mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 15:30:10 -05:00
428 lines
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428 lines
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= HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener;
HTMLElement.prototype.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture)
console.log('remove: ' + type);
this.originalRemoveEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
var markets = [];
var viewAssembler = new ViewAssembler();
$(document).ready( function(){
loadTemplates( setupDefaultView );
} );
function setupDefaultView() {
var bodyView = viewAssembler.defaultView();
//Setup the default view
var defaultView = { title: "Welcome!",
view: bodyView,
//Setup the ViewNavigator
window.viewNavigator = new ViewNavigator( 'body' );
window.viewNavigator.pushView( defaultView );
$.getScript("data.js", scriptSuccess);
function onMapButtonClick( event ) {
var view = { title: "Map",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.mapView(),
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
return false;
function onSearchResultMapButtonClick( event ) {
var centerPoint = {x:0,y:0};
var len = 0;
for( var i = 0; i<window.filteredMarkesList.length; i++ ){
var _x = parseFloat(window.filteredMarkesList[i].x);
var _y = parseFloat(window.filteredMarkesList[i].y);
if ( !isNaN( _x ) && !isNaN( _y ) ) {
//console.log( i, len, _x, _y );
centerPoint.x += _x;
centerPoint.y += _y;
len ++;
//console.log( centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y );
centerPoint.x = centerPoint.x / len;
centerPoint.y = centerPoint.y / len;
//console.log( centerPoint.x, centerPoint.y );
centerPoint = new L.LatLng(centerPoint.y, centerPoint.x);
var view = { title: "Map",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.mapView(centerPoint),
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
return false;
function onAboutViewClick( event ) {
var view = { title: "About",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.aboutView()
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
return false;
function onSearchViewClick( event ) {
var view = { title: "List",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.searchView(),
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
return false;
function onNearbyViewClick( event ) {
var view = { title: "Nearby",
view: viewAssembler.findNearbyView()
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
//acquire location
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, { maximumAge: 60000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true });
return false;
var onGeoSuccess = function(position) {
/* console.log('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + '\n' +
'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '\n' +
'Altitude: ' + position.coords.altitude + '\n' +
'Accuracy: ' + position.coords.accuracy + '\n' +
'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + '\n' +
'Heading: ' + position.coords.heading + '\n' +
'Speed: ' + position.coords.speed + '\n' +
'Timestamp: ' + new Date(position.timestamp) + '\n');
var latitude = parseFloat( position.coords.latitude );
var longitude = parseFloat( position.coords.longitude );
//set a delay to allow transition to complete before requesting data
setTimeout( function () {
var filtered = filterMarketsByGeo( latitude, longitude );
var view = { title: "Nearby",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.findNearbyView()
view.view.append( viewAssembler.nearbyMarketsView( latitude, longitude, filtered ) );
window.viewNavigator.replaceView( view );
}, 600 );
// onError Callback receives a PositionError object
function onGeoError(error) {
/* alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
//wait for transition complete
setTimeout( function() {
var view = { title: "Nearby",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.geoPermissionDenied()
window.viewNavigator.replaceView( view );
}, 500);
//find the all markets within 100 miles
function filterMarketsByGeo( latitude, longitude ) {
var result = [];
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
for ( var i =0; i < markets.length; i++ )
var lat1 = parseFloat(markets[i][9]);
var lon1 = parseFloat(markets[i][8]);
var lat2 = parseFloat(latitude);
var lon2 = parseFloat(longitude);
//console.log( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 );
var d = distance( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 );
if ( d < 100 ){
result.push( markets[i] );
//console.log( new Date().getTime() - startTime );
return result;
function distance( lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 ) {
var R = 6371; // Radius of the earth in km
var dLat = toRad(lat2-lat1); // Javascript functions in radians
var dLon = toRad(lon2-lon1);
var a = Math.sin(dLat/2) * Math.sin(dLat/2) +
Math.cos(toRad(lat1)) * Math.cos(toRad(lat2)) *
Math.sin(dLon/2) * Math.sin(dLon/2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a));
var d = R * c; // Distance in km
var m = 6 / 1.609344; // Distance in miles
return d;
function toRad(degree)
rad = degree* Math.PI/ 180;
return rad;
function scriptSuccess(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
for ( var i=0; i<markets.length; i++ ) {
markets[i].push( i.toString() );
//console.log( "scriptSuccess: " + markets.length );
function onNearbyListItemClick( event ) {
$( "li" ).removeClass( "listSelected" );
var target = $( event.target )
if (target.get(0).nodeName.toUpperCase() != "LI") {
target.addClass( "listSelected" );
var index = target.attr( "index" );
index = parseInt( index );
showMarketDetails( markets[index] );
function showMarketDetailsFromMapClick( index ) {
setTimeout( function() {
showMarketDetails( markets[index] );
}, 50 );
function showMarketDetails( item ) {
var market = arrayToMarketObject(item);
var view = { title: "Market Detail",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.marketDetailsView( market )
