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package com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.CompilingRowToObjectMapper;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.MapperException;
import com.moparisthebest.jdbc.TypeMappingsFactory;
import javax.lang.model.element.*;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.CompilingRowToObjectMapper.escapeMapKeyString;
import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.CompileTimeResultSetMapper.getConcreteClassCanonicalName;
import static com.moparisthebest.jdbc.codegen.JdbcMapperProcessor.typeMirrorToClass;
* Created by mopar on 6/7/17.
public class CompileTimeRowToObjectMapper {
protected static final TypeMappingsFactory _tmf = TypeMappingsFactory.getInstance();
2017-06-07 19:15:00 -04:00
protected final CompileTimeResultSetMapper rsm;
protected final String[] keys;
* Calendar instance for date/time mappings.
protected final String _calendarName, _resultSetName;
* Class to map ResultSet Rows to.
protected final TypeMirror _returnTypeClass;
protected final TypeMirror _mapKeyType;
protected final int _columnCount;
protected final boolean mapOnlySecondColumn;
// only non-null when _returnTypeClass is an array, or a map
protected final TypeMirror componentType;
protected final boolean returnMap, resultSetConstructor;
protected Element[] _fields = null;
protected int[] _fieldTypes, _fieldOrder;
protected String[] _fieldClasses;
protected final ReflectionFields reflectionFields;
public CompileTimeRowToObjectMapper(final CompileTimeResultSetMapper rsm, final String[] keys, final TypeMirror returnTypeClass, final String resultSetName, final String calendarName, final TypeMirror mapValType, final TypeMirror mapKeyType, final ReflectionFields reflectionFields) {
2017-06-07 19:15:00 -04:00
this.rsm = rsm;
this.keys = keys;
this.reflectionFields = reflectionFields;
_calendarName = calendarName;
_resultSetName = resultSetName;
_mapKeyType = mapKeyType;
_columnCount = keys.length - 1;
mapOnlySecondColumn = _mapKeyType != null && _columnCount == 2;
2017-06-07 19:15:00 -04:00
returnMap = rsm.types.isAssignable(returnTypeClass, rsm.mapType);
if (returnMap) {
_returnTypeClass = returnTypeClass;
final List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = ((DeclaredType) returnTypeClass).getTypeArguments();
componentType = typeArguments.size() > 1 ? typeArguments.get(1) : mapValType;
resultSetConstructor = false;
} else {
_returnTypeClass = returnTypeClass;
// detect if we want an array back
componentType = returnTypeClass.getKind() == TypeKind.ARRAY && !rsm.types.isSameType(returnTypeClass, rsm.byteArrayType) ? ((ArrayType) returnTypeClass).getComponentType() : null;
// detect if returnTypeClass has a constructor that takes a ResultSet, if so, our job couldn't be easier...
boolean resultSetConstructor = false, defaultConstructor = false, paramConstructor = false;
if(_returnTypeClass.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) {
Map<String, Integer> strippedKeys = null;
final List<? extends Element> methodsAndConstructors = ((TypeElement)((DeclaredType)_returnTypeClass).asElement()).getEnclosedElements();
// uncomment this to show difference between java 1.8 with -parameters and not, prints this without -parameters (javac 1.6 gets this correct also):
2017-06-19 23:50:59 -04:00
// methodsAndConstructors: FieldPerson(): '', FieldPerson(long,java.util.Date,java.lang.String,java.lang.String): 'long personNo, java.util.Date birthDate, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName', FieldPerson(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.Person): 'com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.Person person'
// but javac 1.8 prints this with -parameters (wrongly):
2017-06-19 23:50:59 -04:00
// methodsAndConstructors: FieldPerson(): '', FieldPerson(long,java.util.Date,java.lang.String,java.lang.String): 'long personNo, java.util.Date firstName, java.lang.String lastName, java.lang.String arg3', FieldPerson(com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.Person): 'com.moparisthebest.jdbc.dto.Person person'
throw new MapperException("methodsAndConstructors: " + methodsAndConstructors.stream().filter(e -> e.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)).map(e -> e.toString() +
2017-06-19 23:50:59 -04:00
