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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.bean.AnnotationConstraints;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.bean.AnnotationMemberTypes;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.bean.ControlInterface;
import org.apache.beehive.controls.api.properties.PropertySet;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.Context;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.sql.SQLData;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
* Simplifies access to a relational database from your Java code using SQL commands.
* The Jdbc Control handles the work of connecting to, sending queries to, and ResultSet mapping from
* the database. You don't need to know how to use JDBC in order to use the Jdbc Control, just basic SQL.
* <p/>
* To use a Jdbc Control create a .jcx file (java file with a .jcx extension) which extends this interface.
* Add annotations to the jcx to tell the Jdbc Control how to connect to your database instance (either
* ConnectionDataSource or ConnectionDriver), then add methods which include SQL annotations to access the database.
@ControlInterface( checker = JdbcControlChecker.class )
public interface JdbcControl {
* Returns a database connection to the server associated
* with the control. It is typically not necessary to call this method
* when using the control.
* @return A Connection a database.
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException;
* Sets the Calendar instance that should be used when setting and getting
* {@link java.sql.Date Date}, {@link java.sql.Time Time}, and
* {@link java.sql.Timestamp Timestamp} values.
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(int, Calendar) java.sql.ResultSet#getDate(int, Calendar)
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar) java.sql.ResultSet#getTime(int, Calendar)
* @see java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(int, Calendar) java.sql.ResultSet#getTimestamp(int, Calendar)
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setDate(int, java.sql.Date, Calendar) java.sql.PreparedStatement#setDate(int, Date, Calendar)
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTime(int, java.sql.Time, Calendar) java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTime(int, Time, Calendar)
* @see java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp, Calendar) java.sql.PreparedStatement#setTimestamp(int, Timestamp, Calendar)
public void setDataSourceCalendar(Calendar cal);
* Gets the Calendar instance used when setting and getting
* {@link java.sql.Date Date}, {@link java.sql.Time Time}, and
* {@link java.sql.Timestamp Timestamp} values. This is the Calendar
* set by the setDataSourceCalendar method.
* @return The Calendar instance.
public Calendar getDataSourceCalendar();
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// Class-level Database Connection Annotations and Supporting Constructs
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* Abstract base class for a user defined Jndi Context factory which can be used
* as a value for the jndiContextFactory member of the ConnectionDataSource
* annotation.
public static abstract class JndiContextFactory {
* Get a JNDI InitialContext instance.
* @return InitialContext instance
* @throws NamingException if context could not be found.
public abstract Context getContext() throws NamingException;
* Class-level annotation for making a DataSource available for use with the Jdbc Control. Either this annotation or
* the ConnectionDriver annotation must be set for a jcx which extends the JdbcControl interface.
@PropertySet(prefix = "ConnectionDataSource")
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface ConnectionDataSource {
* The jndi name of the DataSource. This is a required element for this annotation.
@AnnotationMemberTypes.JndiName(resourceType = AnnotationMemberTypes.JndiName.ResourceType.DATASOURCE)
String jndiName();
* The name of a class which implements the IJndiContextFactory interface. This is an optional element of this annotation.
Class<? extends JndiContextFactory> jndiContextFactory() default DefaultJndiContextFactory.class;
* Class-level annotation for making a ConnectionDriver available for use with the Jdbc Control. Either this
* annotation or the ConnectionDataSource annotation must be set for a jcx which extends the JdbcControl interface.
* See java.sql.DatabaseConnection for additional information about the elements of this annotation.
@PropertySet(prefix = "ConnectionDriver")
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface ConnectionDriver {
* A String containing the fully qualified name of the database driver class. Required element.
String databaseDriverClass();
* A String containing the database URL to connect to. Required element.
String databaseURL();
* A String containing the user name to connect to the database as. Optional element.
String userName() default "";
* A String containing the password associated with userName. Optional element.
String password() default "";
* A String containing a semicolon seperated list of name/value pairs for the DatabaseConnection.
* The string must have the format of propertyName=propertyValue;propertyName=propertyValue;...
* The properties will only be used if the userName and password elements of this annotation are
* NOT set.
* Optional element.
String properties() default "";
* Class level annotation used to set options on the JDBC connnection.
@PropertySet(prefix = "ConnectionOptions")
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.FIELD})
public @interface ConnectionOptions {
* If set to true, database connection will optimize for read only queries, writes still permitted.
* Optional, defaults to false.
boolean readOnly() default false;
* Specifies ResultSet holdability for the connection. May be overridden at method level.
