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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Header:$
package org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.declaration.TypeDeclaration;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.declaration.ClassDeclaration;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.declaration.AnnotationInstance;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.declaration.FieldDeclaration;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.type.TypeInstance;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.type.DeclaredType;
import org.apache.beehive.netui.compiler.typesystem.env.CoreAnnotationProcessorEnv;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.File;
public class FlowControllerInfo
extends SourceFileInfo
implements JpfLanguageConstants
private static final ActionInfo[] EMPTY_ACTION_INFO_ARRAY = new ActionInfo[0];
private Set _actions = new HashSet();
private Set _returnActions = null;
private Map _sharedFlowTypes = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private Map _sharedFlowTypeNames = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private Map _sharedFlowFiles = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
private List _referencedFiles = new ArrayList();
private boolean _isBuilding = false;
private Map _messageBundlesByName = new HashMap();
private boolean _navigateToActionEnabled = false;
private boolean _navigateToPageEnabled = false;
private boolean _isNested;
private MergedControllerAnnotation _mergedControllerAnnotation;
public static class ActionInfo
private String _name;
private String _beanType = null;
public ActionInfo( String name )
_name = name;
public ActionInfo( String name, String beanType )
_name = name;
_beanType = beanType;
public void setBeanType( String beanType )
_beanType = beanType;
public String getName()
return _name;
public String getBeanType()
return _beanType;
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( o == null || ! ( o instanceof ActionInfo ) )
return false;
ActionInfo other = ( ActionInfo ) o;
if ( ! _name.equals( other.getName() ) ) return false;
String otherBeanType = other.getBeanType();
return ( ( _beanType == null && otherBeanType == null )
|| ( _beanType != null && otherBeanType != null && _beanType.equals( otherBeanType ) ) );
public int hashCode()
int nameHash = _name.hashCode();
if ( _beanType == null ) return nameHash;
return nameHash != 0 ? _beanType.hashCode() % nameHash : _beanType.hashCode();
public FlowControllerInfo( ClassDeclaration jclass )
super( CompilerUtils.getSourceFile( jclass, true ), jclass.getQualifiedName() );
void startBuild( CoreAnnotationProcessorEnv env, ClassDeclaration jclass )
_isBuilding = true;
_mergedControllerAnnotation = new MergedControllerAnnotation( jclass );
_isNested = _mergedControllerAnnotation.isNested();
setSharedFlowInfo( env );
void endBuild()
_isBuilding = false;
_sharedFlowTypes = null; // don't hang onto ClassDeclarations
_mergedControllerAnnotation = null;
public ActionInfo[] getActions()
return ( ActionInfo[] ) _actions.toArray( new ActionInfo[ _actions.size() ] );
public boolean isNested()
return _isNested;
public ActionInfo[] getReturnActions()
if ( _returnActions == null )
return ( ActionInfo[] ) _returnActions.toArray( new ActionInfo[ _returnActions.size() ] );
public String getFormBeanType( String actionName )
String bestType = null;
for ( Iterator ii = _actions.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); )
ActionInfo actionInfo = ( ActionInfo ) ii.next();
if ( actionInfo.getName().equals( actionName ) )
String beanType = actionInfo.getBeanType();
// In the case of overloaded actions, the non-form-bean action takes precedence. Otherwise,
// we look at the bean type names in alphabetical order.
if ( beanType == null ) return null;
else if ( bestType == null ) bestType = beanType;
else if ( beanType.compareTo( bestType ) < 0 ) bestType = beanType;
return bestType;
int countReturnActions()
return _returnActions != null ? _returnActions.size() : 0;
public void addAction( String actionName, String formBeanType )
_actions.add( new ActionInfo( actionName, formBeanType ) );
public void addReturnAction( String returnActionName, String formBeanType )
if ( _returnActions == null ) _returnActions = new HashSet();
_returnActions.add( new ActionInfo( returnActionName, formBeanType ) );
* Get a list of referenced files (files that appear in Jpf.Forward paths).
public List getReferencedFiles()
return _referencedFiles;
public void addReferencedFile( File file )
if ( ! file.equals( getSourceFile() ) )
_referencedFiles.add( file );
private void setSharedFlowInfo( CoreAnnotationProcessorEnv env )
// First, find all referenced Shared Flow types.
