package com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen; import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.SqlBuilder; import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Factory; import java.sql.*; import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.*; import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.TryClose.tryClose; public class PersonDAOBean implements PersonDAO { private final Connection conn; private final boolean closeConn; private static final Factory _conFactory = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.JdbcMapperFactory.connectionFactory("bob"); public PersonDAOBean() throws SQLException { this(_conFactory); } private PersonDAOBean(final Connection conn, final boolean closeConn) { this.conn = conn; this.closeConn = closeConn; if (this.conn == null) throw new NullPointerException("Connection needs to be non-null for JdbcMapper..."); } public PersonDAOBean(Connection conn) { this(conn, false); } public Connection getConnection() { return this.conn; } @Override public void createTablePerson() { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE person (person_no NUMERIC, first_name VARCHAR(40), last_name VARCHAR(40), birth_date TIMESTAMP)"); ps.executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public int insertPerson(final long personNo, final java.util.Date birthDate, final java.lang.String firstName, final java.lang.String lastName) { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO person (person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); ps.setObject(2, birthDate == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(birthDate.getTime())); ps.setObject(3, firstName); ps.setObject(4, lastName); return ps.executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public long insertPersonGeneratedKey(final long personNo, final java.util.Date birthDate, final java.lang.String firstName, final java.lang.String lastName) { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO person (person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setObject(1, personNo); ps.setObject(2, birthDate == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(birthDate.getTime())); ps.setObject(3, firstName); ps.setObject(4, lastName); ps.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); return ? rs.getLong(1) : 0; } finally { tryClose(rs); } } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.lang.Long insertPersonGeneratedKeyLong(final long personNo, final java.util.Date birthDate, final java.lang.String firstName, final java.lang.String lastName) { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO person (person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", java.sql.Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); ps.setObject(1, personNo); ps.setObject(2, birthDate == null ? null : new java.sql.Timestamp(birthDate.getTime())); ps.setObject(3, firstName); ps.setObject(4, lastName); ps.executeUpdate(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); return ? com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getObjectLong(rs, 1) : null; } finally { tryClose(rs); } } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public int setFirstName(final java.lang.String firstName, final java.lang.String lastName) { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE person SET first_name = ? WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, firstName); ps.setObject(2, lastName); return ps.executeUpdate(); } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public void setFirstName(final java.lang.String firstName, final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE person SET first_name = ? WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, firstName); ps.setObject(2, personNo); ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public void setFirstNameBlob(final byte[] firstName, final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE person SET first_name = ? WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setBlob(1, firstName == null ? null : new; ps.setObject(2, personNo); ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public void setFirstNameBlob(final java.lang.String firstName, final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE person SET first_name = ? WHERE person_no = ?"); try { ps.setBlob(1, firstName == null ? null : new"UTF-8"))); } catch ( e) { throw new SQLException("String to Blob UnsupportedEncodingException", e); } ps.setObject(2, personNo); ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public long getPersonNo(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final long ret = rs.getLong(1); return ret; } else { return 0; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public long getPersonNoUnusedParam(final java.lang.String lastName, final java.lang.String _bla) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final long ret = rs.getLong(1); return ret; } else { return 0; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.ResultSet getPeopleResultSet(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); return new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.StatementClosingResultSet(rs, ps); } catch(Throwable e) { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); if(e instanceof SQLException) throw (SQLException)e; if(e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public java.sql.ResultSet getPeopleResultSetCached(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = this.prepareStatement(0, "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); return rs; } catch(Throwable e) { tryClose(rs); if(e instanceof SQLException) throw (SQLException)e; if(e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public java.lang.String getFirstNameColumnNames(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.lang.String ret = rs.getString(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.lang.String getFirstName(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.lang.String ret = rs.getString(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public int getFirstNameUpdate(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); return ps.executeUpdate(); } finally { tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPersonColumnNames(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson( rs.getLong(1), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 4), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPerson(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson( rs.getLong(1), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 4), rs.getString(2), rs.getString(3)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.BuilderPerson