* Optional, defaults to jdbc driver's default setting.
HoldabilityType resultSetHoldability() default HoldabilityType.DRIVER_DEFAULT;
* Specifies type mappings for SQL user defined types (UDTs). Any type mappings set here will be used
* by the underlying JDBC Connection for UDT type mappings. These mappings can be overridden by using
* the SQL annotations methodTypeMappers element. Optional element.
TypeMapper[] typeMappers() default {};
* Class / method level annotation for mapping SQL user defined types (UDTs) to and from java objects.
* The mapper class element must implement the java.sql.SQLData interface.
@PropertySet(prefix = "TypeMapper")
@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface TypeMapper {
String UDTName();
Class<? extends SQLData> mapperClass();
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// SQL Method-level Annotation and Supporting Constructs
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* This constant can be used as the value for the maxRows element of the SQL annotation.
* It indicates that all rows should be returned (i.e. no limit)
public final int MAXROWS_ALL = 0;
* The default fetch size for result sets, indicates the database should determine the fetch size.
public final int DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE = 0;
* Default value for the iteratorElementType element of the
* SQL annotation. It signals that no type has been defined for the method
* (common if the method return type isn't itself an iterator)
public interface UndefinedIteratorType {
* Default value for the resultSetMapper element of the
* SQL annotation. It signals that no type has been defined for the method.
public interface UndefinedResultSetMapper {
* Enumeration of supported types of scrolling ResultSets
public enum ScrollType {
private final int _type;
private final int _concurrencyType;
ScrollType(int scrollType, int concurrencyType) {
_type = scrollType;
_concurrencyType = concurrencyType;
public int getType() { return _type; }
public int getConcurrencyType() { return _concurrencyType; }
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (_type == ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY) {
sb.append("Foward Only, ");
} else if (_type == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE) {
sb.append("Scroll Insensitive, ");
} else if (_type == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) {
sb.append("Scroll Sensitive, ");
} else {
sb.append("Jdbc Driver Default Direction");
if (_concurrencyType == ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY) {
sb.append("Read Only");
} else if (_concurrencyType == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) {
} else {
sb.append("Jdbc Driver Default");
return sb.toString();
* Enumeration of supported fetch directions.
public enum FetchDirection {
private final int _direction;
FetchDirection(int direction) {
_direction = direction;
public int getDirection() { return _direction; }
* Enumeration of supported fetch directions.
public enum HoldabilityType {
private final int _holdability;
HoldabilityType(int holdability) {
_holdability = holdability;
public int getHoldability() { return _holdability; }
public String toString() {
if (_holdability == ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT) {
} else if (_holdability == ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT) {
} else {
return "Default driver holdability";
* Method-level annotation for methods in a jcx which wish to access a database instance.
@PropertySet(prefix = "SQL")
public @interface SQL {
* The SQL statement to send to the database. Required annotation element.
String statement();
* Maximum array length.
* Optional element.
* This element has no effect on the call unless the method return type is an array.
* When used in conjunction with the maxRows element, the size of the array generated
* from the result set will be the smaller of maxRows and arrayMaxLength.
* <p>
* arrayMaxLength's default value is 1024, but may be set to zero to specify that
* there is no size limit for the array generated from the ResultSet.
* Since the generated array is stored in-memory, care should be taken when dealing
* with very large ResultSets when the value of this element is set to zero.
int arrayMaxLength() default -1;
* Max number of ResultSet rows to return.
* If used with arrayMaxLength the smaller value is used.
* Optional element, default value is no limit on number of rows returned.
int maxRows() default MAXROWS_ALL;
* Execute the SQL statement as a batch update.
* Methods which have this element set to true must return an array of ints.
* Optional element, defaults to false.
boolean batchUpdate() default false;
* Specify the fetch size for the ResultSet. Optional element, defaults to 0.
int fetchSize() default DEFAULT_FETCH_SIZE;
* Specify the fetch direction for the ResultSEt. Optional element, defaults to FORWARD.
FetchDirection fetchDirection() default FetchDirection.FORWARD;
* Return the generated key values generated by the SQL statement. Optional element, defaults to false.
boolean getGeneratedKeys() default false;
* Specify generated key columns by column names to return when the getGeneratedKeys element is true.
* May only be set if getGeneratedKeys is set to true, otherwise a compile time error is generated.
* Optional element.
String[] generatedKeyColumnNames() default {};
* Specify generated key columns by column number to return when the getGeneratedKeys element is true.