": '" + ((ExecutableElement)e).getParameters().stream().map(param -> param.asType() + " " + param.getSimpleName().toString()).collect(java.util.stream.Collectors.joining(", ")) + "'"
).collect(java.util.stream.Collectors.joining(", ")));
for(final Element e : methodsAndConstructors) {
if(e.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR && e.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) {
final List<? extends VariableElement> params = ((ExecutableElement)e).getParameters();
defaultConstructor = true;
2017-06-07 19:15:00 -04:00
else if(params.size() == 1 && rsm.types.isSameType(params.get(0).asType(), rsm.resultSetType))
resultSetConstructor = true;
else if(params.size() == _columnCount) {
// maybe we want to call the constructor, if the names line up
if(strippedKeys == null) {
strippedKeys = new HashMap<String, Integer>(keys.length * 2);
for (int x = 1; x <= _columnCount; ++x) {
final String key = keys[x];
strippedKeys.put(key, x);
strippedKeys.put(key.replaceAll("_", ""), x);
_fieldOrder = new int[keys.length];
_fieldTypes = new int[keys.length];
_fieldClasses = new String[keys.length];
int count = 0;
for(final VariableElement param : params) {
final Integer index = strippedKeys.get(param.getSimpleName().toString().toUpperCase());
if(index == null)
continue outer;
_fieldOrder[++count] = index;
_fieldTypes[count] = getTypeId(param.asType());
if(_fieldTypes[count] == TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_ENUM) {
_fieldClasses[count] = param.asType().toString();
paramConstructor = true;
_fieldOrder = null; // didn't successfully finish
this.resultSetConstructor = resultSetConstructor;
if(!resultSetConstructor && !defaultConstructor && !paramConstructor && _columnCount > 2 && componentType == null)
throw new MapperException("Exception when trying to get constructor for : "+_returnTypeClass.toString() + " Must have default no-arg constructor or one that takes a single ResultSet.");
public static List<DeclaredType> getAllImplementedTypes(final DeclaredType type, final List<DeclaredType> ret) {
for(final TypeMirror tm : JdbcMapperProcessor.getTypes().directSupertypes(type))
if(tm.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED && !tm.toString().equals("java.lang.Object"))
getAllImplementedTypes((DeclaredType) tm, ret);
return ret;
* Build the structures necessary to do the mapping
* @throws SQLException on error.
protected void getFieldMappings() {
if(_returnTypeClass.getKind() != TypeKind.DECLARED)
throw new MapperException("_returnTypeClass " + _returnTypeClass + " not TypeKind.DECLARED ?? how??");
final DeclaredType declaredReturnType = (DeclaredType)_returnTypeClass;
// added this to handle stripping '_' from keys
Map<String, String> strippedKeys = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (final String key : keys) {
String strippedKey = key;
if (key != null) {
strippedKey = key.replaceAll("_", "");
if (key.equals(strippedKey))
strippedKeys.put(strippedKey, key);
//System.out.println("strippedKeys: "+strippedKeys);
// find fields or setters for return class
HashMap<String, Element> mapFields = new HashMap<String, Element>(_columnCount * 2);
for (int i = 1; i <= _columnCount; i++) {
mapFields.put(keys[i], null);
2017-11-10 00:26:55 -05:00
final List<DeclaredType> allTypes = getAllImplementedTypes(declaredReturnType, new ArrayList<DeclaredType>());
// public methods
// have to loop to get super methods too
for (final DeclaredType clazz : allTypes) {
for (Element e : ((TypeElement) clazz.asElement()).getEnclosedElements()) {
if (e.getKind() != ElementKind.METHOD)
final ExecutableElement m = (ExecutableElement) e;
//System.out.printf("method: '%s', isSetterMethod: '%s'\n", m, isSetterMethod(m));
if (isSetterMethod(m, declaredReturnType)) { // todo: in RowToObjectMapper we send in this top one, but how does it or this handle methods on parent classes?
String fieldName = m.getSimpleName().toString().substring(3).toUpperCase();
//System.out.println("METHOD-fieldName1: "+fieldName);
if (!mapFields.containsKey(fieldName)) {
fieldName = strippedKeys.get(fieldName);
if (fieldName == null)
//System.out.println("METHOD-fieldName2: "+fieldName);
final Element field = mapFields.get(fieldName);
// check for overloads
if (field == null) {
mapFields.put(fieldName, m);
} else {
// todo: does this work?
