------- echoing fileset @{filesetref} ------- ${@{filesetref}.echopath} Deploy NetUI to webapp @{webappDir} Deploy Controls to directory @{destDir} XMLBean build classpath: ${curr.classpath} Newer JDK required. Building the project requires JDK 1.5 or newer. You are currently using the following JDK: java.home = ${java.home} java.version = ${java.version} java.vendor = ${java.vendor} You may obtain a newer version of the JDK from http://java.sun.com/ If you have JDK ${required.jdk.version} installed on your system, you may need to adjust your JAVA_HOME environment variable. Newer Ant required. Building the project required Apache Ant 1.6. You are currently using the following apache-ant: ant.home = ${ant.home} ant.version = ${ant.version} You may obtain a newer version of ant from http://ant.apache.org/ If you have Ant 1.6 installed on your system, you may need to adjust your ANT_HOME environment variable.