getBuilderPerson(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no, first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.BuilderPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.BuilderPerson(); ret.setPersonNo(rs.getLong(1)); ret.setFirstName(rs.getString(2)); ret.setLastName(rs.getString(3)); ret.setBirthDate(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 4)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPerson(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar cal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3, cal)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeople(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeople(final java.lang.String[] lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; final Array[] _bindArrays = new Array[1]; try { _bindArrays[0] = conn.createArrayOf("TEXT", lastName); ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE (NOT(last_name = ANY(?)))"); ps.setArray(1, _bindArrays[0]); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } finally { for(final Array _bindArray : _bindArrays) tryClose(_bindArray); tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeople(final java.util.List lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; final Array[] _bindArrays = new Array[1]; try { _bindArrays[0] = conn.createArrayOf("TEXT", lastName.toArray(new java.lang.String[lastName.size()])); ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE (last_name = ANY(?))"); ps.setArray(1, _bindArrays[0]); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } finally { for(final Array _bindArray : _bindArrays) tryClose(_bindArray); tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson[] getPeopleArray(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret.toArray(new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson[_colret.size()]); } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Iterator getPeopleIterator(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret.iterator(); } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.ListIterator getPeopleListIterator(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret.listIterator(); } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getPersonMap(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, person_no FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.Map _colret = new java.util.HashMap(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[3], ret, rs.getLong(3)); _colret.put(rs.getString(1), ret); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map> getPersonMapList(final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, person_no FROM person WHERE last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.Map> _colret = new java.util.HashMap>(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[3], ret, rs.getLong(3)); final java.lang.String _colkey = rs.getString(1); java.util.List _collist = _colret.get(_colkey); if(_collist == null) { _collist = new java.util.ArrayList(); _colret.put(_colkey, _collist); } _collist.add(ret); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.lang.String getFirstName(final long personNo, final java.lang.String lastName) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ? and last_name = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); ps.setObject(2, lastName); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.lang.String ret = rs.getString(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Calendar getBirthDateCalendar(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.util.Calendar ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getCalendar(rs, 1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Calendar getBirthDateCalendar(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar mycal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.util.Calendar ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getCalendar(rs, 1, mycal); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Timestamp getBirthDateTimestamp(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Timestamp ret = rs.getTimestamp(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Timestamp getBirthDateTimestamp(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar mycal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Timestamp ret = rs.getTimestamp(1, mycal); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Time getBirthDateTime(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Time ret = rs.getTime(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Time getBirthDateTime(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar mycal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Time ret = rs.getTime(1, mycal); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Date getBirthDateSqlDate(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Date ret = rs.getDate(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.sql.Date getBirthDateSqlDate(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar mycal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.sql.Date ret = rs.getDate(1, mycal); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Date getBirthDateUtilDate(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.util.Date ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 1); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Date getBirthDateUtilDate(final long personNo, final java.util.Calendar mycal) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.util.Date ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 1, mycal); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPersonCleanFieldPerson(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); return clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret); } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPersonCleanPerson(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); return clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret); } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson getPersonCleanObject(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); return clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret); } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPersonCleanPersonList(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.add(clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret)); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getPersonCleanPersonMap(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.Map _colret = new java.util.HashMap(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.put(rs.getString(1), clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret)); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map> getPersonCleanPersonMapList(final long personNo, final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.Cleaner