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package com.moparisthebest.jdbc;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.JdbcMapperFactory;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.QmDao;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.QueryMapperQmDao;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.QueryMapperTypeQmDao;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.*;
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ResultSetIterable;
import org.junit.*;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
2017-06-12 22:57:43 -04:00
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
import java.time.*;
2018-05-04 00:26:04 -04:00
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
2017-06-12 22:57:43 -04:00
import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.TryClose.tryClose;
import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.QueryMapperQmDao.supportsArrayInList;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
* Created by mopar on 6/10/14.
public class QueryMapperTest {
2018-05-15 22:41:02 -04:00
private static final long birthDateMillis = 1000; // this used to be 0 but mysql TIMESTAMP can only represent '1970-01-01 00:00:01' not '1970-01-01 00:00:00', nice! o_O
public static final Person fieldPerson1 = new FieldPerson(1, new Date(birthDateMillis), "First", "Person");
public static final Boss fieldBoss1 = new FieldBoss(2, new Date(birthDateMillis), "Second", "Person", "Finance", "Second");
public static final Boss fieldBoss2 = new FieldBoss(3, new Date(birthDateMillis), "Third", "Person", "Finance", null);
public static final Boss fieldBoss3 = new FieldBoss(4, new Date(birthDateMillis), null, "Person", "Finance", "Fourth");
public static final Person fieldPerson2 = new FieldPerson(5, new Date(birthDateMillis), "Second", "Person");
public static final Person fieldPerson3 = new FieldPerson(6, new Date(birthDateMillis), "Third", "Person");
public static final Person fieldPerson1NullName = new FieldPerson(1, new Date(birthDateMillis), null, null);
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public static final Person[] people = new Person[]{fieldPerson1, fieldPerson2, fieldPerson3};
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public static final Boss[] bosses = new Boss[]{fieldBoss1, fieldBoss2, fieldBoss3};
public static final Val[] vals = new Val[]{
new Val(1, 1969, "1969"),
new Val(2, 0, "America/New_York"),
new Val(3, -5, "-5"),
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
new Val(4, 4, null),
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
public static final Person setPerson1 = new SetPerson(fieldPerson1);
public static final Boss setBoss1 = new SetBoss(fieldBoss1);
public static final Boss setBoss2 = new SetBoss(fieldBoss2);
public static final Boss setBoss3 = new SetBoss(fieldBoss3);
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
public static final Person reverseFieldPerson1 = new ReverseFieldPerson(fieldPerson1);
public static final Boss reverseFieldBoss1 = new ReverseFieldBoss(fieldBoss1);
public static final Boss reverseFieldBoss2 = new ReverseFieldBoss(fieldBoss2);
public static final Boss reverseFieldBoss3 = new ReverseFieldBoss(fieldBoss3);
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
public static final Person reverseSetPerson1 = new ReverseSetPerson(fieldPerson1);
public static final Boss reverseSetBoss1 = new ReverseSetBoss(fieldBoss1);
public static final Boss reverseSetBoss2 = new ReverseSetBoss(fieldBoss2);
public static final Boss reverseSetBoss3 = new ReverseSetBoss(fieldBoss3);
public static final Collection<String> jdbcUrls;
static {
final Collection<String> jUrls = new ArrayList<String>();
final String jdbcUrl = System.getProperty("jdbcUrl", "all");
if(jdbcUrl.equals("all")) {
2018-05-15 21:56:43 -04:00
} else if(jdbcUrl.equals("hsql") || jdbcUrl.equals("hsqldb")) {
} else if(jdbcUrl.equals("derby")) {
} else if(jdbcUrl.equals("h2")) {
2018-05-15 21:56:43 -04:00
} else if(jdbcUrl.equals("sqlite")) {
} else {
2018-05-15 07:24:57 -04:00
for(int x = 1; ; ++x) {
final String extrajdbcUrl = System.getProperty("jdbcUrl" + x);
if(extrajdbcUrl != null)
2018-05-15 07:24:57 -04:00
jdbcUrls = Collections.unmodifiableCollection(jUrls);
2018-05-15 07:24:57 -04:00
// this seems to only be needed for java <8
for(final String driverClass : new String[]{"org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver", "org.h2.Driver"})
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// ignore, any real errors will be caught during test running
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public static void insertPerson(final QueryMapper qm, final Person person) throws SQLException {
qm.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO person (person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", person.getPersonNo(), person.getBirthDate(), person.getLastName(), person.getFirstName());
public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
return getConnection(jdbcUrls.iterator().next());
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
2018-05-16 01:34:36 -04:00
public static boolean isWrapperFor(final Connection conn, final String className) {
try {
return conn.isWrapperFor(Class.forName(className));
} catch(Exception e) {
return false;
public static Connection getConnection(final String url) throws SQLException {
final Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url);
QueryMapper qm = null;
try {
qm = new QueryMapper(conn);
try {
if (fieldPerson1.getPersonNo() == qm.toObject("SELECT person_no FROM person WHERE person_no = ?", Long.class, fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()))
return conn;
} catch(Exception e) {
// ignore, means the database hasn't been set up yet
