drt.mode: ${drt.mode}
drt.cc.mode: ${drt.cc.mode}
formatter.type: ${formatter.type}
formatter.usefile: ${formatter.usefile}
Server ready...start playback of tests
Start a NetUI test recorder tests
Run callbacks to application build file ${app.build.dir}/${_app.build.file}
Wait ${_server.maxWait} seconds for server to start at URL: ${waitfor.url}
Start Playback with playback target: ${playback.target}
stopping server...
...server stopped
Test Recorder JUnit tests FAILED
Test Recorder JUnit tests FAILED
!!!!! Errors or failures occurred running test recorder tests !!!!!
Stop the server with the 'stop' target in this build file: ${_app.build.file}
ERROR: to run playback set playback.webapps to a list of webapps to test against or 'all' for all webapps and
set some combination of the following: 'playback.list', 'playback.categories' to a list of tests,
or categories, respectively. The keyword 'all' can be used for 'playback.categories' to include tests for
all categories.
report.name: ${report.name}
playback list: ${_list}
playback categories: ${_categories}
playback webapps: ${playback.webapps}
delete results: ${_results.delete}
JUnit report directory: ${_report.dir}
drt.errors.found: ${drt.errors.found}
drt.errors.stop: ${drt.errors.stop}
webapp.dir: ${webapp.dir}
testRecorder.config.name: ${testRecorder.config.name}
config jar: ${_config.jar}
Undeploy testRecorder from: ${webapp.dir}
Build Test Recorder config JAR
scratch.dir: ${_scratch.dir}
app.build.dir: ${app.build.dir}
app.build.file: ${_app.build.file}
playback.target: ${playback.target}
Running suite: ${suite.name}
Deploy the test recorder runtime to @{webappdir}