package com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comics; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comictypes.ArchivedComic; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Bound; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Downloader; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Strip; public class EerieCuties extends ArchivedComic { @Override protected String[] getAllComicUrls(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { int idx = 0; ArrayList m_com = new ArrayList(); ArrayList m_com0 = new ArrayList(m_com.size()); String str,str_temp; int i,j; while((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { i = str.indexOf(">0){ str_temp = str_temp.substring(0,index-7); } m_com.add(str_temp); idx++; } }//following code is because the original order of URL list is out of order int remainder = m_com.size()%3; if(remainder==0){ for(j=0;j all_vols = new ArrayList(); if (mComicUrls == null) { try { // Archive has volumes at different URL so get all source URLs ArrayList vol_urls = getVolURL(); for (String currentVol : vol_urls) { URI u = null; try { u = new URI(currentVol); } catch (Exception e) { } // This should never occur!! BufferedReader reader = Downloader.openConnection(u); String[] urls = getAllComicUrls(reader); for (int i = 0; i <= urls.length - 1; i++) { all_vols.add(urls[i]); } reader.close(); } mComicUrls = new String[all_vols.size()]; all_vols.toArray(mComicUrls); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } mBound = new Bound(0, (long) (mComicUrls.length - 1)); } private ArrayList getVolURL() { ArrayList vol_urls = new ArrayList(); vol_urls.add(""); vol_urls.add(""); vol_urls.add(""); vol_urls.add(""); return vol_urls; } @Override protected String getLatestStripUrl() { fetchAllComicUrls(); return getStripUrlFromId(mComicUrls.length - 1); } @Override protected String getArchiveUrl() { return ""; } @Override public String getComicWebPageUrl() { return ""; } @Override protected boolean htmlNeeded() { return true; } @Override protected String parse(String url, BufferedReader reader, Strip strip) throws IOException { String url_link = null; String str_title = null; String str,str_temp; int i; while((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { i = str.indexOf(""); if (i != -1) { str_temp = str; str_temp=str_temp.replaceAll(".*?src=\"",""); str_temp=str_temp.replaceAll(".png.*",""); str_temp=str_temp.replaceAll(".jpg.*",""); int res = 0; for (int j=0; j < str_temp.length(); j++) { char c = str_temp.charAt(j); if (c < '0' || c > '9'){ }else{ int cc = Character.getNumericValue(c); res = res * 10 + cc;} } if(res<20101102){ url_link = str_temp + ".jpg"; }else{ url_link = str_temp + ".png"; } } } str_title = url.replaceAll(".*?strips-ec/",""); str_title = str_title.replaceAll("%21","!"); str_title = str_title.replaceAll("%28","("); str_title = str_title.replaceAll("%29",")"); str_title = "Eerie Cutie: "+str_title; strip.setTitle(str_title); strip.setText("-NA-"); return url_link; } }