2018-05-16 01:34:36 -04:00
if(isWrapperFor(conn, "org.apache.derby.impl.jdbc.EmbedConnection")) {
// derby doesn't support DATETIME
qm.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE person (person_no NUMERIC, first_name VARCHAR(40), last_name VARCHAR(40), birth_date TIMESTAMP)");
} else {
// mssql doesn't support inserting into TIMESTAMP
qm.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE person (person_no NUMERIC, first_name VARCHAR(40), last_name VARCHAR(40), birth_date DATETIME)");
qm.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE boss (person_no NUMERIC, department VARCHAR(40))");
qm.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE val (val_no NUMERIC, num_val NUMERIC, str_val VARCHAR(40))");
for (final Person person : people)
insertPerson(qm, person);
for (final Boss boss : bosses) {
qm.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO person (person_no, birth_date, last_name, first_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", boss.getPersonNo(), boss.getBirthDate(), boss.getLastName(), boss.getFirstName() == null ? boss.getFirst_name() : boss.getFirstName());
qm.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO boss (person_no, department) VALUES (?, ?)", boss.getPersonNo(), boss.getDepartment());
for (final Val val : vals)
qm.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO val (val_no, num_val, str_val) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", val.valNo, val.numVal, val.strVal);
} finally {
return conn;
protected Connection conn;
protected QmDao qm;
protected final String jdbcUrl;
protected final int qmDaoType;
protected final ResultSetMapper rsm;
public QueryMapperTest(final String jdbcUrl, final int qmDaoType, final ResultSetMapper rsm) {
this.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl;
this.qmDaoType = qmDaoType;
this.rsm = rsm;
public void open() throws SQLException {
this.conn = getConnection(jdbcUrl);
switch (qmDaoType) {
case 0:
this.qm = new QueryMapperQmDao(conn, rsm);
case 1:
this.qm = new QueryMapperTypeQmDao(conn, rsm);
case 2:
this.qm = JdbcMapperFactory.create(QmDao.class, conn);
throw new RuntimeException("unknown qmDaoType");
public void close() {
public static Collection<Object[]> getParameters()
final Collection<Object[]> params = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
for(final String jdbcUrl : jdbcUrls)
params.addAll(Arrays.asList(new Object[][] {
{ jdbcUrl, 0, new ResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 0, new CachingResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 0, new CaseInsensitiveMapResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 0, new CompilingResultSetMapper(new CompilingRowToObjectMapper.Cache(true)) },
{ jdbcUrl, 1, new ResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 1, new CachingResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 1, new CaseInsensitiveMapResultSetMapper() },
{ jdbcUrl, 1, new CompilingResultSetMapper(new CompilingRowToObjectMapper.Cache(true)) },
{ jdbcUrl, 2, null /* means QmDao.class is used */ },
return params;
// fields
public void testFieldRegularPerson() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldPerson1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegularPerson(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testBuilderPerson() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = new BuilderPerson(fieldPerson1);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getBuilderPerson(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testFieldRegularAndUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegularAndUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverse() throws Throwable {
2018-05-10 16:01:57 -04:00
final Person expected = fieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverse(expected.getPersonNo()));
2018-05-10 16:01:57 -04:00
public void testFieldRegularAndUnderscoreNoConstructor() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegularAndUnderscoreNoConstructor(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverseNoConstructor() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverseNoConstructor(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testFieldRegular() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldBoss2;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldRegular(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testFieldUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = fieldBoss3;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getFieldUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
// sets
public void testSetRegularPerson() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setPerson1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetRegularPerson(expected.getPersonNo()));
2018-05-10 16:01:57 -04:00
public void testSetRegularPersonNoConstructor() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setPerson1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetRegularPersonNoConstructor(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testSetRegularAndUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetRegularAndUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testSetRegularAndUnderscoreReverse() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetRegularAndUnderscoreReverse(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testSetRegular() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setBoss2;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetRegular(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testSetUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = setBoss3;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getSetUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
// reverse fields