clean) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.Map> _colret = new java.util.HashMap>(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); final java.lang.String _colkey = rs.getString(1); java.util.List _collist = _colret.get(_colkey); if(_collist == null) { _collist = new java.util.ArrayList(); _colret.put(_colkey, _collist); } _collist.add(clean == null ? ret : clean.clean(ret)); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getPersonDynamicLimit(final long personNo, final byte maxRows) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); byte _rowCount = 0; final java.util.Map _colret = new java.util.HashMap(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.put(rs.getString(1), ret); if(maxRows > 0 && ++_rowCount == maxRows) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getPersonDynamicLimit(final long personNo, final short arrayMaxLength) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); short _rowCount = 0; final java.util.Map _colret = new java.util.HashMap(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.put(rs.getString(1), ret); if(arrayMaxLength > 0 && ++_rowCount == arrayMaxLength) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPersonDynamicLimit(final long personNo, final int maxRows) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int _rowCount = 0; final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.add(ret); if(maxRows > 0 && ++_rowCount == maxRows) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map> getPersonDynamicLimit(final long personNo, final long rowLimit) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); long _rowCount = 0; final java.util.Map> _colret = new java.util.HashMap>(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); final java.lang.String _colkey = rs.getString(1); java.util.List _collist = _colret.get(_colkey); if(_collist == null) { _collist = new java.util.ArrayList(); _colret.put(_colkey, _collist); } _collist.add(ret); if(rowLimit > 0 && ++_rowCount == rowLimit) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPersonStaticLimitListByte(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); byte _rowCount = 0; final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.add(ret); if(++_rowCount == 127) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPersonStaticLimitList(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); short _rowCount = 0; final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.add(ret); if(++_rowCount == 32767) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getPersonStaticLimitMap(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); int _rowCount = 0; final java.util.Map _colret = new java.util.HashMap(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); _colret.put(rs.getString(1), ret); if(++_rowCount == 2147483647) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map> getPersonStaticLimitMapList(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name, birth_date FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); long _rowCount = 0; final java.util.Map> _colret = new java.util.HashMap>(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[2], ret, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 3)); final java.lang.String _colkey = rs.getString(1); java.util.List _collist = _colret.get(_colkey); if(_collist == null) { _collist = new java.util.ArrayList(); _colret.put(_colkey, _collist); } _collist.add(ret); if(++_rowCount == 9223372036854775807L) break; } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeopleList(final long personNo1, final long personNo2, final long personNo3) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name from person WHERE person_no IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY person_no"); ps.setObject(1, personNo1); ps.setObject(2, personNo2); ps.setObject(3, personNo3); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson( rs.getLong(1), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(rs, 2), rs.getString(4), rs.getString(3)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetIterable getPeopleResultSetIterable(final long personNo1, final long personNo2, final long personNo3) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name from person WHERE person_no IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY person_no"); ps.setObject(1, personNo1); ps.setObject(2, personNo2); ps.setObject(3, personNo3); rs = ps.executeQuery(); return com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetIterable.getResultSetIterable(rs, ? new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetToObject() { public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson toObject(final ResultSet _rs, final java.util.Calendar _cal) throws SQLException { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson( _rs.getLong(1), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(_rs, 2), _rs.getString(4), _rs.getString(3)); return ret; } } : null, null).setPreparedStatementToClose(ps); } catch(Throwable e) { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); if(e instanceof SQLException) throw (SQLException)e; if(e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetIterable getPeopleResultSetIterableCachedPreparedStatement(final long personNo1, final long personNo2, final long personNo3) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = this.prepareStatement(1, "SELECT person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name from person WHERE person_no IN (?,?,?) ORDER BY person_no"); ps.setObject(1, personNo1); ps.setObject(2, personNo2); ps.setObject(3, personNo3); rs = ps.executeQuery(); return com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetIterable.getResultSetIterable(rs, ? new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetToObject() { public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson toObject(final ResultSet _rs, final java.util.Calendar _cal) throws SQLException { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson( _rs.getLong(1), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getUtilDate(_rs, 2), _rs.getString(4), _rs.getString(3)); return ret; } } : null, null); } catch(Throwable e) { tryClose(rs); if(e instanceof SQLException) throw (SQLException)e; if(e instanceof RuntimeException) throw (RuntimeException)e; throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson getEnumPerson(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson(); ret.setFirstName(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName.class)); ret.setLastName(rs.getString(2)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson getEnumPersonConstructor(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson( com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName.class)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName getFirstNameEnum(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName.class); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson getEnumPersonNull() throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT str_val as first_name, str_val as last_name FROM val WHERE val_no = 4"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.EnumPerson(); ret.setFirstName(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName.class)); ret.setLastName(rs.getString(2)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName getEnumNull() throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT str_val FROM val WHERE val_no = 4"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FirstName.class); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.CaseSensitivePerson getCaseSensitivePerson(final long personNo) { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name AS M_PERSON_FIRST_NAME FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.CaseSensitivePerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.CaseSensitivePerson(); ret.setmPersonFirstName(rs.getString(1)); return ret; } else { return null; } } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson getSameClassPathEnumPerson(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson(); ret.setFirstName(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName.class)); ret.setLastName(rs.getString(2)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson getSameClassPathEnumPersonConstructor(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson( com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName.class)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName getSameClassPathFirstNameEnum(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName.class); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson getSameClassPathEnumPersonNull() throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT str_val as first_name, str_val as last_name FROM val WHERE val_no = 4"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson(); ret.setFirstName(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName.class)); ret.setLastName(rs.getString(2)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName getSameClassPathEnumNull() throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT str_val FROM val WHERE val_no = 4"); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName ret = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.getEnum(rs, 1, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.SameClassPathEnumPerson.FirstName.class); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeopleInListArray(final java.lang.Long[] personNos) { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; final Array[] _bindArrays = new Array[1]; try { _bindArrays[0] = conn.createArrayOf("NUMERIC", personNos); ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE (person_no = ANY(?))"); ps.setArray(1, _bindArrays[0]); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { for(final Array _bindArray : _bindArrays) tryClose(_bindArray); tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.List getPeopleInListCollection(final java.util.Collection personNos) { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; final Array[] _bindArrays = new Array[1]; try { _bindArrays[0] = conn.createArrayOf("NUMERIC", personNos.toArray(new java.lang.Long[personNos.size()])); ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE (person_no = ANY(?))"); ps.setArray(1, _bindArrays[0]); rs = ps.executeQuery(); final java.util.List _colret = new java.util.ArrayList(); while( { final com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson ret = new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson(); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[0], ret, rs.getString(1)); com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[1], ret, rs.getString(2)); _colret.add(ret); } return _colret; } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { for(final Array _bindArray : _bindArrays) tryClose(_bindArray); tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public byte[] getBlob(final long valNo) { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT some_blob FROM val WHERE val_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, valNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final byte[] ret = rs.getBytes(1); return ret; } else { return null; } } catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.lang.String[] getSinglePersonNameArray(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.lang.String[] ret = new java.lang.String[2]; ret[0] = rs.getString(1); ret[1] = rs.getString(2); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } @Override public java.util.Map getSinglePersonNameMap(final long personNo) throws java.sql.SQLException { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT first_name, last_name FROM person WHERE person_no = ?"); ps.setObject(1, personNo); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if( { final java.util.Map ret = new java.util.HashMap(); ret.put("first_name", rs.getString(1)); ret.put("last_name", rs.getString(2)); return ret; } else { return null; } } finally { tryClose(rs); tryClose(ps); } } private static final java.lang.reflect.Field[] _fields = new java.lang.reflect.Field[] { com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.getAccessibleField(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson.class, "firstName"), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.getAccessibleField(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson.class, "lastName"), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.getAccessibleField(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson.class, "birthDate"), com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.getAccessibleField(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.FieldPerson.class, "personNo"), }; private final PreparedStatement[] psCache = new PreparedStatement[2]; private PreparedStatement prepareStatement(final int index, final String sql) throws SQLException { final PreparedStatement ps = psCache[index]; return ps == null ? (psCache[index] = conn.prepareStatement(sql)) : ps; } @Override public void close() { for(final PreparedStatement ps : psCache) tryClose(ps); if(closeConn) tryClose(conn); } public PersonDAOBean(final Factory connectionFactory) throws SQLException { this(connectionFactory.create(), true); } public PersonDAOBean(final String jndiName) throws SQLException { this(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.JdbcMapperFactory.connectionFactory(jndiName)); } @Override public SqlBuilder sqlBuilder() { return SqlBuilder.of(conn, com.moparisthebest.jdbc.ArrayInList.instance()); } }