// fix for 'overloaded' methods when it comes to stripped keys, we want the exact match
final String thisName = m.getSimpleName().toString().substring(3).toUpperCase();
final String previousName = field.getSimpleName().toString().substring(3).toUpperCase();
//System.out.printf("thisName: '%s', previousName: '%s', mapFields.containsKey(thisName): %b, strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName): %b\n", thisName, previousName, mapFields.containsKey(thisName), strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName));
if (mapFields.containsKey(thisName) && strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)) {
mapFields.put(fieldName, m);
} else if (!mapFields.containsKey(previousName) || !strippedKeys.containsKey(thisName)) {
throw new MapperException("Unable to choose between overloaded methods '" + m.getSimpleName().toString()
+ "' and '" + field.getSimpleName().toString() + "' for field '" + fieldName + "' on the '" + _returnTypeClass.toString() + "' class. Mapping is done using "
+ "a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet columns to field "
+ "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also "
+ "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them.");
// then the 'overloaded' method is already correct
// fix for 8813: include inherited and non-public fields
for (final DeclaredType clazz : allTypes) {
//System.out.println("fields in class: "+Arrays.toString(classFields));
for (Element e : ((TypeElement)clazz.asElement()).getEnclosedElements()) {
if(e.getKind() != ElementKind.FIELD)
final VariableElement f = (VariableElement)e;
//System.out.println("f.fieldName: "+f.getSimpleName());
if (f.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) continue;
//if (reflectionFields == null && !f.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) continue;
String fieldName = f.getSimpleName().toString().toUpperCase();
//System.out.println("fieldName: "+fieldName);
if (!mapFields.containsKey(fieldName)) {
fieldName = strippedKeys.get(fieldName);
if (fieldName == null)
final Element field = mapFields.get(fieldName);
if (field == null) {
mapFields.put(fieldName, f);
} else if(field.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
// fix for 'overloaded' fields when it comes to stripped keys, we want the exact match
final String thisName = f.getSimpleName().toString().toUpperCase();
final String previousName = field.getSimpleName().toString().toUpperCase();
//System.out.printf("thisName: '%s', previousName: '%s', mapFields.containsKey(thisName): %b, strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName): %b\n", thisName, previousName, mapFields.containsKey(thisName), strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName));
if(mapFields.containsKey(thisName) && strippedKeys.containsKey(previousName)) {
mapFields.put(fieldName, f);
} else if (!mapFields.containsKey(previousName) || !strippedKeys.containsKey(thisName)) {
throw new MapperException("Unable to choose between overloaded fields '" + f.getSimpleName().toString()
+ "' and '" + field.getSimpleName().toString() + "' for field '" + fieldName + "' on the '" + _returnTypeClass.toString() + "' class. Mapping is done using "
+ "a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet columns to field "
+ "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also "
+ "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them.");
// then the 'overloaded' field is already correct
// finally actually init the fields array
_fields = new Element[_columnCount + 1];
_fieldTypes = new int[_columnCount + 1];
for (int i = 1; i < _fields.length; i++) {
Element f = mapFields.get(keys[i]);
if (f == null) {
throw new MapperException("Unable to map the SQL column '" + keys[i]
+ "' to a field on the '" + _returnTypeClass.toString() +
"' class. Mapping is done using a case insensitive comparison of SQL ResultSet "
+ "columns to field "
+ "names and public setter methods on the return class. Columns are also "
+ "stripped of '_' and compared if no match is found with them.");
_fields[i] = f;
if (f.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
_fieldTypes[i] = getTypeId(((VariableElement) f).asType());
} else {
_fieldTypes[i] = getTypeId(((ExecutableElement) f).getParameters().get(0).asType());
* Determine if the given method is a java bean setter method.
* @param method Method to check
* @return True if the method is a setter method.
protected boolean isSetterMethod(final ExecutableElement method, final TypeMirror enclosingClass) {
if (method.getSimpleName().toString().startsWith("set")) {
final Set<Modifier> modifiers = method.getModifiers();
if (modifiers.contains(Modifier.STATIC)) return false;
if (!modifiers.contains(Modifier.PUBLIC)) return false;
final TypeMirror methodReturnType = method.getReturnType();
if (TypeKind.VOID != method.getReturnType().getKind() && !rsm.types.isSameType(enclosingClass, methodReturnType)) return false;
// method parameter checks
final List<? extends VariableElement> params = method.getParameters();
if (params.size() != 1) return false;
if (TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN == getTypeId(params.get(0).asType())) return false;
return true;
return false;
public void gen(final Appendable java, final String tType) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = ");
extractColumnValueString(java, 2, _returnTypeClass);
if (resultSetConstructor) {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("(rs);\n");
if(_fieldOrder != null) {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("(\n");
for(int x = 1; x <= _columnCount; ++x) {
extractColumnValueString(java, _fieldOrder[x], _fieldTypes[x], _fieldClasses[x]);
if(x != _columnCount)
if (returnMap) // we want a map
try {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(getConcreteClassCanonicalName(_returnTypeClass, HashMap.class)).append(tType.substring(tType.indexOf('<'))).append("();\n");
final int columnLength = _columnCount + 1;
int typeId = getTypeId(componentType);
if (componentType != null && typeId != TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN) { // we want a specific value type
final String enumName = componentType.toString();
for (int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x) {
java.append("ret.put(").append(escapeMapKeyString(keys[x]).toLowerCase()).append(", ");
extractColumnValueString(java, x, typeId, enumName);
} else // we want a generic object type
for (int x = 1; x < columnLength; ++x)
java.append("ret.put(").append(escapeMapKeyString(keys[x].toLowerCase())).append(", rs.getObject(").append(String.valueOf(x)).append("));\n");
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a Map<String, "
+ (componentType == null ? "java.lang.Object" : componentType.toString()) + "> from a ResultSet row" +
", all columns must be of the map value type", e);
else if (componentType != null) // we want an array
try {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType.substring(0, tType.length() - 1)).append(String.valueOf(_columnCount)).append("];\n");
final int typeId = getTypeId(componentType);
final String enumName = componentType.toString();
for (int x = 0; x < _columnCount; ) {
java.append("ret[").append(String.valueOf(x)).append("] = ");
extractColumnValueString(java, ++x, typeId, enumName);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new MapperException(e.getClass().getName() + " when trying to create a "
+ componentType + "[] from a ResultSet row, all columns must be of that type", e);
// if the ResultSet only contains a single column we may be able to map directly
// to the return type -- if so we don't need to build any structures to support
// mapping
if (_columnCount == 1) {
try {
final int typeId = getTypeId(_returnTypeClass);
if (typeId != TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN) {
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = ");
extractColumnValueString(java, 1, typeId, _returnTypeClass.toString());
} else {
// we still might want a single value (i.e. java.util.Date)
Object val = extractColumnValue(1, typeId);
if (_returnTypeClass.isAssignableFrom(val.getClass())) {
return _returnTypeClass.cast(val);
// todo: we could actually pull from first row like above and test it first, but for now we will fall-through to field mappings...
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MapperException(e.getMessage(), e);
if (_fields == null)
java.append("final ").append(tType).append(" ret = new ").append(tType).append("();\n");
for (int i = 1; i < _fields.length; i++) {
final Element f = _fields[i];
final boolean isField = f.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD;
String enumName = null;
if (_fieldTypes[i] == TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_ENUM) {
if (f.getKind() == ElementKind.FIELD) {
enumName = ((VariableElement) f).asType().toString();
} else {
enumName = ((ExecutableElement) f).getParameters().get(0).asType().toString();
if (isField) {
// if f not accessible (but super.getFieldMappings() sets it), throw exception during compilation is fine
final Set<Modifier> mods = reflectionFields == null ? null : f.getModifiers();
if(mods != null && (mods.contains(Modifier.PRIVATE) || mods.contains(Modifier.PROTECTED) || mods.contains(Modifier.FINAL))) {
java.append("com.moparisthebest.jdbc.util.ReflectionUtil.setValue(_fields[").append(String.valueOf((reflectionFields.addGetIndex((VariableElement)f)))).append("], ret, ");
extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i], enumName);
} else {
java.append("ret.").append(f.getSimpleName().toString()).append(" = ");
extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i], enumName);
} else {
extractColumnValueString(java, i, _fieldTypes[i], enumName);
// if this resultObject is Finishable, call finish()
2017-06-07 19:15:00 -04:00
if (rsm.types.isAssignable(_returnTypeClass, rsm.finishableType))
public static int getTypeId(TypeMirror classType) {
try {
return _tmf.getTypeId(typeMirrorToClass(classType));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// todo: what about enums?
return TypeMappingsFactory.TYPE_UNKNOWN;
public void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final int resultType, final String enumName) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
CompilingRowToObjectMapper.extractColumnValueString(java, index, resultType, enumName, _resultSetName, _calendarName);
2017-06-07 03:00:29 -04:00
public void extractColumnValueString(final Appendable java, final int index, final TypeMirror resultType) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
CompilingRowToObjectMapper.extractColumnValueString(java, index, getTypeId(resultType), resultType.toString(), _resultSetName, _calendarName);