public void testReverseFieldRegularPerson() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseFieldPerson1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseFieldRegularPerson(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseFieldRegularAndUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseFieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseFieldRegularAndUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverse() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseFieldBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseFieldRegularAndUnderscoreReverse(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseFieldRegular() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseFieldBoss3;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseFieldRegular(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseFieldUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseFieldBoss2;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseFieldUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
// reverse sets
public void testReverseSetRegularPerson() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseSetPerson1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseSetRegularPerson(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseSetRegularAndUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseSetBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseSetRegularAndUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseSetRegularAndUnderscoreReverse() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseSetBoss1;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseSetRegularAndUnderscoreReverse(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseSetRegular() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseSetBoss3;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseSetRegular(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testReverseSetUnderscore() throws Throwable {
final Person expected = reverseSetBoss2;
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getReverseSetUnderscore(expected.getPersonNo()));
public void testSelectListMap() throws Throwable {
final List<Map<String, String>> arrayMap = getListMap();
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(arrayMap, qm.getAllNames());
public void testSelectArrayMap() throws Throwable {
final List<Map<String, String>> arrayMap = getListMap();
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
assertArrayEquals(arrayMap.toArray(new Map[arrayMap.size()]), qm.getAllNamesArray());
public void testSelectMapString() throws Throwable {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (final Person person : new Person[]{fieldPerson1, fieldBoss1, fieldBoss2})
map.put(person.getFirstName(), person.getLastName());
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(map, qm.getAllNameMap());
public void testSelectMapLongPerson() throws Throwable {
final Map<Long, Person> map = new HashMap<Long, Person>();
for (final Person person : new Person[]{
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
map.put(person.getPersonNo(), person);
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(map, qm.getMapLongPerson());
public void testSelectMapLong() throws Throwable {
final Map<Long, Long> map = new HashMap<Long, Long>();
for (final Person person : new Person[]{fieldPerson1, fieldBoss1, fieldBoss2})
map.put(person.getPersonNo(), person.getPersonNo());
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(map, qm.getMapLongLong());
public void testSelectLongObject() throws Throwable {
final Long expected = fieldPerson1.getPersonNo();
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getPersonNo(expected));
public void testSelectLongPrimitive() throws Throwable {
2014-07-24 12:13:47 -04:00
final long expected = fieldPerson1.getPersonNo();
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getPersonNoPrimitive(expected));
public void testSelectIntPrimitive() throws Throwable {
final int expected = (int)fieldPerson1.getPersonNo();
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
Assert.assertEquals(expected, qm.getPersonNoPrimitiveInt(expected));
2014-07-24 12:13:47 -04:00
public void testSelectLongObjectArray() throws Throwable {
final Long[] expected = {fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()};
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
assertArrayEquals(expected, qm.getPersonNoObjectArray(expected[0]));
2014-07-24 12:13:47 -04:00
2018-05-09 23:20:40 -04:00
2015-03-16 13:18:37 -04:00
public void testSelectObjectArray() throws Throwable {
2015-03-16 13:18:37 -04:00
final Long[] arr = {1L, 2L, 3L};
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
assertArrayEquals(arr, qm.getLongObjectArray());
2015-03-16 13:18:37 -04:00
public void testSelectPrimitiveArray() throws Throwable {
final long[] arr = {1L, 2L, 3L};
2018-05-09 23:20:40 -04:00
assertArrayEquals(arr, qm.getLongPrimitiveArray());
2018-05-09 23:20:40 -04:00
@Test(expected = com.moparisthebest.jdbc.MapperException.class)
public void testNoDefaultConstructorFails() throws Throwable {
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
if(qm instanceof QueryMapperQmDao)
((QueryMapperQmDao)qm).getQm().toObject("SELECT 1, 2, 3 FROM person WHERE person_no = ?", Long.class, fieldPerson1.getPersonNo());
throw new MapperException("JdbcMapper wouldn't compile so skipping this...");
private List<Map<String, String>> getListMap() {
final List<Map<String, String>> arrayMap = new ArrayList<Map<String, String>>();
for (final Person person : new Person[]{fieldPerson1, fieldBoss1, fieldBoss2}) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("last_name", person.getLastName());
map.put("first_name", person.getFirstName());
return arrayMap;
