var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = [ "VersionChange" ]; const Cc = Components.classes; const Ci = Components.interfaces; const Cu = Components.utils; Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); Cu.import("resource://firetray/logging.jsm"); let log = firetray.Logger.getLogger("VersionChange"); /** * handles version changes. * */ var VersionChange = { initialized: false, addonId: null, addonVersion: null, addOnPrefs: null, init: function(id, version, prefBranch) { log.debug("VersionChange got: id="+id+" ver="+version+" prefBranch="+prefBranch); this.addOnId = id; this.addonVersion = version; this.addOnPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch(prefBranch); this.initialized = true; }, versionComparator: Cc[";1"] .getService(Ci.nsIVersionComparator), applyHooksAndWatchUninstall: function() { if (!this.initialized) throw "VersionChange not initialized"; this.onVersionChange(this.addonVersion); // AddonManager.getAddonByID() async, whereas we need sync call AddonManager.addAddonListener(this.uninstallListener); log.debug("version change watching enabled"); }, // we need to remove pref 'installedVersion' on uninstalling to be able to // detect reinstall later uninstallListener: { onUninstalling: function(addon) { if ( !== this.addonId) return; this.addOnPrefs.clearUserPref("installedVersion"); }, onOperationCancelled: function(addon) { if ( !== this.addonId) return; let beingUninstalled = (addon.pendingOperations & AddonManager.PENDING_UNINSTALL) != 0; if (beingUninstalled) this.addOnPrefs.clearUserPref("installedVersion"); } }, onVersionChange: function() { log.debug("VERSION: "+this.addonVersion); var firstrun = this.addOnPrefs.getBoolPref("firstrun"); if (firstrun) { log.debug("FIRST RUN"); this.initPrefs(); this._applyHooks("install"); } else { try { var installedVersion = this.addOnPrefs.getCharPref("installedVersion"); var versionDelta =, installedVersion); if (versionDelta > 0) { this.addOnPrefs.setCharPref("installedVersion", this.addonVersion); log.debug("UPGRADE"); this._applyHooks("upgrade"); } } catch (ex) { log.debug("REINSTALL"); this.initPrefs(); this._applyHooks("reinstall"); } } }, initPrefs: function() { this.addOnPrefs.setBoolPref("firstrun", false); this.addOnPrefs.setCharPref("installedVersion", VersionChange.addonVersion); }, _hooks: [], // collection of callbacks {id: 1, categories: [], fun: function} addHook: function(categories, fun) { if ( !== "[object Array]") throw new TypeError(); let id = this._hooks.push({})-1; this._hooks[id] = {id: id, categories: categories, fun: fun}; return id; }, removeHook: function(id) {return this._hooks[id].splice(id-1, 1);}, removeCategoryFromHook: function(category, id) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, _applyHooks: function(category) { try { log.debug("_hooks.len="+this._hooks.length+" category="+category); for (let i=0,len=this._hooks.length; i -1); else log.debug("cb id="" not in category: "+cb.categories+"\n"; } } catch(x){log.error(x);} } };