JSR 173 API JAR not found in directory: ${beehive.installed.dir} Check to see if proxy setup is required Proxy setup needed. Proxy host: ${os.PROXYHOST} Proxy port: ${os.PROXYPORT} Proxy user: ${os.PROXYUSER} Proxy password: ${os.PROXYPASSWORD} Non proxy hosts: ${os.NONPROXYHOSTS} Socks Proxy setup needed. Ensuring Forrest present in directory: ${forrest.dir} java.home = ${java.home} ant.home = ${ant.home} beehive.home = ${beehive.home} beehive.version = ${beehive.version} JSR 173 is installed correctly as ${jsr173.jar} junit.jar appears to be available since the class "junit.framework.TestCase" was successfully loaded Tomcat appears to be available in ${os.CATALINA_HOME} manager role appears to be defined in ${os.CATALINA_HOME}/conf/tomcat-users.xml