package com.moparisthebest.jdbc; import com.moparisthebest.classgen.Compiler; import; import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Map; /** * Map a ResultSet row to an Object. This mapper generates/compiles/executes java code to perform the mapping. * * @author Travis Burtrum (modifications from beehive) * @author Travis Burtrum * @see RowToObjectMapper for most details, will document here where this differs *

* Usage differences: * 1. Reflection can set non-public or final fields directly, direct java code cannot, so DTOs like that will result in * a compilation and therefore mapping error. */ public class CompilingRowToObjectMapper extends RowToObjectMapper { // do not remove, used from generated classes public static final String firstColumnError = "Cannot call getFirstColumn when mapKeyType is null!"; protected final Compiler compiler; protected final ResultSetToObject resultSetToObject; protected String _calendarName = null; public CompilingRowToObjectMapper(final Compiler compiler, final Map> cache, ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType) { this(compiler, cache, resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, mapKeyType, false); } public CompilingRowToObjectMapper(final Compiler compiler, final Map> cache, ResultSet resultSet, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType, final boolean caseInsensitiveMap) { super(resultSet, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, mapKeyType, caseInsensitiveMap); this.compiler = compiler; try { final CompilingRowToObjectMapper.ResultSetKey keys = new CompilingRowToObjectMapper.ResultSetKey(super.getKeysFromResultSet(), _returnTypeClass, _mapKeyType, cal != null); //System.out.printf("keys: %s\n", keys); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final ResultSetToObject resultSetToObject = (ResultSetToObject) cache.get(keys); if (resultSetToObject == null) { //System.out.printf("cache miss, keys: %s\n", keys); // generate and put into cache if(keys.hasCalendar) _calendarName = "cal"; cache.put(keys, this.resultSetToObject = genClass()); this.keys = null; this._fields = null; this._fieldTypes = null; this.constructor = null; } else { //System.out.printf("cache hit, keys: %s\n", keys); // load from cache this.resultSetToObject = resultSetToObject; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException("CachingRowToObjectMapper: SQLException: " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new MapperException("CachingRowToObjectMapper: IOException (should never happen?): " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public CompilingRowToObjectMapper(final String[] keys, Class returnTypeClass, Calendar cal, Class mapValType, Class mapKeyType) { super(keys,null, returnTypeClass, cal, mapValType, mapKeyType, false); this.compiler = null; this.resultSetToObject = null; } @Override public T mapRowToReturnType() throws SQLException { return resultSetToObject.toObject(_resultSet, _cal); } @Override public K getMapKey() throws SQLException { return resultSetToObject.getFirstColumn(_resultSet, _cal); } @Override public T toObject(final ResultSet rs, final Calendar cal) throws SQLException { return resultSetToObject.toObject(rs, cal); } @Override public com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetToObject getResultSetToObject() { return resultSetToObject; } @Override protected String[] getKeysFromResultSet() throws SQLException { if (keys == null) throw new MapperException("not supported here"); return keys; } @Override protected void getFieldMappings() throws SQLException { throw new MapperException("not supported here"); } public interface ResultSetToObject extends com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetToObject { K getFirstColumn(final ResultSet rs, final Calendar cal) throws SQLException; T toObject(final ResultSet rs, final Calendar cal) throws SQLException; } protected String typeFromName(final Class type) { if(type == null) return "Object"; if(_columnCount == 1 && type.isPrimitive()) { // need the object equivalent here, what is the best way? this works, isn't pretty... if(type.equals(Character.TYPE)) return "Character"; if(type.equals(Integer.TYPE)) return "Integer"; final char[] name = type.getName().toCharArray(); name[0] = Character.toUpperCase(name[0]); return new String(name); } else if (returnMap || componentType == null) { return type.getName(); } else { // an array, annoying syntax final String name = type.getName(); final char charType = name.charAt(1); switch (charType) { case 'L': return name.substring(2, name.length() - 1) + "[]"; case 'Z': return "boolean[]"; case 'B': return "byte[]"; case 'C': return "char[]"; case 'D': return "double[]"; case 'F': return "float[]"; case 'I': return "int[]"; case 'J': return "long[]"; case 'S': return "short[]"; case '[': default: throw new MapperException("only supports single dimensional array"); } } } public static String escapeMapKeyString(final String s) { // todo: escape key string, newlines, double quotes, backslashes... // actually it seems like those wouldn't be valid SQL column names, so we won't bother until we hear different... return '"' + s + '"'; } // code generation down here protected ResultSetToObject genClass() throws IOException { final String className = "CompilingMapper"; final String tType = typeFromName(_returnTypeClass); final String kType = typeFromName(_mapKeyType); final String header = "import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetUtil.*;\n\n" + "public final class " + className + " implements com.moparisthebest.jdbc.CompilingRowToObjectMapper.ResultSetToObject<"+ kType +"," + tType + "> {\n" + " public " + tType + " toObject(final java.sql.ResultSet rs, final java.util.Calendar cal) throws java.sql.SQLException {\n"; final String footer = ";\n }\n" + "}\n"; final StringBuilder java = new StringBuilder(header); //java.append("return null;\n"); gen(java, tType); java.append("return ret;\n"); java.append(" }\n\n public ").append(kType).append(" getFirstColumn(final java.sql.ResultSet rs, final java.util.Calendar cal) throws java.sql.SQLException {\n "); if(_mapKeyType != null){ java.append("return "); extractColumnValueString(java, 1, _mapKeyType); } else { java.append("throw new com.moparisthebest.jdbc.MapperException(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.CompilingRowToObjectMapper.firstColumnError)"); } java.append(footer); //System.out.println(java); return compiler.compile(className, java); } public void gen(final Appendable java, final String tType) throws IOException { if(mapOnlySecondColumn){ java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = "); extractColumnValueString(java, 2, _tmf.getTypeId(_returnTypeClass)); java.append(";\n"); return; } lazyLoadConstructor(); if (resultSetConstructor) { java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("(rs);\n"); return; } if (returnMap) // we want a map try { java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("();\n"); final int columnLength = _columnCount + 1; if (componentType != null && componentType != Object.class) { // we want a specific value type int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(componentType); for (int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x) { java.append("ret.put(").append(escapeMapKeyString(keys[x]).toLowerCase()).append(", "); extractColumnValueString(java, x, typeId); java.append(");\n"); } } else // we want a generic object type for (int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x) java.append("ret.put(").append(escapeMapKeyString(keys[x].toLowerCase())).append(", rs.getObject(").append(String.valueOf(x)).append("));\n"); return; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a Map from a ResultSet row" + ", all columns must be of the map value type", e); } else if (componentType != null) // we want an array try { java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType.substring(0, tType.length() - 1)).append(String.valueOf(_columnCount)).append("];\n"); final int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(componentType); for (int x = 0; x < _columnCount; ) { java.append("ret[").append(String.valueOf(x)).append("] = "); extractColumnValueString(java, ++x, typeId); java.append(";\n"); } return; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a " + componentType.getName() + "[] from a ResultSet row, all columns must be of that type", e); } // if the ResultSet only contains a single column we may be able to map directly // to the return type -- if so we don't need to build any structures to support // mapping if (_columnCount == 1) { final int typeId = _tmf.getTypeId(_returnTypeClass); try { if (typeId != TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN) { java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = "); extractColumnValueString(java, 1, typeId); java.append(";\n"); return; } else { // we still might want a single value (i.e. java.util.Date) /* Object val = extractColumnValue(1, typeId); if (_returnTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) { return _returnTypeClass.cast(val); } */ // we could actually pull from first row like above and test it first and fail now, but maybe just failing during compilation is enough? java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = (").append(tType).append(") "); extractColumnValueString(java, 1, typeId); java.append(";\n"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (_fields == null) { try { super.getFieldMappings(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e); } } java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("();\n"); for (int i = 1; i < _fields.length; i++) { AccessibleObject f = _fields[i]; //_args[0] = extractColumnValue(i, _fieldTypes[i]); //System.out.printf("field: '%s' obj: '%s' fieldType: '%s'\n", _fields[i], _args[0], _fieldTypes[i]); // custom hacked-in support for enums, can do better when we scrap org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.TypeMappingsFactory if (_fieldTypes[i] == 0) { final Class fieldType = f instanceof Field ? ((Field) f).getType() : ((Method) f).getParameterTypes()[0]; if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldType)) { _args[0] = Enum.valueOf((Class) fieldType, (String) _args[0]); if (f instanceof Field) { // if f not accessible (but super.getFieldMappings() sets it), throw exception during compilation is fine java.append("ret.").append(((Field) f).getName()).append(" = ").append(typeFromName(fieldType)).append(".valueOf("); extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i]); java.append(");\n"); } else { java.append("ret.").append(((Method) f).getName()).append("(").append(typeFromName(fieldType)).append(".valueOf("); extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i]); java.append("));\n"); } } } if (f instanceof Field) { // if f not accessible (but super.getFieldMappings() sets it), throw exception during compilation is fine java.append("ret.").append(((Field) f).getName()).append(" = "); extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i]); java.append(";\n"); } else { java.append("ret.").append(((Method) f).getName()).append("("); extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i]); java.append(");\n"); } } // if this resultObject is Finishable, call finish() if (Finishable.class.isAssignableFrom(_returnTypeClass)) java.append("ret.finish(rs);\n"); } public void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final int resultType) throws IOException { extractColumnValueString(java, index, resultType, _calendarName); } public void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final Class resultType) throws IOException { extractColumnValueString(java, index, resultType, _calendarName); } public static class ResultSetKey extends CachingRowToObjectMapper.ResultSetKey { protected final boolean hasCalendar; public ResultSetKey(final String[] keys, final Class returnTypeClass, final Class mapKeyType, final boolean hasCalendar) { super(keys, returnTypeClass, mapKeyType); this.hasCalendar = hasCalendar; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ResultSetKey)) return false; final ResultSetKey that = (ResultSetKey) o; return hasCalendar == that.hasCalendar && super.equals(o); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + (hasCalendar ? 1 : 0); return result; } } public static void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final Class resultType, final String calendarName) throws IOException { extractColumnValueString(java, index, _tmf.getTypeId(resultType), calendarName); } /** * Extract a column value from the ResultSet and return it as resultType. * * @param index The column index of the value to extract from the ResultSet. * @param resultType The return type. Defined in TypeMappingsFactory. * @return The extracted value * @throws java.sql.SQLException on error. */ public static void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final int resultType, final String calendarName) throws IOException { switch (resultType) { case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_INT: java.append("rs.getInt(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_LONG: java.append("rs.getLong(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_FLOAT: java.append("rs.getFloat(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DOUBLE: java.append("rs.getDouble(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTE: java.append("rs.getByte(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SHORT: java.append("rs.getInt(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN: java.append("getBooleanYN(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_INT_OBJ: java.append("getObjectInt(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_LONG_OBJ: java.append("getObjectLong(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_FLOAT_OBJ: java.append("getObjectFloat(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DOUBLE_OBJ: java.append("getObjectDouble(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTE_OBJ: java.append("getObjectByte(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SHORT_OBJ: java.append("getObjectShort(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BOOLEAN_OBJ: java.append("getObjectBooleanYN(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STRING: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_XMLBEAN_ENUM: java.append("rs.getString(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BIG_DECIMAL: java.append("rs.getBigDecimal(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BYTES: java.append("rs.getBytes(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_TIMESTAMP: java.append("rs.getTimestamp(").append(String.valueOf(index)); if(calendarName != null) java.append(", ").append(calendarName); java.append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_TIME: java.append("rs.getTime(").append(String.valueOf(index)); if(calendarName != null) java.append(", ").append(calendarName); java.append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_SQLDATE: java.append("rs.getDate(").append(String.valueOf(index)); if(calendarName != null) java.append(", ").append(calendarName); java.append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_DATE: java.append("getUtilDate(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)); if(calendarName != null) java.append(", ").append(calendarName); java.append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_CALENDAR: java.append("getCalendar(rs, ").append(String.valueOf(index)); if(calendarName != null) java.append(", ").append(calendarName); java.append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_REF: java.append("rs.getRef(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_BLOB: java.append("rs.getBlob(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_CLOB: java.append("rs.getClob(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_ARRAY: java.append("rs.getArray(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_READER: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STREAM: throw new MapperException("streaming return types are not supported by the JdbcControl; use ResultSet instead"); case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_STRUCT: case TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN: // JAVA_TYPE (could be any), or REF java.append("rs.getObject(").append(String.valueOf(index)).append(")"); return; default: throw new MapperException("internal error: unknown type ID: " + Integer.toString(resultType)); } } }