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
function onSearchButtonClick( event ) {
var criteria = {};
var fields = ["state", "searchPhrase",
"credit", "wiccash", "sfmnp", "snap",
"bakedGoods", "cheese", "crafts",
"flowers", "seafood", "fruit", "herbs", "vegetables", "honey", "jams", "maple",
"meat", "nuts", "plants", "soap"];
for ( var index in fields ) {
var field = fields[ index ];
var $input = $("#search_" + field);
var value;
if ( index <= 1 ){
value = $input.val();
if ( value != undefined && value.length > 0 ) {
criteria[field] = value;
else {
value = $input.is(":checked");
if ( value == true ) {
criteria[field] = value;
var markets = filterMarketsBySearchCriteria( criteria );
var view = { title: "Search Results",
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.searchResultsView( markets, criteria )
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
function filterMarketsBySearchCriteria( criteria ) {
var result = [];
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
for ( var i =0; i < markets.length; i++ )
if ( marketRowMatchesCriteria( markets[i], criteria ) ) {
result.push( markets[i] );
//console.log( new Date().getTime() - startTime );
return result;
function marketRowMatchesCriteria( row, criteria ) {
if ( row[6] != criteria.state ) { return false; }
if ( criteria.credit == true ) { if ( row[11] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.wic == true ) { if ( row[12] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.wiccash == true ) { if ( row[13] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.sfmnp == true ) { if ( row[14] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.snap == true ) { if ( row[15] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.bakedGoods == true ) { if ( row[16] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.cheese == true ) { if ( row[17] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.crafts == true ) { if ( row[18] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.flowers == true ) { if ( row[19] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.seafood == true ) { if ( row[20] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.fruit == true ) { if ( row[21] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.herbs == true ) { if ( row[22] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.vegetables == true ) { if ( row[23] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.honey == true ) { if ( row[24] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.jams == true ) { if ( row[25] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.maple == true ) { if ( row[26] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.meat == true ) { if ( row[27] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.nuts == true ) { if ( row[28] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.plants == true ) { if ( row[29] != "Y" ) return false; };
if ( criteria.soap == true ) { if ( row[31] != "Y" ) return false; };
//searchString last
if ( criteria.searchPhrase != undefined && criteria.searchPhrase.length > 0 ) {
var tokens = criteria.searchPhrase.split(" ");
var result = true;
for ( var i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) {
if (!result) {
var regexp = new RegExp(tokens[i], "i");
var iterationResult = false;
if ( regexp.test( row[1] ) ) { iterationResult = true; };
if ( regexp.test( row[4] ) ) { iterationResult = true; };
if ( regexp.test( row[5] ) ) { iterationResult = true; };
if ( regexp.test( row[7] ) ) { iterationResult = true; };
if ( regexp.test( row[10] ) ) { iterationResult = true; };
result = iterationResult && result;
return result;
return true;
function criteriaToString( criteria ) {
var result = criteria.state;
if (criteria.searchPhrase) {
result += ", '" + criteria.searchPhrase + "'";
return result;
function arrayToMarketObject( arr ) {
var fields=["fmid","marketName","website","street","city","county","state","zip","x","y","location","credit","wic","wiccash","sfmnp","snap","bakedgoods","cheese","crafts","flowers","seafood","fruit","herbs","vegetables","honey","jams","maple","meat","nuts","plants","prepared","soap","index"];
var result = {};
for ( var index in arr ) {
if ( index <= 10 || index >= 32 ) {
result[ fields[index] ] = arr[ index ];
else {
result[ fields[index] ] = (arr[ index ] == "Y");
result.paymentDetail = result.credit || result.wic || result.wicash || result.sfmnp || result.snap;
result.productDetail = result.bakedgoods || result.cheese || result.crafts || result.flowers || result.seafood || result.fruit || result.herbs || result.vegetables || result.honey || result.jams || result.maple || result.meat || result.nuts || result.plants || result.prepared || result.soap;
return result;
function openExternalURL( url ) {
var result=confirm("You will leave the Farmers Market Finder App. Continue?");
if (result==true) {
window.open( url, '_blank' );
function viewInMap( index ) {
var market = arrayToMarketObject( markets[index] );
var view = { title: market.marketName,
backLabel: (isTablet() ? "Back" : " "),
view: viewAssembler.marketMapView( market ),
window.viewNavigator.pushView( view );
function getDirections( index ) {
var market = arrayToMarketObject( markets[index] );
var result=confirm("You will leave the Farmers Market Finder App. Continue?");
if (result==true) {
var win = navigator.userAgent.search( "Windows Phone" ) >= 0;
var android = navigator.userAgent.search( "Android" ) >= 0;
/*if (win) {
window.open( ('maps:' + market.y + ',' + market.x), '_blank' );
if (android) {
navigator.app.loadUrl( 'http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + market.y + ',' + market.x);
else {
window.open( ('http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + market.y + ',' + market.x), '_blank' );
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function onBackKey( event ) {
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