firstOne = true;
for ( java.util.Iterator ii = _tilesDefinitionsConfigs.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
String definitionsConfig = ( String ) ii.next();
if ( ! firstOne ) pathNames.append( ',' );
firstOne = false;
pathNames.append( definitionsConfig );
setElementAttribute(definitionsElement, "value", pathNames.toString());
Element moduleAwareElement =
findChildElement(xw, plugInElementToEdit, "set-property", "property", TILES_MODULE_AWARE_PROPERTY, true, null);
setElementAttribute(moduleAwareElement, "value", true);
protected String getHeaderComment( File mergeFile )
throws FatalCompileTimeException
return null;
public void setNestedPageFlow( boolean nestedPageFlow )
_isNestedPageFlow = nestedPageFlow;
public void setLongLivedPageFlow( boolean longLivedPageFlow )
_isLongLivedPageFlow = longLivedPageFlow;
protected static String getStrutsConfigURI( String containingPackage, boolean isSharedFlow )
return getOutputFileURI( STRUTS_CONFIG_PREFIX, containingPackage, isSharedFlow );
public static String getOutputFileURI( String filePrefix, String containingPackage, boolean isSharedFlow )
StringBuffer fileName = new StringBuffer( STRUTSCONFIG_OUTPUT_DIR );
fileName.append( '/' ).append( filePrefix );
if ( containingPackage != null && containingPackage.length() > 0 ) fileName.append( STRUTS_CONFIG_SEPARATOR );
if ( isSharedFlow ) {
if (containingPackage == null || containingPackage.length() == 0) {
if ( containingPackage != null ) fileName.append( containingPackage.replace( '.', STRUTS_CONFIG_SEPARATOR ) );
return fileName.toString();
protected void setSharedFlow( boolean sharedFlow )
_isSharedFlow = sharedFlow;
protected void setSharedFlows( Map sharedFlows )
_sharedFlows = sharedFlows;
public String getMultipartHandlerClassName()
return _multipartHandlerClassName;
protected void setMultipartHandlerClassName( String multipartHandlerClassName )
_multipartHandlerClassName = multipartHandlerClassName;
public void setTilesDefinitionsConfigs( List tilesDefinitionsConfigs )
_tilesDefinitionsConfigs = tilesDefinitionsConfigs;
protected boolean isSharedFlow()
return _isSharedFlow;
public boolean isAbstract() {
return _isAbstract;
public void setAbstract(boolean anAbstract) {
_isAbstract = anAbstract;
* Get the threshold for keeping a file in memory when processing a multipart request. An example is
* <code>256K</code>
protected String getMemFileSize()
return _memFileSize;
* Set the threshold for keeping a file in memory when processing a multipart request. An example is
* <code>256K</code>
protected void setMemFileSize( String memFileSize )
_memFileSize = memFileSize;