* May only be set if getGeneratedKeys is set to true, otherwise a compile time error is generated
* Optional element.
int[] generatedKeyColumnIndexes() default {};
* Specify the holdability type for the annotated method. Overrides the holability annotation element
* of the ConnectionOptions annotation. The holdability type will be in effect for the duration of this
* method call. Optional, defaults to DRIVER_DEFAULT.
HoldabilityType resultSetHoldabilityOverride() default HoldabilityType.DRIVER_DEFAULT;
* Specifies type mappings for SQL user defined types (UDTs). Any type mappings set here will be used
* by the underlying JDBC Connection for UDT type mappings. These type mappings will REPLACE any set on
* the JDBC connection for the duration of the method call. Optional element.
TypeMapper[] typeMappersOverride() default {};
* Specify the type of element to be interated over when the method's return type is java.util.Iterator.
* Optional element.
Class iteratorElementType() default UndefinedIteratorType.class;
* Specify a custom result set mapper for the ResultSet generated by the SQL statement.
* ResultSet mappers must extend the ResultSetMapper abstract base class. If a value is specified
* it will be used to map the ResultSet of the query to the return type of the method.
* See org.apache.beehive.controls.system.jdbc.ResultSetMapper for additional information.
* Optional element.
Class resultSetMapper() default UndefinedResultSetMapper.class;
* Specify that the ResultSet returned by the method is scrollable. Valid only for methods which
* return a ResultSet, otherwise a compile-time error will occur. Valid element values
* are defined by the ScrollType enumeration.
* Optional element, defaults to JDBC driver's default setting.
ScrollType scrollableResultSet() default ScrollType.DRIVER_DEFAULT;
} // SQL annotation declaration
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// Inner Classes
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* Nested class used for specifing parameters for a callable statement. If a method in a control extension takes an array of
* SQLParameter, the JdbcControl treats the SQL as a CallableStatement and inserts values into the statement from
* the SQLParameter array. After the CallableStatement executes, results are mapped into OUT type parameters found
* int the SQLParameter array.
* NOTE: To invoke a callable statement which does not take any arguments, an SQLParameter array of size zero must
* be passed to the JDBCControl method.
public static class SQLParameter {
* IN direction constant.
public static final int IN = 1;
* OUT direction constant.
public static final int OUT = 2;
* IN and OUT directions constant.
public static final int INOUT = IN | OUT;
* Parameter value. For parameters of type OUT this value should be set to null.
public Object value = null;
* Parameter SQL data type. See java.sql.Types.
public int type = Types.NULL;
* Parameter direction.
public int dir = IN;
* Create a new SQLParameter with the specified value.
* @param value The parameter value.
public SQLParameter(Object value) {
this.value = value;
* Create a new SQLParameter with the specified value and SQL data type.
* @param value The parameter value.
* @param type SQL data type.
public SQLParameter(Object value, int type) {
this.type = type;
* Create a new SQLParameter with the specified value, SQL data type and direction.
* @param value The parameter value.
* @param type SQL data type.
* @param dir IN / OUT or INOUT
public SQLParameter(Object value, int type, int dir) {
this(value, type);
this.dir = dir;
* Clone this parameter.
* @return A copy of this parameter.
public Object clone() {
return new SQLParameter(value, type, dir);
* A ComplexSqlFragment can be used as a return value from a parameter reflection operation for
* return values which contain BOTH SQL text and parameters. For Example, the text portion
* could be something like 'where NAME = ?' and the parameter value is 'Fred'.
public static class ComplexSqlFragment {
protected CharSequence sql;
protected List<SQLParameter> parameters;
* Create a new SQLFragment.
public ComplexSqlFragment() {
sql = null;
parameters = null;
* Create a new SQLFragment with the specified SQL and parameter list.
* @param sql SQL contents of the fragment.
* @param parameters Substitution parameters.
public ComplexSqlFragment(String sql, SQLParameter[] parameters) {
this.sql = sql;
if (null != parameters)
this.parameters = Arrays.asList(parameters);
* Get the SQL of this fragment.
* @return String.
public String getSQL() {
return sql.toString();
* Get the parameters contained within this fragment.
* Returns a zero-based array.
* @return SQLParameter array.
public SQLParameter[] getParameters() {
if (null == parameters)
return new SQLParameter[0];
return parameters.toArray(new SQLParameter[parameters.size()]);
* Get the SQL string contained within this fragment.
* @return String.
public String toString() {
return sql.toString();