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
public void testCaseInsensitiveMap() throws Throwable {
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
final Map<String, String> map = qm.getBobTomMap().get(0);
2017-05-18 14:26:23 -04:00
if (rsm instanceof CaseInsensitiveMapResultSetMapper) {
assertEquals("bob", map.get("bob"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("Bob"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BoB"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BOb"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BOB"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("tom"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("Tom"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("ToM"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("TOm"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("TOM"));
} else {
assertEquals("bob", map.get("bob"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("tom"));
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
public void testCaseInsensitiveMapJdbcMapper() throws Throwable {
final Map<String, String> map = qm.getBobTomMapCaseInsensitive().get(0);
assertEquals("bob", map.get("bob"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("Bob"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BoB"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BOb"));
assertEquals("bob", map.get("BOB"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("tom"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("Tom"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("ToM"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("TOm"));
assertEquals("tom", map.get("TOM"));
public void testList() throws SQLException {
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
final List<FieldPerson> fromDb = qm.getThreePeople(people[0].getPersonNo(), people[1].getPersonNo(), people[2].getPersonNo());
assertArrayEquals(people, fromDb.toArray());
public void testListQueryMapperList() throws SQLException {
if(!(qm instanceof QueryMapperQmDao) && !supportsArrayInList(conn))
final List<FieldPerson> fromDb = qm.getFieldPeople(Arrays.asList(people[0].getPersonNo(), people[1].getPersonNo(), people[2].getPersonNo()));
assertArrayEquals(people, fromDb.toArray());
2018-05-09 23:20:40 -04:00
public void testResultSetIterable() throws SQLException {
2018-04-24 00:04:53 -04:00
final ResultSetIterable<FieldPerson> rsi = qm.getThreePeopleResultSetIterable(people[0].getPersonNo(), people[1].getPersonNo(), people[2].getPersonNo());
final List<FieldPerson> fromDb = new ArrayList<FieldPerson>();
for(final FieldPerson fieldPerson : rsi)
assertArrayEquals(people, fromDb.toArray());
2018-05-04 00:26:04 -04:00
2018-05-07 23:10:20 -04:00
2017-06-12 22:57:43 -04:00
public void testStream() throws SQLException {
final List<FieldPerson> fromDb;
2018-05-04 00:26:04 -04:00
try(Stream<FieldPerson> rsi = qm.getThreePeopleStream(people[0].getPersonNo(), people[1].getPersonNo(), people[2].getPersonNo())) {
2017-06-12 22:57:43 -04:00
fromDb = rsi.collect(Collectors.toList());
assertArrayEquals(people, fromDb.toArray());
2018-05-07 23:10:20 -04:00
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
public void testEnumPerson() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
assertEquals(new EnumPerson(FirstName.First), qm.getEnumPerson(fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()));
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public void testEnumPersonConstructor() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
assertEquals(new EnumPerson(FirstName.First), qm.getEnumPersonConstructor(fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()));
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public void testEnum() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
assertEquals(FirstName.First, qm.getFirstName(fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()));
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public void testEnumPersonNull() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
assertEquals(new EnumPerson(null), qm.getEnumPersonNull());
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public void testEnumNull() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2018-01-12 16:46:22 -05:00
public void testCaseInsensitiveMethods() throws SQLException {
final CaseSensitivePerson expected = new CaseSensitivePerson();
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
assertEquals(expected, qm.getCaseSensitivePerson(fieldPerson1.getPersonNo()));
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testInstant() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testLocalDateTime() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testLocalDate() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testLocalTime() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testZonedDateTime() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testOffsetDateTime() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testZonedOffsetTime() throws SQLException {
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testYearInt() throws SQLException {
final Val val = vals[0];
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testYearString() throws SQLException {
final Val val = vals[0];
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testZoneId() throws SQLException {
final Val val = vals[1];
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testZoneOffsetInt() throws SQLException {
final Val val = vals[2];
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
public void testZoneOffsetStr() throws SQLException {
final Val val = vals[2];
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00
2017-06-13 22:56:00 -04:00
2018-05-07 23:49:56 -04:00