Provides the classes and interfaces fundamental to the NetUI tags. The primary abstract base class is {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.AbstractClassicTag}, which most tags extend from. This class provides implementation of most of the basic services used by the NetUI tags. There are three basic types of NetUI Tags based upon how they data bind to objects:

In addition, to these common attributes, many tags provide a defaultValue attribute which can provide the default value if the dataSource object is null.

AbstractBaseTag provides base features allowing the implementation of dataSource, defaultValue, and optionsDataSource. There are also base classes in both this package and the {@link org.apache.beehive.netui.tags.html} package which support these attributes.

The primary base classes are:

There are a number of supporting interfaces provided by the package. These interfaces allow tags to provide services or participate in provided services. These are the primary interfaces: