#!/usr/bin/env python import argparse import errno import hashlib import logging import mimetypes import os import random import shutil import ssl import string import sys import time import yaml from sleekxmpp.componentxmpp import ComponentXMPP from threading import Event from threading import Lock from threading import Thread try: # Python 3 from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from socketserver import ThreadingMixIn except ImportError: # Python 2 from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn try: FileNotFoundError except NameError: # Python 2 class FileNotFoundError(IOError): def __init__(self, message=None, *args): super(FileNotFoundError, self).__init__(args) self.message = message self.errno = errno.ENOENT def __str__(self): return self.message or os.strerror(self.errno) LOGLEVEL=logging.DEBUG global files global files_lock global config global quotas def normalize_path(path): """ Normalizes the URL to prevent users from grabbing arbitrary files via `../' and the like. """ return os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(path)) def expire(quotaonly=False, kill_event=None): """ Expire all files over 'user_quota_soft' and older than 'expire_maxage' - quotaonly - If true don't delete anything just calculate the used space per user and return. Otherwise make an exiry run every config['expire_interval'] seconds. - kill_event - threading.Event to listen to. When set, quit to prevent hanging on KeyboardInterrupt. Only applicable when quotaonly = False """ global config global quotas while True: if not quotaonly: # Wait expire_interval secs or return on kill_event if kill_event.wait(config['expire_interval']): return now = time.time() # Scan each senders upload directories seperatly for sender in os.listdir(config['storage_path']): senderdir = os.path.join(config['storage_path'], sender) quota = 0 filelist = [] # Traverse sender directory, delete anything older expire_maxage and collect file stats. for dirname, dirs, files in os.walk(senderdir, topdown=False): removed = [] for name in files: fullname = os.path.join(dirname, name) stats = os.stat(fullname) if not quotaonly: if now - stats.st_mtime > config['expire_maxage']: logging.debug('Expiring %s. Age: %s', fullname, now - stats.st_mtime) try: os.unlink(fullname) removed += [name] except OSError as e: logging.warning("Exception '%s' deleting file '%s'.", e, fullname) quota += stats.st_size filelist += [(stats.st_mtime, fullname, stats.st_size)] else: quota += stats.st_size filelist += [(stats.st_mtime, fullname, stats.st_size)] if dirs == [] and removed == files: # Directory is empty, so we can remove it logging.debug('Removing directory %s.', dirname) try: os.rmdir(dirname) except OSError as e: logging.warning("Exception '%s' deleting directory '%s'.", e, dirname) if not quotaonly and config['user_quota_soft']: # Delete oldest files of sender until occupied space is <= user_quota_soft filelist.sort() while quota > config['user_quota_soft']: entry = filelist[0] try: logging.debug('user_quota_soft exceeded. Removing %s. Age: %s', entry[1], now - entry[0]) os.unlink(entry[1]) quota -= entry[2] except OSError as e: logging.warning("Exception '%s' deleting file '%s'.", e, entry[1]) filelist.pop(0) quotas[sender] = quota logging.debug('Expire run finished in %fs', time.time() - now) if quotaonly: return class MissingComponent(ComponentXMPP): def __init__(self, jid, secret, port): ComponentXMPP.__init__(self, jid, secret, "localhost", port) self.register_plugin('xep_0030') self.register_plugin('upload',module='plugins.upload') self.add_event_handler('request_upload_slot',self.request_upload_slot) def request_upload_slot(self, iq): global config global files global files_lock request = iq['request'] maxfilesize = int(config['max_file_size']) if not request['filename'] or not request['size']: self._sendError(iq,'modify','bad-request','please specify filename and size') elif maxfilesize < int(request['size']): self._sendError(iq,'modify','not-acceptable','file too large. max file size is '+str(maxfilesize)) elif 'whitelist' not in config or iq['from'].domain in config['whitelist']: sender = iq['from'].bare sender_hash = hashlib.sha1(sender.encode()).hexdigest() if config['user_quota_hard'] and quotas.setdefault(sender_hash, 0) + int(request['size']) > config['user_quota_hard']: msg = 'quota would be exceeded. max file size is %d' % (config['user_quota_hard'] - quotas[sender_hash]) logging.debug(msg) self._sendError(iq, 'modify', 'not-acceptable', msg) return filename = request['filename'] folder = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(len(sender_hash))) sane_filename = "".join([c for c in filename if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c=="."]).rstrip() path = os.path.join(sender_hash, folder) if sane_filename: path = os.path.join(path, sane_filename) with files_lock: files.add(path) print(path) reply = iq.reply() reply['slot']['get'] = os.path.join(config['get_url'], path) reply['slot']['put'] = os.path.join(config['put_url'], path) reply.send() else: self._sendError(iq,'cancel','not-allowed','not allowed to request upload slots') def _sendError(self, iq, error_type, condition, text): reply = iq.reply() iq.error() iq['error']['type'] = error_type iq['error']['condition'] = condition iq['error']['text'] = text iq.send() class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_PUT(self): print('do put') global files global files_lock global config path = normalize_path(self.path[1:]) length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) maxfilesize = int(config['max_file_size']) if config['user_quota_hard']: sender_hash = path.split('/')[0] maxfilesize = min(maxfilesize, config['user_quota_hard'] - quotas.setdefault(sender_hash, 0)) if maxfilesize < length: self.send_response(400,'file too large') self.end_headers() else: print('path: '+path) files_lock.acquire() if path in files: files.remove(path) files_lock.release() filename = os.path.join(config['storage_path'], path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) remaining = length with open(filename,'wb') as f: data = self.rfile.read(min(4096,remaining)) while data and remaining >= 0: databytes = len(data) remaining -= databytes if config['user_quota_hard']: quotas[sender_hash] += databytes f.write(data) data = self.rfile.read(min(4096,remaining)) self.send_response(200,'ok') self.end_headers() else: files_lock.release() self.send_response(403,'invalid slot') self.end_headers() def do_GET(self, body=True): global config path = normalize_path(self.path[1:]) slashcount = path.count('/') if path[0] in ('/', '\\') or slashcount < 1 or slashcount > 2: self.send_response(404,'file not found') self.end_headers() else: filename = os.path.join(config['storage_path'], path) print('requesting file: '+filename) try: with open(filename,'rb') as f: self.send_response(200) mime, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) if mime is None: mime = 'application/octet-stream' self.send_header("Content-Type", mime) if mime[:6] != 'image/': self.send_header("Content-Disposition", 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format(os.path.basename(filename))) fs = os.fstat(f.fileno()) self.send_header("Content-Length", str(fs.st_size)) self.end_headers() if body: shutil.copyfileobj(f, self.wfile) except FileNotFoundError: self.send_response(404,'file not found') self.end_headers() def do_HEAD(self): self.do_GET(body=False) class ThreadedHTTPServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): """Handle requests in a separate thread.""" if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", default='config.yml', help='Specify alternate config file.') parser.add_argument("-l", "--logfile", default=None, help='File where the server log will be stored. If not specified log to stdout.') args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.config,'r') as ymlfile: config = yaml.load(ymlfile) files = set() files_lock = Lock() kill_event = Event() logging.basicConfig(level=LOGLEVEL, format='%(asctime)-24s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', filename=args.logfile) # Sanitize config['user_quota_*'] and calculate initial quotas quotas = {} try: config['user_quota_hard'] = int(config.get('user_quota_hard', 0)) config['user_quota_soft'] = int(config.get('user_quota_soft', 0)) if config['user_quota_soft'] or config['user_quota_hard']: expire(quotaonly=True) except ValueError: logging.warning("Invalid user_quota_hard ('%s') or user_quota_soft ('%s'). Quotas disabled.", config['user_quota_soft'], config['user_quota_soft']) config['user_quota_soft'] = 0 config['user_quota_hard'] = 0 # Sanitize config['expire_*'] and start expiry thread try: config['expire_interval'] = float(config.get('expire_interval', 0)) config['expire_maxage'] = float(config.get('expire_maxage', 0)) if config['expire_interval'] > 0 and (config['user_quota_soft'] or config['expire_maxage']): t = Thread(target=expire, kwargs={'kill_event': kill_event}) t.start() else: logging.info('Expiring disabled.') except ValueError: logging.warning("Invalid expire_interval ('%s') or expire_maxage ('%s') set in config file. Expiring disabled.", config['expire_interval'], config['expire_maxage']) try: server = ThreadedHTTPServer((config['http_address'], config['http_port']), HttpHandler) except Exception as e: import traceback logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) kill_event.set() sys.exit(1) if 'http_keyfile' in config and 'http_certfile' in config: server.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(server.socket, keyfile=config['http_keyfile'], certfile=config['http_certfile']) jid = config['component_jid'] secret = config['component_secret'] port = int(config.get('component_port',5347)) xmpp = MissingComponent(jid,secret,port) if xmpp.connect(): xmpp.process() print("connected") try: server.serve_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, Exception) as e: if e == KeyboardInterrupt: logging.debug('Ctrl+C pressed') else: import traceback logging.debug(traceback.format_exc()) kill_event.set() else: print("unable to connect") kill_event.set()