package com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comics; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.comictypes.IndexedComic; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Downloader; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.core.Strip; import com.blogspot.applications4android.comicreader.exceptions.ComicLatestException; public class Cyanide extends IndexedComic { private int mNextId = -1; private int mPrevId = -1; private static final String RAND_URL = ""; private static final String[] DONT_CACHE = new String[]{RAND_URL}; @Override protected String getFrontPageUrl() { return ""; } @Override public String getComicWebPageUrl() { return ""; } @Override protected int parseForLatestId(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException, ComicLatestException { String str; String final_str = null; while((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { int index1 = str.indexOf("Cyanide & Happiness"); if (index1 != -1) { final_str = str; } } if(final_str == null) { String msg = "Failed to get the latest id for "+this.getClass().getSimpleName(); ComicLatestException e = new ComicLatestException(msg); throw e; } final_str = final_str.replaceAll(".*Happiness #",""); final_str = final_str.replaceAll(" - Explosm.*",""); return Integer.parseInt(final_str); } @Override protected String getNextStripUrl() { int id = mNextId; if(id < getFirstId()) { try { id = _getNextStripId(new URI(getCurrentStrip().uid())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // this should never occur! e.printStackTrace(); } } return getStripUrlFromId(id); } @Override protected String getPreviousStripUrl() { int id = mPrevId; if(id < getFirstId()) { try { id = _getPrevStripId(new URI(getCurrentStrip().uid())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { // this should never occur! e.printStackTrace(); } } return getStripUrlFromId(id); } @Override protected int getFirstId() { return 15; } @Override protected String getRandomStripUrl() { return RAND_URL; } @Override public String getStripUrlFromId(int num) { return "" + num; } @Override protected int getIdFromStripUrl(String url) { String str = url.replaceAll("", ""); return Integer.parseInt(str); } @Override protected boolean htmlNeeded() { return true; } @Override protected String parse(String url, BufferedReader reader, Strip strip) throws IOException { boolean comic_found = true; String str; String final_str = null; String final_title = null; String final_next = null; String final_prev = null; while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if(str.indexOf("Comic could not be found.") != -1) { comic_found = false; } if(!comic_found) { continue; } if(str.indexOf("Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic") != -1) { final_str = str; } if(str.indexOf("<title>Cyanide & Happiness ") != -1) { final_title = str; } if(str.indexOf("case 39") != -1) { final_next = reader.readLine(); } if(str.indexOf("case 37") != -1) { final_prev = reader.readLine(); } } Log.d("CYanide", "comic_found="+comic_found); /* if(!comic_found) { String msg = "Failed to find the comic for URL="+strip.m_comic_url.toExternalForm(); ComicNotFoundException cnf = new ComicNotFoundException(msg); throw cnf; } if((final_str == null) || (final_title == null)) { String msg = "Failed to find the stripURL for URL="+strip.m_comic_url.toExternalForm(); msg += " final_str="+final_str+" final_title="+final_title; ComicParseException cpe = new ComicParseException(msg); throw cpe; } */ final_str = final_str.replaceAll(".*Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic\" src=\"",""); final_str = final_str.replaceAll("\".*",""); final_title = final_title.replaceAll(".*<title>",""); final_title = final_title.replaceAll(" - Explosm.*",""); strip.setTitle(final_title); strip.setText("-NA-"); if(final_next != null) { final_next = final_next.replaceAll(".*comics/", ""); final_next = final_next.replaceAll("/\".*", ""); mNextId = Integer.parseInt(final_next); } else { mNextId = -1; } if(final_prev != null) { final_prev = final_prev.replaceAll(".*comics/", ""); final_prev = final_prev.replaceAll("/\".*", ""); mPrevId = Integer.parseInt(final_prev); } else { mPrevId = -1; } return final_str; } @Override protected String[] urlsNotForCaching() { return DONT_CACHE; } /** * Get the next strip id * @param url url from which to parse * @return desired id */ private int _getNextStripId(URI url) { int id = -1; try { BufferedReader reader = Downloader.openConnection(url); String str; String final_next = null; while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if(str.indexOf("case 39") != -1) { final_next = reader.readLine(); } } reader.close(); if(final_next != null) { final_next = final_next.replaceAll(".*comics/", ""); final_next = final_next.replaceAll("/\".*", ""); id = Integer.parseInt(final_next); } else { id = mLatestId; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return id; } /** * Get the previous strip id * @param url url from which to parse * @return desired id */ private int _getPrevStripId(URI url) { int id = -1; try { BufferedReader reader = Downloader.openConnection(url); String str; String final_prev = null; while ((str = reader.readLine()) != null) { if(str.indexOf("case 37") != -1) { final_prev = reader.readLine(); } } reader.close(); if(final_prev != null) { final_prev = final_prev.replaceAll(".*comics/", ""); final_prev = final_prev.replaceAll("/\".*", ""); id = Integer.parseInt(final_prev); } else { id = getFirstId(); } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return id; } }