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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.generator.apt.ControlClientManifest;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.assembly.ControlAssemblyException;
* AssembleTask defines a custom ant task to perform control assembly.
* <p>
* The core assembly algorithm is documented and implemented in {@link Assembler}.
* <p>
* Required attributes:<br>
* <b>moduleDir</b>: path to the root of J2EE module on which to perform assembly.<br>
* <b>srcOutputDir</b>: path to the dir where control assemblers may output source files.
* It may be necessary to run additional build steps in order to process such files (for example,
* if an assembler outputs Java source code, that code may need to be compiled).<br>
* <b>contextFactoryClassname</b>: fully qualified classname of a factory class that implements
* {@link org.apache.beehive.controls.api.assembly.ControlAssemblyContext.Factory}. Typically this
* would depend on the type of module on which assembly is being run (EJB, webapp, etc). Different
* contexts will expose different APIs to control assemblers (making different descriptors available,
* etc).
* <p>
* Supported nested elements:<br>
* <b>classpath</b>: specifies the classpath that will be searched for control interfaces/implementations,
* control clients and control assemblers.<br>
* <b>fileset</b>: specifies the control client manifests that should be processed by this assembly call.<br>
* <p>
* An example usage of the AssembleTask in an ant build script (build.xml):
* <p>
<taskdef name="assemble" classname="org.apache.beehive.controls.runtime.assembly.AssembleTask"
classpathref="controls.dependency.path" onerror="report" />
<assemble moduleDir="${build.beans}"
<path refid="test.classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${build.beans}"/>
<fileset dir="${build.beans}">
<include name="**\*.controls.properties"/>
public class AssembleTask extends Task
public AssembleTask()
// do nothing
public void setContextFactoryClassName(String contextFactoryClassName)
_contextFactoryClassName = contextFactoryClassName;
public void setModuleDir( File moduleDir )
_moduleDir = moduleDir;
public void setModuleName( String moduleName )
_moduleName = moduleName;
public void setSrcOutputDir( File srcOutputDir )
_srcOutputDir = srcOutputDir;
public void setBindingFile(File bindingFile)
_bindingFile = bindingFile;
public FileSet createFileset()
_clientManifestFileSet = new FileSet();
return _clientManifestFileSet;
// used to set classpath as an attribute
public void setClasspath(Path classpath)
_classPath = new Path(getProject());
// used to set classpath as a nested element
public Path createClasspath()
_classPath = new Path(getProject());
return _classPath;
public void execute()
if (_clientManifestFileSet == null)
log("No input fileset specified, nothing to do.");
// get list of input files as list of ControlRefs files
File filesetDir = _clientManifestFileSet.getDir(getProject());
String[] clientManifests = _clientManifestFileSet.
if (clientManifests.length == 0)
log("Input fileset contained no files, nothing to do.");
List<File> manifestFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
for ( String mf : clientManifests )
File f = new File(filesetDir, mf );
if (!f.exists())
log("File " + f.getAbsolutePath() +
" in input fileset does not exist.");
// REVIEW: nested control usage is handled poorly right now.
// Need to refine how we pick up control client manifests, especially
// for manifests inside control jars (instead of blindly scanning and
// including all manifests inside all jars, should base it on actual nested
// control usage as analyzed by starting at non-control clients).
// Build map of control types to assemble by scanning supplied manifests
Map<String,String> controlTypesToImpls = new HashMap<String,String>();
Map<String,Set<String>> controlTypesToClients =
new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for ( File mf : manifestFiles )
ControlClientManifest ccmf = new ControlClientManifest( mf );
String controlClient = ccmf.getControlClient();
List<String> controlTypes = ccmf.getControlTypes();
for ( String ct : controlTypes )
controlTypesToImpls.put( ct, ccmf.getDefaultImpl( ct ) );
Set<String> clients = controlTypesToClients.get( ct );
if (clients == null)
clients = new TreeSet<String>();
controlTypesToClients.put( ct, clients );
clients.add( controlClient );
// Build classloader to do loading
// TODO: The module dir should probably be in the classpath, since it seems reasonable
// for assemblers to want access to the classes in the module.
String[] classpaths = _classPath == null ? new String[0] : _classPath.list();
ClassLoader cl = buildClassLoader( classpaths, Assembler.class.getClassLoader() );
Assembler.assemble( _moduleDir, _moduleName, _srcOutputDir, _contextFactoryClassName,
controlTypesToImpls, controlTypesToClients, cl );
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("Assembly failed.", e);
private void validateAttributeSettings() throws BuildException
if (_contextFactoryClassName == null)
throw new BuildException("The contextFactoryClassName attribute must be set");
if (_moduleDir == null)
throw new BuildException("The moduleDir attribute must be set");
if (_srcOutputDir == null)
throw new BuildException("The srcOutputDir attribute must be set");
private ClassLoader buildClassLoader( String[] paths, ClassLoader parentCL)
throws ControlAssemblyException
List list = new ArrayList();
for (int i=0; i<paths.length; i++)
File file = new File(paths[i]);
String filePath = file.getCanonicalPath();
// ending slash is important for URLs that represent directories
if (!filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar") &&
!filePath.endsWith("/") )
filePath += "/";
URL url = new URL("file:" + filePath);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ControlAssemblyException("Unable to include path " +
paths[i] + " in classpath. Caught " +
e.getClass().getName() + " trying to form this path as a URL.", e);
URL[] urlArray = new URL[list.size()];
urlArray = (URL[])list.toArray(urlArray);
return new URLClassLoader(urlArray, parentCL);
// ant parameter values
protected String _contextFactoryClassName;
protected File _moduleDir;
protected String _moduleName;
protected File _srcOutputDir;
protected File _bindingFile;
protected Path _classPath;
protected FileSet _clientManifestFileSet;