_sharedFlowTypes = new LinkedHashMap();
Collection sharedFlowRefs = _mergedControllerAnnotation.getSharedFlowRefs();
if ( sharedFlowRefs != null )
for ( Iterator i = sharedFlowRefs.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
AnnotationInstance sharedFlowRef = ( AnnotationInstance ) i.next();
String name = CompilerUtils.getString( sharedFlowRef, NAME_ATTR, true );
TypeInstance type = CompilerUtils.getTypeInstance( sharedFlowRef, TYPE_ATTR, true );
if ( type instanceof DeclaredType ) // if it's not a DeclaredType, the error will be caught elsewhere.
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = ( ( DeclaredType ) type ).getDeclaration();
if ( typeDecl != null ) // If the declaration is null, it's an error type.
_sharedFlowTypes.put( name, typeDecl );
// If there's no SharedFlowController, fall back to the deprecated Global.app.
if ( _sharedFlowTypes.isEmpty() )
TypeDeclaration type = env.getTypeDeclaration( GLOBALAPP_FULL_CLASSNAME );
if ( type != null ) _sharedFlowTypes.put( GLOBALAPP_SHARED_FLOW_NAME, type );
_sharedFlowTypeNames = new LinkedHashMap();
_sharedFlowFiles = new LinkedHashMap();
for ( Iterator i = _sharedFlowTypes.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Map.Entry entry = ( Map.Entry ) i.next();
TypeDeclaration type = ( TypeDeclaration ) entry.getValue();
_sharedFlowTypeNames.put( entry.getKey(), type.getQualifiedName() );
File file = CompilerUtils.getSourceFile( type, false );
if ( file != null )
_sharedFlowFiles.put( entry.getKey(), file );
_referencedFiles.add( file );
public Map getSharedFlowTypes()
assert _isBuilding : "use getSharedFlowTypeNames after check or generate phases";
return _sharedFlowTypes;
public Map getSharedFlowTypeNames()
return _sharedFlowTypeNames;
public MergedControllerAnnotation getMergedControllerAnnotation()
assert _isBuilding : "only valid during the check or generate phases";
return _mergedControllerAnnotation;
public Map getMessageBundlesByName()
return _messageBundlesByName;
public void addMessageBundle( String bundleName, String bundlePath )
_messageBundlesByName.put( bundleName, bundlePath );
public String getControllerClassName()
return getClassName();
public Map getSharedFlowFiles()
return _sharedFlowFiles;
public void enableNavigateToAction()
_navigateToActionEnabled = true;
public void enableNavigateToPage()
_navigateToPageEnabled = true;
public boolean isNavigateToActionEnabled()
return _navigateToActionEnabled;
public boolean isNavigateToPageEnabled()
return _navigateToPageEnabled;
* Add a return-action from an annotation.
* @return the form bean type, or null</code> if there is no form bean.
public TypeInstance addReturnAction( String returnActionName, AnnotationInstance annotation, TypeDeclaration outerType )
TypeInstance formBeanType = CompilerUtils.getTypeInstance( annotation, OUTPUT_FORM_BEAN_TYPE_ATTR, true );
if ( formBeanType == null )
String memberFieldName = CompilerUtils.getString( annotation, OUTPUT_FORM_BEAN_ATTR, true );
if ( memberFieldName != null )
FieldDeclaration field = CompilerUtils.findField( outerType, memberFieldName );
if ( field != null ) formBeanType = field.getType();
String formTypeName =
formBeanType != null && formBeanType instanceof DeclaredType
? CompilerUtils.getDeclaration( ( DeclaredType ) formBeanType ).getQualifiedName()
: null;
addReturnAction( returnActionName, formTypeName );
return formBeanType;