
202 lines
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package com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.InList;
import java.io.*;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.time.*;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
public class PreparedStatementUtil {
public static final Object noBind = new Object();
public static PreparedStatement bind(final PreparedStatement ps, final Object... bindObjects) throws SQLException {
recursiveBind(ps, bindObjects);
return ps;
public static void setObject(final PreparedStatement ps, final int index, final Object o) throws SQLException {
// we are going to put most common ones up top so it should execute faster normally
if (o == null || o instanceof String || o instanceof Number)
ps.setObject(index, o);
// java.util.Date support, put it in a Timestamp
else if (o instanceof java.util.Date)
ps.setObject(index, o.getClass().equals(java.util.Date.class) ? new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.util.Date)o).getTime()) : o);
//IFJAVA8_START// todo: other java.time types
else if (o instanceof Instant)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Timestamp.from((Instant)o));
else if (o instanceof LocalDateTime)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf((LocalDateTime)o));
else if (o instanceof LocalDate)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Date.valueOf((LocalDate)o));
else if (o instanceof LocalTime)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Time.valueOf((LocalTime)o));
else if (o instanceof ZonedDateTime)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Timestamp.from(((ZonedDateTime)o).toInstant()));
else if (o instanceof OffsetDateTime)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Timestamp.from(((OffsetDateTime)o).toInstant()));
else if (o instanceof OffsetTime)
ps.setObject(index, java.sql.Time.valueOf(((OffsetTime)o).toLocalTime())); // todo: no timezone?
// CLOB support
else if (o instanceof Reader)
ps.setClob(index, (Reader) o);
else if (o instanceof ClobString)
ps.setClob(index, ((ClobString) o).s == null ? null : new StringReader(((ClobString) o).s));
else if (o instanceof java.sql.Clob)
ps.setClob(index, (java.sql.Clob) o);
// BLOB support
else if (o instanceof byte[])
ps.setBlob(index, new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) o));
else if (o instanceof InputStream)
ps.setBlob(index, (InputStream) o);
else if (o instanceof File)
try {
ps.setBlob(index, new FileInputStream((File) o)); // todo: does this close this or leak a file descriptor?
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new SQLException("File to Blob FileNotFoundException", e);
else if (o instanceof BlobString)
ps.setBlob(index, ((BlobString) o).s == null ? null : new ByteArrayInputStream(((BlobString) o).s.getBytes(((BlobString) o).charset)));
else if (o instanceof java.sql.Blob)
ps.setBlob(index, (java.sql.Blob) o);
else if (o instanceof java.sql.Array)
ps.setArray(index, (java.sql.Array) o);
else if (o instanceof Enum)
ps.setObject(index, ((Enum)o).name());
ps.setObject(index, o); // probably won't get here ever, but just in case...
switch(ps.getParameterMetaData().getParameterType(index)){ // 'java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature', fully JDBC 3.0 compliant my ass, freaking oracle...
case Types.CLOB:
if(o instanceof String)
ps.setObject(index, o);
else if (o instanceof Reader)
ps.setClob(index, (Reader) o);
else if (o instanceof Clob)
ps.setClob(index, (Clob) o);
case Types.BLOB:
if (o instanceof byte[])
ps.setBlob(index, new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])o));
else if (o instanceof InputStream)
ps.setBlob(index, (InputStream) o);
else if (o instanceof File)
try {
ps.setBlob(index, new FileInputStream((File) o));
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw new SQLException("File to Blob FileNotFoundException", e);
else if (o instanceof Blob)
ps.setBlob(index, (Blob) o);
else if(o instanceof String)
ps.setBlob(index, new ByteArrayInputStream(((String) o).getBytes("UTF-8")));
}catch(UnsupportedEncodingException e){
throw new SQLException("String to Blob UnsupportedEncodingException", e);
ps.setObject(index, o);
public static int recursiveBind(final PreparedStatement ps, final Object... bindObjects) throws SQLException {
return recursiveBindIndex(ps, 0, bindObjects);
public static int recursiveBindIndex(final PreparedStatement ps, int index, final Object... bindObjects) throws SQLException {
if (bindObjects != null && bindObjects.length > 0) {
for (final Object o : bindObjects) {
if (o != null) {
if (o == InList.InListObject.inEmpty() || o == InList.InListObject.notInEmpty() || o == noBind) {
continue; // ignore
} else if (o instanceof Bindable) {
index = recursiveBindIndex(ps, index, ((Bindable) o).getBindObject());
} else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
index = recursiveBindIndex(ps, index, (Object[]) o);
} else if (o instanceof Collection) {
// is creating 1 array and doing 1 method call faster than falling through to iterator and making multiple method calls/arrays? *probably* ?
index = recursiveBindIndex(ps, index, ((Collection) o).toArray());
} else if(o instanceof Iterable) {
for(final Object o2 : (Iterable) o) {
index = recursiveBindIndex(ps, index, o2);
//System.out.printf("index: '%d' bound to '%s'\n", index+1, o);
setObject(ps, ++index, o);
//ps.setObject(++index, o);
return index;
public static Object wrapClob(String s) {
return new ClobString(s);
public static Object wrapBlob(String s) {
return new BlobString(s, UTF_8);
public static Object wrapBlob(final String s, final Charset charset) {
return new BlobString(s, charset == null ? UTF_8 : charset);
private static class StringWrapper {
public final String s;
private StringWrapper(String s) {
this.s = s;
public String toString() {
return s;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (!(o instanceof StringWrapper)) return false;
StringWrapper that = (StringWrapper) o;
return !(s != null ? !s.equals(that.s) : that.s != null);
public int hashCode() {
return s != null ? s.hashCode() : 0;
private static class ClobString extends StringWrapper {
private ClobString(String s) {
private static class BlobString extends StringWrapper {
private final Charset charset;
private BlobString(final String s, final Charset charset) {
this.charset = charset;
private static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8");